Debate- Negative-College athletes should not be paid salaries – Flashcards
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Title 9
Law of title 9 In the case of college athletics, the NCAA and schools across the country must comply with this law by offering equal opportunity to both male and female athletes across the nation. This means that if the males basketball and football teams, who are the main source of revenue recieve salaries, the womens' teams who do not generate revenue would also have to be paid. So this by itself would be extremely costly to have to pay both men and women college athletes.
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Corrupts college sports
According to the Washington post College athletes should not be paid because it would cause a lot of corruption including bidding wars. The universities who have more money would be able to buy out better athletes for more money, and it would be completely unfair to the smaller schools.
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They are not exploited
To say that college athletes are exploited for their work is completely illegitimate. According to, College athletes receive many benefits from college sports
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To give college athletes salaries would be doing them a huge disservice.
Why go through all this burden to help these students if it does no good for them at all? To pay these college athletes salaries would be very detrimental for their future. The core focus of these student athletes should be on their future and not about whether they are receiving their paycheck or not. According to, money can cause a substancial amount of stress in people's lives
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They don't need this money
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The NCAA does not just keep the revenue they make
The NCAA maintains the status of a non-profit organization, because a very small
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