Larry Charles

City: Ann Arbor, Michigan
University: Eastern Michigan University

Posts by Larry Charles:

Drawing Terms and Techniques
07 May 2020 Flashcards

question Composition answer the way the parts of the drawing (elements) are arranged in the given space. Elements include; line, shape, value, form, texture, color, positive space, and negative space. question Positive space answer the figure(s) or objects(s) or tangible thing(s) in a composition. Sometimes an object can be both positive and negative, depending upon […]

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Maze Runner Study Guide
05 May 2020 Flashcards

question Leaders answer Alby and Newt – in control of the Glade question Builders answer Build structures around the Glade question Bricknicks answer Fix the structures if they break question Sloppers answer Clean the toilets, showers, kitchen, and the Blood House question Cooks answer Cook food for the Gladers – FryPan is the Keeper question […]

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COM Debate flashcards Affirmative
04 May 2020 Flashcards

question High Tuition Induces Debt answer High Tuition Induces Debt Wiener, Jon. \”Aiming Higher: Make College Tuition Free.\” The Nation, 300.14 (April 6, 2015): 224. \”The mother of all problems in higher education today is high tuition at public colleges and universities, which forces students into decades of debt and makes for-profit schools seem like […]

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Smith College Abnormal Psychology Chapters 1-4
02 May 2020 Flashcards

question Reliability (Provide example) answer the degree to which a measurement is consistent. EX. Have a stomach ache and go to 4 different doctors and they all tell you something different question Validity (Provide example) answer the degree to which something measures what it was designed to measure question Standardization answer Application of certain standards […]

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Baptist History
02 May 2020 Flashcards

question what are the three C reasons for being Baptist? answer Conditioning, convenience, conviction question Healthy baptist churches are simultaneously… answer catholic, reformational, and radical, and (evangelical) question What is the single greatest distinctive of Baptists? answer ecclessiology question What part of ecclessiology gives Baptists their mark? answer membership question most well known distinctive? answer […]

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College Biology 101 Chp 1
01 May 2020 Flashcards

question The process of genotypic variation that has transformed life on Earth from its earliest beginnings to the diversity of organisms living today. answer Evolution question the scientific study of life answer Biology question Order, Evolutionary adaption, Response to environment, Regulation, Energy processing, Growth and Development, Reproduction answer Properties Of Life question ordered structure that […]

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Healthy Relationships Statistics
01 May 2020 Flashcards

question rapes are planned in advance answer 71% question women who are aped try to physically resist answer 80% question did not consider what happened to the to be rape answer 48.8% question college age men conceded to using coercive behavior to have sex but did not admit it was rape answer 43% question American […]

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Texas Government 2306 San Jacinto Community College
25 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question Daniel Elazar answer Labeled three cultural theories; Individualistic; Moralistic; Traditionalistic question Individualistic answer Minimal interaction by the Government; Government covers the basic laws; Everyone for themselves with a few trusted friends question Moralistic answer Religious/Strict Moralists; Excuse to enforce Government’s beliefs question Traditionalistic answer Old South; Elite Theory; The elite are in power; Maintain […]

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Order of Draw Phlebotomy MedTech College Fort Wayne
24 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question Color Yellow answer Lab Dept Microbiology Additive SPS Test Blood Cultures Lab Dept Blood bank Additive ACD Test Blood Cultures and DNA & Paternity Testing Both Invert 8-10 question Color Light Blue answer Lab Dept Coagulation Additive NaC Test Platelet function & Routine coagulation (must be full draw – PT, PTT, APTT, INR) Invert […]

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College Math 101
19 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question Quantitative Literacy answer The ability to interpret and reason with information that involves mathematical ideas or numbers question Critical Think/ General Guidelines answer Read Careful Hidden Assumptions Identify the real issue understand all options watch for missing info Are there other conclusions question Members of a Set answer Individual objects question Logic answer Methods […]

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DHN 212 chapter 3
08 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question Food guides usually classify sunflower and other seeds in the _____ group answer protein question To establish a nutrient’s RDA, nutrition scientists add _____ of the nutrient to its EAR. answer a margin of safety amount question The label on a bag of salt-free pretzels indicates that the chips are “low-fat.” This means the […]

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psych 555 6666
08 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question John Locke would have suggested that a perceptual set results from answer Prior experience question the best way to detect enlarged fluid-filled brain regions in some patients who have schizophrenia is to use answer MRI question The ability to simultaneously process the pitch, loudness, melody, and meaning of a song best illustrates answer parallel […]

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Flashcards on Aging
02 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question graying answer term used to indicate that an increasing proportion of a society’s population is elderly. question elderly answer adults aged 65+ question social gerontology answer a discipline concerned with the study of the social aspects of aging. Studying aging requires a \”sociological imagination\” question Aging answer can be defined as the combination of […]

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Microbiology Final: Case Studies
02 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question Diagnosis using Symptoms and History: -slight fever -frequent urination -vaginal discharge -lesion on labia -sexually active -high pH of urine -vaginal secretion smear shows gram negative cocci answer Diagnosis: Neisseria gonorrhea question clinical features most critical to diagnosis of Neisseria gonorrhea answer gram negative cocci, high pH of urine, lesions on labia question What […]

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CJ Realities and Challenges : Ch. 1
01 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question mala in se answer behavior categorized as wrong or “evil in itself” question mala prohibita answer statutory crime that reflects public opinion at a moment in time question statutory crime answer an act the is criminal because it is prohibited by law question consensus prospective answer view that crime sees law as the product […]

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AP Psychology – Unit 6 – Learning
25 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question Classical Conditioning answer Learning through association, a tendency to connect events that occur together in time and space. *A stimulus elicits a response* question Ivan Pavlov answer The Russian Psychologist who discovered classical conditioning on accident; he was just measuring how much dogs salivated. question US – Unconditioned Stimulus answer A stimulus that naturally […]

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Chapter 15: Aging and the Elderly
25 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question gerontology answer the study of aging and the elderly question age stratification answer the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege among people at different stages of the life course question gerontocracy answer a form of social organization in which the elderly have the most wealth, power, and prestige question caregiving answer informal and […]

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EZC1 – Finance WGU
25 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question corporate finance, investments, institutions answer main line finance disciplines question process of determining what capital assets to buy answer capital budgeting analysis question own money (equity) or the bank’s money (debt). answer finance your company with … question Amount of owners’ portion of a business. answer Equity question Money lent by a creditor to […]

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Chapter 4 Whole Body Terminology
24 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question Abdominal Cavity answer The cavity beneath the thoracic cavity; Contains the liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, pancreas, intestines, and kidneys question Anaplasia answer A change in the structure and orientation of cells, charecterized by a loss of differentiation and reversion to a more primitive form. question Anatomical Position answer The standard reference position for the […]

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Case Studies: Respiratory System
23 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question Disease: answer Pharyngitis question Causative Agent & Type: answer Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria gram-positive cocci chains question Transmission: answer respiratory droplets and/or direct contact question Culture & Diagnosis: answer throat swabs and rapid antibody test; culture on agar rules out any false negatives from the rapid antibody test question Prevention: answer good hygiene question Treatment: […]

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Internet and Electronic Commerce
17 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question -a large network that connects together smaller networks all over the globe answer Internet question -made it possible to include these elements (text, graphics, animations, sound, and video). -It provides a multimedia interface to resources available on the Internet. answer Web question focused on linking existing information answer Web 1.0 question evolved to support […]

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Google Docs Vocabulary
10 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question The Google Docs command to save a file is answer There is no save command. Docs automatically saves as you work. question Paste answer To inset items stored on the clipboard into a document. question Link answer A Google Docs hyperlink. It is a text that opens a web page or jumps you to […]

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