Posts by Henry Smith:
question Bandura believed that ____ was the key to successful therapy and that it represented an ability to master a situation and produce positive outcomes. answer Self-efficacy question Who identified the common logical errors in thinking of “perceiving the world as harmful while ignoring evidence to the contrary”, “overgeneralizing on the basis of limited examples”. […]
Read morequestion ARTISTRY answer This is a quality which appeals to our sense of beauty. question INTELLECTUAL VALUE answer A literary work that stimulates thought. question SUGGESTIVENESS answer Associated with the emotion of a literary piece. question SPIRITUAL VALUE answer Elevates the spirit by bringing out the moral values of a person or situation. question PERMANENCE […]
Read morequestion Carl Rogers was a ________ therapist who was the creator of ________. A) behavior; systematic desensitization B) psychoanalytic; insight therapy C) humanistic; client-centered therapy D) cognitive; cognitive therapy for depression answer C) humanistic; client-centered therapy question Using techniques of classical conditioning to develop an association between unwanted behavior and an unpleasant experience is known […]
Read morequestion -Gram positive cocci in chains = -Gram positive diplococci -Urethral pus Gram _____ doughnut shaped diplococci within WBC = gonococci answer Streptococci or Enterococci –Pnumonococci -negative question Why is it important to know a PCN pts renal fct? What are these two drugs…oxacillin(IV) and nafcillin(IV) -Can we use […]
Read morequestion Major goals of O2 therapy answer Relieve hypoxemia, decrease work of breathing, decrease work of the heart question Effects of hypoxemia on circulatory system answer Peripheral vasodilation (patient feels warm), pulmonary vasoconstriction, and tachycardia question Retinopathy of Prematurity answer also known as retrolental fibroplasia. Blindness occurring in premature infants as a result of high […]
Read morequestion Retailing answer All activities related to the sale of goods or services to the ultimate consumer for personal non business use. question Independent retailer answer Retailer owned by a single person or partnership and is not operated as a part of a larger retail institution. question Chain store answer Store that is part of […]
Read morequestion Intergenerational Therapy answer Murray Bowen founded this field Useful for interpersonal relationships Used genograms often question The Sexual Crucible Model answer Part of Bowen intergen therapy Integrates sex therapy and couples therapy question Differentiation: answer Based on balance btwn need for togetherness and autonomy separate intrapersonal and interpersonal distress question Intergen Therapy Process answer […]
Read morequestion Services answer deeds, process, and performances provided or coproduced by one entity or person for another entity or person 1. all economic activity whose output is not a physical product or construction 2. generally consumed at the time it is produced 3. provides added value in form that are essentially intangible concerns question Service […]
Read morequestion Which is not a goal of analytical psychology therapy? answer Become more extraverted question According to Jung, the “royal road to the unconscious” is the: answer complex. question Which is not a personality type variable in Jung’s theory? answer Anima/Animus question Jung agreed with Freud that we have an unconscious, but believed that it […]
Read morequestion Benefits the customer receives from buying a good or service answer Value question An organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders answer Marketing question Anyone who has a role in the outcome from […]
Read morequestion Marketing Research answer process by which info about the firm’s environment is generated, analyzed, and interpreted aids decision making and is not a substitute for it question Marketing Research Effects answer can reduce risks associated with managing and altering marketing strategies vital for understanding the effects of changes in marketing strategies, and when to […]
Read morequestion inflammation renal pelvis, kidney answer B pyelonephritis question also urge incontinence answer d overactive bladder question outer region of kidney answer b renal cortex question painful urination answer b dysuria question radiography study, flat plate of the abdomen answer b k u b question excessive fluid accumulation in body tissue answer a edma question […]
Read morequestion Cognitive intervention approaches answer Strategy and Learning a. A Dynamic Interactional Approach (DIM) b. Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) c. Awareness Model Adaptive and Functional Skill Training a. A Neurofunctional Approach b. The Cognitive Disabilities Model for Rehabilitation in Dementia question How intervention approaches relate to awareness level answer Intellectual Awareness= Adaptive […]
Read morequestion asylum answer A type of institution that first became popular in the sixteenth century to provide care for persons with mental disorders. Most became virtual prisons. question Bedlam answer Originally the local name for Bethlehem Hospital, an asylum in London. It now means a chaotic uproar. question Benjamin Rush answer The person responsible for […]
Read morequestion 1 H answer hydrogen question 2 He answer helium question 3 Li answer lithium question 4Be answer beryllium question 5 B answer boron question 6 C answer carbon question 7 N answer nitrogen question 8 O answer oxygen question 9 F answer fluorine question 10 Ne answer neon question 11 Na answer sodium question […]
Read morequestion An embryo produced by in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be tested for genetic disorders prior to implantation. How is this accomplished? answer A single cell is removed from a 6 to 8-celled embryo, and its DNA analyzed with a DNA microarray. question Mutant gene alleles associated with known genetic disorders can be detected using […]
Read morequestion Cultural competence is a therapist’s understanding of, and attention to, ________. answer race, culture, and ethnicity in providing treatment question Dr. Duncan is a therapist who works with men accused of domestic violence. Although it is difficult, she does her best to be non-judgmental during therapy sessions. Which aspect of client- centered therapy is […]
Read morequestion adulēscentia, adulēscentiae, f. answer youth, young manhood; youthfulness question animus, animī, m. answer soul, spirit, mind question animī, animōrum, m. (pl.) answer high spirits, pride, courage question caelum, -ī, n. answer sky question culpa, -ae, f. answer fault, blame question glōria, -ae, f. answer glory, fame question verbum, verbī, n. answer word question tē, […]
Read morequestion Which of the following statements does NOT describe price? A. Price remains one of the most important elements that determine a firm’s market share and profitability. B. Price is the only element in the marketing mix that represents costs. C. Price is one of the most flexible marketing mix elements. D. Price is the […]
Read morequestion The First Amendment specifically prohibits Congress from making any laws that restrict freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and: answer to petition the government question Protected forms of speech include all of the following except: answer advocating the violent overthrow of the government question which of the following is a permissible restriction on speech. […]
Read morequestion Marketing answer a group of activities designed to expedite transactions by creating, distributing, pricing, and promoting, goods, services and ideas. question Exchange answer THE ACT OF GIVING UP ONE THING (MONEY, CREDIT, LABOR, GOODS) IN RETURN FOR SOMETHING ELSE (GOODS, SERVICES, IDEAS) question Functions of Marketing answer 1. Buying 2. Selling 3. Transporting 4. […]
Read morequestion Nineteenth-century theory that bumps on the skull reveal a persons abilities and traits is called.. answer phrenology question Professor Seif conducts research on relationship between the limbic system and sexual motivation. Her research interests best represent the psychological speciality known as.. answer biological psychology question Your friend is taking her first psychology class. she […]
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