Blood Diseases – Malfunctions in the Work or Structure of Blood Cells Essay Example
Blood disorders come in all types and forms. There are some disorders that are genetic and there are those disorders that are developed even before one is born. The blood disorders that exist today are very important to understand them and how to treat them. It is first important to know the signs, symptoms and type of treatments to administer. It is also very important to know your family history, because those disorders that are genetically inherited could go undetected if one is not looking for it.
We also have disorders that occur from our everyday surroundings. We must be very alert as to the environmental type disorders and making sure we understand how to treat them. When we as humans do not eat healthy nutritional foods, blood disorders can develop.
Not eating healthy is something that can be controlled. If we do not eat foods high in fiber or iron rich foods such as meats, eggs, and whole grain foods along with exercise, one can develop such a disorder as iron deficiency anemia (Web MD, 2009). We have been presented three cases to review of people who present with symptoms of certain types of blood disorders.
Each scenario has different symptoms. Our first scenario Amy is a four year old girl who appears to be tired and feeble. She is a Caucasian female that has indicated she is not feeling her regular self. Her habits at the dining room table are not very good either. Her mother has indicated that Amy does not eat the best of healthy foods. She is described as a picky eater.
Many of the food choices are based on wha
mom cooks. The budget will not provide for the healthiest of foods because of a large family and plenty of mouths to feed. Based upon the details provided “Amy” appears to be experiencing a vitamin B-12 deficiency anemia and iron deficiency anemia. Amy will need to present to her primary care physician to have a physical and have the physician zoom in on just how anemic and what official type. The type of test many times performed is a complete blood count or a CBC that determines the volume, size, number, and hemoglobin content of red blood cells. The doctor will also check the hematocrit levels and the level of folic acid in the blood.
Other test performed consists of stool samples (The HealthCentral Network, 2009. But all indications based upon information provided to define Iron deficiency anemia. When one is diagnosed with iron deficiency, many doctors will educate you as to how the deficiency occurred, how to treat it and how to prevent it from occurring again. As indicated above, the doctor will want to go over the patient’s current history and then prescribe such medication as an iron tablet, syrup (children) or injections (The HealthCentral Network, 2009). The type of treatment is based on the child’s age.
The recommended prevention plan; the doctor will provide education on healthy eating guidelines and tips for Amy to build her iron level up. Many times in children, the process will not less, but if Amy does not eat healthy based on recommended guided, she will experience the same symptoms or worse. The next scenario is based on 5 year old African American male named Marcus. Marcus
and his family just relocated to New York. His mother has a family history carrying the sickle cell trait, so she has taken Marcus to the pediatrician for the first visit to have him tested. Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that affects nearly 100, 000 people in the United States (Web MD, 2005 – 2010).
Sickle cell is formed by changing normal round red blood cells into cells that are shaped like a crescent moon. The name comes from the crescent*like shape is how the disorder was named. Marcus many not be having any symptoms, but his mother is making the right decision by taking him in to be tested for the trait that his mother carries. Sickle cell disease is hereditary and abnormal hemoglobin within the red blood cells causes the cells to take an abnormal sickle crescent shapes.
Oxygen is decreased throughout the body when the cells bunch up together and clog the blood vessels. When the cells break apart they can cause pain, tissue damage and anemia (Human Diseases and Conditions, 2010). To test one to see if they have the disease, a test called Hemoglobin electrophoreses is done. The test will determine if abnormal hemoglobin’s are present. The doctor will also order a complete blood count or CBC to determine the amount of red blood cells as well as check the size to see if in crescent shape.
Unfortunately the disease sickle-cell has no cure. If one is diagnosed with the disease, the only types of treatment would be preventative and education of pain management. Patients must be followed closely, get plenty of rest, and make sure all immunizations are
up to date. Since there is no cure for this disease, research is continuing as to better ways to treat patients (Human Diseases and Conditions, 2010).
Our final case presented, we have a patient by the name of Richard. Richards’s age or nationality was not provided. He has been experiencing the signs of bruises all of his body. As he awoke one morning, he coughed and the appearance of tiny red marks was all around the eyes. The tiny red spots from research are more on the level of petechiae.
Petachiae are defined as pinpoint-sized hemorrhages of small capillaries in the skin or mucous membranes. Petechiae are the term given to the individual small red or red-blue spots about 1-5mm in diameter which make up the rash (Health-cares, 2005). Richard based upon what was presented will need to see a physician to provide them with the symptoms, signs that he has been experiencing.
All indications point to Thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia is a platelet disorder where an abnormal small number of platelets increase destruction, decrease platelet production or cause sequestration of platelets. The type of testing done to check for thrombocytopenia is a complete blood count. If the CBC confirms that the patient has low platelet count, the doctor will begin the physical examination, discussing medical history of the pt. The doctor also will ask about family history to determine if immediate family was ever diagnosed. It is always important to keep a record f family history as well as ones own personal history of medical care.
Inform the doctor of any cancers or even liver disease. The type of treatment would depend on CBC levels. The doctor can begin
educating the patient as to his diagnosis. Many times patients are treated with steroids or just monitoring of the platelet levels based upon the severity of the thrombocytopenia.
Additional treatments would be based upon whether platelet levels continue to decrease, then a transfusion would be initiated. The level of decision would be platelets as low as 50, 000.
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