Econ 3244 Test 1 – Flashcards

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Which of the following items are included in US GDP? A. Jane buys newly issued shares of stock in, Inc. B. Cars produced by a Japanese automobile company in Detroit. C. McKinsey & Company provides consulting service in China. D. Rachel buys an antique chest at a resale shop.
B. Cars produced by a Japanese automobile company in Detroit.
Which of the following items are included in US GNP but not in US GDP? A. Jane buys newly issued shares of stock in, Inc. B. Cars produced by a Japanese automobile company in Detroit. C. McKinsey & Company provides consulting service in China. D. Rachel buys an antique chest at a resale shop.
C. McKinsey & Company provides consulting service in China.
Which of the following is not included in the Expenditure approach? A. Consumption and Investment B. Government Expenditure C. Export and Import D. Wages
D. Wages
Which of the following is not included in the Factor Income approach? A. Net Export B. Interest and Rent C. Profit D. Wages
A. Net Export
A farmer grows a bushel of wheat and sells it to a miller for $1.50. The miller turns the wheat into flour and sells it to a baker for $3.00. The baker uses the flour to make a loaf of bread and sells it to a college student for $5.00. The college student and his roommate eat the bread. What is the value added at each stage of production and GDP? A. $1.50; $1.50; $2.00; $5.00 B. $1.50; $3.00; $5.00; $5.00 C. $1.50; $3.50; $2.00; $5.00 D. $1.50; $3.00; $5.00; $2.50
A. $1.50; $1.50; $2.00; $5.00
A firm's value added is A. the value of its output B. the value of its output minus the value of the intermediate goods the firm used to produce that output C. its profit minus the value of the intermediate goods the firm used to produce that output D. its profit plus the value of the intermediate goods the firm used to produce that output
A. the value of its output
Question: Consider the following data on a closed economy with no government: Output Consumption Investment 2000 1600 600 2500 2000 600 3000 2400 600 3500 2800 600 4000 3200 600 Answer the following two questions: What is the equilibrium level of output for this economy? A. 4000 B. 3500 C. 3000 D. 2500
C. 3000
Question: Consider the following data on a closed economy with no government: Output Consumption Investment 2000 1600 600 2500 2000 600 3000 2400 600 3500 2800 600 4000 3200 600 Answer the following two questions: What is the marginal propensity to consume in the above economy? A. 0.5 B. 0.6 C. 0.7 D. 0.8
D. 0.8
A graphical representation of how consumption spending varies with changes in disposable income is called A. Aggregate demand curve B. Income-expenditure schedule C. Consumption function D. Philips curve
C. Consumption function
If MPC=0.7, then a $100 billion change in disposable income will be associated with that change in consumption spending? A.) $20 billion B.) $30 billion C.) $70 billion D.) $100 billion
C.) $70 billion
If a $100 billion increase in disposable income results in a $75 billion increase in consumption spending, then MPC is A. 0.25 B. 0.50 C. 0.75 D. 1.0
C. 0.75
If consumption spending decline by $45 billion when disposable income declines by $50, what is MPC? A. 0.9 B. 0.1 C. -0.9 D. -0.1
A. 0.9
Investment Expenditure include i. New Plant & Equipment Expenditures by firms. ii. Purchases of New Housing by consumers. iii. Investment of Government in infrastructure. iv. Inventory Accumulation (Decumulation) by firms. v. Purchase of Financial Assets such as Stocks and Bonds. A. i, ii and iii. B. i, ii and iv. C. ii, iii and v. D. i, iii and v.
B. i, ii and iv.
Investment can be defined as spending on goods purchased for future use includes: i. Business fixed investment, which is the spending on plant and equipment that firms will use to produce other goods and services. ii. residential fixed investment, which is the spending on housing units by consumers and landlords. iii. inventory investment, which is the change in the value of all firms' investment. iv. financial investment, which the bonds, stocks, swaps and other derivatives that firms use to hedge its financial risk exposures. A. i, ii and iii. B. i, ii and iv. C. ii, iii and iv. D. i, iii and iv.
A. i, ii and iii.
U.S consumption expenditure in recent years approximately contributes __ to GDP. A. 10% B. 20% C. 50% D. 70%
D. 70%
U.S investment expenditure in recent years approximately contributes __ to GDP. A. 10% B. 20% C. 40% D. 50%
B. 20%
Which of the following is a stock variable? A. Credit card statement balance B. Quarterly real GDP C. Initial claims for unemployment insurance D. New employees on non-agricultural payrolls
A. Credit card statement balance
Which of the follows is an open economy that has government: A. Y=E E=C+I C=C ̅+bY I= I ̅ B. Y=E E=C+I+G ̅ C=C ̅+b(Y-TX+(TR) ̅) TX=(TX) ̅+tY I= I ̅ C. Y=E E=C+I+G ̅+X-M C=C ̅+b(Y-TX+(TR) ̅) TX=(TX) ̅+tY I= I ̅ D. Y=E E=C+I+X-M C=C ̅+bY I= I ̅
C. Y=E E=C+I+G ̅+X-M C=C ̅+b(Y-TX+(TR) ̅) TX=(TX) ̅+tY I= I
That a country's GNP is larger than GDP indicates that: A. factor payment from abroad is lower than the factor payment to abroad. B. factor payment from abroad is higher than the factor payment to abroad. C. factor payment from abroad might be higher or lower than the factor payment to abroad. D. factor payment from abroad is equivalent to the factor payment to abroad.
B. factor payment from abroad is higher than the factor payment to abroad.
A country only produces two goods: Following table 2012 2013 2014 Price Quantity Price Quantity Price Quantity Burger $5 100 $6 150 $7 200 Baseball $1 100 $2 150 $3 200 What is the nominal GDP of the country in Year 2013? A. 600 B. 900 C. 1200 D. 2000
C. 1200
A country only produces two goods: Following table 2012 2013 2014 Price Quantity Price Quantity Price Quantity Burger $5 100 $6 150 $7 200 Baseball $1 100 $2 150 $3 200 Following the previous question, what is the real GDP in Year 2014 using 2012 as the base year? A. 1200 B. 1000 C. 600 D. 500
A. 1200
A country only produces two goods: Following table 2012 2013 2014 Price Quantity Price Quantity Price Quantity Burger $5 100 $6 150 $7 200 Baseball $1 100 $2 150 $3 200 Following the previous question, what is the GDP deflator from Year 2012 and Year 2014 (using 2012 as the base year)? A. 100; 133; 167 B. 0; 300; 300 C. 1; 1.33; 1.67 D. 100; 150;180
A. 100; 133; 167
A country only produces two goods: Following table 2012 2013 2014 Price Quantity Price Quantity Price Quantity Burger $5 100 $6 150 $7 200 Baseball $1 100 $2 150 $3 200 Following the previous question, what is the inflation rate from Year 2012 to Year 2013, and that from Year 2013 to Year 2014 (using 2012 as the base year)? A. 50%; 30% B. 33%; 40% C. 25%; 50% D. 33%; 25.56%
D. 33%; 25.56%
If your hourly wage rises 5% and you work 7% more hours, then your wage income rises approximately: A. 12% B. 2% C. 10% D. 3.5%
A. 12%
If nominal GDP rises by 9% and real GDP rises by 4%, then the inflation rate is approximately: A. 6% B. 13% C. 5% D. 1.22%
C. 5%
Which of the following are NOT included in CPI? i. The prices of goods consumed by urban consumers. ii. The prices of housing iii. The prices of food, beverages and apparel iv. The prices of investment goods, especially plant and equipment prices. v. The prices of transportation, medical care, and education vi. The prices of goods consumed by non-urban consumers. vii. The prices of recreation and communication viii. The prices of goods purchased by the government. A. i, ii and viii. B. ii, v and vi. C. iii, v and vii D. iv, vi and viii
D. iv, vi and viii
Assume a basket contains 20 pizzas and 10 compact discs 2011 2012 2013 2014 Pizzas $10 $11 $12 $13 CDs $15 $15 $16 $15 What is the cost of basket from Year 2011 to Year 2014? A. $350; $370; $400; $410 B. $300; $360: $510; $650 C. $350; $340: $500; $650 D. $300; $360: $470; $620
A. $350; $370; $400; $410
Assume a basket contains 20 pizzas and 10 compact discs 2011 2012 2013 2014 Pizzas $10 $11 $12 $13 CDs $15 $15 $16 $15 What is the CPI from Year 2011 to Year 2014? A. 100.0; 105.7; 114.3;117.1 B. 102.1; 104.3; 115.2;116.9 C. 100.0; 105.7; 117.2;116.9 D. 100.0; 108.6; 116.9;117.1
A. 100.0; 105.7; 114.3;117.1
Assume a basket contains 20 pizzas and 10 compact discs 2011 2012 2013 2014 Pizzas $10 $11 $12 $13 CDs $15 $15 $16 $15 What is the inflation rate from Year 2011 to Year 2014? A. 5.7%; 8.1%; 2.5% B. 4.7%; 7.5%; 3.4% C. 5.7%; 6.7%; 2.5% D. 3.5%; 8.1%; 2.5%
A. 5.7%; 8.1%; 2.5%
Which of the following cannot explain why the CPI may overstate inflation? A. The CPI uses fixed weights, so it cannot reflect consumers' ability to substitute toward goods whose relative prices have fallen. B. The introduction of new goods makes consumers better off and, in effect, increases the real value of the dollar. But it does not reduce the CPI, because the CPI uses fixed weights. C. Quality improvements increase the value of the dollar, but are often not fully measured. D. CPI tracks changes in the typical household's cost of living, adjusts many contracts for inflation, and allows comparisons of dollar amount over time.
D. CPI tracks changes in the typical household's cost of living, adjusts many contracts for inflation, and allows comparisons of dollar amount over time.
Question: Suppose the production function in medieval Europe is Y=K^0.5 L^0.5, where K is the amount of land and L is the amount of labor. The economy begins with 100 units of land and 100 units of labor. Use a calculator and equations in the chapter to find a numerical answer to each of the following questions. How much output does the economy produce? A. 100 B. 500 C. 2500 D. 1000
A. 100
Question: Suppose the production function in medieval Europe is Y=K^0.5 L^0.5, where K is the amount of land and L is the amount of labor. The economy begins with 100 units of land and 100 units of labor. Use a calculator and equations in the chapter to find a numerical answer to each of the following questions. What is the real wage? A. 0.8 B. 0.7 C. 0.6 D. 0.5
D. 0.5
Question: Suppose the production function in medieval Europe is Y=K^0.5 L^0.5, where K is the amount of land and L is the amount of labor. The economy begins with 100 units of land and 100 units of labor. Use a calculator and equations in the chapter to find a numerical answer to each of the following questions. What is the rental price of land? A. 0.8 B. 0.7 C. 0.6 D. 0.5
D. 0.5
Question: Suppose the production function in medieval Europe is Y=K^0.5 L^0.5, where K is the amount of land and L is the amount of labor. The economy begins with 100 units of land and 100 units of labor. Use a calculator and equations in the chapter to find a numerical answer to each of the following questions. What share of output does labor receive? A. 25 B. 50 C. 100 D. 150
B. 50
Question: Suppose the production function in medieval Europe is Y=K^0.5 L^0.5, where K is the amount of land and L is the amount of labor. The economy begins with 100 units of land and 100 units of labor. Use a calculator and equations in the chapter to find a numerical answer to each of the following questions. If a plague kills half the population, what is the new level of output? A. 40.35 B. 50.62 C. 70.71 D. 80.95
C. 70.71
Question: Suppose the production function in medieval Europe is Y=K^0.5 L^0.5, where K is the amount of land and L is the amount of labor. The economy begins with 100 units of land and 100 units of labor. Use a calculator and equations in the chapter to find a numerical answer to each of the following questions. What is the new wage? A. 0.51 B.0.61 C. 0.71 D. 0.81
C. 0.71
Question: Suppose the production function in medieval Europe is Y=K^0.5 L^0.5, where K is the amount of land and L is the amount of labor. The economy begins with 100 units of land and 100 units of labor. Use a calculator and equations in the chapter to find a numerical answer to each of the following questions. What is the new rental price of land? A. 0.35 B.0.45 C. 0.55 D. 0.65
A. 0.35
Question: Suppose the production function in medieval Europe is Y=K^0.5 L^0.5, where K is the amount of land and L is the amount of labor. The economy begins with 100 units of land and 100 units of labor. Use a calculator and equations in the chapter to find a numerical answer to each of the following questions. What share of output does labor receive now? A. 35.36 B.41.70 C.59.43 D.71.62
A. 35.36
Which of the following production functions is not constant returns to scale? A. F(K,L)= √KL B. F(K,L)= K^2/L C. F(K,L)= K+L D. F(K,L)= K^2+L^2
D. F(K,L)= K^2+L^2
Which of the following production functions is decreasing returns to scale? A. F(K,L)= √KL B. F(K,L)= K^2+L^2 C. F(K,L)= √K+√L D. F(K,L)=K^2/L
C. F(K,L)= √K+√L
Which of the following production functions have diminishing marginal returns to labor? A. F(K,L)= 2K+15L B. F(K,L)= K^2+L^2 C. F(K,L)= 2√K+15√L D. F(K,L)= K^3+L^3
C. F(K,L)= 2√K+15√L
Suppose that an economy's production function is Cobb-Douglas with parameter α = 0.3: Y=AK^α L^(1-α) What fractions of income does labor receive? A. 0.3 B. 0.7 C. 0.5 D. 0.4
B. 0.7
Suppose that an economy's production function is Cobb-Douglas with parameter α = 0.3: Y=AK^α L^(1-α) Following the above question, what fractions of income does capital receive? A. 0.3 B. 0.4 C. 0.5 D. 0.7
A. 0.3
Suppose that an economy's production function is Cobb-Douglas with parameter α = 0.3: Y=AK^α L^(1-α) Following the above question, suppose that immigration increases the labor force by 10 percent. What happens to total output (in percent)? A. increase by 6.9 % B. increase by 10 % C. increase by 1.069 % D. decrease by 10 %
A. increase by 6.9 %
Suppose that an economy's production function is Cobb-Douglas with parameter α = 0.3: Y=AK^α L^(1-α) Following the above question, what happens to the rental price of capital? A. increase by 6.9 % B. increase by 10 % C. increase by 1.069 % D. decrease by 10 %
A. increase by 6.9 %
Suppose that an economy's production function is Cobb-Douglas with parameter α = 0.3: Y=AK^α L^(1-α) Following the above question, what happens to the real wage? A. decrease by 0.972 % B. decrease by 2.8% C. decrease by 9.72% D. decrease by 10%
B. decrease by 2.8%
Question: Country Orzo has Y=1000 million, C=400 million, and T=300 million, and G=100 million; What is the private saving of the country? A. 300 million B. 500 million C. 700 million D. 900 million
A. 300 million
Question: Country Orzo has Y=1000 million, C=400 million, and T=300 million, and G=100 million; What is the public saving of the country? A. 100 million B. 200 million C. 300 million D. 400 million
B. 200 million
Question: Country Orzo has Y=1000 million, C=400 million, and T=300 million, and G=100 million; What is the national saving of the country? A. 300 million B. 500 million C. 700 million D. 900 million
B. 500 million
If the real interest rate of this country is r =1%, the loanable fund demand function is I=1000-25000 r , which of the following statements is correct? A.) Demand for loanable fund is larger than supply. The country has to borrow from abroad. B.) Demand for loanable fund is larger than supply. The country can lend to abroad. C.) reaches equilibrium in loanable fund market D.) Insufficient information.
A.) Demand for loanable fund is larger than supply. The country has to borrow from abroad.
Question: Following questions use the Equilibrium Model of Loanable Funds Market I(r)-S What would happen to the real interest rate if there is a fall in consumer confidence about the future induces consumers to spend less and save more? A. Real interest rate does not change. B. Loanable fund supply curve shifts to the left, real interest rate increases. C. Loanable fund supply curve shifts to the right, real interest rate decreases. D. Insufficient information to tell how the real interest rate would change.
C. Loanable fund supply curve shifts to the right, real interest rate decreases.
Question: Following questions use the Equilibrium Model of Loanable Funds Market I(r)-S What would happen to the real interest rate if there is a tax reform increases the incentive for businesses to build new factories? A. Real interest rate does not change. B. Loanable fund demand curve shifts to the right. Real interest rate increases. C. Loanable fund demand curve shifts to the left. Real interest rate decreases. D. Insufficient information to tell how the real interest rate would change.
B. Loanable fund demand curve shifts to the right. Real interest rate increases.
Question: Following questions use the Equilibrium Model of Loanable Funds Market I(r)-S What would happen to the real interest rate if the country already has a budget deficit and the country keeps increasing its government expenditure by issuing new debt? A. Real interest rate does not change. B. Loanable fund supply curve shifts to the left, real interest rate increases. C. Loanable fund supply curve shifts to the right, real interest rate decreases. D. Insufficient information to tell how the real interest rate would change.
B. Loanable fund supply curve shifts to the left, real interest rate increases.
Question: Following questions use the Equilibrium Model of Loanable Funds Market I(r)-S What would happen to the loanable fund supply curve in the long run if a technology improvement permanently increases the investment demand? A. The loanable fund supply curve shifts to the right. B. The loanable fund supply curve shifts to the left. C. The loanable fund supply curve change to be an upward sloping line, because saving increases with the real interest rate. D. The loanable fund supply curve change to be a downward sloping line, because saving decreases with the real interest rate.
C. The loanable fund supply curve change to be an upward sloping line, because saving increases with the real interest rate.
If the Keynesian consumption function of a country is C =400+0.5Y, national income of the country is Y=400, what is the Average Propensity to Consume (APC)? A.) 1 B.) 2 C.) 1.5 D.) 2.5
C.) 1.5
Which of the following statements about the Keynesian consumption function is correct? A. Marginal propensity to consume can be smaller than 0, because people can spend more than their income by borrowing from banks. B. Average propensity to consume (APC) increases as income rises. C. Household with higher income saves a bigger fraction of their income. D. Income is not the main determinant of consumption.
C. Household with higher income saves a bigger fraction of their income.
Using Irving Fisher's Inter-temporal Choice model and the information below to answer the following questions: r=1%,C1=500,C2=505, Y1=400,Y2=606 According to Irving Fisher's Inter-temporal Choice model, what is the present value of one's lifetime consumption? A. 500 B. 700 C. 900 D. 1000
D. 1000
Using Irving Fisher's Inter-temporal Choice model and the information below to answer the following questions: r=1%,C1=500,C2=505, Y1=400,Y2=606 According to Irving Fisher's Inter-temporal Choice model, what is the present value of one's lifetime income? A. 500 B. 700 C. 900 D. 1000
D. 1000
Using Irving Fisher's Inter-temporal Choice model and the information below to answer the following questions: r=1%,C1=500,C2=505, Y1=400,Y2=606 If borrowing is allowed, how much at most one could consume in Period 1? A. 1000 B. 900 C. 700 D. 500
A. 1000
Using Irving Fisher's Inter-temporal Choice model and the information below to answer the following questions: r=1%,C1=500,C2=505, Y1=400,Y2=606 How much at most one could consume in Period 2? A. 1000 B. 1010 C. 1020 D. 1100
B. 1010
61. As inflation remains 2%, if the Fed increases the nominal interest rate to 7% at the end of this year, would a household shown below better off or worse off? *Graph* A. Better off B. Worse Off C. Indifferent D. Uncertain
A. Better off
U.S. Adult Population by Group, June 2006 Number employed = 144.4 million Number unemployed = 7.0 million Adult Population = 228.8 million Use the above table to calculate the labor force A. 228.8 B. 144.4 C. 151.4 D. 77.4
C. 151.4
U.S. Adult Population by Group, June 2006 Number employed = 144.4 million Number unemployed = 7.0 million Adult Population = 228.8 million Use the above table to calculate the number of people NOT in the labor force A. 228.8 B. 144.4 C. 151.4 D. 77.4
D. 77.4
U.S. Adult Population by Group, June 2006 Number employed = 144.4 million Number unemployed = 7.0 million Adult Population = 228.8 million Use the above table to calculate the unemployment rate A. 3.6% B. 4.6% C. 5.6% D. 6.6%
B. 4.6%
U.S. Adult Population by Group, June 2006 Number employed = 144.4 million Number unemployed = 7.0 million Adult Population = 228.8 million Use the above table to calculate the labor force participation rate A. 44.2% B. 55.2% C. 66.2% D. 77.2%
C. 66.2%
Supposed the population increases by 1% and labor force increases by 3%, what is the percentage change in the labor force participation rate? A. 1% B. 2% C. 3% D. 4%
B. 2%
Supposed the labor force increases by 3% and the number of unemployed people increases by 2%, what is the percentage change in the unemployment rate? A. 5% B. 1% C. -1% D. 1.5%
C. -1%
If in every month, 2% of employed workers lose their jobs, 18% of unemployed workers find jobs, what is the natural rate of unemployment? A. 5% B. 10% C. 15% D. 20%
B. 10%
U.S. natural rate of unemployment rises during 1960-1984, but then falls during 1985-2006. This is due to A. Real minimum wage increases during 1985-2006. B. Real minimum wage decreases during 1985-2006. C. Real minimum wage remains unchanged during 1985-2006. D. Real minimum wage increases as oil prices become less volatile.
B. Real minimum wage decreases during 1985-2006.
Question: Suppose a country has a money demand function (M/P)^d=kY, where k is a constant parameter. The money supply grows by 12 % per year, and real income grows by 4 % per year. What is the average inflation rate? A. 4% B. 3% C. 16% D. 8%
D. 8%
Question: Suppose a country has a money demand function (M/P)^d=kY, where k is a constant parameter. The money supply grows by 12 % per year, and real income grows by 4 % per year. How would inflation be different if real income growth were higher? A. An increase in real income growth will result in a lower average inflation rate. B. An increase in real income growth will result in a higher average inflation rate. C. A larger money supply is required to support a higher level of GDP, resulting in higher inflation. D. A change in real income growth will have no effect on inflation rate.
A. An increase in real income growth will result in a lower average inflation rate.
Question: Suppose a country has a money demand function (M/P)^d=kY, where k is a constant parameter. The money supply grows by 12 % per year, and real income grows by 4 % per year. How do you interpret the parameter k? What is the relationship to the velocity of money? A. Parameter kdefines how much money people want to hold for every dollar of income. The parameter k is inversely related to the velocity of money. B. Parameter k defines how much money people want to hold for every dollar of income. The parameter k is positively related to the velocity of money. C. Parameter k defines how much money people want to spend for every dollar of income. The parameter k is inversely related to the velocity of money. D. Parameter k defines how much money people want to spend for every dollar of income. The parameter k is positively related to the velocity of money.
A. Parameter kdefines how much money people want to hold for every dollar of income. The parameter k is inversely related to the velocity of money.
Using the quantity equation, if the money supply grows by 12%, real income grows by 4%, and the velocity growth is 0, what is the inflation rate in the country? A. 3% B. 6% C. 8% D. 10%
C. 8%
Following the previous question, suppose that the velocity now grows at 2%, what is the inflation rate in the country? A. 3% B. 6% C. 8% D. 10%
D. 10%
Suppose, instead of a constant money demand function, the velocity of money in this economy was growing steadily because of financial innovation. How would that affect the inflation rate? A. As velocity grows steadily, inflation increases because the same amount of money is being used more often to chase the same amount of goods. In this case, the money supply should grow more slowly to compensate or the positive growth in velocity. B. As velocity grows steadily, inflation decreases because the same amount of money is being used less often to chase the same amount of goods. In this case, the money supply should grow more slowly to compensate or the positive growth in velocity. C. As velocity grows steadily, inflation increases because the same amount of money is being used more often to chase the same amount of goods. In this case, the money supply should grow more quickly to compensate or the positive growth in velocity. D. As velocity grows steadily, inflation decreases because the same amount of money is being used less often to chase the same amount of goods. In this case, the money supply should grow more quickly to compensate or the positive growth in velocity.
A. As velocity grows steadily, inflation increases because the same amount of money is being used more often to chase the same amount of goods. In this case, the money supply should grow more slowly to compensate or the positive growth in velocity.
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