Sam Arent

City: Goodrich, Texas
University: Huston-Tillotson University

Posts by Sam Arent:

Macroeconomics Chapter 1 Terms – Flashcards
05 Jun 2018 Flashcards

question What is scarcity answer Scarcity means human wants for goods and services exceed the available supply. question 2 causes of scarcity answer Supply is limited because resources are limited. Demand, however, is virtually unlimited. Whatever the supply, it seems human nature to want more. question Residents of the town of Smitheld like to consume […]

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Chapter 1 Micro Answers – Flashcards
05 Jun 2018 Flashcards

question A typical production possibilities curve: answer does not specify how much of each product society should produce. question Macroeconomics can best be described as the answer study of the large aggregates of the economy or the economy as a whole question purposeful behavior answer Consumers spend their incomes to get the maximum benefit or […]

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CSU’s Gen Chem 111 Test 3 – Flashcards
05 Jun 2018 Flashcards

question what forms ionic bonds? answer oppositely charged ions question what forms covalent bonds? answer positively-charged atomic nuclei and the negatively-charged electrons between them question what does chemical bonding do? answer Chemical bonding lowers the potential energy between positive and negative particles question nonpolar covalent answer no electronegativity difference question polar covalent bond answer less […]

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Final-Psych – Flashcards
05 Jun 2018 Flashcards

question Disease model answer -distinguishes normal from abnormal -goal: cure illness question Criteria for abnormal answer 1. deviance from social norms of acceptability 2. maladaptive – interferes with appropriate response to situation/behavior 3. cause of personal distress or dangerous to self or others 4. cause discomfort or concern to others question The DSM uses a […]

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PSYC&100 Chapter 7 – Flashcards
05 Jun 2018 Flashcards

question The tendency to recall the first and act items in a list better than the middle items is known as the _________ effect. answer serial position question A momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli is called ___________ memory. answer iconic question Faulty memory for how, when, or where information was learned is called… answer […]

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Español Santillana High School 1 – Unidad 2 – Desafío 2 – Vocabulario – Flashcards
05 Jun 2018 Flashcards

question La Cómoda answer Dresser question La Mesita de Noche answer Nightstand question La Cama answer Bed question El Armario answer Closet question El Lavabo answer Sink question La Ducha answer Shower question La Bañera answer Bathtub question El Inodoro answer Toilet question El Sofá answer Couch question El Televisor answer TV question La Mesa […]

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Macroeconomics chapter – Flashcards
04 Jun 2018 Flashcards

question The definition of economics states that it is the study of how? _________. answer agents choose to allocate scarce resources and the impact of those choices on society. question The ethical implications of a hotly debated government policy would best be considered a? _________. answer normative? question, since it deals with a subjective issue […]

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Welcome to Night Vale – Flashcards
04 Jun 2018 Flashcards

question Cecil Palmer answer Lot #37 at the Sheriff’s Secret Police Auction question ALL HAIL answer The Glow Cloud question Steve Carlsberg answer Just the worst question Erika answer If angels existed, all of them would be named this: question The Time of Knives answer The original summer reading program question Carlos the Scientist answer […]

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sonyasabrah – Flashcards
04 Jun 2018 Flashcards

question When crackles, wheezes, or rhonchi clear with a cough, which of the following is a likely etiology? answer Bronchitis question A male client comes to the clinic complaining of a persistent cough. Further questioning reveals that he was just recently diagnosed with hypertension. Which of the following would the nurse do next? answer Ask […]

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PS – Flashcard
04 Jun 2018 Flashcards

question 1. What was the most common form of taxation during the colonial era? answer Taxes on commercial product & activities question 2. A ________ is a system of government in which states retain sovereign authority except for powers expressly delegated to a national government. answer Confederacy question 3. The Articles of Confederation were adopted […]

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Chapter 37 medsurge – Flashcards
04 Jun 2018 Flashcards

question Urethritis answer Inflammation of urethra question Cystitis answer Inflammation of bladder. question Pyelenephritis answer Inflammation of the kidney. question Urethroplasty answer Surgerical repair of the urethra. question Calculi answer Kidney stones. question Nephrolithotomy answer Surgical incision into the kidney to remove a stone. question Hydronephrosis answer Unreileved obstruction of the urinary tract. question Nephrostomy […]

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Chapter 9 Quiz Test Answers – Flashcards
01 Jun 2018 Flashcards

question going to school answer The very experience of ____ seems to promote mastery of Piagetian tasks question be less responsive than normal-weight children to internal hunger cues answer Obese children tend to question are most often used to identify students who are highly intelligent or have learning problems answer The Stanford-Binet and the Wechssler […]

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Sociology Ch 12 – Flashcards
01 Jun 2018 Flashcards

question What does the Western World Consider as a family? answer A husband, wife, and children question What is Polygyny? answer Men have more than 1 wife question What is Polyandry? answer Women have more than one husband question What do the Banaro of New Guinea do to start a family? answer A young woman […]

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Psychology Unit 1 – Flashcards
31 May 2018 Flashcards

question In comparison to traditional psychoanalysts, neoanalysts place less emphasis on ____________. answer unconscious processes. question Applied research is research undertaken answer to find solutions to specific problems. question The statement that the mental state associated with being in love can be reduced to chemical changes in the brain is most likely to be made […]

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Renaissance Argumentative – Flashcards
31 May 2018 Flashcards

question When was the Arena Chapel created? answer 1305-1306 question Grisaill answer Monochrome grays, often used for modeling in painting to resemble sculpture question The Lamentation of Christ answer Created by Giotto, ca. 1305 Located in the Arena Chapel question What did the Lamentation of Christ accomplish? answer It was close to having completed perspective […]

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CCA EXAM 1 – Flashcards
31 May 2018 Flashcards

question Identify the ICD-10-CM code for a patient with a subsequent encounter for routine healing of a closed traumatic capital epiphyseal fracture of the left femur answer S79.012D question Identify the ICD-10-CM code(s) for neonatal tooth eruption answer K00.6 question Identify CPT code(s) for the following patient. A 35-year old female undergoes an excision of […]

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Ch 29 Review Quizzes – Flashcards
30 May 2018 Flashcards

question A new school nurse was concerned about being accepted, as the previous nurse had been at the school for more than 20 years. Which of the following would be the best approach for the nurse to take? answer Set up workshops on exercise, nutrition, and weight management and perhaps ongoing blood pressure screenings for […]

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PSY 232 Final – Flashcards
30 May 2018 Flashcards

question Which person is showing prosocial behavior? answer Quentin, who goes out of his way to be nice to the new boy in class question Undernutrition–or not having enough food answer compromises children’s physical development, compromises children’s social relationships, compromises the ability to play question According to Vygotsky, when a child talks to himself it […]

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NCCT Medical Office Management – Flashcards
29 May 2018 Flashcards

question ethics answer right and wrong conduct question negligence answer failure to do something that a reasonable person would do under ordinary circumstances that ends up causing harm to another person or a persons property question defendent answer the party being sued question plantiff answer the party suing question abandonment answer withdrawl of a physcian […]

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Ciccarelli Psychology, Chapter 15 Study Plan – Flashcards
29 May 2018 Flashcards

question Who questioned whether psychotherapy really works? answer Hans Eysenck question The use of drugs to control or relieve the symptoms of psychological disorders is called answer psychopharmacology. question Who founded Gestalt therapy? answer Fritz Perls question Phillipe Pinel is known for answer personally unchaining the inmates at an asylum in Paris. question Therapies that […]

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Potter/Perry Chapter 16: Nursing Assessment – Flashcards
25 May 2018 Flashcards

question Nursing process answer A critical thinking process that professional nurses use to apply the best available evidence to caregiving and promoting human functions and responses to health and illness. question Nursing Process Five Steps answer Def. Fundamental blueprint for how to care for a patient. “Standard of Practice” 1. Assessment – Collection, verification, and […]

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AP PSYCH chapter 1/2 – Flashcards
22 May 2018 Flashcards

question Carl Rogers answer One of the most prominent architects of the humanistic movement. He, along with Abraham Maslow, argues that human behavior is governed primarily by each individual’s sense of self, or “self-concept” – which animals presumably lack. He argued that in order to fully understand human behavior, psychologists must take into account the […]

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