Chapter 5: Selecting Topic, Purpose, and Central Idea – Flashcards
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Are jokes required for an entertaining speech? Explain your answer.
No. An entertaining speech can amuse or divert listeners with anecdotes, quotations, examples, and descriptions
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List the six criteria discussed in this chapter for writing a specific purpose statement
(1) Begin the statement with an infinitive, (2) Include a reference to your audience, (3) Limit the statement to one major idea, (4) Make your statement as precise as possible, (5) Make sure you can achieve your objective in the time allotted, and (6) Don't be too technical.
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What is the central idea of a speech?
The central idea is the basic message of a speech expressed in one sentence.
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What is the difference between the specific purpose and the central idea?
The specific purpose is written from the speaker's point of view—it's what he or she sets out to accomplish. The central idea is written from the listeners' point of view—it's the message they should go away with.
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Give an example of an infinitive
(Answers will vary.) Examples: To hope, to jump, to sympathize
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What are hidden purposes, and how should you handle them?
Hidden purposes are unstated objectives that a speaker must be aware of so that he or she does not let them undermine the stated purpose of a speech.
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