What is the functional group of a carboxylic acid? a. Carboxyl group -COOH, --C02H 2. What Is the common name for an ethanoic acid? a. Acetic acid CH3COOH 3. Reduction of carboxylic acids a.
Carboxylic acids D Aldehydes Cl Primary alcohols . Why are ions much more water soluble than neutral molecules? a. Because they have a charge 5. Putting an insoluble carboxylic acid in a basic (alkaline) solution creates an ion by: a. Taking away an H+ b. It becomes soluble 6.
Changes in the pH also change what on the molecule? a.
Change the charge on the molecule b. Therefore change solubility as well 7. Carboxylic acids can lose a hydrogen Ion (H+) and become what? a. An Ion ”coo- 8.
How do you name an Ion? a. Named by r
...emoving the -o'c acid and replacing It with -oate Ion 9. What Is the functional group of an Ester? a. -OR group bonded to a carbonyl group 10. What is the functional group of an Amide? a.
-NH2 group bonded to a carbonyl group 11. How are esters and amides formed? a. By a combination of a carboxylic acid and hydroxyl group or amino group with a loss of H20 b.
Dehydration synthesis 12. Synthesis of esters a. The hydroxyl groups of both the carboxylic acid and the alcohol combine by dehydrating, leaving an oxygen bonded to two R groups, one of them Is a carbonyl group 13.
Hydrolysis of esters a. Taking the two pieces by adding a water 14. How do you form amides? a. Combining a carboxylic acid with an amine and removing -OH from the acid and an
-H from the amine b. Dehydration synthesis 15.
What happens when an amide comes apart? a. There's a carboxylic acid and an ammonium ion b. Hydrolysis 16.
Why are esters and amides stable at a neutral pH but undergo hydrolysis when at a high or low pH? a. They dont fall apart In the blood but do with acid 17.
How are esters made? a. By comblnlng a carboxylic acid with an alcohol 18. How are amides made? . By combining a carboxylic acid with an amine a.
Putting either an ester or amide together from their parts b. Something has synthesized and water has been removed 20. What is hydrolysis?
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