Bus Found. Quiz 1 READINGS

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- the past helps us to navigate the ever changing future - social scientist: Herbert Simon suggested a human world of "bounded rationality" - the nature of business is in part just a reflection of our own personal natures, we each set out on our own personal exploration - all business ideologies that have been presented to us are subject to change for generations to come
INTRODUCTION - A Written Word Is The Choicest of Relics summary
- Reading is important and in order to find yourself you must look out for society instead of yourself
Of Studies from the Essays Author
Francis Bacon
Of Studies from the Essays Q1: what are the alternative uses of studies? What are they good for?
- Reading: studies are useful because they help to formulate ones own opinion based off of another persons intellect. - Surround yourself around intelligent people - studies help us recognize what is wrong with the past so we can fix the future
Of Studies from the essays Q2: What are the risks of overdoing the pursuit of study
If you study too much then you are getting fixed on someone else opinion rather than your own. There should be a balance between study and experience. Studying too much will cause a tunnel vision.
Reading from Walden
- there are two types of nature at play; Topographic and Human Nature [must go hand in hand to avoid doubt and frustration]
Of Studies from the Essays By: Francis Bacon Summary
Read not to contradict nor to believe, but to weight and consider
Reading from Walden Q1: According to Thoreau, why are books so special?
- Choices of relics, it is something at once more intimate with us and more universal than any other work art - Can be bread throughout different cultures - When you read and gain knowledge we can all corporate as a society and work together
Reading from Walden Q2: How should books be read?
Be open and develop infinity in the present rather than learning to do so when its too late
Economy from Walden Q1: Why does Thoreau say that most men are desperate?
because they are confined to thinking that they must live a certain kind of life
Reading from Walden Summary
- Thoreau valued classical text and good company - Rich men who finally get what they want conclude that they lead less meaningful lives - texts should be read in their ancient languages - educate outselves with these classical books, "the best books are not read even by those who are called good readers" - "it is not all books that are as dull as their readers" everyone should be educated with these books not just the "intelligent" people - learn and work from one another, lets work as a nation
Reading from Walden Author
Henry David Thoreau
Economy from Walden Q2: Why does he think that age does not lead to knowledge?
Because everyones life experience is different and they just follow the "typical life style"
Economy from Walden Author
Henry David Thoreau
Economy from Walden Summary
- why do you have to be put into a working position just because you were born into it instead of experiencing it yourself - look outside of the "typical life style" and have balance between work and free time - always think good about yourself bc it'll reflect more on you than on other people - Age does not matter - food, shelter, clothing, fuel are the main necessities but even in some circumstances they aren't - spends six wees preparing for survival and devoted the rest of his time to "living"
Economy from Walden Q3: What does Thoreau think people really need?
purpose of living, good company and classical texts
Economy from Walden Q4: What does Thoreau say about luxuries?
They do not keep the richer comfortably warm, they keep them uncomfortably warm.
Economy from Walden Q5: What mistakes does the basket-selling Indian make?
He thinks just by making the basket he will sell it automatically, instead of adjusting to the needs of the market
Economy from Walden Q6: How much time does Thoreau have to spend working for money to meet his annual expenses?
6 weeks
Economy from Walden Q7: What does Thoreau admonish us to do?
Make your own expedition don't go off of someone else experiences
Economy from Walden Q8: What kind of knowledge and exploration does Thoreau suggest we pursuit?
Knowledge ourselves with classical texts and ancient literature, get to know yourself without luxurious
Motivation for the Development of Commerce Introduction: All That is Solid Melts into Air Summary
- value of our lives is measured not by only how we direct business, but how we are directed by business
From the Journal of Christopher Columbus Q1: What was (were) Columbus's original goal(s)?
"They have no arms, and are with-out warlike instincts, they all go naked, and are so timid that a thousand would not stand before three of our men. They are good to be ordered about, to work and sow, and do all that may be necessary..." and to be transformed into Christians Columbus's main goals were twofold- Spanish expansionism and an increase in prestige for Spanish sea power.
From the Journal of Christopher Columbus Q2: What goal (s) emerged once he arrived in the West Indies?
He sought after gold, and to christianize the indians for the king and queen back in Spain.
From the Journal of Christopher Columbus Q3: What did Columbus consider the local inhabitants to have become by the fact of his arrival?
To become more civilized
From the Journal of Christopher Columbus Q4: How did Columbus contrast the Indians and the Spaniards?
- fairly white and if they were clothed and protected from the sun and air they would be almost as fair as the Spaniards - indians considered the Spaniards as Gods - Indians were very thankful and giving - Spaniards would take everything without anything in return
From the Journal of Christopher Columbus Q5: Who were the Caribs and why did Columbus seek them out?
They eat men, Columbus wanted to go there because that island holds gold.
From the Journal of Christopher Columbus Q6: What did Columbus urge the king and queen of Spain to do with the profits made from the discovery and conquest?
all the profits of this my enterprise may be spent in the conquest of Jerusalem
From the Journal of Christopher Columbus Summary
- in the beginning exchange is the most important thing to him - Indian approaches Admiral and tells him how Christians have come form heaven in search of Gold "Island of Baneque", Indians believed that the Spaniards came from heaven and the Sovereigns of Castille must be in heaven - A canoe comes in and the Cacique signals if the canoe brought anything valuable - The admiral believes that our Lord would point them to the gold, found out it was coming from the island Baneque - Admiral sends men from ship to village to see if Gold has arrived - King boards ship where Admiral was and shares food that he is given (this signifies the character of the Indians) -the indians were grateful towards everything they were given -Admiral sends king back to shore honorably -sailors were treated with much respect wherever they decided to stop -Old man points out where to find gold to Admiral -admiral would injure the old man but as they are subjects of the king of Castille he doesn't injure them. - Admiral set up a cross in hope that all the people would become Christian - Admiral notices Indians humbleness and tell his crew that nothing shall be taken without giving something in return - Admiral traded with king, both satisfied - Once king saw that Admiral could give him bells he asked for more in return of gold - The Chief witnesses Admiral shooting the bow and ask the Admiral for protection and the Indians will provide labor - Admiral wants to build tower so that others may know the skill of the subjects of his Highness - Admiral sends boat to shore to find food and they find some men with bows and arrows - Sees an Indian and orders that he be fed - Once Indian lands he orders for others to put down arms - Proceed to buy arms then the Indians (Caribs) attack the Spaniards - Admiral and Spaniards return and realize that the Caribes and the neighboring people should be eradicated
From Faust Part Two Act Four Summary
- Faust sees a cloud that drifts up and splits against the cliff, from it theres a beautiful women - Mephistopheles descendes and tells Faust that the emperor is at war because of printing too much money - Faust wants to create land (third day in the Bible), makes deal with the devil
From Faust Act Five Open Country Summary
- Follows the story of Zeus and Hermes in which they are saved by an older couple - Similar in that the old couples view shows that Faust's new world of power and prosperity possesses elements that menace the peaceful and humble way of life that they have enjoyed for so long
From Faust Act Five Deep Night Summary
- Mephisto kills Baucus and Philemon, Faust feels guilty because he could have prevented it - First time he faces a major consequence and that is a step towards his moral development
From Faust Act Five Midnight Summary
- want, debt, distress, and care show up to Faust - concerned only with what is legitimately attainable in human life and should not seek after impossible things, care blinds him
From Faust Act Five The Great Forecourt of the Palace Summary
- Faust is blind and the lemurs dig a grave for him, he thinks its his workers working on his project - says "Stay, thou art so fair," and dies happy (devil doesn't win)
Faust Q3: Why deos Faust find Baucis and Philemon annoying?
They won't give up their house and always try to tell him about the Old World values
Faust Q4: What are Faust's initial and final steps to secure their land?
Initial action was to remove the couple from their land not kill them
Faust Q5: How does Faust feel when he gets Baucus and Philmon's land?
Feels bad and he could have prevented their deaths
Faust Q6: Why does Faust persist in his project?
Faust believes in helping the society in the future generations and dies with this notion still in mind
Foundations of a commercial Society Introduction: Don't Know Much About History Summary
Intro: Fundamentals of business should not be disregarded but brought forth to light
From the Fable of the Bees Q2: Are members in the hive happy with their situations?
No they are not, they do not like being ruled by one King
From the Republic Plato Q1: What is the story of the ring of Gyges?
This ring makes a person invisible, giving them the chance to take anything they want. A just or unjust man will do the same actions with the ring.
From the Republic Plato Q2: What is the common opinion about what anyone would do with he power conferred by the ring?
They will do the same actions
From the Republic Plato Q3: According to Plato, what are peoples needs?
each person has different needs
From the Republic Plato Q7: To what does the development of the taste for luxury lead?
Luxuries will help us find out what is un/just
From the Acres of Diamonds Summary
Money is great and can be good but only if his/her spirit is right when given so much power
From the Acres of Diamonds Q1: What did Conwell think of the claim that money was the root of all evil?
People who are in love with money are evil bc they will do anything for it.
From the Acres of Diamonds Q2: If not money, then what is the root of all evil?
The man themselves
From the Acres of Diamonds Q3: Why did Conwell think it was ones duty to be rich?
Money builds churches etc
From the Acres of Diamonds Q4: According to Conwell, why are people poor?
God is punishing them
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