- Ablutophobia: It is a persistent and irrational fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning. The phobia is more common in women and children, especially with people who are extremely emotional. Acarophobia: It is an abnormal and exaggerated fear of mites, small insects, or worms that cause itching.
- Bacillophobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear of bacilli (bacteria), microbes and germs. The phobia is also known as bacteriophobia, microbiophobia, germaphobia or Big-Worm-Dungeon-aphobia.
- Ballistophobia: It is a morbid fear of being shot/shot at, or any kind of ammunition like missiles, bullets, projectiles and guns.Bolshephobia: It is an exaggerated and unusual fear related to Bolsheviks (revolutionaries from the early 1900's Russian party that threw over the czar and formed into communism).
- Cacophobia: It is an overwhelming and abnormal fear of ugliness. People suffering from this phobia may
...not only fear ugly people but may also be fearful of objects and situations that are considered to be ugly.
- Cacomorphobia: It is the fear of fat people.
- Cancerophobia: It is an abnormal but morbid fear of developing a malignant growth or cancer; also called carcinophobia.
- Decidophobia: It is an overwhelming and abnormal fear of making decisions. The person suffering from this phobia may actually fear making a wrong decision, and so, is reluctant to make any decision at all.
- Defecaloesiophobia: It is an intense and morbid fear of painful bowel movements.
- Deipnophobia: It is an unusual and irrational fear of dining, in a social sense or having dinner conversations.
- Ecclesiophobia: It is an abnormal and persistent fear associated with churches. Ecophobia: It is an unusual and morbid fear of home or one's home surroundings.
- Electrophobia: It is an exaggerated and
intense fear of electricity, electric shock or electrocution.
sitting or any sort of activity which is related to pain while sitting. Also known as cathisophobia, thaasophobia, people who have been hostages or been tortured by making them sit on nails, pointed objects, burning ambers, etc. usually suffer from this phobia.
and morbid fear of being severely punished, wherein the victims bear an intense fear of being beaten by a rod or of being at the receiving end of severe criticism.
Different Kinds of Mental Disorders acute stress disorder an anxiety disorder characterized by development of anxiety, dissociative, and other symptoms within one month following exposure to an extremely traumatic event. If persistent, it may become posttraumatic stress disorder. adjustment disorder maladaptive reaction to
identifiable stress (e., divorce, illness), which is assumed to remit when the stress ceases or when the patient adapts. bipolar disorders mood disorders with a history of manic, mixed, or hypomanic episodes, usually with present or previous history of one or more major depressive episodes; included are bipolar I d. , characterized by one or more manic or mixed episodes, bipolar II d. , characterized by one or more hypomanic episodes but no manic episodes, and cyclothymic disorder.
The term is sometimes used in the singular to denote either bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, or both. ody dysmorphic disorder a somatoform disorder characterized by a normal-looking person's preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance. childhood disintegrative disorder pervasive developmental disorder characterized by marked regression in various developmental skills, including language, play, and social and motor skills, after two to ten years of initial normal development. circadian rhythm sleep disorder a lack of synchrony between the schedule of sleeping and waking required by the external environment and that of a person's own circadian rhythm.
Disruptive behavior disorders a group of mental disorders of children and adolescents consisting of behavior that violates social norms and is disruptive. dissociative disorders mental disorders characterized by sudden, temporary alterations in identity, memory, or consciousness, segregating normally integrated parts of one's personality from one's dominant identity. expressive language disorder a communication disorder occurring in children and characterized by problems with the expression of language, either oral or signed. actitious disorder a mental disorder characterized by repeated, intentional simulation of physical or psychological signs and symptoms of illness for no apparent purpose other than obtaining treatment.
Factitious disorder by proxy a form of factitious
disorder in which one person (usually a mother) intentionally fabricates or induces physical (Munchausen syndrome by proxy) or psychological disorders in another person under their care (usually their child) and subjects that person to needless diagnostic procedures or treatment, without any external incentives for the behavior. ender identity disorder a disturbance of gender identification in which the affected person has an overwhelming desire to change their anatomic sex or insists that they are of the opposite sex, with persistent discomfort about their assigned sex or about filling its usual gender role. generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) an anxiety disorder characterized by excessive, uncontrollable worry about two or more life circumstances for six months or more.Hypoactive sexual desire disorder a sexual dysfunction consisting of persistently or recurrently low level or absence of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity.
Impulse control disorders a group of mental disorders characterized by repeated failure to resist an impulse to perform some act harmful to oneself or to others. lymphoreticular disorders a group of disorders of the lymphoreticular system, characterized by the proliferation of lymphocytes or lymphoid tissues. major depressive disorder a mood disorder characterized by the occurrence of one or more major depressive episodes and the absence of any history of manic, mixed, or hypomanic episodes. nightmare disorder repeated episodes of nightmares that awaken the sleeper, with full orientation and alertness and vivid recall of the dreams.Bsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent obsessions or compulsions, which are severe enough to interfere significantly with personal or social functioning. Cf. obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, under personality . panic disorder an anxiety disorder characterized by attacks of panic (anxiety), fear, or terror, by
feelings of unreality, or by fears of dying, or losing control, together with somatic signs such as dyspnea, choking, palpitations, dizziness, vertigo, flushing or pallor, and sweating.It may occur with or, rarely, without agoraphobia. eactive attachment disorder a mental disorder of infancy or early childhood characterized by notably unusual and developmentally inappropriate social relatedness, usually associated with grossly pathological care.
Separation anxiety disorder prolonged, developmentally inappropriate, excessive anxiety and distress in a child concerning removal from parents, home, or familiar surroundings. undifferentiated somatoform disorder one or more physical complaints, not intentionally produced or feigned and persisting for at least six months, that cannot be fully explained by a general medical condition or the direct effects of a substance.
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