Posts by Jay Barber:
question Tort answer private or civil wrong; offense against an induvidual question Damages answer a monetary award intended to compensate the injured party for the harm doen to him/her question Elements of a tort answer duty, breach of duty, injury, causation question Causation answer breach of the duty caused the injury question Three duties by […]
Read morequestion What is business ethics? answer Business ethics is a branch of applied ethics, which applies normative theories to specific problems. More specifically, it is the study of business situations, activities, and decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed. question Why is it important? answer It helps make ethically correct decisions in the […]
Read morequestion 1. The main job of managers today is to watch over people to be sure they do what the manager asks of them. answer False question 2. The best way to get people to do what a manager wants is for the manager to reprimand those who don’t do things correctly. answer False question […]
Read morequestion The makeup of goods and services in the Gross Domestic Products of developed countries has changed over the last decade. More than 50% of the value of GDP of developed countries is based on answer knowledge question As the competitive environment changes, strategic management must focus on different aspects of the organization. Recently, strategic […]
Read morequestion Economic fluctuations (ups and downs) that we all experience. A business cycle consists of a period of expansion (up) and a period of contraction (down). answer business cycles question When real GDP ( gross domestic product) increases then economic activities grow and the economy grows. More jobs are created to produce more goods and […]
Read morequestion Generally, when writing a first draft, you should answer write rapidly with the intent to fix mistakes during the editing process question “When you complete the assignment” is an example of answer a dependent clause question “The training session was worthwhile; it was worthwhile because employees learned to do the task correctly.” is an […]
Read morequestion Alpha glucosidase inhibitor answer type of oral antidiabetic agent that delays the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines question beta cell answer cell in the pancreas that secretes insulin question Casual Plasma Glucose answer glucose concentration in the blood of a specimen taken at any time of day regardless of the time since the […]
Read morequestion Grants in Aid answer an amount of money given to a local government (states) from a central government in order to help finance a public project question Categorical Formula Grant answer -the main source of federal aid to the state and local governments -issues by the US Congress which may be spent only for […]
Read morequestion 53. The “S” in the acronym “AIS” stands for: a) Standard b) System c) Symbol d) none of these answer B question 54. Which of the following is true? a) An AIS must be computerized to be useful b) An AIS always produces useful information c) An AIS always produces financial information d) none […]
Read morequestion Goodwill is the amount by which a company’s value exceeds the value of its individual assets and liabilities. answer T question Accumulated depreciation represents funds set aside to buy new assets when the assets currently owned are replaced. answer F question Treating capital expenditures of a small dollar amount as revenue expenditures is likely […]
Read morequestion The ability of a business to earn a reasonable amount of income is referred to as the factor of answer profitability question An analysis in which all the components of an income statement are expressed as a percentage of net sales is called answer vertical analysis question Which of the following is not an […]
Read morequestion Which technology transparently distributes traffic across multiple servers by using virtual IP addresses and a shared name? answer Network Load Balancing question To configure an NLB cluster after installing NLB on the Windows Server 2012 computer, you must configure three types of parameters. Which of the following is not one of the three you […]
Read morequestion Calvin Coolidge answer new president who favored government policies that kept taxes down and business profits up and gave businesses more available credit in order to expand; succeeded Warren Harding as president question urban sprawl answer unplanned and uncontrolled spreading of cities into surrounding regions question installment plan answer an arrangement in which a […]
Read morequestion What were the main motives for warfare in the period 410-1066? answer The main motives for warfare were the territorial disputes made between the kingdoms, from Viking invasions and from reclaiming stolen territory from the Vikings. (can use Beowulf as a source since warfare is a major theme in the poem.) \”Territorial Disputes\” – […]
Read morequestion Author: Title: City: Publisher: Date: answer Authors angle (3-4 line summary) question Tucker, Linda. “Holler If Ya Hear Me”: Black Men, (Bad) Raps, And Resistance.” Canadian Review Of American Studies 31.2 (2001): 57. Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 Feb. 2014. answer the author analyzes Tupac’s songs and tattoos and shows how they reflect African […]
Read morequestion Read the short speech. Patriotism is often taught through school routines. Young Americans may stand to say, “I pledge allegiance to the flag.” They may attend special assemblies or programs honoring veterans. Career studies may include descriptions of armed service professions. Even the study of geography is an exercise in patriotism, as students learn […]
Read morequestion 1. (p. 108) The individual freedoms in the Bill of Rights were extended by the Fourteenth Amendment to include protection from deprivation of due process rights by A. actions of the president. B. the actions of individuals. C. actions of the federal government. D. actions of state and local governments. E. actions of the […]
Read morequestion Inflated estimates of the value of antidepressant drugs are in large part due to the fact that patient recovery often results from answer the placebo effect. question Dr. Genscher believes that most psychological disorders result from chemical abnormalities. In her work as a therapist, Dr. Genscher is most likely to make use of answer […]
Read morequestion Define: Marketing answer Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. question Define: Marketing Concept answer The idea that the social and economic justification for an organization’s existence is the satisfaction of customer wants […]
Read morequestion what is abnormal psychology? answer a field devoted to the scientific study of abnormal behavior to describe, predict, exlpain and change abnomral patterns of functioning question what can workers in the field of abnormal psychology be called? answer clinical scientists, clinical practitioners question what are the four d’s answer deviance, distress, dysfunction, danger question […]
Read morequestion Selling answer promoting or advocating for a good or service and/or negotiating for its pric question Buying answer bearing or taking steps to mitigate the uncertainties that occur in a market system or in the marketing process question Standardization answer organizing goods and/or services according to size or functionality question Storing answer holding products […]
Read morequestion The rate of sales decline during the decline stage of the product life cycle is largely governed by: a. the amount of money spent on advertising b. the number of competitors in the market c. the intensity of the competition’s marketing efforts d. the amount of shelf space allotted to the product e. how […]
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