Dress Codes in School can Decrease Bullying Essay Example
Arguments for and against the school strict dressing code
Most countries have laws that permit the school boards to make the dress code rules for students within their districts to enhance a safe, disciplined school environment, avoid the interference with the school work and the discipline and also to encourage the heterogeneity of the dress. For example dress codes that prohibit clothing that is vulgar, weird or worn in a manner that might disrupt the school working activity are allowed whereas the dress codes that censors the student's expressions just because the educators or the administrators do not like are generally dis- allowed. The religion and culture have significantly affected the school dressing today. This essay seeks to establish the pros and cons of adhering to strict school dressing code.
Argument for adhering to the school dressing codes
...Dress code promotes a more close and strict school atmosphere which emphasize on the academic excellence and promotion of the good morals. It improves on the students’ performance by encouraging the students to concentrate heavily on their studies and not on their wardrobe. This will help them to save money since the amount they could have spent in buying the clothes is stored.
Dress codes reduce the occurrence of a particular social behavior which is often expressed through the choice of the different clothes. Dress codes also help the students to wear what they want which leaves them with the feeling of the freedom of selection and expression. The teenagers find ways of expressing themselves thus putting the boundaries prevents them from the going beyond the desired level which might lead to undesirable consequences.
Enforcing the strict dressing codes are necessary t
avoid the attires that are pretty bad. This will prevent the students from coming to school with the clothes which can attract the attention to both the students and the teachers like wearing of the mini-skirts, jeans and other clothes which exposed their body parts. If everybody was allowed to dress the easy he or she wants, it could have been tough to separate the students from the strangers. Most of the girls could wear the skirts which exposed their parts hence interfering on the teachers and the boy’s attention. This may facilitate the rape cases since it will arouse the sexual emotions in men.
The most significant benefit of strictly adhering to the school dressing code is that the students will be easily identified from the non-students when the students are in their right dress codes, they are easily identified in a group. The costumes tell out whether they are a student or not and also indicates the school they are from. When the students from the different schools were mixed, you can easily identify those from an individual school more quickly if they have their full school dressing codes unlike when they are in different attires. The only thing that separates the students from the Trans passers is the school's dressing code. Another thing which indicates that someone is a student is by showing the students identity card, but this is not the easy way to identify the students from the non-student. It takes the time to ask the student to show the students identity card unlike when he or she has the school dressing codes. It helps the school to get rid-off the
tress passers and also the problem of bullying.
It is known that kids get bullied when they are in school, one way of reducing the amount of bullying and any other related conflicts in schools is to use the school dressing code. The research which was done in California Long Beach Unified School proved the association between the suits and the conflicts in school dressing system. There was a decrease in the crime level, suspensions, and the sex-related offenses after invoking the dress code. Adherence to the school uniforms reduces the bullying level and the conflict level. The amount of crimes reported in school will be minimized. By enhancing the strict dressing code, we are unifying the students, and thus they will come to know each other thoroughly. Those who have not known each other before will fill little more familiar with each other because they have similar dressing code representing the same school. With this unity, the students will be able to look beyond the physical appearance and the social statuses and just developed friendly with one another. If the students are allowed to come with the civilians, there will be a difference between the attires they wear hence encourage bullying. The students from the wealthy families have better clothes as compared to those from the low-income families hence promoting bullying among the students.
Argument against the adherence of the dressing codes of the students are not comfortable with the dressing system. There are peoples who like dressing up more comfortable by wearing certain clothes with the cuts and designs that fit well with their bodies’ structure. If the school dress codes prevent them from putting on
these types of attires, their performance will be affected. The children should be allowed to be in the clothes they are comfortable with. The variation in climates or the desire of the students to wear the way the wish is significantly affected by the dressing codes rules and the regulations in school.
School dress codes can be more of sexist and discriminatory in nature. When it come to the positioning of the policies governing the dressing contacts, girls are the one who are in danger. They are the one who are restricted especially when it comes to the length and the size of the skirt, shorts or the color of their hair and the accessories to put on. On the other hands, boys do not get the same treatment with girls except the length of their hair or the color of their attires.
Dress codes deny the self-expression. The students will not be able to show their individualists. The dress codes restrict the students from expressing their preference. The students have a right to voice their minds and their views so that they can be heard, but in this case, their views are not considered. Before the positioning of these policies, the student body should be having a copy of their regulations so that they can be taken into consideration when making the school systems.
The enforcement of the dressing codes in school is very hard since it will take times for the students to cope up with the situation. The students may find that the school uniforms are not giving them any comfort when they wear and most of them can transfer to other schools. This discomfort
also causes them not to concentrate in class hence affecting their attention in class. Also, the low-income families may consider the price of the school uniforms being financially burdensome.
Basing on the pros and cons of the dressing code above it is clear that the dressing code should be easily adhered to since it enhances the good academic environment and helps the students to save the amount of money they could have used in purchasing different attires. The students’ body should be involved in positioning of these policies to avoid discrimination. This governs the contacts of the students and makes them grow in a moral way.