Posts by Josephine Mack:
question sentence using personification answer Death is a dignitary who when he comes announced is to be received with formal manifestations question “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” highlights the use of everyday characters answer No service was too humble for him to perform question Why does Bryce use a flashback in “An Occurrence at […]
Read morequestion when an injury happens, what do platelets do? answer platelets are activated (which appear as small structural matters w/out a nucleus), they respond very rapidly to injury, sending out pseudopods that cling to each other. the coagulation system is also enhanced question what does the intrinsic coagulation system consist of? exstrinsic? answer intrinsic: factors […]
Read morequestion Abhor answer find repugnant question abyss answer a bottomless gulf or pit; any unfathomable (or apparently unfathomable) cavity or chasm or void extending below (often used figuratively) question accumulate answer collect or gather; get or gather together question ured answer Urge or request (someone) solemnly or earnestly to do something question antagonist answer a […]
Read morequestion Mrs. Epstein’s plan for the seminar in our English literature class was _____ until she made a resolution to focus on Mary Wollstonecraft’s feminist views. answer nebulous question When they heard what the topic was, students were at first _____, but they became actively interested when they learned more about Wollstonecraft’s ideas. answer phlegmatic […]
Read morequestion Marketing answer an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, capturing, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. question Value Proposition answer The set of benefits or values a company promises to deliver to customers to satisfy their needs […]
Read morequestion Which prescription for oxygen delivery does the nurse question? answer 48% O2 per nasal cannula As a low-flow rate system, oxygen concentrations of 24% to 44% (1-6 L/min) are recommended with the nasal cannula. It is not intended to deliver more than 44% Fio2 because at a higher rate, oxygenation doesn’t increase due to […]
Read morequestion social psychology answer scientific study of how people think about, interact with, influence, and are influenced by the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of other people. question attribution theory answer the theory that we explain someone’s behavior by crediting either the situation or the person’s personality question fundamental attribution theory answer tendency to place an […]
Read morequestion Customer Insights answer fresh understandings of customers and the marketplace derived from marketing information that becomes the basis for creating customer value and relationships question Marketing Information Systems answer people and procedures dedicated to assessing information needs, developing the needed information, and helping decision makers to use information to generate and validate actionable customer […]
Read morequestion Epinephrine answer Trade Names: Adrenalin, High Dose Epi, Epinepherine Mist Receptor: A and B Dosage: SVN 1% solution .25-.5 ml qid MDI: .22 mg/puff as ordered or as needed Onset: 3-5 min Peak:5-20 min Duration 1-3 hrs Indications: Bronchial asthma, exacerbation of COPD, allergic reactions Contraindications:Patients with underlying cardiovascular disease, hypertension, pregnancy, patients with […]
Read morequestion Psychographic answer This market segmenting involves studies of consumers based on their attitudes, lifestyles, and values. question Demographic answer This market segment refers to statistical data or information concerning a person’s age gender income level occupation, etc question Behavioral answer This type of market segmentation is based on segmenting a market based on segmenting […]
Read morequestion social psychology answer the scientific study of how a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior are influenced by the real, imagined, or implied presence of others question social influence answer the process through which the real or implied presence of others can directly or indirectly influence the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of an individual question […]
Read morequestion Marketing answer Set of intructions and processes for creating communicating delivering and exchanging offerins that have value for customers question Marketing Myopia answer Not focusing on the benefits of the product question CRM answer Customer Relationship Management Overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relatioships question Customer Managed Relationship answer company generated interaction […]
Read morequestion Chapter 6 answer ……………………………………………………… question Consumer behavior answer is the process individuals or groups go through to select, purchase, use and dispose of products in order to satisfy their wants and needs question The Consumer Decision-Making Process answer problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, product choice, and post purchase evaluation question problem recognition […]
Read morequestion The promoters of an extreme-sports weekend would most likely target which of the following A. professional athletes B. older men, ages 40-50 C. business executives D. young men, ages 12-34 answer young men, ages 12-34 question Which of the following is a factor that sports and entertainment marketers consider when targeting customers for a […]
Read morequestion H answer Hydrogenatomic # 1atomic mass 1.0 question He answer Helium atomic # 2atomic mass 4.0 question Li answer Lithiumatomic # 3 atomic mass 6.9 question Be answer Beryllium atomic # 4 atomic mass 9.0 question B answer Boron atomic # 5 atomic mass 10.8 question C answer Carbon atomic # 6 atomic mass […]
Read morequestion family myths answer “A collection of belief’s based on a distortion of historical reality and shared by all family members, which help shape the rules governing family functioning are known as:” question self-actualization answer “An important concept is experiential family therapy–defined as the process of developing and fulfilling one’s inmate, positive potentialities.” question unexpressed […]
Read morequestion Psychology answer Study of behavior and mental processes such as thought and emotion question Dualism answer The idea tha tmind and body are quite different and separate question Monism-Early Philosophers answer Democritus and Aristotle question Dualism-Early Philosophers answer Pythagorus, Socrates, Plato and Rene Descartes question Wilhem Wundt answer first psychologist, conducted first psychological experiment […]
Read morequestion No answer Does AZ issue temporary licenses? question Arizona Jurisprudence Exam answer $50 question Direct Access answer Obtained in 1983 with no restrictions to access although PT’s should know the appropriate referral process question What are the Continuing Ed Requirements for PT’s? answer 20 CEU’s; at least 10 hrs by an accredited medical PT […]
Read morequestion The enduring pattern of inner thoughts and emotions along with outward behavior that is unique to each individual is termed: A) a trait. B) character. C) personality. D) individuality. answer C) personality. question The consistencies of one’s characteristics are called: A) inherited characteristics. B) learned responses. C) personality traits. D) personality typologies. answer C) […]
Read morequestion In Freud’s theory, the logical, rational, and largely conscious system of personality is the ____ answer Ego question _____ provides unqualified caring and nonjudgmental acceptance of another. answer Unconditional positive regard question Consider this statement: We are our own worst critic. According to Freud, which of the following components of our personality may best […]
Read morequestion Rationale for combination of biomechanical and rehabilitative FoR answer work on a continuum, beginning with establishing or restoring functional skills and continuing with modifying the task or the environment in order to enable continued occupational performance within the constraints of a more chronic or ongoing disability question Theoretical base (Rehabilitative) answer Aiming to make […]
Read morequestion Encoding answer How a message is stored to be recalled question John Watson answer Behaviorism question Pavlov’s dog answer Example of Classical Conditioning question Two learning Theories answer Behaviorist and Cognitives question Edward Lee Thorndike answer Law of Effect question How many pairs of chromosomes to a cell ? answer 46 question XY answer […]
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