Chapter 13 Communication Privacy Management Theory – Flashcards
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Why does this theory use the term "private disclosure" instead of "self-disclosure"?
Because self disclosures are just things about us that people know, private disclosure is something more intimate
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In what way is Communication Privacy Management theory a rule-based theory?
By certain societal rules we chose to or not to private disclosure some things.
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How does a privacy management system identify ways privacy boundaries are coordinated between and among individuals?
private information is about things that matter deeply to a person, private boundaries are the line in the sand where between private info that only that certain person should tell and public info. This is linked to Boundary coordination, linkage, ownership. Also how permeability(think or thin) the boundaries are, and if there is any boundary turbulence. Control and ownership is when it is that person's information that is theirs to tell.
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What is the privacy rule management process?
the nature of the disclosure[privacy of the characteristics] whether we solely own it or it is co-owned info[boundary coordination] and if there is any conflicts in expectations on how private it is[boundary turbulence.]
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How do the five decision-making criteria help us develop rules for privacy management?
Cultural[what culture a person is from.[ Gendered [women and men way of PM] motivational [how much you want to disclosure.] contextual [our environment affects if we want to disclosure something] Risk-benefit, [assessments of risks of benefits of disclosing.]
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What is boundary coordination, and what are its features?
Boundary linkage the connections forming a boundary alliances between people boundary ownership-right and privileges accruing to co-owners of private information. boundary permeability-how much information is able to be passed through the boundary. boundary turbulence: conflicts about boundary expectations and regulation.
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In terms of criticism of this theory, how is Communication Privacy Management evaluated in terms of utility and heurism?
much promise of utility, and is heuristic.
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