Chapter 4 Giving Your First Speech – Flashcards

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According to your textbook, a common mistake students make when developing their first speech is
a. using PowerPoint improperly. b. trying to cover too much material. c. not doing enough library research. d. all of the above. e. a and c only.
Which of the following is appropriate when using humor in a public speech?
a. gently making fun of common human quirks b. using obscenity or offcolor language c. characterizing groups with negative stereotypes d. all of the above e. a and b only
Your textbook recommends that when you develop your first speech, you should look for ways to
a. make the speech mysterious or suspenseful. b. use colorful, descriptive language. c. be creative in structuring your information. d. all of the above. e. b and c only.
Which of the following does your textbook recommend for developing your first classroom speech?
a. Be creative in structuring the speech. b. Use colorful, descriptive language. c. Describe an exciting experience. d. all of the above e. b and c only
As explained in your textbook, the three main parts of a speech are called
a. the opening, the center, and the end. b. the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. c. the attention-getter, the main section, and the ending. d. the preview, the main points, and the close. e. the beginning, the core, and the conclusion. ANSWER B
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According to your textbook, the first thing a speaker needs to do in the introduction of a speech is to
a. identify the topic of the speech. b. tell the audience his or her name. c. get the interest and attention of the audience. d. preview the purpose of the speech. e. explain the speech assignment. ANSWER C
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For her first speech, Rebekah plans to explain her interest in dance beginning with her childhood and continuing through her days in high school. Which pattern of organization discussed in your textbook will she use in her speech?
a. topical b. artistic c. chronological d. kinetic e. functional
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According to your textbook, "Now that you know about Julio's interest in photography, let's look at his passion for snowboarding" is an example of a
a. bridge. b. conclusion. c. conversion. d. transition. e. summary
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For his first speech, Peter is organizing his ideas around three holiday customs that were passed down by his Polish grandparents. According to your textbook, Peter's speech will most likely be organized in __________ order.
a. familial b. topical c. chronological d. geographical e. personal
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In her first speech, Kayla introduced her classmate Sean to the class. Each of her main points dealt with one of Sean's hobbies. According to your textbook, Kayla's speech was arranged in __________ order.
a. spatial b. personal c. recreational d. chronological e. topical
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A sentence or two that lets the audience know that a speaker has finished one thought and is moving on to another is called a
a. bridge. b. summary. c. transition. d. corollary. e. conclusion ANSWER C
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As your textbook explains, each main point of your first speech should
a. cover a single aspect of the topic. b. have its own introduction. c. end with an internal summary. d. be preceded by a preview statement. e. begin with a question. ANSWER A
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Which of the following does your textbook recommend that you do in the conclusion of your first speech?
a. Let the audience know your speech is ending. b. Reinforce the central idea of your speech. c. End on a clever or thought-provoking note. d. all of the above e. a and b only ANSWER D
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According to your textbook, the type of delivery in which you plan your speech in detail and learn it well without trying to memorize the exact wording is called
a. conventional. b. extemporaneous. c. methodical d. extraneous. e. intuitive.
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When you use the __________ method of delivery, you become so familiar with the substance of your speech that you need only a few brief notes to jog your memory.
a. traditional b. spontaneous c. personal d. informative e. extemporaneous
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A carefully prepared and rehearsed speech that is presented from a brief set of notes is called a(n) __________ speech.
a. extemporaneous b. spontaneous c. transitional d. contemporaneous e. informative
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According to your textbook, when you prepare speaking notes for your first speech, you should
a. doublespace or triplespace your notes so they are easy to see. b. write down key terms and phrases rather than complete sentences. c. write or print on only one side of the index cards or paper. d. all of the above. e. a and c only
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According to your textbook, when you prepare speaking notes for your first speech, you should
a. make sure the notes can be read at arm's length. b. write out your speech word for word. c. use both sides of your index cards or paper. d. all of the above. e. b and c only.
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Which of the following does your textbook recommend that you do when rehearsing your first speech?
a. Rehearse the speech out loud. b. Prepare notes consisting of key words and phrases. c. Practice giving the speech to friends or family members. d. all of the above e. b and c only
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Which of the following does your textbook recommend that you do when rehearsing your first speech?
a. Memorize the speech word for word. b. Ask family members or friends for feedback. c. Read over the speech silently until you are sure you know it. d. all of the above e. a and c only
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Your textbook recommends that when you deliver your first speech, you should make an effort to
a. maintain eye contact with the audience. b. use your voice expressively. c. avoid distracting mannerisms. d. all of the above. e. b and c only.
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