Chapter 9 Leadership – Flashcards
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What is laissezfaire leadership? 5) _______ leaders who are lazy a relaxed and fairminded style of leadership an open and participative style of leadership leadership styles in foreign countries the avoidance or absence of leadership
e) the avoidance or absence of leadership
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All of the following are global leadership dimensions except 6) _______ charismatic/valuebased teamoriented taskoriented humaneoriented participative
c) task oriented
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Which of the following statements is the most appropriate statement concerning leadership styles? 7) _______ Men and women rely on exactly similar leadership styles. Women tend toward a more participative leadership style than men. Women tend toward a more autocratic leadership style than men. Men have less freedom in choosing the leadership style appropriate to the situation. None of the above.
b)Women tend toward a more participative leadership style than men.
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According to recent research, the barriers to promotion that women encounter in organizations are vestiges of prejudice, resistance to women's leadership, issues of leadership style, demands of family life, and 8) _______ underinvestment in social capital. lack of education. less interest in being promoted. greater emotionality. all of the above
a) underinvestment in social capital.
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Which dimensions of the "Big Five" have been found to be related to leadership behaviours? 9) _______ conscientiousness, extraversion, and openness to experience agreeableness, conscientiousness, and emotional stability agreeableness, extraversion, and conscientiousness agreeableness, extraversion, and openness to experience agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience
d) agreeableness, extraversion, and openness to experience
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An especially effective transactional leader probably 10) ______ uses leader punishment behaviour extensively. rewards employees for good performance. experiences many leadership neutralizers. has charisma. uses intellectual stimulation extensively.
b) rewards employees for good performance.
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Canadian companies are way ahead of most organizations in big countries like the United States when it comes to 11) ______ transformational leadership. strategic leadership. ethical leadership. participative leadership. global leadership.
e) global leadership
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SNCLavalin Group's CEO Jacques Lamarre is a good example of 12) ______ global leadership ethical leadership participative leadership strategic leadership transformational leadership
a) global leadership
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What dimension of transformational leadership has been treated as a distinct theory of leadership? 13) ______ intellectual stimulation inspirational motivation management by exception individualized consideration charisma
e) charisma
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What leadership theories emphasize ethical principles and standards? 14) ______ strategic and transformational leadership strategic and global leadership transformational and transactional leadership global and transformational leadership transformational and participative leadership
b) strategic and global leadership
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Compared to other culture clusters, what global leadership dimension does Canada and the United States score low on? 15) ______ selfprotective participative humaneoriented teamoriented charismatic/valuebased
a) self-protective
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Who is most likely to emerge as a task leader in a newly formed group? 16) ______ The person who talks the most The shortest person The oldest person The person who is most humourous The most honest person
a) the person who talks the most
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What do these leaders have in common? Herb Kelleher, Michael Eisner, and Steven Jobs 17) ______ they are transformational leaders they are strategic leaders they are ethical leaders they are transactional leaders they are global leaders
a) they are transformational leaders
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Employees of ethical leaders have been found to 18) ______ be more satisfied with working conditions be more satisfied with their job be more satisfied with their coworkers be more satisfied with their supervisor be more satisfied with how they are rewarded
d) be more satisfied with their supervisor
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What is the most powerful strategy for developing global leaders? 19) ______ Teamwork with members of diverse backgrounds. Travel to foreign countries. Learning to speak foreign languages. Formal training programs. Transfers and overseas assignments.
e) transfers and overseas assignments
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If Mark's job is clear and certain, a leader is most likely to increase Mark's satisfaction by 20) ______ being moderate on both consideration and initiating structure. being considerate and high on initiating structure. being high on initiating structure. not being considerate and being low on initiating structure. being considerate.
e) considerate
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The Vroom and Jago decision tree model of leadership 21) ______ is a model of emergent leadership. always specifies using the maximum degree of participation possible. uses three situation factors to determine favourableness. is a trait model. allows for autocratic, consultative, and group decisions.
e) allows for autocratic, consultative and group decisions
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Cooperators president and CEO Kathy Bardswick is a good example of 22) ______ leader consideration behaviour transformational leadership leader initiating structure behaviour leader punishment behaviour leader reward behaviour
a) leader consideration behaviour
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If you have a boss who provides you with compliments, tangible benefits, and special attention, then what kind of leadership does your boss exhibit? 23) ______ considerate leader behaviour transactional leader behaviour transformational leader behaviour participative leader behaviour leader reward behaviour
e) leader reward behaviour
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Being able to manage uncertainty and balance global and local tensions is an example of 24) ______ unbridled inquisitiveness. personal character. duality. savvy. strategic leadership.
c) duality
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Rod, a middle manager, has to make a decision. Decision quality and acceptance are an issue, and Rod is not an expert on this problem. However, Rod wishes to reserve the final decision for his own judgment. According to the Vroom and Jago model of participation, this is time for a(n) ________ decision strategy. 25) ______ E G A C L
d) C
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A leader who stresses standard procedures, schedules the work to be done, and assigns subordinates to particular tasks is high on 26) ______ leader reward behaviour. initiating structure. supportive behaviour. task structure. consideration.
b) initiating structure
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According to Vroom and Jago, the leader's goal should be to 27) ______ use leader reward and punishment behaviour effectively. clarify the path to employee goal achievement. seek the best match between the leader's personality and the group. make high quality, acceptable decisions without undue delay. use persuasion and negotiation rather than formal power to achieve commitment.
d) make high quality acceptable decisions without undue delay
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When did serious scientific research on leadership traits begin? 28) ______ During the Great Depression During World War I During the Trudeau years During World War II During the lifetime of Charles Darwin
b) WWI
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Which statement about leadership is true? 29) ______ There is a set of leadership traits that strongly and consistently predicts leader effectiveness across a broad range of situations. Often the quietest member of a group emerges as the leader. Leadership can be exhibited by persons other than those formally designated as leaders by the organization. The most effective leader will exhibit high consideration and high initiating structure in all leadership situations. Initiating structure is a leadership trait.
c) Leadership can be exhibited by persons other than those formally designated as leaders by the organization.
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Suppose we ask group members the following four questions. Which question will tell us who the social- emotional leader of the group is? 30) ______ Who has the most relevant expertise? Which group member do you like the most? Who is the most emotional and excitable group member? Who is the most dominant group member? Who is the smartest group member?
b) which group member do you like the most?
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For reasons that were too complicated to explain to his employees, Louis had to figure out how long it would take to write a new computer program. He asked each individually, averaged their responses, and put this figure in his report. What leadership style is this? 31) ______ GII GI AI AII CII
d) AlL
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Which of the following statements about charismatic leaders is least accurate? 32) ______ They tend to lack selfconfidence and dominance. They express confidence in their follower's capabilities. Their goals often have a moral or ideological character. They can emerge in business as well as politics. They are usually good at transactional aspects of leadership as well.
a) they tend to lack self-confidence and dominance
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Imagine that a military commander who is well liked and admired by his troops is leading them on a highly structured mission. According to Fiedler's Contingency Theory 33) ______ task and relationship orientation are irrelevant to performance in this situation. the troops will perform best if the commander is relationshiporiented (high LPC). the situation is moderately favourable for the leader. the troops will perform best if the commander is taskoriented (low LPC). the situation is very unfavourable for the leader.
d) the troops will perform best if the commander is taskoriented (low LPC).
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Leader reward and punishment behaviour are related to employee attitudes and behaviours because it 34) ______ leads to more positive perceptions of the leader and lower role ambiguity leads to more positive perceptions of justice and lower stress leads to more positive perceptions of justice and lower role ambiguity leads to more positive perceptions of justice and lower role conflict leads to more positive perceptions of the leader and lower stress
c) leads to more positive perceptions of justice and lower role ambiguity
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What is the most important component of transformational leadership? 35) ______ Participation Inspirational motivation Charisma Individualized consideration Intellectual stimulation
c) charisma
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Nellie is a high LPC leader. According to Fiedler's Contingency Theory of leadership, she 36) ______ will be most effective in very unfavourable leadership situations. has high position power and low task structure. is more taskoriented than relationshiporiented. is more relationshiporiented than taskoriented. will be most effective in very favourable leadership situations.
d) more relationship oriented than task oriented
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According to Bernard Bass's theory of transformational leadership, the distinctive qualities of transformational leaders are 37) ______ individualized consideration, inspirational motivation, charisma, and intellectual stimulation. honesty, dominance and need for achievement. leader reward behaviour, leader punishment behaviour, and charisma. participation, initiating structure, and consideration. leader reward behaviour, leader punishment behaviour, and task leadership.
a) individualized consideration, inspriational motivation, charisma, and intellectual stimulation
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In Fiedler's Contingency Theory of leadership, an LPC score measures 38) ______ task structure. position power. type of leadership orientation. leadermember relations. Least Personal Charisma
c) type of leadership orientation
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What are the key dimensions of transformational leadership? 39) ______ contingent reward behaviour, management by exception, individualized consideration, and charisma intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, participation, and charisma individualized consideration, charisma, management by exception, and inspirational motivation intellectual stimulation, management by exception, individualized consideration, and charisma intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, inspirational motivation, and charisma
e) intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, inspirational motivation, and charisma
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Research on the leadership styles of men and women has found that 40) ______ A) men leaders were more transformational than women and also engaged in more of the contingent reward behaviours of transactional leadership. B) men leaders were more transformational than women and women engaged in more of the contingent reward behaviours of transactional leadership. C) women leaders were more transformational than men and men engaged in more of the contingent reward behaviours of transactional leadership. D) women leaders were more transformational than men and also engaged in more of the contingent reward behaviours of transactional leadership. E) women leaders were more transformational than men and also engaged in more of a laissezfaire style of leadership.
d) women leaders were more transformational than men and also engaged in more of the contingent reward behaviours of transactional leadership.
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The personal character component of global leadership consists of which two components? 41) ______ an emotional connection and high ethical standards business savvy and organizational savvy uncompromising integrity and unbridled inquisitiveness an emotional connection and unbridled inquisitiveness an emotional connection and uncompromising integrity
e) an emotional connection and uncompromising integrity
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Which of the following is an example of LeaderMember Exchange: 42) ______ A leader who is concerned about maintaining highquality social exchange relationships. A leader who consults with employees about workrelated matters. A leader who is concerned with accomplishing a task by organizing others. A leader who provides employees with a new vision that instills true commitment. A leader who is concerned with reducing tension and maintaining morale.
a) A leader who is concerned about maintaining highquality social exchange relationships.
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Compared to initiating structure, consideration is more strongly related to 43) ______ job satisfaction, leader job performance, and group performance leader satisfaction, job satisfaction, and leader job performance leader satisfaction, job satisfaction, and motivation leader satisfaction, leader job performance, and group performance leader job performance, job satisfaction, and motivation
c)leader satisfaction, job satisfaction, and motivation
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Research on Fiedler's Cognitive Resource Theory found some support for the prediction that ________ leads to performance in highstress situations. 44) ______ status intelligence experience education expertise
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Jack and Clarice have just begun work at ACME Insurance Co. They work for different managers and they disagree on whose manager is the better leader. Jack does not respond well to his manager and does not want to accept him as his leader. Clarice responds very well to her manager and believes she has the qualities of a good leader. What does this demonstrate? 45) ______ ethical leadership cultural differences in leadership gender differences in leadership situational theories of leadership implicit leadership theory
e)implicit leadership theory
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Fiedler's Contingency Theory of leadership is most clearly a 46) ______ theory of leadership emergence. situational theory. trait theory. theory of participation. pathgoal theory.
b) situational theory
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If your leader emphasizes organizational controls and formal procedures that guide work and organizational activities toward the achievement of performance objectives, what kind of leader is he or she? 47) ______ transactional leader transformational leader strategic leader global leader participative leader
c) strategic leader
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What is the meaning of a culturally endorsed implicit leadership theory? 48) ______ belief systems about the characteristics associated with leadership that are shared among individuals in different cultures belief systems about leadership theories that are shared among individuals in common cultures theories of leadership that are specific to common cultures theories of leadership that are acceptable in common cultures belief systems about the characteristics associated with leadership that are shared among individuals in common cultures
e) belief systems about the characteristics associated with leadership that are shared among individuals in common cultures
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What do these countries have in common: Canada, Belgium, and Sweden 49) ______ they produce more ethical leaders than other countries they produce more participative leaders than other countries they produce more transformational leaders than other countries they produce more global leaders than other countries they produce more strategic leaders than other countries
d) they produce more global leaders than other countries
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The following are characteristics of strategic leadership except 50) ______ developing human capital unbridled inquisitiveness determining the firm's purpose or vision emphasizing ethical practices sustaining an effective organizational culture
b) unbridled inquisitiveness
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An extremely conscientious and experienced group of labourers is doing a hot, dirty, routine task. What leadership style does House's PathGoal Theory suggest using here? 51) ______ Task Achievementoriented Directive Participative Supportive
e) Supportive
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According to PathGoal Theory, employee effort can be increased by 52) ______ clarifying the path to valued rewards. maximizing both consideration and initiating structure. always using achievementoriented leadership. strengthening leadermember relations. using a leadership style that increases job satisfaction.
a) clarifying the path to valued rewards.
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One of the problems with participative leadership is that participation 53) ______ results in abdication of leadership, which is almost always ineffective. decreases subordinates' acceptance of decisions. tends to reduce the intrinsic motivation of subordinates. tends to reduce the quality of decisionmaking. requires a great deal of time and energy on the part of the leader.
e) requires a great deal of time and energy on the part of the leader.
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According to Fiedler, the most favourable situation for leadership involves good leadermember relations, a(n) ________ task, and ________ position power. 54) ______ unstructured; weak challenging; informal structured; weak unstructured; strong structured; strong
e) structured , strong
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If an authentic leader is presenting one's true or authentic self to others and is open with their sharing of their real feelings and thoughts, they are practicing ________. 55) ______ emotional adjustment relational transparency internalized moral perspective balanced processing external processing
b) relational transparency
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Which of the following is a characteristic of global leadership? 56) ______ Exploiting and maintaining core competencies. Developing human capital. Determining the firm's purpose or vision. Unbridled inquisitiveness. Establishing balanced organizational controls.
d) unbridled inquisitiveness
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Comparisons between transformational leadership and contingent reward behaviour indicate that 57) ______ transformational leadership is more strongly related to follower satisfaction with the leader and contingent reward behaviour is more strongly related to follower job satisfaction transformational leadership is more strongly related to follower satisfaction with the leader and contingent reward behaviour is more strongly related to leader effectiveness transformational leadership is more strongly related to follower satisfaction and contingent reward behaviour is more strongly related to follower satisfaction with the leader transformational leadership is more strongly related to follower job satisfaction and contingent reward behaviour is more strongly related to leader job performance transformational leadership is more strongly related to leader job performance and contingent reward behaviour is more strongly related to leader effectiveness
a) transformational leadership is more strongly related to follower satisfaction with the leader and contingent reward behaviour is more strongly related to follower job satisfaction
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PathGoal Theory differs from Fiedler's Contingency Theory in that 58) ______ PathGoal Theory is an example of the trait approach to leadership. PathGoal Theory is concerned with the effects of specific leader behaviour. only PathGoal Theory takes account of the situation. PathGoal Theory has aroused much more research controversy. only PathGoal Theory considers the role of leadership orientation.
b) path-goal theory is concerned with the effects of specific leader behaviour
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Participation may increase the motivation of employees by 59) ______ enriching their jobs. allowing them to contribute to the establishment of work goals. adding some variety to the job. allowing them to decide how work goals can be accomplished. all of the above.
e) all of the above
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If an authentic leader is participating in an objective analysis of a situation and considering others' different points of view before making his decision, he is engaging in ________. 60) ______ relational transparency balanced processing selfserving bias cognitive restraint internalized moral perspective
b) balanced processing
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The task is unstructured, the group members hate the leader, and the leader has no position power. According to Fiedler, the leader will perform best if he or she 61) ______ is charismatic. is taskoriented. uses participation. is socialemotional. is relationshiporiented.
b) task oriented
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What are the situational factors in House's PathGoal Theory of leadership? 62) ______ Situational favourableness Leadermember relations, task structure and position power Neutralizers and substitutes Employee characteristics and environmental factors Individualized consideration
d) Employee characteristics and environmental factors
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What role does charisma play in transformational leadership? 63) ______ A task role No role An emotional role A legal role An intellectual role
c) an emotional role
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Cory thought all bosses were alike until he began a new job and his manager was interested in his concerns and needs and made himself available to coach him when necessary. What is Cory's boss displaying? 64) ______ intellectual stimulation consideration management by exception participation individualized consideration
e) individualized consideration
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Fiedler's Contingency Theory of leadership predicts that relationship-oriented leadership will be most effective in 65) ______ situations of medium favourableness. very unfavourable situations. virtually all situations. very favourable and very unfavourable situations. very favourable situations.
a) situations of medium favourableness.
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Which of the following is not a trait? 66) ______ Low intelligence Honesty Tallness Emergent leadership High energy
d) emergent leadership
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Authentic leadership consists of four related but distinct dimensions. They are all of the following except 67) ______ Internalized moral perspective. Relational transparency. Balanced processing. Independent rationalization. Selfawareness.
d) independent rationalization
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The following are characteristics of global leaders except 68) ______ duality emphasizing ethical practices personal character Unbridled inquisitiveness savvy
c) emphasizing ethical practices
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When an executive is aware and then acts upon her true values, beliefs, and strengths, and they help others do the same, they are practicing ________ . 69) ______ internalized independent leadership rare and unique leadership situational leadership authentic leadership behavioural leadership
d) authentic leadership
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Fiedler's Cognitive Resource Theory focuses on the conditions in which the leader's cognitive resources contribute to effective leadership. These resources include all of the following except 70) ______ experience. expertise. intelligence. B and C emotional stability.
e) emotional stability
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What is the "contingency" variable in Fiedler's Contingency Theory of leadership? 71) ______ Consideration Position power Leadership orientation Task structure Situational favourableness
e) situational favourableness
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Soon after starting a new job, Lili was pleased and surprised to learn that her new boss was very supportive and involved in environmentally friendly programs and policies. What does this say about Lili's boss? 72) ______ he/she is a transformational leader he/she is a transactional leader he/she is an ethical leader he/she is a global leader he/she is a strategic leader
c) ethical leader
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The focus of LeaderMember Exchange Theory is 73) ______ the favourableness of the situation for influence. the dyadic relationship between a leader and an employee. the extent to which a leader is approachable and shows personal concern for employees. forming a connection between employee goals and organizational goals. involving employees in making workrelated decisions.
b) the dyadic relationship between a leader and an employee
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What does transactional leadership involve? 74) ______ contingent reward behaviour and management by exception contingent punishment behaviour and laissezfaire leadership management by exception and laissezfaire leadership contingent reward and punishment behaviour contingent reward behaviour and management by exception
e) transactional leadership involves contingent reward behaviour and management by exception
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Directive behaviour is essentially the same as 75) ______ consideration. achievementoriented behaviour. participative behaviour. initiating structure. socialemotional leadership.
d) initiating structure
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Compared to other culture clusters, what global leadership dimensions does Canada and the United States score high on? 76) ______ participative, autonomous, and selfprotective charismatic/valuebased, participative, and autonomous selfprotective, teamoriented, and autonomous participative, teamoriented, and humaneoriented charismatic/valuebased, participative, and humaneoriented
e) charismatic value based, participative and humaneoriented
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One of the things Jack really likes about his boss is that he monitors his behaviour, anticipates problems, and takes corrective actions before the behaviour creates serious problems. What is this called? 77) ______ management by exception contingent reward behaviour contingent punishment behaviour laissezfaire leadership inspirational motivation
a) management by exception
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Research on consideration and initiating structure has found that 78) ______ consideration and initiating structure are similarly related to leader job performance and group performance consideration is more strongly related to leader job performance and group performance initiating structure is more strongly related to leader job performance and consideration is more strongly related to group performance initiating structure is more strongly related to leader job performance and group performance consideration is more strongly related to leader job performance and initiating structure is more strongly related to group performance
initiating structure is more strongly related to leader job performance and group performance
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Which of the following is not a trait that might be investigated in leadership studies? 79) ______ Height Emotional stability Selfconfidence Need for achievement Leader reward behaviour
e) leader reward behaviour
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Sonya needed to find a transformational leader to deal with the failing division. To shorten her search, she began by looking for someone with 80) ______ charisma. low initiating structure. low LPC. a GII leadership style. an AI leadership style.
a) charisma (transformational leader)
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As discussed in the text, ________ are examples of potential leadership traits. 81) ______ dominance and intelligence directive and supportive behaviours consideration and initiating structure neutralizers and substitutes task leadership and socialemotional leadership
a) dominance and intelligence
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In recent years, Fred Fiedler has developed a newer leadership theory in which the focus is the leader's cognitive resources (intelligence, expertise, and experience) contribute to effective leadership. This is called ________. 82) ______ Mental Aptitude Theory Cognitive Resource Theory Cerebral Capacity Theory Intellectual Capability Theory Cerebral Capability Theory
b) cognitive resource theory
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According to PathGoal Theory, which of the following statements is true? 83) ______ Employees who are high need achievers work best under participativeoriented leadership. Frustrating, dissatisfying jobs increase employee appreciation of directive leadership. When tasks are clear and routine, directive leadership is preferred. Employees who prefer being told what to do respond best to a supportive leadership style. Employees who are high need achievers work best under achievementoriented leadership.
e) Employees who are high need achievers work best under achievement-oriented leadership.
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Suncor Energy Inc. CEO Rick George is a good example of 84) ______ participative leadership transformational leadership strategic leadership global leadership ethical leadership
e) ethical leadership
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Research shows that consideration on the part of a leader 85) ______ is viewed as a weakness by employees. is effective when employees are experiencing external threat or pressure. is effective when job goals and methods are very clear. is most likely employed by a taskoriented leader. is most important when employees lack basic knowledge and skills related to the job.
c) is effective when job goals and methods are very clear
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Research on Fiedler's Cognitive Resource Theory found some support for the prediction that ________ leads to performance in lowstress situations. 86) ______ experience education status intelligence expertise
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Which of the following is a component of strategic leadership? 87) ______ Unbridled inquisitiveness. Savvy. Duality. Personal character. emphasizing ethical practices.
e) emphasizing ethical practices
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"Leaders are born, not made" is a statement that suggests that the speaker believes in the ________ approach to leadership.
trait approach
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