Chapter 5 Nursing care of women with complication during pregnancy – Flashcards

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the causes of high risk pregnancies usually include the following characteristics
Characteristic Causes of High-Risk Pregnancies - Can relate to the pregnancy itself. -Can occur because the woman has a medical condition or injury that complicates the pregnancy. -Can result from environmental hazards that affect the mother or her fetus. -Can arise from maternal behaviors or lifestyles that have a negative effect on the mother or fetus.
Assessment of fetal health
Assessment of Fetal Health - Amniocentesis (An ultrasound transducer on the abdomen ensures needle placement away from the body of the fetus and the placenta. A needle is inserted into the Amniotic cavity, and a sample if amniotic fluid is collected for laboratory examination and fetal assessment) • Nursing Responsibilities - Preparing the patient properly - Explaining the reason for the test - Clarifying and interpreting results in collaboration with other health care providers
What are the danger signs of pharmacy?
• Danger Signs in Pregnancy - Sudden gush of fluid from the vagina - Vaginal bleeding - Abdominal pain - Persistent vomiting - Epigastric pain - Edema of face and hands - Severe, persistent headache - Blurred vision or dizziness - Chills with fever over 38.0° C (100.4° F) - Painful urination or reduced urine output
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Manifestations: - Excessive nausea and vomiting that can significantly interfere with her food intake and fluid balance. • Can impact fetal growth (Resulting in a low birth-weight infant) • Dehydration (impairs perfusion of the placenta, reducing the delivery of blood oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.) • Reduced delivery of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the fetus
Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Treatment
- Treatment • Correct dehydration and electrolyte or acid-base imbalance w/ oral or intravenous fluids • Antiemetic drugs may be prescribed • Dopamine antagonists such as promethazine or selective serotonin antagonists to treat nausea and vomiting. • In extreme cases • TPN may be required Hospitalization
• Bleeding Disorders of Early Pregnancy - Types of Abortions
• Bleeding Disorders of Early Pregnancy - Types of Abortions - Spontaneous or Intentional termination of a pregnancy before the age of viability ( 20 weeks of gestation) • Spontaneous Abortion (non intentional) Threatened • Inevitable • Incomplete • Complete • Missed • Recurrent
Threatened Abortion
Description: Cramping and backache with light spotting; cervix is closed; no tissue is passed.
Treatment/ Interventions of Threatened Abortion
Ultrasound is used to determine if fetus is living; bed rest is prescribed; avoid coitus;
Inevitable abortion
Increased bleeding, cramping, cervix dilates.
treatment/ intervention of Inevitable abortion
Patient is placed on bed rest and monitored, awaits natural evacuation of uterus, save peripads.
Incomplete abortion
Bleeding, cramping, dilation of cervix, Passage of tissue,
treatment/ intervention of Incomplete abortion
Uterus may be emptied of remaining tissue by dilation and evacuation (D and E) or vacuum extraction. Save peripads
Complete abortion
Passage of all products of conception; Cervix closes, Bleeding stops,
treatment Interventions of Complete abortion
Patient is monitored, emotional support given, Give Rhogam if indicated,
Missed abortion
Fetus dies in utero but is not expelled, uterine growth stops; sepsis can occur;
Treatment/intervention of Missed abortion
If fetus is not expelled, uterus is evacuated by( D and E) Dilation and Evacuation
Recurrent Abortion
Two or more consecutive spontaneous abortions (Habitual abortion), usually caused by incompetent cervix or progesterone levels inadequate to maintain pregnancy
Treatment/ intervention of Recurrent Abortion
incompetent cervix is treated cerclage, a reinforcement of the cervix with a surgical suture, the patient is then monitored for early signs of labor at term to prevent uterine rupture.
Induced Labor
Induced Labor: -therapeutic Abortion - Elective abortion
Therapeutic Abortion
Intentional termination of pregnancy to preserve the health of the mother
Treatment/intervention of Therapeutic Abortion
induced abortion is currently legal in the united states when performed by a qualified healthcare provider. Supportive counseling must be part of the plan of care.
Elective abortion
intentional termination of pregnancy for reasons other than the health of the mother ( Such as fetal anomaly)
Treatment/intervention of therapeutic abortion
Septic abortion (Hemorrhage and infection) is a risk to the mother; counseling is advised even if the mother elects to abort.
Nursing Care of Early Pregnancy Bleeding Disorders
Nursing Care of Early Pregnancy Bleeding Disorders - Document amount and character of bleeding. - Save anything that looks like clots or tissue for evaluation by a pathologist. - Perineal pad count with estimated amount of blood per pad (i.e., 50%). - Monitor vital signs. - If actively bleeding, woman should be kept NPO in case surgical intervention is needed.
Post-Abortion Teaching
• Post-Abortion Teaching - Report increased bleeding. - Take temperature every 8 hours for 3 days. - Take an oral iron supplement if prescribed. - Resume sexual activity as recommended by the health care provider. - Return to health care provider at the recommended time for a checkup and contraception information. - Pregnancy can occur before the first menstrual period returns after the abortion procedure.
• Emotional Care
• Emotional Care - Spiritual support of the family's choice and community support groups may help the family work through the grief of any pregnancy loss.
• Ectopic Pregnancy******
• Ectopic Pregnancy - 95% occur in fallopian tube - Scarring or tubal deformity may result from • Hormonal abnormalities • Inflammation • Infection • Adhesions • Congenital defects • Endometriosis
Ectopic Pregnancy /- Manifestations
- Manifestations • Lower abdominal pain and may have light vaginal bleeding • If tube ruptures • May have sudden severe lower abdominal pain ( bleeding might be minimal, because most blood is lost into the abdomen rather than externally through the vagina) • Vaginal bleeding • Signs of hypovolemic shock • Shoulder pain may also be felt
Ectopic Pregnancy/ Treatment
- Treatment • Pregnancy test (A sensitive pregnancy test for hCG ) • Transvaginal ultrasound (determines whether the embryo is growing within the uterine cavity.) • Laparoscopic examination ( View the damage tube with an endoscope) • Priority is to control bleeding • Three actions can be taken • No action (If the women's body is reabsorbing the pregnancy) • Treatment with methotrexate to inhibit cell division • Surgery to remove pregnancy from the tube
Nursing care for Ectopic Pregnancy Observe for hypovolemic shock
• Nursing Tip - Supporting and encouraging the grieving process in families who suffer a pregnancy loss, such as a spontaneous abortion or ectopic pregnancy, allows them to resolve their grief • Signs and Symptoms of Hypovolemic Shock - Fetal heart rate changes (increased, decreased, less fluctuation) - Rising, weak pulse (tachycardia) - Rising respiratory rate (tachypnea) - Shallow, irregular respirations; air hunger - Falling blood pressure (hypotension) - Decreased or absent urinary output (usually less than 30 mL/hr) - Pale skin or mucous membranes - Cold, clammy skin - Faintness - Thirst
Hydatidiform Mole*******
• Hydatidiform Mole - Also known as gestational trophoblastic disease or molar pregnancy • Occurs when chorionic villi abnormally increase and develop vesicles • May cause hemorrhage, clotting abnormalities, hypertension, and later development of cancer • More likely to occur in women at age extremes of the reproductive life
Hydatidiform Mole/ Manfestations (Signs)
- Manifestations • Bleeding • Rapid uterine growth • Failure to detect fetal heart activity • Signs of hyperemesis gravidarum • Unusually early development of GH • Higher-than-expected levels of hCG • A distinct "snowstorm" pattern on ultrasound with no evidence of a developing fetus
treatment For Hydatidiform Mole
Treatment • Uterine evacuation, • Dilation and evacuation(And by vacuum aspiration), • The level of hCG is tested and retested until it is undetectable (Levels are followed for at least a year), • Persistent or rising levels suggest that the vesicles remain or that malignant change has occurred. • New pregnancy should be delayed because it would confuse test for hCG
• Bleeding Disorders of Late Pregnancy - Placenta previa
•Bleeding Disorders of Late Pregnancy - Placenta previa - Occurs when the placenta develops in the lower part of the uterus instead of the upper •Abnormal implantation of placenta • Bright red bleeding occurs when cervix dilates, resulting in painless bleeding -Three degrees (Of Placenta previa) •Marginal ( Placenta reaches within 2-3 cm of cervical opening) Partial ( Placenta partly covers the cervical opening) Total ( Placenta completely covers the cervical opening)
• Complications or Risks
• Complications or Risks - Placenta previa • Infection because of vaginal organisms • Postpartum hemorrhage, because if lower segment of uterus was site of attachment, there are fewer muscle fibers, so weaker contractions may occur
- Abruptio placentae Predisposing factors
- Abruptio placentae •Predisposing factors •Hypertension •Cocaine or alcohol use •Cigarette smoking and poor nutrition •Blows to the abdomen •Prior history of abruptio placentae •Folate deficiency • Nursing Tip - Pain is an important symptom that distinguishes abruptio placentae from placenta previa
Care of the Pregnant Woman with Excessive Bleeding
• Care of the Pregnant Woman with Excessive Bleeding - Document blood loss - Closely monitor vital signs, including I&O - Observe for • Pain • Uterine rigidity or tenderness - Verify that orders for blood typing and cross-match have been carried out - Monitor intravenous infusion - Prepare for surgery, if indicated - Monitor fetal heart rate and contractions - Monitor laboratory results, including coagulation studies - Administer oxygen by mask Prepare for newborn resuscitation
• Hypertension During Pregnancy
•Hypertension During Pregnancy - Gestational hypertension (GH) •Preeclampsia ( GH includes proteinuria) •Eclampsia ( Preeclampsia progresses to Eclampsia when convulsions occur) •Cause of GH unknown , birth is cure •Develops after 20 weeks gestation •Vasospasm ( Spasm of arteries) is main characteristic - Chronic hypertension - Preeclampsia with superimposed chronic hypertension - Present 20 weeks before pregnancy - New occurrence of proteinuria or thrombocytopenia - An increase over baseline blood pressure of 30 mm Hg or more systolic - 15 mm Hg diastolic will place the woman in a high-risk category for GH
Risk Factors for GH
• Risk Factors for GH - First pregnancy - Obesity - Family history of GH - Age over 40 years or under 19 years - Multifetal pregnancy - Chronic hypertension - Chronic renal disease - Diabetes mellitus
Manifestations of and Systems Affected by GH
• Manifestations of and Systems Affected by GH - Hypertension - Edema - Proteinuria - Blood clotting - Central nervous system - Eyes - Urinary tract - Respiratory system - Gastrointestinal system and liver
Management of GH
• Management of GH - Depends on severity of the hypertension and on the maturity of the fetus - Treatment focuses on • Maintaining blood flow to the woman's vital organs and to the placenta • Preventing convulsions
Conservative Treatment
• Conservative Treatment - Activity restriction - Maternal assessment of fetal activity - Blood pressure monitoring - Daily weight - Checking urine for protein • Drug therapy - Magnesium sulfate • Calcium gluconate reverses effects of magnesium sulfate - Antihypertensives
Nursing Care Focus
• Nursing Care Focus - Assisting the woman to obtain prenatal care - Helping her cope with therapy - Caring for acutely ill woman • Know what signs/symptoms to monitor for and when to intervene - Administering medications as prescribed • Bleeding Incompatibilities - Rh-negative blood type is an autosomal recessive trait - Rh-positive blood type is a dominant trait - Rh incompatibility can only occur if the woman is Rh-negative and the fetus is Rh-positive
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