Christine Brunetti

City: Bronx, New York
University: Niagara University

Posts by Christine Brunetti:

U.S. Gov Chapter 13 – Flashcards
27 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Which of the following is an example of a contributory program? answer Social Security question Americans who are currently of retirement age receive monthly income support from the government as part of what popular government program? answer Social Security question Fiscal policy refers to answer the government’s taxing and spending decisions. question Monetary policy […]

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BUS498- CH7 Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Flashcards
26 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question How was Netflix able to outperform both Hulu and Amazon? answer D- by focusing its resources on producing high-quality content for content streaming question They typical 4-step innovation process begins with answer B- the presentation of an idea as findings derived from basic research question A ______ is best described as a form of […]

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SOCI201 Chapter 5-Social Interaction – Flashcards
24 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Socialization answer the process by which we internalize the attitudes, values, beliefs, and norms of our culture and develop a sense of self question for us to embrace these attitudes, values, beliefs, and norms as OUR OWN answer Goal of socialization process question School, peers, media, family answer 4 agents of socialization question Social […]

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The New Deal: Relief, Recovery, Reform – Flashcards
24 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Emergency Banking Relief Act March 9, 1933 answer Allowed the government to examine all banks and allow those that were financially sound to open (recovery) question Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) March 31, 1933 answer Provided jobs and relocation for young men (18-25) in building parks, planting trees, building small dams, draining swamps, assisting in […]

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Flashcards About Anthropology Exam 2
23 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question In what kind of society is it most likely that leaders will acquire their positions as a result of their personal backgrounds or abilities, rather than heredity? answer Tribal Society question For most of human history, people lived in societies characterized by what kind of sociopolitical organization? answer Band question What is a “big […]

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Ch.11 Gender, Sex, & Identity – Flashcards
21 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question sex answer Books def: The properties of a person that determine his or her classification as male or female My def: a person’s characteristics that determines if it’s a male or female question sex chromosomes answer Books def: In humans, the pair of genes that differs between the sexes and determines a person’s sex […]

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Com 100: true or false – Flashcards
20 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question It’s best not to ask questions of the person you are communicating with (for clarification) because that makes you appear less intelligent. answer False question Experience is one way to start the process of overcoming communication anxiety answer True question Effective listening involves responding, which is expressing interest, asking questions and otherwise showing that […]

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HDFS ch 13 – Flashcards
18 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Scholars suggest that divorce does not represent a devaluation of marriage but an answer idealization of marriage question The crude divorce rate answer represents the number of divorces in a given year for every 1,000 people in the population question ________, the degree of interaction between individuals and the larger community; is a potentially […]

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Government 2306 Chapters 1,2,3 – Flashcards
16 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question What best describes Texas’s philosophy today? answer The best government is the government that governs least question The view that ​inequity is inevitable and that personal responsibility is the determinate of an individual’s quality of life is an example of answer Texas conservatism question Those who view social inequality as the result of institutional […]

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Soc 101 Final Exam–Social Change and Social Movements – Flashcards
14 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question industrialization answer the reason modern societies are forming question modernity answer social patterns resulting from industrialization (decline of traditional communities, increase of choice, increase of social diversity, orientation toward the future) question post-modernity answer post-industrial; modernity has failed, progess a myth, science untrustworthy, culture becoming divisive question consumer society answer all industries, services, and […]

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Ch.12 Helping – Flashcards
12 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Why do we help? answer According to social exchange theory, human interactions are “transactions” that aim to maximize one’s rewards and minimize one’s costs. question Rewards: answer Rewards that motivate helping may be external or internal. question External Rewards: answer money, favors, get someone to like us, improve our image. question Internal Rewards: answer […]

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Test 2 — Chap 6 – Flashcards
05 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Sex answer biological and physical distinction between females and males question Culture and Attractiveness answer -culture sets the standards -attractiveness underlines our choices about reproduction -all of the people pictured here are considered beautiful by members of their own society -ex: our culture tells us if someone is beautiful question Primary sex characteristics answer […]

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chapter 6 and 7 test review – Flashcards
05 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Thomas Edison answer patents the light bulb question Andrew Carnegie answer steel tycoon from Scotland who believed wealthy had responsibility to give money away question John D. Rockefeller answer head of Standard Oil, world’s first billionaire question Samuel Gompers answer formed American Federation of Labor (AFL) craft union question Henry Flagler answer develops railroads […]

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Introduction to Criminal Justice – Chapters 1,2, and 3. – Flashcards
04 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question In 1931, President Herbert Hoover appointed which group to make a detailed analysis of the U.S. Justice System? answer The Wickersham Commission question Created in 1919, which professional association was responsible for keeping track of the activities of local justice agencies? answer The Chicago Crime Commission question Which of the following did not spur […]

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Chapter 8: Social Media Information Systems – Flashcards
02 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Social Media (SM) answer the use of IT to support content sharing among networks of users question Social Media (SM) answer enables people to form communities, tribes, or hives question Social Media (SM) answer connects People related by a common interest question Social Media Information System (SMIS) answer Information system that supports the sharing […]

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Essay about Test 1 – Flashcards
29 May 2020 Flashcards

question dimensions of communication contexts, answer Social-psychological Temporal or time dimension Cultural dimension question Social-psychological-dimension answer includes the status relationships among the participants : distinctions such as who is the employer and who is the employee who is the salesperson and who is the storeowner question Temporal or time dimension answer where a particular message […]

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Sociology 101 Vocab Ch 6-9 – Flashcards
29 May 2020 Flashcards

question Alienation answer a feeling of isolation, meaninglessness, and powerlessness question Bureaucracy answer a formal organization that is designed to accomplish goals and tasks through the efforts of a large number of people in the most efficient and rational way possible question Formal Organization answer a complex and structured secondary group that has been deliberately […]

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ARCH Review Chapter 8 – Flashcards
28 May 2020 Flashcards

question 1. The Feudal System achieved political and social stability through answer a. a strong central government b. a sequence of Caesar-like monarchs c. mutual service and protection d. well-developed cities e. a and b question 2. The Great Carolingian leader was answer a. Charles Martel b. Gregory of Tours c. Pope Leo III d. […]

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Interactional Psychology: Not Objective
26 May 2020 Flashcards

question According to the proponents of interactional psychology, all of the following are correct except: a. behavior is a function of heredity and physical stature b. people vary in terms of cognitive, affective, motivational, and ability factors c. a situation can be viewed objectively d. one’s subjective view of the situation can also be important […]

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Pre-APUSH Unit 2 Review Guide
26 May 2020 Flashcards

question 1. Harriet Tubman- answer • Worked on the Underground Railroad. • Nicknamed Moses • Harriet Tubman escaped slavery to become a leading abolitionist • leaving her husband and family behind in order to escape. • she returned to the South at least 19 times to lead her family and hundreds of other slaves to […]

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Roy woods SKRT REmix
25 May 2020 Flashcards

question destinies. I forgave him, and pitied him as my eyes looked past him to the unpainted wooden shack. What does this excerpt suggest? answer As an adult, Wright has a different perspective of his father than he did when he was a child. question Which excerpt from Black Boy best explains Wright’s childhood perspective […]

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11 – Social Security, Medicare, and Employee Income Tax
24 May 2020 Flashcards

question the employer’s tax liability is the amount owed for: answer – employee withholdings (income, SS, and medicare tax) – employer share of SS and medicare taxes question two ways to deposit payroll taxes answer – electronic deposit – with a tax deposit coupon question The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) answer – a […]

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