Comparing Examples of Business Ownership and Objectives Essay Example
There exist three types of organizations: public sector, private sector, and voluntary sector. The public sector comprises organizations like NHS, Police force, and all publicly funded education facilities.
The public sector is run by the government and has different objectives than the private sector. Rather than making a profit, their aim is to use any earnings to enhance services and ensure efficiency. Funding comes from taxes paid by local workers. The public sector also prioritizes customer satisfaction and efficient service delivery. Conversely, businesses like Tesco, easyJet, Walkers, and Banks fall under the private sector whose primary goal is profit generation.
The private sector relies on customers buying their products and services to generate profits. These profits are reinvested to expand the business and increase profits. Companies like Tesco and Sainsbury’s adjust their business strategies to improve customer s
...atisfaction and sales due to fierce competition in this sector. It is noteworthy that some banks operating in the private sector, despite being owned by shareholders and the government, prioritize maximizing their profits.
Due to fierce competition, some businesses in this sector prioritize customer retention and survival over making risky profit decisions. Examples of scientific management can be found in McDonalds. Conversely, the voluntary sector, including organizations such as NSPCC, BHF, and Oxfam, seeks profits for charitable purposes. Their goal is to provide underprivileged people and animals with the care and food they need for a better life. These charities are run by appointed trustees.
There are six distinct forms of business ownership: Sole trader - where an individual creates and possesses their own enterprise, with the option to hire others but remaining the sole proprietor with unlimited liability. Partnerships - where
two or more individuals share ownership and have joint decision-making power, with profits and losses divided according to their percentage of ownership. Public limited - typically large and renowned businesses like Tesco and Sainsbury's.
Buying shares on the stock exchange can result in original shareholders losing control if a significant amount is purchased. Banks benefit from the ability to quickly raise capital by using business assets as collateral for loans. Private limited companies are smaller than public limited companies, and require board approval for share purchases or sales. These companies also have limited liability and must have at least two shareholders.
Franchising is the process of obtaining authorization from a company to operate a store and sell their products while utilizing an existing business concept. McDonald's is an example of a company that utilizes this method, with franchisees required to make regular payments. Worker co-operatives differ as they are owned and controlled by employees rather than shareholders, with each worker having one vote regardless of their share number. Sainsbury's, a private sector business, has set SMART objectives for the upcoming year and beyond which include recruiting and training over 500 new counter and cafe employees to meet demand, supporting cafe growth. By 2020, Sainsbury's aims for its suppliers to excel in social and environmental standards while ensuring that its own brand products do not contribute towards global deforestation.
Our aim for the year 2020 is to make substantial improvements in our product offerings and customer experiences. Our strategy includes doubling the sales of lighter alcohol wine, as well as lowering the average alcohol content (ABV) of both our own brand wine and beer. We will also continue to
reduce salt, saturated fat, fat, and sugar levels in our own brand products while providing clear nutritional information to empower customers to make informed choices.
In addition to these efforts, we plan to increase the amount of British food we sell by up to twice its current volume by 2020. Lastly, we collaborate with other organisations and campaign for changes in legislation, policy, and practice that protect children from harm. As a voluntary organisation committed not only to effective child protection services but also holding others accountable for their role in protecting children.
The objective of various campaigns is to achieve specific goals by certain deadlines. In the public sector, NHS aims to shorten the wait time for cancer treatment to one month after diagnosis and extend breast cancer screening to women aged 47-73 while creating a new non-emergency hotline. Southern Waters seeks to provide sustainable water services, reduce carbon footprint and leakage, manage water usage, ensure supply during dry periods, and reduce flood risks. BP intends to maximize oil recovery with advanced technology while prioritizing safety and cash flow efficiency. Virgin Mobile plans on promoting its HD service, developing a game called ‘super-fluid,’ and enabling Wi-Fi in underground stations. Sainsbury’s has set out multiple objectives they aim to achieve.
Sainsbury's first objective is to hire and train over 500 new counter and cafe employees to fulfill increased demand and support cafe growth. Job roles will be created and more counters will be built in high-traffic stores. For cafe positions, Sainsbury's will seek qualified candidates and possibly open more cafes in their shops. The second objective involves making their suppliers leaders in meeting or exceeding their social and
environmental standards by 2020. This will be accomplished through collaboration with branded and goods not for resale suppliers.
One of their methods for achieving their goals is implementing a research and development plan to improve social and environmental standards in their supply chain. Their third objective is to prevent contribution to global deforestation through sustainable sourcing and reducing reliance on commodities that cause deforestation, as well as planting new trees and protecting existing forests. Their fourth objective involves doubling sales of lighter alcohol wine, while reducing the average alcohol content in their own brand wine and beer. To achieve this, they plan to offer promotions, such as including these products in meal deals or buy one get one free offers, influencing customer purchases with the promise of getting more value for a lower price.
Their approach in decreasing the ABV of their wine and beer products involves modifying the alcohol content levels. Additionally, they aim to attain their 5th objective, which is to decrease salt, saturated fat, fat, and sugar content and provide clear nutritional information for their customers to make well-informed choices. To achieve this objective, they conduct research to identify possible substitutes for salt, fat, and sugar and gradually reduce them in their own brand products. They also plan to enhance the display of their nutritional information by increasing the font size and making it more prominent.
The final aim is to double the amount of British food sold by 2020 via increased business with existing suppliers and new contracts with UK suppliers. Sainsbury's will offer competitive pricing to make their supply more attractive. The first goal for NSPCC is to create and deliver
effective services for child protection by 2014. They will research and implement the most effective methods nationwide to improve current protection measures.
The second objective they strive to achieve is to collaborate with organizations to ensure the effective protection of children and challenge those who do not. By increasing the amount of work with them by 10% until 2015, they plan to present their work and records to organizations to encourage them to support their cause. The third objective is to advocate for changes in legislation, policy, and practice that promote child safety. They aim to have these campaigns impact by the end of 2014.
Their plan involves creating a campaign that highlights the deficiencies of current laws and policies, while suggesting methods to better them in order to achieve their aim. They are convinced that amendments in legislation can greatly improve the protection of children. Moreover, they strive to ensure that all cancer patients receive treatment within a month after diagnosis by 2014. This will be achieved by expediting the exchange of medical and personal data among various sectors within the NHS.
The objective is for all cases to be treated within a month, although some may require faster treatment. Another objective is to extend the NHS Breast Cancer Screening Programme to women aged 47-73 by the end of 2012, achieved through increasing screening appointment availability and investing in machinery and staff. The final objective is to create a new NHS 111 telephone service for non-emergency health needs by 2012, accomplished through legally addressing the issue and promoting the new number to the public. Southern Waters aims to provide sustainable and cost-effective services to
current and future customers as their first objective.
Their objective is to keep prices low while gaining more customers by reducing expenditures. However, customer service will not be affected as it remains essential in retaining and attracting customers. Another objective is to reduce their carbon footprint by 10% by 2020. The company plans to research and implement alternative modes of transport like using ships instead of lorries for materials and changing their van models. These actions will enable them to achieve their environmental goal.
Their third objective is to achieve a maximum of 10% leakage by 2035. This will be accomplished by monitoring all sources of leaks, such as loose piping, and fixing them in order to improve water distribution efficiency. Reducing water loss is crucial as water is a precious resource, especially during certain times of the year. Additionally, decreasing water loss will ultimately increase profits once maintenance has been completed. Their fourth objective is to provide customers with every opportunity to manage their water usage by 2015. To achieve this, they plan on raising awareness about water efficiency in primary schools and implementing full water metering by the specified date. These methods will increase customer knowledge about controlling water usage, as well as educating their children about it.
In order to achieve their fifth objective of delivering the planned level of security of supply during dry periods, they will work in conjunction with their statutory Water Resources Management Plan. This plan outlines the amount of water left in reservoirs for use during summer and other drought times, and adherence to this plan will decrease the duration of water bans in specific areas. Their
final objective is to reduce the number of properties at risk of flooding by 2017. This will involve increasing the rate of sewer replacements, designing replacements that address growth and climate change impacts, and improving the capacity of sewers.
The sewers will be more effective during floods by increasing their capacity and efficiency. Achieving the first objective involves using advanced low salinity water reservoir injection capability offshore and employing polymer flood technology on the Schiehallion and Loyal fields redevelopment. These methods will maximize oil recovery from the fields by 2013. The second objective involves prioritizing safety and risk management worldwide. Before conducting risky events, further actions will be taken to minimize risk, and health and safety regulations will be followed. All of these measures aim to achieve a relentless focus on safety and risk management by the end of 2012.
Their ultimate goal is to ensure the efficient utilization of cash flow for reinvestment and distributions. To achieve this, they plan to use additional operating cash wisely, with around 50% earmarked for increased investment in project inventory for growth, while the other 50% will go towards purposes such as increased distributions to shareholders through bonuses or share buybacks, or debt repayment. In the case of Virgin Mobile, their first objective is to raise awareness of Virgin Media HD by the end of 2012. To accomplish this, they will promote packages such as football packages through mobile advertising and specifically target iPhone users, who represent an untapped market segment.
Their second objective is to create a game titled 'super-fluid' by the end of October 2012. The plan to achieve this goal is to have their team visit the Eurogamer
Expo and gather feedback from visitors regarding the design, gameplay, and characters to determine what improvements are necessary. Their final objective is to provide Wi-Fi 120 for underground passengers by the end of 2020. They aim to achieve this by installing broadband stations throughout London. Additionally, during the summer period, Virgin has been offering free internet to compete with companies like Sky during the Olympics. By the end of July, 80 locations including London Victoria and Euston will have these stations available.
Sainsbury's and Southern Waters have distinct approaches to accomplishing their objectives. The purpose of this text is to examine and compare these methods, as well as the means by which they achieve their specific goals. Initially, a business objective comparison will be presented. Sainsbury's primary goal focuses on the year 2020; the corporation intends to accomplish twenty objectives by then due to the current strain on our planet and the importance of their product decisions. Given that there is growing stress on the food system as a result of an increasing global population and dwindling natural resources, it is crucial for them to act promptly.
Sainsbury's acknowledges the significance of safeguarding forests and enhancing land efficiency to maintain food production. They have established targets that will be gradually enforced until 2020 to encourage ethical, sustainable, and nutritious buying choices. By accomplishing these objectives, they aim to transform the market by offering greener, fairer, and healthier products while still maintaining exceptional value and quality for consumers. To accomplish their objectives, Sainsbury's intends to take environmentally conscious measures such as guaranteeing that their own brand goods do not promote global deforestation by 2020.
Sainsbury's has taken
various measures to achieve their objective, including joining the WWF Global Forest and Trade Network and partnering with Woodland Trust. As part of their partnership, they donate 2p for every Woodland chicken sold and 1p for every dozen Woodland eggs sold. This collaboration has resulted in the planting of over 500,000 trees, contributing towards their goal of planting more trees and preserving natural areas such as rainforests. These are Sainsbury's current accomplishments towards their objective, and with 8 more years in the program, they aim to achieve even more.
Sainsbury aims to benefit their marketing by recruiting and training more than 500 new counter and cafe colleagues over the coming year to meet increased demand at the counters and support cafe growth. The achievement of this objective will enable Sainsbury to handle customer demands, increase their revenue, and improve their position against competitors through greater profits. In contrast, Southern Water's objectives vary from those with no set deadline to one extending to 2035, and are not similarly linked to marketing benefits as Sainsbury's goals.Despite both businesses having different objectives, there is a distinct difference between them. Sainsbury's objectives seem to focus less on profit and more on sustainability and environmental consciousness, giving them an advantage over competitors through their image as a green company. On the other hand, Southern Water's objectives have a mixed agenda, focusing on both profit and customer awareness through offering them the best deals available and handling leakages. By prioritizing good customer service, Southern Water can increase their business profits.
By providing customers with knowledge on controlling their water usage, Southern Waters demonstrates a caring attitude towards its customers and helps to retain
current ones. This can also lead to increased profits as satisfied customers recommend the company. Competitive pricing and offering the best deals further aids in retaining customers. Addressing leaks helps improve efficiency, leading to increased profits. The government may also invest in preventing droughts in the area, reducing the need for hosepipe bans.
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