APUSH Practice Test 2 – Flashcards

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Which of the following religions had the most influence upon the daily life of the colonists of the seventeenth century? a. The Baptists in the Carolinas b. The Puritans in Massachusetts c. The Baptists in Rhode Island d. The Anglicans in Virginia e. The Catholics in Maryland
The Puritans in Massachusetts
The "war hawks" in the period leading up to the War of 1812 garnered most of their support from a. New England b. urban areas c. the south and west d. the northwest territories e. the middle atlantic states
The south and west
which of the following reformers fought for the rights of the mentally ill? a. ralph waldo emerson b. horace mann c. dorothea dix d. lucretia mott e. helen hunt jackson
Dorothea Dix
The work of which of the following "muckrakers" dealt with the misery of tenement life? a. lincoln steffens b. theodore dreiser c.jacob a. riis d. ida tarbell e. david g. phillips
Jacob A. Riis
All of the following occurred during the 1920s EXCEPT a. a bull market on wall street b. the passage of the interstate highway act c. a rise in consumerism d. prohibition e.the harlem renaissance
the interstate highway act
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which book was a major impetus in the growth of the women's movement in the 1960s? a. betty friedan's the feminine mystique b. rachel carson's silent spring c. pearly s. buck's the good earth d. lorraine hansbury's a raisin in the sun e. harriet beecher stowe's uncle tom's cabin
betty friedan's the feminine mystique
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which of the following acts of president ronald reagan's administration could NOT be characterized as a return to conservative political values? a. cuts in the federal budget b. the appointment of sandra day o'connor to the supreme court c. tax cuts for corporations d. the loosening of government regulation e. supply-side economics
the appointment of sandra day o'connor to the supreme court
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which of the following documents encouraged church membership in the massachusetts bay colony? a. the mayflower compact b. the fundamental orders c. the halfway covenant d. the cambridge agreement e. the fundamental constitution
the halfway covenant
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In his Farewell Address, George Washington warned against a. deficit spending by the government b. foreign entanglements and the formation of political parties c. excessive use of executive power d. protests by western farmers over excise taxes e. government reliance on excise taxes
foreign entanglements and the formation of political parties
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"If I could save the Union by freeing all the slaves, I would do it.... What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union." The above statement was made by which of the following people? a. Horace Greeley b. Abraham Lincoln c. Stephen Douglas d. James Buchanan e. Ulysses S. Grant
Abraham Lincoln
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When Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, a. it added a moral dimension to the Civil War, which became a war to end slavery rather than a war to preserve the Union b. he became known as the "Great Emancipator" c. the South was demoralized because it had lost a significant portion of its manpower d. British liberals persuaded Parliament to enter the war on the side of the South because England was dependent on Southern cotton e. Slavery was abolished in all states within the Confederacy
it added a moral dimension to the Civil War, which became a war to end slavery rather than a war to preserve the union
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What best accounts for the sharp increase of immigrants during the period 1880-1910? a. Many southern and eastern Europeans turned to America for financial gain and political freedom b. Irish farmers were forced to leave their homes due to agricultural disasters c. Germans were seeking ways to avoid military conscription d. The United States welcomed immigrants by providing housing and employment e. Missionary societies encouraged immigration from all over the world
Many southern and eastern Europeans turned to America for financial gain and political freedom.
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The Wagner Act dealt with the rights of
labor unions
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The two political issues that most concerned the Counterculture Movement of the 1960s were
U.S. involvement in Vietnam and the civil rights movement
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Which of the following was a result of the Albany Congress
The Iroquois remained neutral and the colonists rejected Franklin's plan for unity.
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All of the following are associated with "loose constructionism" during the early years of the United States of America
the Federalists, Hamilton's Bank, the "Elastic Clause", federal government assumption of state debts
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All of the following were prominent antislavery leaders EXCEPT a. Nat Turner b. John Brown c. William Lloyd Garrison d. Sojourner Truth e. Preston Brooks
Preston Brooks
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When Lincoln was elected president in 1860, the immediate effect was the
secession of South Carolina
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Which of the following regulatory laws was passed as a result of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle
The Pure Food and Drug Act
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The dismal plight of the "Dust Bowl" refugees was captured in
John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath
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The G.I. Bill provided which of the following to veterans of WWII?
Free education and loans to buy homes, farms, and small businesses
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Which of the following statements about Watergate is true? a. it was the first time a president had been involved in a scandal while in office b. It was of little interest to the American people c. It led to the resignation of President Nixon d. It led to the impeachment of President Nixon e. It bolstered the popularity of the Republican Party
it led to the resignation of President Nixon
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The Battle of Saratoga proved to be a significant turning point in the Revolutionary War because it
demonstrated to France that the Americans might win the war and subsequently led to the Franco-American Alliance of 1778
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Which of the following is most closely associated with the presidency of James K. Polk? a. Manifest Destiny b. The abolitionist movement c. Economic development d. The whig Party e. women's suffrage
manifest destiny
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which of the following was NOT a result of reconstruction? a. an increase in membership in the Ku Klux Klan b. the passage of three constitutional amendments c. the election of black senators and representatives d. the emergence of two distinct factions within the republican party e. government grants of forty acres and a mule to each freeman
government grants of forty acres and a mule
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Which of the following occurred during Taft's presidency? a. the ballinger-pinchot affair b. the federal reserve act c. the establishment of the department of commerce and labor d. women's suffrage passed into law as the nineteenth amendment e. coxey's army marched on washington
the ballinger-pinchot affair
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All of the following increased government power during WWI EXCEPT the a. war industries board b. creel committee c. food administration d. espionage act e. dawes plan
Dawes plan
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Each of the following actively sought to expose communist sympathizers within the US after WWII EXCEPT a. Richard Nixon b. Alger Hiss c. Whittaker Chambers d. Joseph McCarthy e. Roy Cohn
Alger Hiss
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In his 1985 State of the Union Address, Ronald Reagan articulated his foreign policy goals in what has come to be known as the Reagan Doctrine. Like Truman, Reagan pledged to
support anti-communist resistance movement, particularly in the Third World
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Which of the following did NOT contribute to the emergence of the "New Right" of the 1970s and 1980s? a. the "moral majority" movement b. the popularity of ronald reagan c. the "stagflation" economic condition of the 1970s d. religious revivalism e. the drop in the stock market
the drop in the stock market
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The most notable achievement of the United States under the Articles of Confederation was
the provision for land sales in the Northwest that would benefit the entire nation
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All of the following sparked support for the abolitionist movement EXCEPT a. John Brown's raid b. The Liberator c. the Fugitive Slave Act d. The Wilmot Proviso e. The Conscription Act
the Conscription Act
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Which of the following architects is considered by many to be the father of the modern skyscraper, thus changing the face of cities like Chicago in late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
Louis H. Sullivan
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Which of the following acts was the most beneficial to labor? a. The Clayton Antitrust Act b. The Sherman Antitrust Act c. the Elkins Act d. the Hepburn Act e. the Mann-Elkins Act
the Clayton Antitrust Act
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Which of the following did NOT occur during FDR's "Hundred Days"? a. the national bank holiday b. passage of the glass steagall act c. passage of the national industrial recovery act d. passage of the agricultural adjustment act e. passage of the social security act
passage of the social security act
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Which of the following accurately describes the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947?
President Truman vetoed it.
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All of the following were an outgrowth of the cold war EXCEPT a. out entry into the space race b. an upgrade of the American public educational system, including the introduction of the AP program c. the building of bomb shelters d. the establishment of the Peace Corps e. the establishment of the Office of Economic Opportunity
the establishment of the Office of Economic Opportunity
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Which best describes the role of the Loyalists during the Revolutionary War?
They made up approximately 20-30 percent of the population.
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The success of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 hinged on compromises over which of the following issues
slavery and representation in congress
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Which of the following was LEAST influential in bringing about Andrew Jackson's victory in the presidential election of 1828? a. Support for Jackson among less prosperous voters b. Jackson's promise to bring new people into the government c. Jackson's defense of Native American property rights d. Jackson's promise to reform the electoral system e.The reputation Jackson earned as a war hero as a result of the Battle of New Orleans
Jackson's defense of Native American property rights
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All of the following statements concerning the Wade-Davis Bill are true EXCEPT a. Lincoln used his pocket veto to defeat it b. the bill required a majority of the population of the former Confederate states to take an oath of allegiance c. the bill stipulated that Congress would administer the Reconstruction program d.the bill abolished slavery e. the bill provided for financial compensation of former slavers
the bill provided for financial compensation to former slaves
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Which of the following best characterizes the "Square Deal" of Theodore Roosevelt?
Conservation, trust-busting, consumer protection
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All of the following were causes of the Great Depression EXCEPT a. a weak foreign trade b. an overextension of credit c. agricultural overproduction d. the establishment of public works projects e. an unequal distribution of wealth
the establishment of public works projects
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The 1947 grant of $400 million dollars in aid to Greece and Turkey was in accordance with which of the following U.S. policies
Truman Doctrine
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Which civil rights organization was led by Martin Luther King Jr. and practiced civil disobedience to achieve its goals?
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference
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Which of the following acts of the British government in the period preceding the Revolutionary war provoked the most outrage among the colonists?
Passage of the Boston Port Act (part of the intolerable acts)
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in 1775, the second Continental Congress a. decided to cut all ties with Britain b. voted to work out a plan for self rule c. adopted the olive branch petition declaring continental loyalty to the crown d. began to draft the articles of confederation e. revised the colonial plan for military preparedness
adopted the olive branch petition declaring continental loyalty to the crown
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All of the following Supreme Court decisions during John Marshall's tenure as Supreme Court Justice strengthened the federal government EXCEPT
Dred Scott v. Sandford
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Which of the following was NOT a result of the Compromise of 1877? a. Rutherford B. Hayes became president b. the remaining Confederate states were readmitted to the Union c. Military Reconstruction ended d. The democrats took back the house and the senate e. federal provisions for a southern transcontinental railroads were made
The Democrats took back the House and the Senate
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Roosevelt's Big Stick policy in Latin America was best characterized by his
belief that the US had an obligation to protect security and stability by assuming the role of an international police force throughout the Western hemisphere
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In the Schecter Poultry Corp. v U.S. case of 1935, which of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal measures came under attack?
The National Recovery Act
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During the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan did which of the following a. signed the welfare reform bill b. persuaded Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin to sign the Camp David Accords c. Sent troops to fight in the Persian Gulf War d. Cut taxes and social services e. increased taxes
Cut taxes and social services
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Which of the following events represented the most significant action on the part of the colonists against British Authority?
The Stamp Act Congress
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Which of the following statements concerning the Federalist Papers is true? a. Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton drafted them b. They contained essays that both defended and criticized the Constitution c. They were written as propaganda to support the ratification of the Constitution d. They were banned in the New York newspapers e. They outlined the dangers of Republicanism in a new nation
They were written as propaganda to support the ratification of the Constitution
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The Force Act of 1832 was passed in response to
the Tariff/Nullification crisis
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The Niagara Movement resulted in
the formation of the NAACP
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All of the following are true concerning the women's suffrage movement EXCEPT a. it benefited from the support of the progressives of the early 1900s b. it remained racially segregated during the latter part of the nineteenth century c. it was viewed as radical during much of its existence d. some of its early leaders were first active in the Abolitionist movement e. it first met success in the New England states
it first met success in the New England states
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During the time of Woodrow Wilson's presidency, the "irreconcilables" and the "Reservationists" had strong feelings concerning
the Treaty of Versailles
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Which of the following cold war measures met with the most resistance in Congress
U.S. entry into NATO
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The most important factor in the defeat of Democratic presidential candidates in the elections of 1952 and 1968 was
the American public's desire to avoid conflict and return to a more conservative political and social life
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All of the following were manifestations of mercantilist theory EXCEPT a. the triangular trade b. the Navigation Acts c. Admiralty Courts d. virtual representation e. the PLantation Economy
virtual representation
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The chief goal of the Alien and Sedition Acts was to
check the power of the Democratic-Republicans
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Which of the following statements related to the Lowell System is NOT true? a. In Lowell, farm girls were hired to work in the factories. b. Lowell was a company town developed to provide supervision of, and education for, its factory workers c. The Lowell system included some of the first fully integrated factories-they transformed raw materials into a finished product d. The Lowell System provided an easy way for women to become financially independent. e. The Lowell System developed as a result of the US burgeoning textile industry
The Lowell System provided an easy way for women to become financially independent
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Which of the following is most closely associated with the Populist movement
Free coinage of silver
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Which of the following statements regarding the American Federation of Labor is true? a. it was open to bot skilled and unskilled laborers b. Its beliefs were based on the Utopian ideas of earlier reformers c. It considered the strike its strongest weapon d. Its greatest appeal was to new immigrants, many of whom were unskilled e. It published anticapitalism pamphlets
it considered the strike its strongest weapon
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the supply side economic theory of Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon most probably inspired the
"trickle-down" theory supported by Ronald Reagan
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All of the following were part of Johnson's Great Society program EXCEPT a. the Civil Rights Act of 1964 b. medicare and Medicaid c. the establishment of the Department of Housing and Urban Development d. the balanced budget mandate e. the Economic Opportunity Act
the balanced budget mandate
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Which of the following was NOT a provision of the Land Ordinance of 1785 or the Northwest Ordinance of 1787? a. each territory could apply for statehood once it had 60,000 inhabitants b. slavery was outlawed in the northwest territory c. once a new state was admitted to the union, it was granted all the privileges of existing states d. the national government would make provisions for public education for all new states e. land sales in admitted territories would be protected from speculators
land sales in admitted territories would be protected from speculators
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Which of the following does NOT represent the views of Prime Minister Grenville after the Seven Years' War? a. He felt that the Crown needed to control trade and raise revenue. b. He felt that the colonists should help pay the debt incurred by the war. c. He felt that Parliament had the right to increase taxes on the colonies. d. He felt that the British had to exert tighter control over the colonies. e. He wanted to reward the colonies through his extension of "salutary neglect"
He wanted to reward the colonies through his extension of salutary neglect
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The election of 1800 is historically and politically significant because it
demonstrated that political parties could, in fact, bring about a peaceful revolution in a republican form of government
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In 1798, President John Adams delivered the following message to Congress: "I will never send another minister to France without assurances that he will be recieved, respected, and honored as the representative of a great, free, powerful, and independent nation." What event inspired this comment?
The XYZ Affair
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Which of the following best describes the situation in Kansas during the 1850s?
As a result of the policy of popular sovereignty, Kansas became the site of much violence and bloodshed
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Which of the following are true of the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887
It was an attempt to assimilate the Indians into American society through individual land grants
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All of the following contributed to the rise of big business EXCEPT a. horizontal and vertical integration b. formation of monopolies c. interlocking directorates d. laissez-faire economic policy e. the Northern Securities decision of 1904
the Northern Securities decision of 1904
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Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal programs came under attack from both ends of the political spectrum. Two of the most vocal opponents, one left-wing and the other conservative, were
Huey Long and Charles Coughlin
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The federally mandated desegregation of the civil service was first implemented in the
armed forces
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Dear Haley, You're asleep right now, and you're not feeling well. I have a headache too. I just finished the history. I'm so proud of you for taking so many AP classes and doing so well in them. If you get into Harvard or any Ivy League school I want you to go. I know how much it all means to you, and no matter what you do I'm going to support you and love you. I wish you wouldn't worry about hanging out with me, I really do have fun even when we sit around your room and do homework. I miss you so much when I'm away at school. I wish I just got into NC State the first time and could have gone there. I really want to go next year. I'm sorry I'm not good at standing up for you and stuff but I really care about you. I'm going to lay down beside you and snuggle with you now. I love you, now and forever.
I hope you know I got the now and forever line from Batman. That's why I use it so much, because I know Batman is your favorite movie. I can't wait to go to the new one next summer with you. We might miss it if you're in Governor School but we can rent it and snuggle on my couch and watch it later or something. Okay, I'm really gonna go snuggle with you now. I love you. <3
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