Drugs and the human body Test Questions – Flashcards
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Unlock answers 135what does renal mean? |
pertaining to kidneys |
what is Synergistic? |
when multiple elements come together to give a super addictive effect |
what is taxol? and where did it originate? |
taxol is a new anti cancer drug, that has not bee synthesised yet because it is very complex, and comes from teh Yew Tree |
what does Visceral mean? |
pertaining to internal organs |
what does febrile mean? |
feverish |
what does emetic mean? |
drug that induces vomiting |
what is an antipyretic? |
reduces fever |
what is an analgesic? |
reduces pain |
what is chemotherapy? |
attack on a disease using a specififc chemical designed for the purpose |
what are forms of chemotherapy not involving chemicals? |
a) holistic (spiritual) b) herbal (bee venom) c)homeopathy (ting doses) of active consituent |
what is naturopathy? |
techniques used to restor health rather than treat disease |
what is body based medicine? |
- useful in chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage |
what is Digitalis? and where does it originate from? |
a cardiactive steroid from foxglove plant |
What is insulin? Where does insulin come form? |
its promotes and regulates gulcose and comes from the pancreas of dogs |
can you make drugs from gene splicing? |
yes, but only porteins |
do compounds with similar structure also show similar biological activity? |
yes |
What does Ibuprofen contain? |
isobutyl, propionic acid and phenyl ring |
what is the brand name of acetaminophen? |
Tylenol |
what does TI mean? |
therapeutic index = TD50/ED50 - high values are safer - tells you how fatal a substance is |
Does alcohol have a lower TI than cocaine and morphine? |
no, alcohol has a TI of 10 , Cocaine, 15 and Morphine 70 |
what drug can actively transport ? |
L- Dopa, but common for sugars and amino acids |
What are the different kinds of routes of administration? |
1) Oral = most common 2) Inhalation = corrosive over time 3)Injection = need for sterlization 4) Body orifices 5) Skin application/patch 6) Implantable = slow release |
which two countries are fake drugs an issue? |
latin america (mexico) and china |
which brand has just came out with a cheaper version of viagra? |
Teva |
what is the difference between aspirin and advanced aspirin? |
advance aspirin works 6x fast and uses nanos |
how do drugs come into the body? |
through the capillary beds |
Is cholesterol water soluable? |
No, it is unsoluable and can only dissolve with hydrocarbon |
Which cholesterol is the worst for you: HDL, LDL, or VLDL? |
VLDL = trans fatty acids |
what is teh chemical structure of steroids/cholesterol? |
4 rings (6,6,6,5) |
what is the highest selling prescription drug? |
Lipitor - cholesterol |
which sex is gallstones more prevelant in? |
women |
what are the 3 function groups of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid)? |
R= carbon , H = halixe, OH = hydrogen and oxygen |
what is the most organic compound on the planet? |
gulcose (sugar) |
what are organic chemicals? |
chemicals that contain carbon |
What are the critierias for addiction? |
1) withdrawl 2)psychological changes 3) tolerance build up |
how is botox used as an analgesic? |
it is being used to treat chronic migraines, however it is the most toxi substance known to humans |
what happens as we get older? |
we lose water, increase fat levels and lose muscle mass |
What is BMI and how is it calculated? |
Body Mass index : weight in kg/height in m2 ex. 100 kg mass at 2m height BMI = 100/4 = 25 healthy range is 20 -26 |
What is the blood brain barrier? and what drugs can pass more easily? |
blood brain barrier is a meberane that seperate blood from the cereprobal spinal fluid
- sat soluable drugs peneterate more easily than water soluble |
which drugs can penetrate the blood brain barrier easily? |
- tranquilizers - barbiturates - LSD - narcotics (opioids) - marijuana |
Which molecules stay longer in the body; polar or non polar? |
- non polar = THC |
what are the 6 main analgesics (pain killers)? |
1) aspirin 2) acetaminophen (tyelnol) 3) Ibuprofen (mortin/advil) 4) Naproxen (aleve) 5)Celebrex & vioxx |
What does the term xenobiotic mean? |
- a forgien substance to the body - most drugs, or toxins (pesticides) - human body must beable to break it down
What enxyme is primarily found in the liver? |
Cytochrome P -450 (CYP) - xenobiotic break down manily due to CYP |
What is hyrdolysis? |
- adding water may cleave an ester function ex. alcohol and carboxylic = Aspirin |
what is ment by drug half life? |
- time needed for inital level of drug in blood to fall 1/2 of this value ( t1/2) |
what are the 3 types of drug tolerance? |
1) Metabolic: liver makes more enzymes 2) cellular adaptive : tissues do not respond 3) behavioral : user learns to handle drug |
what are the two major types of drug - drug interactions? |
1) Synergism : 2 drugs act on eachother to enhance effects 2) Barbiturates and alcohol |
what is an anit- coagulant? |
inhibits the formation of blood clots |
how much does 1 grain = in mg? |
65 mg |
what are the 7 body fluids that drugs target? |
1) Intracellular 2)Extracellular 3) cerebrospinal 4)Placental blood supply 5)Intraocular (inside eye) 6) synovial (inside body joints) 7) Urine |
What 5 tissues do drugs target? |
1) Muscle 2) organs 3) Fat 4) Albumins 5) Bone |
drugs are often unequally distrbuted. What are the two barriers of distrubition? |
1) Blood brain barrier 2) placenta barrier |
how may the liver handle a drug? |
1) changed chemically 2) chemically linked to a normal body substance 3) altered to be more soluble in urine |
what does induction of microsomal enzymes mean? |
- if a person takes heavy doses of barbiturates over many days the liver nezymes may be insufficient to handle detoxification |
what are the two parts of the autonomic nervous system? |
parasympathetic : relax sympathetic : fight or flight |
what are sympathomimetics? |
ddrugs that imitat the effects of the sympathetic nervous system (ex. amphetamines) |
what are two ways that neurotransmitters can terminate transmission? |
- catabolism (enzymes break it down) - reuptake |
what are terms thatend ASE and what end in OSE called ? |
ase (enzymes) ose (sugar) |
what are the two types of receptors? |
Alpha : relaxation Beta : increase in heart activity |
what are beta blocker? |
beta blockers are used to treat ADHD , cheat pain, and high blood pressure |
What is ritalin for? and what does it do? |
ritalin is for children with ADD, and it causes a release of dompaine ad norepinephrine |
What if the difference between the structure of dompaine and the structure of neropinephrine? |
neropinephrine has an OH |
Why does L-dopa exists? |
COOH is added to dopamine to make L-dopa so it can cross the blood brain barrier |
What are the most important neurotransmitters? |
1) Acetylcholine * (found in CNS and PNS) 2)Norepinephrine 3) Dopamine |
What are two other important neurotransmitters? |
1)Gaba: major inhibiorty transmitter in brain 2) Serotonin: blood, brain and GI tract
- both related to depression |
what are 4 popular anti depressants? |
1)Prozac - no longer patent 2)Paxil - PTSD 3)Wellburtin - also cuts smoking cessation 4) Zolfot - can be used for pms
What drugs contain fluorine? |
Lipitor, Crestor, Seretide |
What is Tryptophan? |
an amino acid found in milk and turkey that gets converted into serotonin
- it is a sleep inducer and or body can not produce it on its own |
Does the UN or RCMP encourage SIS's? ( safe injection sites) |
The UN does but NOT RCMP |
What is covalent bonding? |
a chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron paris between atoms |
what is laudanum? |
mix of alcohol, codiene and morphine |
What is tiritium? |
element that will radioactively label morphine during a scan |
What are 4 kinda of opiod receptors? |
- Mu - Delta - Kappa - Orphan receptor (ORL) |
how are codeine and morphine simialr in their chemical structures? |
codeine has O CH3 instead of OH |
What does chewing on coca help with? |
altitude sickness (machu picchu) |
which is the most unsatisfying drug ? |
cocaine |
what are the personality traits of a heavy user of cocaine? |
- ambitious - competitive -financially well off -intolerant of weakness |
what is teh average purity of street cocaine? |
60% |
which compounds are used to 'cut; street cocaine? |
- Lidocaine - Procaine |
what structures are related to cocaine? |
- atropine - scopolamine |
Which country consumes the most about of coffee? |
Finland |
Which country consumes the most amount of alcohol? |
Moldava( Czechoslovakia ) |
what is a teratogen? |
factor that causes malformation of the embryo (alcohol) |
at what BAC do you reach black out? |
0.20%, and 0.30% = lethal |
what BAC are you considered legally drunk in ontario? |
0.8% |
hwo long does caffeine last? |
3 - 7.5 hrs (usually 3 tho) |
can coffee affect the chances of a miscarriage? |
2 cups a day = double the chance |
how much is too much coffee? |
4 cups (500 - 600mg) |
does caffeine effect children differently? |
Yes, 1 cola drink for a child = 4 cups of coffee for an adult |
what is taurin? |
an acid found in energy drinks that reduc blood pressure and used in body building
structure: 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, major constituent of bile; 1st isolated from ox bile |
How many mg in red bull? |
80 mg, about a half a cup of coffee |
Does caffeine offset alcohol? |
Nope |
is 'non' alcoholic beer actually 'non' alcoholic? |
No, it can contain as much as 0.5%, and thsi can cause a relapse for addicts |
what are congeners? |
certain chemical added for flavor, odor and colour to alcohol (gastiritis association) |
what alcohols are more likely to give you a hangover? |
red wine, brandy, and whiskey |
which ethnicty drinks more? |
whites |
what is the proof of pure eythl? |
200 proof |
what is denatured alcohol? |
chemicals are added to ethyl to ensure that humans can not drik it (ex. acetone) |
what is wood alcohol? |
methyl: ethyl's poisonous cousin |
does alcohol effect the way we sleep? |
Yes, it changes REM |
what are delirium trements (DT)? |
seirzers and cardovasular collapse that occurs with withdrawal |
how is caffiene used medically? |
to treet migraines because it acts as a vasodillator (dilates blood) |
what are the different carbon "suffix's " ? |
single = ane (butane) Double = ene (polystyrene) Triple = yne (ethyne) |
What are teh different prefixes? |
Pentane Isopentane Neopentane |
Which Alkane has the least amount of Isomers and which has the most? |
least = Methane Most = Decane |
what are cycloalkanes? |
they have 6 C's (hexagon) = C6H12 |
where do hydrocrabons come from? |
refining petroleum |
what are the sub categories of hydrocrabons? (4) |
1) Alkanes 2)Alkenes 3)Alkynes 4)Aromatics |
what are aromatic compounds? |
they conatin one or more benzene ring, and like cyclohexane but 3 double bonds |
What is the acetaminophen (tylenol) structure? |
Para postion of N -acetyl group on benzen ring |
What is teh structure of aspirin? |
benzen ring, carboxylic acid, and ester C9H8O4 |
what is the structure for Ibuprofen(Mortin/Advil)? |
hydrophobic aromatic , 3 C side chain (carboxylic acid, Benzene ring , isobutyl sidechain) |
what is the chemical structure of Naproxne? |
C14H14O3 |
what is a beta -phenethylamine? |
link for activity in many neurotransmitters, induces a high that is similar to 'being in love' |
how is the structure of epinephrine similar to that of norepinephrine? |
no methyl group on N |
how is aleve's (Naproxen) structure simialr to crystal meth? |
Aleve has an OH component, that makes it different |
PMMA is the laced version of ectasy, how much more toxic is it? |
5x more toxic then ectasy |
which drug does bath salts resemble structurally? |
ectasy |
how much is 1 teaspoon in ml? |
5ml |
A patient brings home a prescription consisting of 200ml of a liquid . The doctor said take 1 teaspoon full 4x a day. how long will the prescription last? |
1 teaspoon = 5ml 5x4 = 25 ml 200/25 = 10
prescription will last 10 days |
how many grams are in a pound? |
454 grams = 1lb |
If a dose of a drug is 25 mg/kg body weight and a patient weighs 176 pounds, how many grams of drugs should he be given? |
454 = .454 .454 x 176 = 79.9 kg 79.9 x 25 = 1997mg .001 x 1997 = 1.997 g |
what is an alkoid? where is it obtained? and what are examples? |
alkoid = organic molecules that conatin nitrogen and alkaine , found in plants (caffeine, codiene, nictoine) |
what are the advantages of oral treatment vs. injection? |
oral : painless, no need for sterility, easy administration injection: rapid, direct acess , rightaway
why did the FDA state that the combo of aspirin and an antacid is irration? |
aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid so using another acid to relieve issue wouldnt work |
what happens to CNS, cardio system, and eye during cocaine use? |
- increased heart rate, blood pressure increase, euphoria, and dialted pupils |
what si the most mind altering drug used in america? |
caffiene |
what lead to cold hands and feet when smoking? |
constriction of peripheral blood vessels |
what is racemixture? |
50/50 mixtures or dextrortatory and leorotary optical issomers (inactive) |
what is antabuse? |
a treatment for alcoholics , prevents nausea, and headaches |