Sam Arent

City: Goodrich, Texas
University: Huston-Tillotson University

Posts by Sam Arent:

Exam2ReviewChap5 – Flashcards
02 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question What type of barriers does the Integumentary system form? answer Biological barrier Physical barrier question What major organ system prevents dehydration? answer Skin question T / F The Integumentary system helps prevent heat loss. answer True. question What are the two major layers of the Integumentary system? answer Epidermis Dermis question Which of the […]

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Africa Map (physical Features) European Countries African Countries – Flashcards
02 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Sahara answer A huge desert stretching across most of North Africa question Congo River answer Flowing through west central Africa, it is the second longest river in Africa and the fifth longest river in the world. It crosses the equator twice and is surrounded by rain forest. question Nile River answer It flows northward […]

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MRT 140 Cancer Registry – Unit 1 Exam – Flashcards
01 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question 3 Main Functions of the Cancer Registry answer Case Finding Abstracting Follow-Up question What makes up Abstracting? answer Demographics Diagnosis Treatment question IDPH answer Illinois Department of Public Health question ISCR answer Illinois State Cancer Registry question WHO answer World Health Organization question ACS answer American Cancer Society question ACoS answer American College of […]

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RESP-Pulmonary Nodules – Flashcards
01 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question What is the definition of a solitary pulmonary nodule? answer A lesion within and surrounded by pulmonary parenchyma. question What is the typical size of a solitary pulmonary nodule? answer Less than 3cm. question What is the prevalence of solitary pulmonary nodules? answer 8-51% in populations at a high risk for lung cancer. question […]

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Gen Chem 2 – Flashcards
27 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Larger Ksp answer more salt in saturated solution question How to increase the solubility if the anion is the conjugate base of a weak acid? answer adding strong acid question Qc answer [products]/[reactants] question Qsp answer Qc[PbF2] = [Pb2+][F-]2 question spontaneous change answer occurs without continuous input of energy question activation energy answer spontaneous […]

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Activity Analysis Questions – Flashcards
27 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question A Client in a small craft group displays an aggressive behavior towards another client. According to the OTPF, this is an example of what type of emotional regulation skill that the client may not be managing well? answer Anger question Clients in a small craft group are working well together in completing an activity. […]

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AP Euro Ch. 20: Industrial Revolution – Flashcards
26 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Industrial Revolution answer made Great Britain the wealthiest country in the world, spread across Europe and New World, started with the agricultural revolution, went through technological advances creating more efficient processes and decreased labor question Agricultural Revolution answer changes of methods of farming and stock breeding, increase of food production, lower prices of goods, […]

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Practice Management & EHR, chapter 9 – Flashcards
25 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question modifier answer A number appended to a code to report particular facts question adjustments answer Changes to a patient’s account question unbundling answer The incorrect billing practice of breaking a panel or package of serves/procedures into component. question code linkage answer The clinically appropriate connection between a provided service and a patient’s condition or […]

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mis 309 2 – Flashcard
25 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question The process of feedback and iteration is more important to cooperation than collaboration. answer FALSE question A group of programmers work separately to create modules and merge the modules later to build an application. This is an example of collaboration. answer FALSE question Feedback and iteration enable a group to produce something greater than […]

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Intro to Occupational Therapy, Chapters 4-6 – Flashcards
25 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question a vision answer leads the future direction of a profession or oganization; thus helps organizations move forward in a clear direction by encouraging all participants to work toward the same goals. question AOTA answer American Occupational Therapy Association question AOTA’s current mission statement answer …to advance the quality, availability, use and support of ot […]

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Family Systems – Strategic Jay Haley & Cloe Madanes – Flashcards
25 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question circular causality answer “The idea that events are related through a series of interacting loops or repeating cycles” (118). question circular questioning answer “A method of interviewing developed by the Milan Associates in which questions are asked that highlight differences among family members” (118). question communications theory answer “The study of relationships in terms […]

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GCSE Chemistry Bonding Cards – Flashcards
25 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Metallic Bonding answer Positive ions surrounded by a ‘sea’ of delocalised electrons question Metallic Bonding answer Strong attraction between ions and delocalised electrons question Metallic Bonding answer High melting points, almost all are solids at room temp question Metallic Bonding answer Conduct electricity question Metallic Bonding answer Most don’t conduct electricity (except graphite) question […]

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H. Kitty, Gr. 8, Medieval History (Exam is Friday Jan 13) – Flashcards
23 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Dates of the Middle Ages answer 476- 1453 (a long time) question Why does the start of the Middle Ages begin with 476? Describe the situation brielfly. answer The Fall of Rome Odaocer (sp?) beat the Emperor and instead of becoming the next Emperor, wanted to be king of Italy. This is HUGE that […]

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Foundations of chemistry – Flashcards
21 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question MOLAR MASS OF WATER answer 18 g/mol question MOLAR MASS OF CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) answer 44 g/mol question MOLAR MASS OF CARBON MONIXIDE (CO) answer 28 g/mol question LEWIS DOT OF WATER answer   O H     H   question LEWIS DOT FOR OXYGEN MOLECULE answer   O  O question LEWIS DOT FOR NITROGEN MOLECULE […]

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The Columbian Exchange – Social Studies Grade 5 – Flashcards
20 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Columbian Exchange – all about it (big ideas) answer 1.Explorers created contact with Europe and the Americas. (Different populations were introduced.) 2. Big cultural changes occurred with Native Americans once interference began. 3. Exchange of physical elements such as animals, plants, diseases, weapons, etc. brought about big changes. question Animals – changes in the […]

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AP Psych Chapter 16 Therapy Vocab – Flashcards
20 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question psychotherapy answer An interaction between a trained therapist and someone who suffers from psychological difficulties or wants to achieve personal growth. question biomedical therapy answer The use of prescribed medications or medical procedures that act on a patient’s physiology to treat psychological disorders. question eclectic approach answer an approach in which therapists are not […]

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Emerging OT Practice Areas: Exploring New Opportunities in Healthcare.
20 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Emergent Practice Areas answer “The development and provision of a new type of OT service either in a traditional context or in an environment where services have not traditionally been available or well established”. question Sometimes brought about by: answer Growth in health care expenditures: 1. Economic factors: inflation, health insurance 2. Societal demographics: […]

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Unit 2 Economics – Flashcards
19 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Price Floor answer A government controls the limits how low it can go question Tragedy of the commons answer What is the name given to the over use of public goods question When one charactertistics of a market economy is absent, making it impossible to be efficent. answer What is a market failure? question […]

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MMFT 670 Human Sexuality and Contexual Sex Therapy – Flashcards
19 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question PLISSIT answer Permission, Limited Info, Specific Suggestions, Intensive therapy question Intensive Therapy answer after a full history of the client is taken the therapist must refer to a sex theapist or other appropriate professional question Limited Information answer the practioner addresses specific conerns and correct myths and misinformation question specific suggestions answer define the […]

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Musculoskeletal NCLEX – Flashcards
19 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Which finding will the nurse expect when assessing a 60-year-old patient who has osteoarthritis (OA) of the left knee? a. Heberden’s nodules b. Pain upon joint movement c. Redness and swelling of the knee joint d. Stiffness that increases with movement answer ANS: B Initial symptoms of OA include pain with joint movement. Heberden’s […]

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SPMT 217: Chap 14 ( Sport Sales) – Flashcards
18 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question What holds more job opportunities in the sport industry? answer Sales question Three important things about sales: answer 1. sales is lifeblood of sport organization 2. sales can be fun 3. jobs entail some element of sales question You will always be selling ____. answer Yourself and ideas! question Daily challenges of sales include: […]

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Introduction to Information Highway [Midterm Exam] – Flashcards
18 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Portal answer A web portal, or simply a portal, is a special type of website that offers access to a vast range of content and services. Such as Yahoo! and MSN question Client answer This process is an example of client/server computing, in which a client — the browser — requests services from another […]

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