Chapter 5 – Quiz Questions – Flashcards

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Changes such as an increase in height or the size of the brain are called: a. unconditioned response. b. reflex. c. classical conditioning. d. maturation.
Which psychologist is best known for working with children and a Bobo doll to study whether aggressive behavior is learned by watching others be aggressive? a. Edward Tolman b. B. F. Skinner c. Albert Bandura d. Martin Seligman
Albert Bandura
_____ is learning new behavior by watching a model perform that behavior. a. Vicarious conditioning b. Partial reinforcement effect c. Learning/performance distinction d. Observational learning
Observational Learning
Which of the following is one of Bandura's elements of observational learning? a. perception b. mastery c. flattery d. memory
In Seligman's study on dogs, the dogs that were not conditioned to fear the tone: a. showed distress when the tone sounded. b. refused to move even after the shock started. c. jumped over the fence when the shock started. d. jumped over the fence when the tone sounded.
Jumped over the fence when the shock started.
In his study of rats in mazes, Tolman concluded that the rats in the group that did not receive reinforcement for solving the maze had: a. been more motivated by the variable interval schedule of reinforcement. b. learned to expect reinforcement every tenth day. c. learned the maze by wandering around in it and forming a cognitive map. d. more interest in the reinforcement than did the other groups.
Learned the maze by wandering around in it and forming a cognitive map
The second group of rats in Tolman's maze experiment was not reinforced for finding the exit until the tenth day. Once they started getting reinforcement, the rats: a. learned to find the exit after only five more days. b. showed no interest in the reinforcement. c. took just as long to find the exit as the third group, which received no reinforcement. d. learned to find the exit almost immediately.
Learned to find the exit almost immediately.
In Köhler's experiment, Sultan the chimp first used just one stick that was lying in his cage to rake the banana into the cage, and then he learned to fit two sticks together to reach a banana placed farther away. This was an example of: a. insight. b. trial-and-error learning. c. classical conditioning. d. latent learning.
Learning that remains hidden until its application becomes useful is called: a. insight learning. b. conditioned learning. c. a learning curve. d. latent learning.
Latent learning
Further studies that followed Köhler's work with chimpanzees: a. have shown that chimpanzees are the only animals that have insight. b. have found no support for the concept of animal insight. c. have found support for the concept of animal insight. d. have shown definitively that animals have insight.
Have found support for the concept of animal insight
In a later modification of the classic Bobo doll experiment, the children who had seena model beat up the doll and then get rewarded showed aggression toward the doll. Another group had seen the model get punished rather than rewarded. Which of the following statements is true about these other children? a. They did not beat up the doll until offered a reward to demonstrate what the model had done. b. They refused to beat up the doll under any circumstances. c. They beat up the doll but denied doing so when asked about it. d. Half of them beat up the doll and half did not.
They did not beat up the doll until offered a reward to demonstrate what the model had done
A teacher has decided to give "caught being good" tickets to her students when they behave according to class rules. This teacher also rewards students with gold stars each time they improve their math speed. This teacher is using: a. operant conditioning. b. punishment and classical conditioning. c. observational learning. d. classical conditioning.
Operant conditioning
Whenever Vernon comes home too late on a Saturday night, his parents refuse to give him his weekly allowance. Vernon's parents are using what technique to modify his behavior? a. negative reinforcement b. secondary reinforcement c. punishment by removal d. punishment by application
Punishment by removal
Time-out is an example of ______. a. shaping b. punishment by removal c. negative reinforcement d. punishment by application
Punishment by removal
Carla was bitten by a dog when she was a toddler. She's older now, but still backs up in fear whenever a dog approaches her. This is an example of: a. biological preparedness. b. conditioned emotional response. c. stimulus substitution. d. vicarious conditioning.
Conditioned emotional response
After having many cavities fixed as a child, Kyle now has an active dislike of the dentist's drill. His tendency to become anxious when hearing a similar-sounding noise is termed: a. a reinforcer. b. higher-order conditioning. c. spontaneous recovery. d. stimulus generalization.
Stimulus gneralization
In his classical conditioning experiment, Pavlov's dogs were conditioned to salivate when they: a. heard the sound of the metronome. b. saw their trainers. c. saw their food bowl. d. smelled their food.
Heard the sound of the metronome
_________ is the disappearance or weakening of a learned response following the removal or absence of the unconditioned stimulus (in classical conditioning) or the removal of a reinforcer (in operant conditioning). a. Spontaneous recovery b. Stimulus discrimination c. Extinction d. Stimulus generalization
The cognitive perspective of classical conditioning involves: a. the ability of animals to learn new information. b. the mental activity of analyzing another's behavior and making a choice to copy that behavior. c. biological preparedness. d. the mental activity of consciously expecting something else to occur.
The mental activity of consciously expecting something else to occur
Birds, who find their food by sight, will avoid any object or insect that simply looks like the one that made them sick. This is a result of: a. maturation. b. biological preparedness. c. reflex. d. operant conditioning.
Biological preparedness
A naturally occurring stimulus that leads to an involuntary (reflex) response is a/an: a. unconditioned stimulus. b. neutral stimulus. c. unconditioned response. d. conditioned stimulus.
Unconditioned stimulus
Khalila decided to try a new dish consisting of rice and tomatoes just as she was coming down with the flu. Now, every time she sees rice or tomatoes, she gets sick to her stomach. In this example, Khalila's experience of nausea at the sight of rice or tomatoes exhibits a(n) ____________. a. unconditioned stimulus b. unconditioned response c. conditioned stimulus d. conditioned response
Conditioned response
Dr. Rubio is conducting an experiment in classical conditioning. Shortly after playing music, she places a loaf of bread on the window sill outside her office window. After doing this a number of times, she notices that now, just as she begins to play her music, several birds fly to her window even before she presents the bread. In this example, what is the conditioned stimulus? a. the bread b. the sound of the window opening c. Dr. Rubio's lab coat d. the music
The music
Shortly after eating a piece of his great aunt's famous coconut cake, which he's had many times, Amad became very nauseous. Now, whenever his great aunt offers him a piece of cake, Amad quickly declines. Which of the following concepts best explains Amad's change in behavior? a. vicarious conditioning b. conditioned taste aversion c. extinction d. stimulus discrimination
Conditioned taste aversion
Pavlov initially set out to study his dogs' ___________. a. social behavior b. circulatory systems c. brain activity d. digestive systems
Digestive systems
It is believed that animals revert eventually to instinctual behaviors when the new tasks they are learning have a strong association with: a. caring for their young. b. other animals. c. extinct behaviors. d. obtaining food.
Obtaining food
Small steps in behavior that are reinforced, one after the other, to create a particular goal behavior are known as: a. discriminative stimuli. b. successive reinforcers. c. secondary reinforcers. d. successive approximations.
Successive approximations
In a(n) ________, the occurrence of reinforcement is more predictable and therefore the individual being reinforced is more likely to adjust his response to the timing of the reinforcement. a. variable interval schedule of reinforcement b. fixed interval schedule of reinforcement c. ratio schedule d. interval schedule
Fixed interval schedule of reinforcement
The law of effect states if an action is followed by a pleasurable consequence, the action is likely to: a. be remembered. b. become a cognitive expectation. c. reduce pain. d. be repeated.
Be repeated
What are the two kinds of behavior that all organisms are capable of? a. involuntary and voluntary b. actions and basic survival instincts c. reckless and controlled d. pleasant and unpleasant
Involuntary and voluntary
A typical use of applied behavior analysis is: a. dealing with aggressive children. b. teaching parents to use punishment effectively. c. treating children with disorders such as autism. d. treating anorexic individuals.
Treating children with disorders such as autism
A teacher has decided to give "caught being good" tickets to her students when they behave according to class rules. This teacher also rewards students with gold stars each time they improve their math speed. This teacher is using: a. punishment and classical conditioning. b. observational learning. c. classical conditioning. d. operant conditioning.
Operant conditioning
The term "extinction" may be misleading because: a. it has been shown in subsequent studies that CRs don't really die out, as they did with Pavlov's dogs. b. learning is relatively permanent, meaning things are not "unlearned." c. it applies only to natural selection. d. once something is learned, it is always accessible.
Learning is relatively permanent, meaning things are not "unlearned"
Carla was bitten by a dog when she was a toddler. She's older now, but still backs up in fear whenever a dog approaches her. This is an example of: a. vicarious conditioning. b. conditioned emotional response. c. biological preparedness. d. stimulus substitution.
Conditioned emotional response
Which of the following is an example of a stimulus that is likely to elicit a conditioned emotional response? a. a parent holding a belt b. eerie music from a movie you thought was scary c. a Christmas tree all lit up d. all of the above
All of the above
If your professor gives pop quizzes, this is an example of: a. punishment by addition. b. a ratio schedule of reinforcement. c. a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement. d. a variable interval schedule of reinforcement.
A variable interval schedule of reinforcement
In defining learning, "_____" refers to the fact that when people learn anything, a part of their brain is physically changed to record what they have learned, and that change remains even if the behavior does not. a. experience b. behavior c. relatively permanent d. reaction
Relatively permanent
In a(n) ________, the occurrence of reinforcement is more predictable and therefore the individual being reinforced is more likely to adjust his response to the timing of the reinforcement. a. interval schedule b. variable interval schedule of reinforcement c. fixed interval schedule of reinforcement d. ratio schedule
Fixed interval schedule of reinforcement
A recent study suggests a link between spanking and: a. submissiveness in children. b. children's concentration. c. intelligence. d. aggression in children.
Aggression in children
Small steps in behavior that are reinforced, one after the other, to create a particular goal behavior are known as: a. successive approximations. b. successive reinforcers. c. discriminative stimuli. d. secondary reinforcers.
Successive approximations
The Brelands determined that most Skinnerian behaviorists made the false assumption that: a. differences between species of animals are significant. b. animals will revert to genetically controlled patterns. c. all responses are equally able to be conditioned to any stimulus. d. animal consciousness differs from human consciousness.
All responses are equally able to be conditioned to any stimulus
One of B. F. Skinner's famous experiments involved: a. teaching coyotes to ignore sheep. b. teaching babies to avoid loud noises. c. teaching dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell. d. teaching rats to learn how to obtain food.
Teaching rats to learn how to obtain food
______ is the classical conditioning of a reflex response or emotion by watching the reaction of another person. a. Vicarious conditioning b. Shaping c. Operant conditioning d. Conditioned learning
Vicarious conditioning
In his classical conditioning experiment, Pavlov's dogs were conditioned to salivate when they: a. saw their food bowl. b. saw their trainers. c. smelled their food. d. heard the sound of the metronome.
Heard the sound of the metronome
After a lengthy period during which the UCS was not applied, Pavlov's dogs stopped responding to the metronome. If a weaker conditioned response to the metronome occurred at some point after this, it would be a demonstration of: a. extinction. b. higher-order conditioning. c. reflex. d. spontaneous recovery.
Spontaneous recovery
Birds, who find their food by sight, will avoid any object or insect that simply looks like the one that made them sick. This is a result of: a. reflex. b. maturation. c. biological preparedness. d. operant conditioning.
Biological preparedness
The response that is given to the conditioned stimulus is not usually quite as strong as the original unconditioned response, ______________. a. and it is an opposite response b. because it is a completely different response c. but it is essentially the same response d. and it is difficult to predict whether it will be a similar or different response
But it is essentially the same response
At the end of his first day of kindergarten and the entire week thereafter, Jeremiah's teacher exclaimed, "You may all leave" just after the sounding of a loud bell. On the first day of the second week of school, Jeremiah immediately left the room just as the school bell rang, without any notice from his teacher. In this example, what is the conditioned response? a. Jeremiah left the room after his teacher told him to do so. b. Jeremiah left the room after the bell rang. c. Jeremiah's teacher told the class to leave. d. The bell rang loudly.
Jeremiah left the room after the bell rang
This scientist conducted research to establish the theory known as cognitive perspective. a. Robert Rescorla b. Edward Thorndike c. Ivan Pavlov d. John B. Watson
Robert Rescorla
The four elements of observational learning are attention, memory, ______, and ______. a. cognition; imagination b. imitation; desire c. imagination; desire d. imitation; cognition
Imitation, desire
_____ is learning new behavior by watching a model perform that behavior. a. Vicarious conditioning b. Partial reinforcement effect c. Learning/performance distinction d. Observational learning
Observational learning
Which of the following is one of Bandura's elements of observational learning? a. flattery b. mastery c. memory d. perception
In Köhler's experiment, Sultan the chimp first used just one stick that was lying in his cage to rake the banana into the cage, and then he learned to fit two sticks together to reach a banana placed farther away. This was an example of: a. latent learning. b. trial-and-error learning. c. insight. d. classical conditioning.
Further studies that followed Köhler's work with chimpanzees: a. have shown definitively that animals have insight. b. have found no support for the concept of animal insight. c. have found support for the concept of animal insight. d. have shown that chimpanzees are the only animals that have insight.
Have found support for the concept of animal insight
Köhler determined that insight: a. is not present in animals. b. can be taught through classical conditioning. c. cannot be gained through trial-and-error learning alone. d. is instinctual.
Cannot be gained through trial-and-error learning alone
Which of the following individuals believed that cognition was an important part of behavior? a. Edward Thorndike b. Martin Seligman c. John Watson d. B. F. Skinner
Martin Seligman
In toilet training a cat, "Lid Up, Seat Down" is known in operant conditioning as: a. preparing the training arena. b. imitation. c. shaping. d. the conditioned stimulus.
Preparing the training arena
Doretha eats all of her dinner knowing that afterward she will get a bowl of ice cream. Doretha's behavior is best explained by what type of learning? a. classical conditioning b. operant conditioning c. social learning d. insight learning
Operant conditioning
The central idea of toilet training a cat is breaking down the process into a series of small stages. This is an example of: a. latent learning. b. negative reinforcement. c. molding. d. shaping.
Pavlov's dogs exhibited stimulus discrimination when they: a. initially began salivating to the metronome when presented with food. b. stopped experiencing the conditioned response in the absence of the unconditioned stimulus. c. did not demonstrate a conditioned response upon hearing ticking sounds similar to the metronome. d. salivated at the sound of the metronome after a few weeks of not hearing it.
Did not demonstrate a conditioned response upon hearing ticking sounds similar to the metronome
The term "extinction" may be misleading because: a. once something is learned, it is always accessible. b. it applies only to natural selection. c. learning is relatively permanent, meaning things are not "unlearned." d. it has been shown in subsequent studies that CRs don't really die out, as they did with Pavlov's dogs.
Learning is relatively permanent, meaning things are not "unlearned"
The repeated pairing of the NS and the UCS is called: a. extinction. b. acquisition. c. spontaneous recovery. d. aversion.
When a previously neutral stimulus, through repeated pairing with the unconditioned stimulus, begins to cause the same kind of reflexive response, the neutral stimulus has become: a. a reflex. b. a conditioned stimulus. c. a discriminative stimulus. d. extinct.
A Conditioned stimulus
When children witness other children cry when getting a vaccination, and the witnesses then cry before the needle even touches them, it is an example of: a. vicarious conditioning. b. a reflex. c. biological preparedness. d. an unconditioned response.
A vicarious conditioning
Which of the following examples of change demonstrates learning? a. As Lamont grows older, he begins to look more and more like his father. b. Kara asks her mom for a new pair of shoes after noticing an increase in the size of her feet. c. Isaiah sits for the first time. d. Ama slows down her car after seeing a police officer on the side of the road.
Ama slows down her car after seeing a police officer on the side of the road
For every 25 boxes of cookies Tammy sells, her scout troop gets a dollar. On what schedule of reinforcement is Tammy being conditioned? a. variable ratio b. fixed interval c. variable interval d. fixed ratio
Fixed ratio
Aida loves to sing for her family and friends but is extremely shy. In order to encourage Aida to sing again, which of the following is a primary reinforcement that Aida's mom might use? a. promise her an ice cream cone when she sings b. praise her for doing such a good job c. shower her with applause d. offer her money
Promise her an ice cream cone when she sings
Whenever you take a shower in your bathroom at home, the water in the shower turns icy cold just as the toilet in another bathroom is flushed, causing you to cringe. After several experiences of this occurrence, you find that you tend to cringe whenever you hear a toilet flush, even when you're not in the shower. In this example of classical conditioning, what is the unconditioned stimulus? a. the cold water b. the sight of your bathroom shower c. the cringing d. the sound of the flushing toilet
The cold water
While in the store with her little sister, Amber decided to stop to take a look at some jewelry. As soon as she turned her head, her sister disappeared. Though it only took minutes to find her sister, Amber's fear of losing her little sister again caused her to keep a very close eye on her from that moment on. Amber's change in behavior demonstrates which of the following? a. shaping b. maturation c. learning d. behavior modification
For each day of the week that Tanya is good, she earns a fake dollar from her teacher. By the end of every week, Tanya has the option of using her dollars to buy something from the school store or saving them to buy something at a later time. The issue of fake dollars in response to good behavior is an example of _______. a. placebo learning b. primary reinforcement c. classical conditioning d. behavior modification
Behavior Modification
In Tolman's study of latent learning, one group of rats was rewarded for getting out of the maze, a second was not rewarded during training trials but was rewarded eventually, and a third group of rats was: a. rewarded every ten days. b. not rewarded. c. rewarded every time they completed the maze. d. sporadically rewarded.
Not rewarded
Tolman and Köhler were: a. psychoanalysts. b. evolutionary psychologists. c. physiologists. d. Gestalt psychologists.
Gestalt psychologists
Seligman connects learned helplessness to: a. bipolar disorder. b. obsessive compulsive disorder. c. phobias of flying. d. depression.
Kohler's idea of animal insight was controversial because: a. the chimps were punished for not reaching the bananas. b. animals do not have self-awareness. c. his experiment was flawed. d. other researchers, like Thorndike, did not believe that animals demonstrated that trait.
Other researchers, like Thorndike, did not believe that animals demonstrated that trait
Anna's mother scolds her for lying. Anna's mother is using: a. punishment by removal. b. negative reinforcement. c. punishment by application. d. positive reinforcement.
Punishment by application
The behavior of infants and animals can be easily reinforced using: a. partial reinforcement. b. toys. c. primary reinforcers. d. secondary reinforcers.
Primary reinforcers
________ is an example of a primary reinforcer, whereas _______ is an example of a secondary reinforcer. a. money; a kiss b. a good grade; ice cream c. a hug; a certificate of appreciation d. a gold star; a candy bar
hug; certificate of appreciation
Layla's new puppy keeps chewing the bottoms of her favorite curtains. Now, whenever Layla sees the puppy begin chewing, she turns on a device that makes a continuous loud, annoying sound. She will not turn it off until the puppy stops chewing. Layla is using which technique to change the puppy's behavior? a. punishment b. secondary reinforcement c. sound therapy d. negative reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
_________ is more resistant to extinction than _______. a. Partial reinforcement; continuous reinforcement b. Continuous reinforcement; partial reinforcement c. Positive reinforcement; negative reinforcement d. Negative reinforcement; positive reinforcement
Partial reinforcement; continuous reinforcement
After passing his chemistry exam, Tito was told by his parents that he would be able to have access to the family car for a week. Tito's parents' are using ________. a. behavior modification b. shaping c. higher-order conditioning d. positive reinforcement
Positive reinforcement
Marco's mom gives him a treat every night after dinner when he picks up his plate and places it in the dishwasher. Marco's mom uses: a. negative reinforcement. b. continuous reinforcement. c. a variable schedule of reinforcement. d. partial reinforcement.
Continuous reinforcement
Bandura found that consequences: a. are only motivational if positive. b. caused defiance in the research subjects. c. are irrelevant in modeling behavior. d. do matter in motivating a person to imitate a model.
Do matter in motivating a person to imitate a model
Noah is a junior in college and has always been an average student. This semester, he has a political science class for which he feels very passionate, and he sees himself pursuing a career in politics. For the first time, he wants to do well so that he can get an "A." This is an example of which element of observational learning? a. desire b. attention c. imitation d. memory
According to Bandura, to learn anything through observation, the learner must first: a. be motivated. b. get a good night's sleep. c. pay attention. d. repeat everything that is said during the process.
Pay attention
Bandura conducted some of his research to study: a. people's innate aggressiveness. b. hero worship in children. c. the effects of rewards on children's behavior. d. possible links between children's exposure to violence on television and aggressive behavior toward others.
Possible links between children's exposure to violence on television and aggressive behavior toward others
In defining learning, "_____" refers to the fact that when people learn anything, a part of their brain is physically changed to record what they have learned, and that change remains even if the behavior does not. a. experience b. reaction c. behavior d. relatively permanent
Relatively permanent
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