Counseling Theories Midterm Exam – Flashcards

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Psychoanalysis' founder is ______
Sigmund Freud
Psychoanalysis important theoretical concepts include:
-Symptoms Have Meaning -Three Structures for Personality (ID, Superego, and Ego) -Stages of Development: how personality develops throughout life span -Defense Mechanisms -Dreams and the Unconscious
Psychoanalysis View of Human Nature
-emphasized both the influence of biology and of early childhood experiences --Biology: Freud believed that people go through predictable stages of development and must struggle between sexual drives and the need to behave in a socially acceptable way. --Early patterns of attachment and how people go through stages of development may mediate biological processes -Freud stated that each person has a conscious mind, a preconscious mind, and an unconscious mind --Conscious mind: awareness of outside world --Preconscious mind: hidden memories or forgotten experiences that can be recalled or remembered --Unconscious mind: instinctual, repressed, and powerful urges (may be sexual in nature)
The Id in Psychoanalysis is _______ and the principle associated with it is the _________ principle
Comprised of basic instincts and present at birth; Pleasure
The Pleasure Principle is ________
Intolerant of pain, tension, and discomfort and seeks to avoid these feelings by pursuing pleasure and gratification. Two important strategies for obtaining pleasure: --Reflex actions: automatic process such as coughing, blinking that reduce tensions --Primary process: allows people to form mental image of remedy to alleviate the discomfort --Freud believed that dreams served this function to represent the desires of the mind through sleep
The Superego is _______ and the principle associated with it is the ______ principle
--contains the values of parental figures, societal expectations, as well as racial, cultural, and national traditions --Internalizes the rules and guidelines of a person's world --Allows self-control to take the place of parental control --Essential function is inhibiting the Id (can make the person too controlling and extreme) Moral Principle
The Moral Principle is ________
-Perfectionistic and diligent in discriminating between good and bad, right and wrong. --When people follow their superego, they feel proud and righteous --Yet they sacrifice pleasure and gratification When ignored, people may feel shame, guilt, and anxiety
The Ego is _______ and the principle associated with it is the _____ principle
"executive of the mind"; part of the conscious that formulates and makes decisions Reality Principle
The Reality Principle is ____________
-uses logic, intelligence, objectivity, and awareness of external reality to consider, modify, and integrate both internal and external pressures on a person --Decides when and how person should respond to those demands --Identifies wise choices and behaviors that promote self-preservation
Developmental Stages of Psychoanalysis
1. Oral Stage 2. Anal Stage 3. Phallic Stage 4. Latency Stage 5. Genital Stage
Defense Mechanisms in Psychoanalysis are:
a way of coping with anxiety on the unconscious level by denying or distorting reality
Some examples of unhealthy defense mechanisms and their meanings would be:
1. Repression: unknowingly placing an unpleasant memory or thought in the unconscious 2. Projection: Attributing one's own unacceptable feelings and thoughts to others and not yourself 3. Displacement: Redirecting unacceptable feelings from the original source to a safer, substitute target 4. Reaction formation: acting in exactly the opposite way to one's unacceptable impulses 5. Rationalization: creating false excuses for one's unacceptable feelings, thoughts, or behavior
Healthy Defense Mechanism would include and their meanings:
1. Affiliation: turning to other for help and support but retaining responsibility for one's own difficulties 2. Altruism: deriving satisfaction from investing heavily in helping others 3. Anticipation: reducing anxiety by considering the probable consequences of future events and finding ways to address them effectively 4. Humor: Focusing on the amusing aspects of situations 5. Sublimation: Redirecting potentially harmful emotions or impulses into socially acceptable ones
A Freudian slip is:
a misstatement that reveals an unconscious wish or feeling ex. the last day of school is freeday (instead of Friday)
Transference is ___________
client's response to a counselor as if the counselor were some significant figure in the client's past
Countertransference is __________
therapist projects on the client unfinished business from the past Clinicians should recognize the distinction between the client's transference and their own reactions to the client, which spring from the clinician's unresolved issues Used to help the therapist understand the client and help provide a corrective emotional experience In all forms of therapy, therapists must be aware of countertransferential feelings toward the client and avoid inappropriate reactions
Psychoanalysis would be applicable to these types of groups:
o Hysteria (Conversion disorder) o Anxiety states o Obsessional disorders (OCD) o Depression o Paranoid attitudes o Sexual Perversions (paraphilia)
Treatment goals of Psychoanalysis:
-Help the client become more aware of the unconscious aspects of his or her personality and to work through current reactions that may be dysfunctional -Help client work through a developmental stage not previously resolved If accomplished, clients become unstuck and are able to live more productively -Helping clients cope with the demands of the society in which they live -Unhappy people are not in tune with themselves or society -Environmental adjustment especially in areas of work and intimacy are stressed -Focuses on strengthening the ego so that perceptions and plans become more realistic
Strengths of Psychoanalysis:
-Importance of childhood experiences -Understanding the role that sexuality plays in development -Recognize the powerful influence of parent figures in our lives -Accept the existence of the unconscious -Acknowledge that internal conflicts commonly occur within the three structures of our personalities -Continues to evolve and most recently emphasized adaptive processes and social relations
Limitations of Psychoanalysis:
-Time-consuming and expensive -Does not seem to lend itself to working with older clients or even a large variety of clients -Not designed to help people with urgent concerns -May not pay adequate attention to multicultural dimensions -Says little about developing healthy adult lifestyles -Freud's classical psychoanalysis had some erroneous and harmful ideas about women
Adlerian View of Human Nature is (7):
-Positive, Holistic view of individuals -All Behavior is goal-directed -Social/community realm is equally as important to psychology as the internal realm -people can change their lifestyle and goals -People are "pulled" by future goals -Each person is unique to their experiences (Phenomenological perspective) -Individuals are driven by the need for significance, self-worth and social involvement
Three Adlerian Theoretical Concepts include:
Socio: social interest/belonging (people have a need to belong to a social whole) Teleco: Goal-directed/moving forward (people can choose to change their goals and behaviors and they are not victims of biology) Analytic: Unaware of motives or purpose (the unconscious directs much of people's lives)
The concept of inferiority recognizes ___________. Overwhelming feelings of inferiority can result in an ____.
limitations and need for others; inferiority complex
The concept of superiority is _______. Healthy superiority is ______.
-An individual covering up an inferiority complex by overcompensating -Hold hidden doubts about his/her abilities Healthy superiority is achieving mastery, achievement, and life satisfaction rather than overcompensating and controlling others.
Family Constellation consists of:
BIRTH ORDER --predispositions individuals to certain personality traits -Similarities and differences both have strong affects --Adler believed siblings are influenced by the most opposite sibling --Compare/contrast ourselves --See new possibilities
According to Adler, siblings who are most ____ from us influence us most.
According to Adler, oldest children tend to be ____
1. Most intelligent and achieving of the five groups 2. Tend to be dependable, well organized, and responsible 3. Generally well behaved and cooperative, conforming to societal expectations and being fairly traditional 4. Oldest children tend to feel dethroned and may feel threatened, angry, fearful, and jealous in response to losing their special role as only child
According to Adler, middle children/second born tend to be ____
1. pressured to catch up and compete with the oldest child 2. gravitate toward endeavors in which the older sibling is either unskilled or uninterested 3. Tend to be more caring, friendly, and expressive than their older siblings 4. Feel squeezed between older children who have already found their place and younger children who seem to receive more love and attention 5. Sometimes have difficulty finding a way to become special and can become discouraged, viewing themselves as unloved and neglected 6. With encouragement and positive parenting, MC often become well adjusted, friendly, creative, and ambitious, prizing their individual strengths
Youngest Children in Adlerian tend to ____
1. Have three major pitfalls: a. may be pampered and spoiled by the rest of the family b. may feel a need to go at top speed at all times just to keep up with their older siblings c. may become discouraged about competing with their brothers and sisters 2.Decisions may be made for them and they may not need to take on much responsibility for themselves or others 3. These children would experience strong feelings of inferiority 4. Can acquire considerable power in the family and thrive on the special attention they receive 5. Often become adventurous, easygoing, empathic, sociable, and innovative (most likely ally is the oldest, who also has feelings of being different)
Lifestyle in Adlerian refers to:
Lifestyle is the unique way each person seeks to find their place in the world such as belief system, encompasses capacity for communication, how they manage stress, health habits, etc.
Lifestyle in Adlerian consists of 4 main parts:
1.The person's subjective worldview --Beliefs about self and others, values, inner narratives, expectations 2. Goals 3.Behavior strategies a person uses to achieve goals 4. Outcomes/consequences of those behaviors
Private Logic in Adlerian refers _______ and it consists of how we explain our ______ to ________. It is a ______ perspective and deals with a person's _________. It consists of how a person perceives _______ versus ________.
beliefs that the person uses to achieve goals and negotiate the life journey --How we explain our experiences to ourselves --Phenomenological perspective --A person's inner reality --The way a person perceives the world vs. what actually is
Three tasks of life according to Adler were:
1. Work 2. Love 3. Social Interest
Five Treatment Goals of Individual Psychology (Adlerian) are:
1. Help people become aware of their faulty logic 2. Overcome insecurities, feelings of inferiority and discouragement 3. Establish healthy, realistic and rewarding goals --Changing their lifestyle 4. Help clients become contributing members of society 5. Assisting clients to feel a sense of equality with others
Role of the Counselor in Individual Psychology:
1. Client-clinician collaboration --Formulate and share goals 2. Educator --Role-model 3. Analysts --Faulty logic --Birth order --Dreams
The four stages of treatment in Adlerian therapy are:
PHASE 1: ESTABLISHING THE THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP AND SETTING GOALS Phase 2: assessment, analysis and understanding of the person and the problem Phase 3: reeducation, insight, interpretation Phase 4: reorientation, reinforcement, termination and follow-up
Interventions used in Adlerian therapy:
1. Confrontation --Challenge the client's private logic 2. Encouragement --Implies faith in the person --Client's are encouraged to recognize they have the power to choose and act differently 3. Acting "as if" --Instruct clients to Act "as if" they're the person the want to be ("try acting as if you were unafraid") 4. Spitting in the client's soup --Pointing out certain behaviors/motivations to weaken its effectiveness 5. Catching oneself --Bring awareness to self-destructive behaviors/thoughts 6. Task setting --Short-term, attainable goals long-term objectives 7. Pushing the button --Client's can choose to remember positive or negative experiences
Limitations of Adlerian therapy
1. Fails to account for biological/genetic influences 2. Belief in innate social interest is "overly optimistic" 3. Approach is vague regarding some terms and concepts 4. May not be appropriate for select cultural backgrounds that view extensive gathering of information as intrusive 5. Relies heavily on verbal knowledge, logic and insight which may limit client's acceptance 6. Risk of STEREOTYPING ACCORDING TO BIRTH ORDER 7. Lengthy process not well-suited for individuals in crisis (or managed care)
Strengths of Adlerian therapy
1. Important concept of the holistic approach 2. Versatile --Easily used with other approaches --Can be utilized over the life span 3. Productive with children --"a misbehaving child is a discouraged child" helping children feel valued and significant can be use as an effective strategy --Useful with a variety of disorders 4. Respect for individual differences 5. Impact of family constellation and early experiences 6. Importance of a collaborative therapeutic alliance
Founder of Person-Centered Therapy is _____
Carl Rogers
Person-Centered View of Human Nature (4)
1. Believed that all people were inherently good 2. Felt that incongruence led to --Anxiety --Adjustment problems --The need to seek therapy 3. Believed in "fully functioning people" 4. Felt people have the vast resources for self understanding
Ultimate Goals of Person-Centered Therapy are:
1. Understanding 2. Appreciating 3. Relating to others To provide that climate of acceptance, free of conditions of worth, counteract negative messages that people have received and enable them to have complete freedom to be and to choose for themselves
Important Theoretical Concepts of Person-Centered (5):
1. human potential 2. conditions of worth 3. organismic valuing 4. the fulling functioning person 5. phenomenological perspective
Organismic Valuing Process refers to
peoples' innate ability to know what they need to feel fulfilled and self-actualize
Conditions of Worth in Person-Centered Model refer to and what are the differences between positive and negative CoW:
children's self-concepts are shaped through interactions with important people in their lives and the messages they receive form those people Positive: Giving unconditional positive regard to children makes them more likely to become actualizing and fully functioning adults Negative: Judgmental and critical messages that they are only worthwhile and lovable if they think, feel, and act in ways that meet the needs of others, their self-images and growth may be impaired; may become timid, inhibited or angry and defensive as adults
Compare and contrast defense mechanisms in Psychoanalysis and Person-Centered
Psychoanalysis: Defense mechanisms utilized to cope with anxiety and other emotional difficulties through the developmental stages (ex. oral stage = denial; adolescents use acting out as DM) Person-Centered: defense mechanisms prevent effective communication in relationships and creates dishonesty within a person's self. This incongruence leads to anxiety, adjustment problems, and the need to seek therapy.
The three most important qualities of the counselor in Person-Centered Therapy would be _______
1. Congruence- genuine and authentic 2. Unconditional Positive Regard- accepting others for who they are, no strings attached 3. Empathy- sensitive, accurate and active listening --Rogers made it almost synonymous with the notion of therapeutic relationship
The two types of self-disclosure are _____ and the one to not usually use is ____
Personal self-disclosure: information regarding kids, marriage, etc. (Rarely a place for that; do not use) Therapist in here and now: feel what client is saying, observation of behaviors in here and now, and may be only time in their lives when they get that feedback ex. "I am not sure how my answer would be useful to you. Share that with me."
Treatment Goals in Person-Centered Therapy are:
1. Facilitate people's trust and their ability to be in the present moment 2. Promote self-awareness 3. Empowerment 4. Optimism 5. Responsibility 6. Congruence 7. Autonomy
Limitations of Person-Centered would include:
1. Some people may not be comfortable expressing their emotions 2. Nondirective focus may be unfamiliar to some clients 3. Demands much of the therapist 4. Therapist might not be comfortable working from a purely person-centered perspective 5. More research is needed on the effectiveness
Strengths of Person-Centered therapy would include:
1. One of the most comprehensive theories of the self ever created 2. Believed in the dignity and worth of each individual and in people's innate movement toward growth 3. Built a solid foundation on which future theories can build 4. Optimistic, affirming, and has a positive perspective on human nature 5. Psychotherapy outcome research supports the major tenets of person-centered 6. Can be integrated into other treatment approaches
Existential Therapy Founders were:
Viktor Frankl Rolly May Irvin Yalom
Four Important Theoretical Concepts in Existential Therapy:
1. Inevitability of death 2. Isolation 3. Meaninglessness 4. Freedom and responsibility
In Existential Therapy, the potentials of human conditions refer to (5)
1. Awareness- both themselves and the world 2. Authenticity- Three essential features: -- People are aware of themselves and their relationships with the world --Make choices knowing that decisions are the inevitable consequences of responsibility --They take responsibility for their choices, recognizing that awareness is imperfect and sometimes leads to unanticipated results 3. Freedom and responsibility- awareness, choice, action, and change 4. Actualization 5. Making meaning
I-to-Thou relationships mean:
people have the deepest respect for each other as well as a great sense of relatedness (most profound and meaningful kind)
Therapist in the I-Thou relationship with their client:
advocate freedom and authenticity, encourage people to confront their gears, and promote their efforts to make meaningful choices -Companions and co-explorers with their clients
Existential therapy believes that the ____ is the primary vehicle for facilitating ___
Therapeutic relationship; change
Ways to address/ameliorate fears from each of the human condition in Existential therapy:
1. Faith in our own existence in the present can ameliorate fears of death 2. Love is the authentic response to isolation 3. Drawing on our inner creativity, to find ways to realize our potential can counteract the inherent meaninglessness of life 4. Responsibility and commitment, making choices and staying with them, help us cope with our overabundance of freedom
Interventions utilized in Existential Therapy (4)
Minimal use of techniques but relies heavily on the clinician to effect change 1. I-to-thou relationships- people have the deepest respect for each other as well as a great sense of relatedness 2. Symbolic Growth Experience (SGE)- explains the relationship between experience and the discovery of meaning 3. Congruence and feedback is essential for growth 4. Dereflection- takes focus away from the person and helps them concentrate less on themselves and more on other people or goals they find meaningful in order to discover meaning in present moment rather than become trapped in obsessive worry
Goal in Existential Therapy is ____
help people find value, meaning, and purpose in their lives
Strengths of Existential Therapy
o Emphasizes the importance of a collaborative, respectful, and authentic client-clinician relationship. (Just like Rogerian Person-Centered Therapy) o Phenomenological and emphasizes the importance of meaning making! o Humanistic o Uniqueness emphasized o Positive view of human nature o Person choice and responsibility is at the heart of the human condition o Optimistic
Compared and Contrast Early Development and Emotional Difficulties between Psychoanalysis and Existential therapy
Psychoanalysis: 1. Early Development: Freud believed that people go through predictable stages of development with the first 5 years of life being the most important. 2. Deterministic and stagnant with regards to if a person was stuck in a developmental stage then they would have emotional difficulties due to this issue 3. Unconscious- the repressed desires and urges and recollections of experiences that may be too painful or unacceptable to be allowed into the conscious or preconscious (tended to be more sexual or inappropriate in nature compared to existential) 4. No healthy adult development compared to Existential therapy 5. Biology played a role in history created (pessimistic and deterministic); did not lend itself to empowering client (while Existential is about people creating their own histories, with each choice and phase shaping and contributing to the next) Existential: 1. Neurotic difficulties often stem from an upbringing in which parents were punitive and deprived children of freedom 2. Unconscious- conflict between people's wish to escape the givens of the human condition and lose themselves in lethargy and denial and their wish to achieve fulfillment despite the challenges and responsibilities that achievement entails. 3. Existentialists believe that emotional difficulties stem from failure to deal successfully with the inevitabilities of the human condition and to transcend them by creating a meaningful and authentic life for oneself. 4. Pay attention to all of life span and do not limit to just early childhood unlike psychoanalysis 5. Existence is never static; people are always becoming something new, striving to move toward their possibilities, and making their lives worthwhile (compared to Psychoanalysis which believed people would get stuck in a developmental stage and not be able to change or grow due to this problem)
Logotherapy refers to ________
willingness to make positive meaning from experiences
In logotherapy, clients are asked to ____ in order to break the pattern of fear (also called ____)
encourage clients to do or wish for the very thing they fear most (paradoxical intention) ex. Woman afraid to leave her house lest she faint - instruct her to go outside and try her best to faint
Irvin Yalom believed that in Existential therapy the ______ process was the ____ for change
therapy; vehicle
Gestalt Therapy Founders were
Fritz Perls and Laura Perls
The goal of Gestalt Therapy is ________
to help people become aware of these neglected and disowned parts and restore wholeness, integration, and balance
Four Major Emphases in Gestalt work are:
1. To pay attention to experience and become aware of and concentrate on the actual present situation 2. To maintain and promote the integrity and interrelationships of social, cultural, historical, physical, emotional, and other important factors 3. To experiment 4. To encourage creativity
The two chair method for addressing an inner conflict in Gestalt helps people become aware of and resolve ________, develop __, and gain ____ into all aspects of a problem
inner conflicts; clarity; insight
Gestalt view of human nature is ________
positive and empowering; helps people develop awareness, inner strength, and self-sufficiency which enables them to recognize that the resources they need for positive growth and change are within themselves rather than in a partner, title, career, or clinician
Important Theoretical Concepts in Gestalt
1. Humanistic approach 2. Wholeness, Integration, Balance 3. Integrating polarities 4. Awareness 5. Here and Now 6. Responsibility 7. Nature of Growth Disorders/Stages of Growth 8. Ego Boundary 9. Phenomenological
Ego Boundary refers to ________
Person's definition in relation to his/her environment, this relationship is experienced by what's inside the skin and what is outside the skin but its not a fixed thing (which side of the fence are you on)
The two polarities of ego boundary are and their definitions are:
1. Identification: such as our parents, and our jobs, which bring these aspects of our lives into our ego boundaries. 2.Alienation: Alienating ourselves from others or parts of ourselves leads us to put these aspects of ourselves outside of our ego boundaries.
Awareness in Gestalt therapy is facilitated through use of _____, a _____ focus, and ____ statements.
experiments; here and now; process
The five stages of growth in Gestalt therapy are:
1. The Phony Layer: people play games, assume roles, and are insincere. 2. The Phobic Layer: People avoid pain, hide their real selves, feel vulnerable or helpless, and act out of fear. 3. The Impasse Layer: Passing through the first 2 layers people feel stuck, confused, powerless, and seek help from others. 4. The Implosive Layer: Experiment with change, deal with unfinished business, lower defenses, and move towards integration. 5. The Explosive Layer: Experiencing reintegration, wholeness, become authentic selves, feel and express emotions, and become actualized.
Responsibility in Gestalt means that people must ______ rather than ________
make their own choices; allowing others to choose for them
Growth Disorders in Gestalt are:
backlog of unfinished business that causes emotional problems. Therapists help people become aware of this business and bring closure to promote growth
Four Major Emphasis of the Gestalt Therapist
1. Pay attention to experience and become aware of and concentrate on the actual present situation. 2. To maintain and promote the integrity and interrelationships of social, cultural, historical, physical, emotional, and other important factors. 3. To Experiment. 4. To encourage creativity
Goals of the Gestalt Therapist are:
1. To promote attention clarity and awareness. Helping people live in the here and now. Improving peoples sense of wholeness, integration, and balance. Ultimate goal is to promote natural growth of the human organism. 2. Therapist does not urge or persuade people to change or tell them how they should be, rather they establish a climate that promotes trust, awareness, and a willingness to experiment with new ways of thinking feeling and acting. 3.Client and clinician develop a partnership in which both are committed to and active in the treatment process. However, clients take responsibility for their own development and decide for themselves how they will use the information that emerges from the sessions.
Therapeutic Alliance in I-thou relationship of Gestalt therapy
a willingness to truly know the other person as he or she is, as well as the willingness to be transparent and to be fully known. Gestalt therapists build relationships with clients in which both the client and clinician are free from judgment, narcissism, or expectations. They are respectful and accepting of the other, are open and fully present in the here and now.
Experiments in Gestalt therapy include:
enactments, role-plays, homework, or activities for clients to accomplish between sessions.
Gestalt therapy emphases certain statements such as:
"What" and "How" Statements: Questions usually begin with what or how never why. These questions usually promote answers geared towards the present moment and promote integration. "I" Statements: Encourage clients to focus on their own feelings and experiences. This leads to ownership and responsibility rather than focusing on others. The Present Tense: Clinicians bring events into the room and into the moment.
Perls viewed dreams as the ______ compared to Freud
the road to integration rather than the road to the unconscious
Empty Chair Method in Gestalt is used to ________ and may represent ____. The goal of this experience is ________
address and resolve unfinished business. another person, a troubling or confusing part of a dream or fantasy, or a physical symptom such as a headache a resolution in which clients develop greater understanding and acceptance of another person or issue, as well as gaining self-confidence.
Gestalt therapy views the body as the ________. Certain strategies such as ____, ____, and ____ are used to identify messages of the body.
Vehicle for communication Identification: Noticing a persons body in a reactive state such as tapping their fingers on a desk, or leg swinging and calling attention to the bodily movements using statements such as "Become your leg and give your leg a voice, what is it saying?" Locating emotions on their body to fully experience their feelings. Such as "You told me you are experiencing rage towards your sister, can you locate where your feeling this rage in your body?" Repetition and Exaggeration: When clinicians observe body movements clients are asked to repeat the behavior and exaggerate the movement. Such as " I notice you tapping your foot, can you repeat the tapping and exaggerate the tapping and talk about what feelings come up?"
Group Interventions in Gestalt include:
Hot Seat and Making the Rounds
Strengths of Gestalt include:
Focus on the here and now, mindfulness, and awareness work well in combination with CBT. Focus on growth and change. Mind-body integration. Client-clinician relationship. Focus on compassion, empathy, responsibility. Applies to multicultural groups and persons with disabilities. Effective with affective disorders, personality disorders, and substance use disorders. Deals with issues of death, grief, and loss. Empowerment and self-awareness
Limitations of Gestalt
Is not suited for individuals with cognitive disorders, or impulse control disorders such as acting out, delinquency, explosive disorders, or for sociopathic disorders. Criticisms state that gestalt therapy is too focused on bodily sensations and not enough on cognitions. Other criticisms state that this theory does not focus enough on past events or concerns and is oversimplified. Overemphasizing emotions and ignoring cognitions. Evokes strong emotions, can lead to feelings of shame and social withdrawal (hot seat). Critics recommend using this theory in combination with CBT to ensure the focus on cognitions as well as emotions.
Social Constructivism refers to:
Reality is created through social constructs: --Language --Culture --Society where a person is born and raised
Narrative therapy believes that people _____
People are interpretive beings who make meaning of themselves and their world through the language of stories that have become part of themselves.
Founders of Narrative Therapy are:
Michael White and David Epston
Major Beliefs in Narrative Therapy are:
Realities are constructed and maintained through language, social interactions, and story People's lives are created and interpreted through stories --Stories we hear --Stories we create in our own minds --Stories we tell and retell
Stories that people tell themselves determine ____
When a person's story is fragmented or disorganized _____, _____, and _______
Distress can occur Person's reality becomes fragmented and difficult to cope with Inability to conduct goal-oriented behavior
The Therapeutic Alliance in Narrative Therapy:
Therapist as consultant in a partnership Clients as the experts of themselves and their stories Clinician expert on narrative therapy Co-authors and collaborators sharing the responsibility for shaping the treatment process "Collaborationists" Live interactions and encounters that a therapist has with clients that reflect working to shift consciousness rather than solve problems Inquiring rather than knowing Active in suggesting exercises, offering new viewpoints, and soliciting feedback Ask questions designed to help people deconstruct old stories and identify new possibilities that can lead to fresh outcomes
Goals of Narrative Therapy are:
To assist clients to reform perceptions of themselves and their surroundings by changing their narratives (stories) Bring out stories that clients keep to themselves that prevent them from moving on Re-author problem saturated stories
Strategies in Narrative Therapy are:
Eliciting Stories Deconstructing Stories Revisioning and Reauthoring
Eliciting Stories in Narrative Therapy refers to:
Stories that are dominate are easily accessible Other stories are not so readily accessible Techniques: --Ask clients to tell alternative stories about an event or emotion --Suggest clients create a story about themselves and their lives if they were another person or create a story from a different perspective --Suggest clients extend their stories into the future --Ask clients about neglected aspects of their stories --Ask clients to tell stories in which they are more powerful than their problems
Deconstructing Stories in Narrative Therapy refers to ____ and two techniques would be ____ which are:
Before stories can changed they need to be deconstructed and understood Asking questions to help identify, reflect on, and determine the meaning of landscapes of consciousness and landscapes of action Techniques: Mapping: presenting problems are identified and linked to stories Illustrating how problems emerge and are handled in stories Building scaffolding: bridging the gap between familiar actions and new possibilities Externalizing : Separating people from their problems Externalizing language reinforces that the problem is having an effect on the person rather than the problem being within the person "anger has power over you"
Revisioning and Reauthoring refer to:
Revisioning: Changing the story and changing people's visions of their lives Alternative stories emerge and other perspectives become available Reauthoring: When the client stops living in problem saturated stories Possibilities for thoughts, actions, and emotions are expanded as therapist and clients share new descriptions of old stories More productive self-narratives of the self and the self in relationships with others are formed
Therapeutic Documents refer to:
Collaborative documents that reinforce and provide evidence of accomplishments Letters, lists, reports, certificates, awards, letters of reference, or personal declarations that contradict dominate plots of life narratives, and suggest ways to deal with these problems Example: sending a client a letter between sessions outlining their strengths, accomplishments, alternative story, and unique outcomes Example: Client certificate
Social Networks in Narrative Therapy refer to:
Clients are encouraged to recognize family of origin in their stories and to find people in their family network with similar problems and experiences Drawing on those relationships and learning about support, resources, and education about solving similar problems Encourage clients to share their new stories with important people in their social network Bringing-it-back-process: Clients write their accounts and discuss how they solved their problems --Used to help new clients and solidify gains make through treatment
Strengths of Narrative Therapy
Study found narrative therapy as effective a CBT or interpersonal therapy in treating depression Helpful in the treatment of those who have been victimized and disenfranchised, those dealing with trauma, and addictions Also used with eating disorders, HIV/AIDS, and ADHD Can provide a respectful way to understand people from diverse cultural backgrounds Does not focus on pathology Respectful of people's ownership of their lives Major strength: does not place blame on person
Limitations of Narrative Therapy:
May not be suitable for people who cannot engage in coherent conversation No set formula or treatment plan Time consuming element of therapeutic documents More research needed to draw connection between narrative therapy and long-term treatment gains No clear focus on human development
Feminist Therapy is directed toward and is a ___ approach that ___:
women and men, people of all sexual orientations, races, classes, age groups, cultures, and abilities --Empowers all people to fight oppression Gender sensitive approach to help all people change themselves and their societies
Main Tenets in Feminist Therapy are:
All people's experiences and perceptions must be heard and valued Egalitarian relationships are prized --Including therapeutic relationship Women's experiences are understood in the context of multiple relationships Therapy is positive and strengths based Commitment to social change Group membership has strong impact on our whole lives
Lifespan Development in Feminist Therapy involves ___ combined with ___ process
Individuation; attachment
Feminist Therapy and Women:
Women and girls negative emotional, cognitive, and behavioral concerns can be linked to societal message Depression and anxiety Based in feelings of powerlessness, loneliness, and role confusion Collectivistic cultural values also included in this theory
Feminist Theory and Men
Gender role strain, difficulty expressing emotions, deconstructing internal scripts, issues of anger and rage are all considered as important by feminist theory Masculine scripts act as barriers from men living full, choice-filled lives Feminist theory is egalitarian
The Therapeutic Alliance in Feminist Therapy involves:
Clinicians as respectful, empathic, collaborative, encouraging, and empowering Resources and supports rather than experts Egalitarian relationship with clients Seek to deconstruct inequalities and to increase awareness of power structures and differentials in society And those in the therapeutic relationship Treatment goals, strategies, and interventions are openly discussed and decided on collaboratively
Relational Power in Feminist Therapy refers to:
Focus on relationships and connections The ability to create and maintain relationships provide girls with positive psychological strength and resilience Moral decisions can be based on an ethic of care and honoring of relationships Relational-Cultural Theory: Useful in reducing racism, sexism, depression, eating disorders, substance misuse, and trauma Can be used with individuals, couples, and any type of family system Focus on unearned advantages/disadvantages Goal: to identify the sociocultural and interpersonal dynamics that isolate and marginalize people
Goals of Feminist Theory involve:
Help clients depathologize experiences of all people To change personal and societal voices so that all people's are honored
Focus of Feminist Theory involves the ___, ___, and ____
Here and now Importance of self-actualization Promotes efforts to construct languages, stories and symbols drawn from one's own experiences to strengthen and expand possibilities
Interventions in Feminist Theory
Empowerment Gender-role analysis Gender-role intervention Power analysis Assertiveness training Consciousness-raising Relabeling and reframing Therapy-demystifying strategies Social action bibliotherapy
Strengths of Feminist Therapy:
Emphasizes human potential and right to make choices Emphasis on the mind and body experience Can be helpful with couples experiencing gender role conflicts Multicultural relevance
Limitations in Feminist Therapy
Lack of one cohesive theory Therapists tend to pull from own experiences and client needs Empirical research is limited
____ is the key to wellbeing
Adlerian viewed human nature as _____ compared to Freudian who viewed human nature as _______
people could make choices, grow, develop, and learn (optimistic and did not emphasize unconscious processes) Freudian: emphasized unconscious processes and did not have an optimistic view of human nature (more pessimistic and deterministic)
Goal of Adlerian in therapy overall is to ____
develop strong sense of competency "I feel capable"
Adlerian therapy focuses on ___ rather than ___
effort; performance
Example of Private Logic
Boy riding bike and parent is discouraging: "I can't do anything right"
Attunement refers to ____
what my client is saying and what I am hearing
Carl Rogers believed that the _____ was the ___ for change
therapeutic relationship was the vehicle for change
In Existential therapy, ____ have no ____ meaning
events and circumstances; intrinsic
Paradoxical intention in Existential is _____
acceptance and embracing uncertainty
"How much longer would you like this habit to erode this relationship? is an example of what therapy, strategy, and how come?
Narrative Therapy; Externalizing the problem; reinforce that the problem is having an effect on the person rather than the problem being intrinsic to the person or existing within him or her
"Help me understand how you have this story about men and reaching out" is an example of what therapy?
Narrative therapy
Well how did you learn being a male equals not asking for help?" "Teach me about the blue print you were handed by society, media, family, and friends that taught you these expectations" are examples of what therapy?
Feminist therapy
"What should you do with the habit?" is an example of what technique in which therapy?
Externalizing the problem in Narrative Therapy
An example of transference would be (positive, negative, or mixed):
A client projecting onto the therapist the angry and rejecting attitude of his father (negative) -projecting onto the therapist the seductive but loving traits of his mother -projecting warm and nurturing characteristics of his grandmother (positive)
An example of countertransference would be:
Counselor feels bored or irritated with a client due to reminding counselor of a familiar appearance or demeanor that triggers feelings within the counselor that may be unconscious Or something like a counselor has an attractive client and never challenges them due to yearning to be liked
"I wonder if the strong reaction you have when Roberto "abandons" you to the computer is related to the feelings you had as a little girl when your father left" is any example of what theory?
In Adlerian, Phase one is?
Establishing the therapeutic relationship and setting goals
Phase two of Adlerian is:
Assessment, analysis, and understanding of the person and the problem. This includes lifestyle assessment, family constellation and birth order, dreams, and earliest recollections Then Summarize the findings
Phase Three of Adlerian is:
Reeducation, insight, and interpretation: use interpretation and confrontation to help people gain awareness of their lifestyles, recognize the reasons behind their behaviors, appreciate the negative consequences of those behaviors, and move toward positive change
Phase Four of Individual Psychology is:
Reorientation, reinforcement, termination, and follow-up: clients clarify goals, common sense is used to evaluate and modify their thinking, new learning is applied to the client's lives, and any barriers to progress are addressed and removed
Phenomenological perspective means
the way a person perceives the world; person's inner reality
"What did you learn from this challenging relationship?" is an example of what theory and why is it used?
Individual Psychology (Adlerian); Phase One: Establishing the therapeutic relationship and setting goals; focus on what is being learned rather than the lack of learning
"It sounds like this has been a long-term pattern-your feeling "one-down". Has this experience of feeling "less than"- always the younger brother- affected other areas of your life?" is an example of what model, strategy, and how come?
Adlerian; Strategy: Birth Order/Inferiority; Deepen understanding of early recollection
"You sound pretty angry with your brother. Tell me more about it" is an example of what model, strategy, and how come?
Person-Centered; Active Listening; Building Strength and trust
"It sure sounds like this 'story of inadequacy' has been a central force in your life. It's had a powerful influence in your life. How can you be so sure it must continue to have such a powerful one today and in the future?" is an example of what model, strategy, and how come?
Narrative; Strategy: Externalizing the problem; Empowerment
"I'm just wondering how you can be so sure that your history has to control your life" is an example of what model, strategy, and how come?
Narrative; Strategy: externalizing the problem; How come? Empowerment and awareness
Compare and contrast the use of Dream analysis between Psychoanalysis, Adlerian, and Gestalt
Psychoanalysis: Dreams were the road to unconscious and considered a primary process (can picture what is needed that Id requires); the unconscious needs and desires can be brought to conscious by dream analysis Adlerian: Dreams were used as a vehicle for promoting self-awareness. Adler viewed dreams as providing important information on lifestyle and current concerns. Used to analyze the emotion that they created and their usefulness in solving current life problems. Gestalt: Viewed dreams as the vehicle to integration rather than unconscious. Awareness comes from assuming the various roles or parts of the dream and enacting the dream as though it is happening in the present. Puts the client in charge of the process. Allows people to take responsibility for their dreams, see their dreams as part of themselves, increase integration, and become aware of thoughts and emotions reflected in the dream that they might otherwise disown.
"What's your goal of being here right now?" is an example of what model, strategy, and how come?
Adlerian (Individual Psychology); Strategy: setting goals in phase one; How come: To figure out realistic goals and purpose of therapy for client
Compare and Contrast the Fully Functioning Person in Person-Centered (7) and Healthy Person in Gestalt
Person-Centered: Fully functioning person has: 1.openness to experience 2. living with a sense of meaning and purpose 3. trust and congruence in self 4. unconditional positive self-regard and regard of others 5. internal locus of evaluation 6. being fully aware in the moment 7. living creatively Gestalt: 1. Holistic approach that emphasizes the importance of integration and balance in people's lives 2. People cannot be separated from their environment nor can they be divided into parts (such as body and mind) 3. May try to force equilibrium through incongruence (such as staying in a relationship because they fear the alternative) 4. Awareness of self is important and empowering (like Person-Centered) 5. People must be aware of and integrate their polarities especially the polarities of mind and the body to truly achieve wholeness 6. Here and now is important (fully aware in the moment) 7. Experimenting and living creatively is how people change 8. Accepting responsibility for our own lives rather than giving that power way or blaming and resenting others for our disappointments is important in Gestalt
Similarities in Person-Centered vs Gestalt
1. Therapists do not manipulate change in either of these models 2. Therapeutic Alliance is extremely important for change 3. Phenomenological Perspective 4. Optimistic, affirming, and has a positive perspective on human nature
" "You've been battling this for a long time, and you're wondering what it would be like if you just didn't do it anymore" is an example of what model? Strategy? And How come?
Person-Centered; Empathy; To establish therapeutic relationship and focus on the person's felt meaning
" You have talked a bit about the impact cancer had on your life and your concern that it might recur despite the doctors' reassurances. Perhaps that strong fear of death has never left you and the reminder of the reunion intensified that fear" is an example of what model? Strategy? And how come?
Existential therapy; Strategy: Symbolic Growth Experience; How come: Select important past experience and explore its importance and symbolism in their lives in order to understand the meaning in the experience
" You have told me that you feel rage toward your sister. Show me where you are experiencing this rage" is an example of which therapy model, strategy, and how come?
Gestalt; locating emotions in the body; explore client's physical sensations enabling her to more fully connect with and express her feelings
"You know everyone deserves to be treated with respect. And you have the same rights as anyone else to sit with your classmates at the lunch table. Another thing you can do is to make 'I' statements" is an example of which model, strategy, and how come?
Feminist therapy; Assertiveness training; Suggestions for how to be more assertive;
"You know everyone deserves to be treated with respect. And you have the same rights as anyone else to sit with your classmates at the lunch table. Another thing you can do is to make 'I' statements" is an example of which model, strategy, and how come?
Feminist; Assertiveness training; Empowers client to be assertive
"You know everyone deserves to be treated with respect. And you have the same rights as anyone else to sit with your classmates at the lunch table. Another thing you can do is to make 'I' statements" is an example of which model, strategy, and how come?
Feminist; Assertiveness Training; Empowerment and teaching appropriate way of gaining respect that is deserved
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