Posts by Kevin Stewart:
question what is thrombopoietin (TPO)? answer the factor for hematopoietic stem cells to go toward toward megakaryocytes question how do megakaryocytes produce platelets? answer endomitosis, the nucleus is replicated but the DNA remains intact and starts sloughing off cells -> platelets question where is TPO produced? answer in the bone marrow, liver and kidney. (EPO […]
Read morequestion what are the 6 characteristics associated with anaplasia? answer pleomorphism and giant cells high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio chromatin is clumped and prominent nucleoli are prominent abnormal mitotic figures distorted architecture question what is the Warburg hypothesis answer even in the presence of O2 cancer cells undergo glycolysis question what gene(s) is associated with non-polyposis coli […]
Read morequestion CEA answer 1. Colorectal 2. Pancreatic Cancers 3. Gastric 4.Breast 5. Medullary thyroid ca. (visceral association + breast/thyroid) question alpha-fetoprotein answer 1. Hepatocellular 2. Nonseminomatous germ cell tumors question beta-HCG answer 1. Choriocarcinoma 2. Hyatidiform moles question CA-125 answer Ovarian cancer question S-100 answer 1. Melanoma 2. Neural tumors 3. Schwannoma question Alkaline phosphatase […]
Read morequestion Most type of vulvar/vaginal tumors are? answer Squamous cell carcinomas question Examples of non-neoplastic epithelial disorders answer Lichen sclerosus, squamous hyperplasia question Two types of intraepithelial neoplasias answer Squamous VIN and Non-squamous question Types of Squamous VIN answer I, II, III question Types of Non-squamous intraepithelial neoplasias answer Extramammary Paget’s disease, tumors of melanocytes […]
Read morequestion T stands for answer refers to the size and extent of the main tumor. The main tumor is usually called the primary tumor question N stands for answer the number of nearby lymph nodes that have cancer question M stands for answer refers to whether the cancer has metastasized question TX answer the main […]
Read morequestion The nurse is conducting a pain assessment for a patient with cancer. Which data will be the most helpful in assessing the patient’s current level of pain? answer Patients description of pain question Which prescription would be the most appropriate for treating persistent cancer pain? answer Morphine (Duramorph) 30 mg every 3 to 4 […]
Read morequestion (A) answer Assistance question AAT answer At all times question AAROM answer Active assistive range of motion. question ABD answer Abduction question ABNORM answer Abnormal question ABR answer Absolute bed rest, auditory brainstem response question ACTH answer Adrenocorticotropic hormone question ACVD answer Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease question AD answer Adaptive device, admitting diagnosis question ADA […]
Read morequestion General Definition of Physical Therapy answer therapy for the preservation, enhancement, or restoration of movement and physical function impaired or threatened by disability, injury, or disease that utilizes therapeutic exercises, physical modalities (as massage and electrotherapy), assistive devices, and patient education and training – also called physiotherapy question Guide to Physical Therapist Practice answer […]
Read morequestion “In a chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed” answer The Law of conservation of Mass question Solid answer Definite volume and definite shape question Kool aidmudsalad dressingsalsaice waterName the homogeneous mixture answer Kool-Aid question The study of matter and its interaction with other matter answer Chemistry question A substance composed of 2 […]
Read morequestion Which of the following statements about the geographical of Africa is TRUE? answer Africa is the world’s second-largest continent. question A nomadic lifestyle would most likely be followed by people who live on the answer Sahel question Desertification is a major problem in the answer Sahel question Which is TRUE of the population of […]
Read morequestion Tuberous Sclerosis / HAMARTOMAS answer HAMARTOMAS in the CNS and Skin Adenoma sebaceum Mitral regurgitation Ash Leaf Spots Rhabdomyoma autOsomal dOminant Mental retardation renal Angiomyolipoma Seizures question Mastication Muscles / M’s Munch/ Lateral Lowers answer M’s Munch – 3 muscles close the jaw Masseter , teMporalis, and Medial pterygoid Lateral pterygoid lowers the jaw […]
Read morequestion Identify some of the main reasons organizations need to make locations decisions… answer Part of a marketing strategy to expand markets Growth in demand that cannot be satisfied by expanding existing facilities Depletion of basic inputs requires relocation question Explain why location decisions are important? answer Low cost convenience to attract market share represent […]
Read morequestion Over 40 years ago, a concept called Moore’s Law accurately predicted that computer processing power would double about every ____. answer 24 Months question Transaction processing (TP) systems ____. answer Process data generated by day-to-day business operations question When planning an information system, a company must consider how a new system will interface with […]
Read morequestion Describe muscle pain answer usually hard to localize, dull, aching, aggravated by movement or by lack there of, may refer pain to other areas – when a muscle contracts or stretches the pain could increase question what is the normal blood temperature of an adult? answer 110-130 over 80-90 question what is Spurlings test […]
Read morequestion Action-oriented primarily focus on answer behaviorally specific interventions question The role of the counselor in action-oriented theories tends to be answer Active and directive question The influence and principles of behaviorism in the field of counseling have been answer assimilated into the mainstream practice of counseling question In behavioral approaches to counseling, clients’ problems […]
Read morequestion E11 answer Type 2 Diabetes (default) question E11.51 answer Type 2 Diabetes with angiopathy withOUT gangrene question E11.52 answer Type 2 Diabetes with angiopathy WITH gangrene question E11.21 answer Diabetes with neuropathy question E11.22 answer Diabetes with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Physician must state they’re related, otherwise code separately. Assign additional code from N18 […]
Read morequestion Summarize historical and contemporary attitudes toward abnormal behavior including social and cultural contexts. answer meanings may vary over time, across cultures, and even within the same culture. ie being gay was once considered a psychological disorder and now isn’t Some disorders and symptoms are unique to particular cultures. ie Koro an episode of intense […]
Read morequestion economics answer study of how people, individually and collectively, manage resources question microeconomics answer study of how individuals and firms manage resources question macroeconomics answer study of the economy on a regional, national or international scale question rational behavior answer making choices to achieve goals in the most effective way possible question scarcity answer […]
Read morequestion The “old immigrants” who arrived in America during the 1800s were from a. eastern Europe. b. central Asia. c. central Australia. d. northern Europe. answer d. northern Europe. question When did the “new immigrants” arrive in the United States? a. from 1850 to 1870 b. during the 1880s c. from 1800 to 1860 d. […]
Read morequestion You have decided to perform a double blind penetration test. Which of the following actions would you perform first? answer Inform senior management question Which of the following activities are typically associated with penetration testing? (select two) answer Attempting social engineering Running a port scanner question Which of the following types of penetration test […]
Read morequestion Apexogenesis answer 1. normal physiological development and formation of the root end 2. a vital pulp therapy procedure performed to encouraged continued physiological development and formation of the root end; frequently used to describe vital pulp therapy performed to encourage the continuation of this process. question List 3 main tx options for vital pulp […]
Read morequestion PLANNED use of PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES to enhance therapy answer Definition of therapeutic use of self question CLIENTS WANT THEIR SERVICE PROVIDERS TO HAVE: -sincere interest -respect -empathy -rapport -acceptance of their frame of reference and individuality -collaboration answer Why is therapeutic use of self important for clients? question -Most consider therapeutic use of self […]
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