chapter 10/section 3 – healthy food guidelines

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what are the dietary guidelines for americans?
a set of recommendations about smart eating and physical activity for all Americans
what is mypyramid?
an interactive guide to healthful eating and active living
what is nutrient-dense?
foods that are nutrient-dense have a high ratio of nutrients to calories
name 3 key guidelines for eating right and having an active lifestyle for all americans.
1. make smart choices from every food group 2. find your balance between food and activity 3. get the most nutrition out of your calories
what are the 5 major food groups?
grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, proteins
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explain my pyramid/myplate and how it is designed to help you make healthful food choices.
mypyramid is an interactive guide to healthful eating and active living; you can use it to choose foods from all 5 of the food groups. mypyramid helps you put the dietary guidelines into action. each food group is represented by colored bands running from top to bottom.
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why is the yellow band in mypyramid the narrowest?
the yellow band represents oils and fats, which is NOT one of the basic food groups. oils are also NOT healthy.
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on what is the recommendation for daily caloric needs for individuals based?
age, gender, and activity level
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list and briefly explain the Dietary Guidelines recommendations for the best choices within each food group.
1. focus on fruits - eat a variety of fruits. fresh whole fruits that provide fiber are a better choice than fruit juice. 2. vary your veggies - vegetables fall into several different categories; try to eat a good mix of different types of vegetables each day 3. get your calcium-rich foods - low fat and fat free dairy products are good choices 4. make half your grains whole - get at least three ounces of brown rice or whole grain cereals, breads, crackers, and pasta a day 5. go lean with protein - choose lean meats and poultry; grill, bake, and broil the meat instead of frying it.
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what kinds of foods are best to avoid or limit?
foods that are high in fat (especially saturated fats & trans fats); also limit foods with salt and added sugar
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identify a good goal for teens about physical activity.
be physically active/exercise for 60 minutes almost every day
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explain how nutrient dense foods can help you stay fit.
the more nutrient dense a food is, the more nutrients it packs into a certain number of calories
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list tips for healthful eating and food choices for the following: dinner plate, breakfast, snacks, restaurant meal.
- dinner plate: try to eat something from each food group that is healthy, so you have a variety of healthy foods - breakfast: NEVER skip breakfast because it can cause your body to run short on energy later in the day. set the table for breakfast the night before so you don't skip it. breakfast options: whole grain muffin, hard-boiled eggs - snacks: healthful snacks can give you energy to keep going. snack options: fresh fruit, cut-up vegetables, string cheese, unsalted nuts, air-popped popcorn, fat free yogurt, whole wheat bread sticks - restaurant meals: here are a few tips to keep in mind when ordering at a restaurant: watch portion sizes, pay attention to how foods are prepared, add fresh vegetables and fruit, go easy on toppings, and don't drink your calories.
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