Casi Se Muere – Flashcards

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Ana is 16 years old, she has blue eyes and brown hair. She goes to West Torrance High school. Ana lives in Hermosa Beach, California with her younger brother Don, younger sister Patty, mom who is a secretary at Mercy Hospital and dad, who is a doctor at the hospital. Ana's Spanish teacher tells her about an opportunity to travel to Chile. She will travel for three months.
Chapter 1
The national dance is the Cueca. Independence day is September 18, where Chile won its independence from Spain. The national food is the empanada. The capital of Chile is Santiago. The climate of Chile is similar to that of California, but it is summer in Chile when it is winter in California and vice-versa. It rains a lot in both places. It has the Andes and the Atacama Desert.
Chapter 2
Ana's "exchange parents" are Victoria and Pedro. They have two daughters: Elena and Teresa. Teresa becomes friends with Ana. In chapter 3, they all go to Hotel Alcazar to visit Teresa's cousins, Enrique and Monica. In this chapter, Ana starts writing letters to her friend Alicia that describe each day's events.
Chapter 3
a student named Pepe Ayala is choking on a piece of meat. Pepe is new to the school and has no friends. Ana saves him, but the piece of meat goes flying and hits Jaime Campo, a bully. He gets mad and threatens them. Pepe thanks Ana. She writes a letter to Alicia and says that she thinks about Pepe a lot but she does not know why.
Chapter 4
Pepe and Ana talk. They talk about the differences between Chile and California, as well as many other things. At the end of the chapter, Ana writes another letter to Alicia.
Chapter 5
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She attends West Torrance High School in Hermosa Beach, California, but then she sends a petition to New York trying to get the opportunity to go to Chile. She is accepted and then goes. Ana's favorite class is Spanish because she likes to learn new words and she likes her teacher.
Ana silva
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Pepe Ayala: Boy from Chile that speaks some English. Friends with Ana.
Pepe Ayala
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Her friend in Chile. Also is her host sister.
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Ana writes her letters about her every day experiences.
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He is the bully that lives in Chile.
Jaime campo
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