Apple’s Organizational Structure Essay Example
Apple’s Organizational Structure Essay Example

Apple’s Organizational Structure Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1080 words)
  • Published: June 16, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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Apple's organizational structure begins with when Apple was a one-man company. Actually, it started as a two man company - Jobs and Wozniak. Apple was a centralized business, similar to a single party or an authoritarian rule type because the all departments of Apple reported to Steve Jobs for approval. True Apple currently controls a fortunate place in the tech world. However, Apple's new challenges start after the death of Steve Jobs.

Thus begins Apple's organizational structure with Apple's new chief executive officer, Tim Cook Apple, (2012).Organizational Structure and Apple's Organizational Structure http://google images. om There are three traditional types of organizational structures. There Is the functional structure that divides departments into their own group dependent on their function.

A divisional structure group is dependent on the product type. There Is the matrix structure that i


s a mixture of function and division organizational structure. What about the vertical structure? A companys organization working within a matrix structure will most likely have two leaders or bosses to report to, each one would be ependent on their particular department for that particular division.Tim Cook Apple's chief operating officer has shared In Interviews that Apple does not want anyone to know their magic that works, which Is the company's organizational structure because they do not want anyone to copy what they have In the company.

However, with over 70 vice presidents and multiple Interviews of ex-employees the organizational structure has been fgured out. For the most part everyone reported to Steve Jobs before his death. Apple currently Is a functional organization with Tim Cook at the top of the organizational structure (Apple, 2012).Apples Organizational Structures Slmllarltles and Contrast

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to Other Companies Microsoft Is separated Into a dlvlslonal structure of five separate businesses. There Is the entertainment and devices dlvlslon, the server and tools, the online part, which Includes the services of business, the Microsoft business dlvlslon, and customer or client. The dlvlslons Independently work each operation focuses on their particular department Inside of Microsoft (EHow, 2012).

Microsoft Is different from Apple ecause It Is not a hierarchy Iike Apple's organizational structure.Global companies consist of a matrix management structure because they have more than one reporting line. Apple's Organizational Function In Marketing Apple manager perform task In an organlzlng function that help with the help Identification of actlvltles - managers have to Identify the task, which would Include making sales, preparation of accounts, quality control, Inventory control, record keeping, and so forth. Managers at Apple have to group and classify all these activities into diffe rent parts.Apple's employees are organized into a structure to meet marketing goals and minimize confusion and clearly identifying which individuals are responsible for which tasks. Apple's line functions that are a factor that add to the company profits of production managers, sales reps, mid-level managers, marketing senior managers, lower-level managers, and regular staff EHow, (2012).

Apple is not a matrix structure that would allows employees from different departments to come together temporarily to work on special project because they are very private even to the point of having staff work on fake projects.While the matrix structure would allow flexibility to respond quickly to a customers need that would create a need for a team of people that would give the majority of their time to a new project line

and later then return to their departments Bateman, ; Snell, (2011). Apple's Organizational Function in Operations Then Apple classifies the authority with giving rank in the managerial hierarchy. The top of Apple's latter id the CEO and then drops to management which in turns forms Apple's policies, to the middle level management into departmental supervision and ower level management finally into supervision of supervisors.Apple's clarification of management authority does help for a positive and secretive work environment EHow, (2012).

Apple's Organizational Function in Human Resource (HR) Apple's Human Resource department functions include recruiting, finances of payroll, procedures of policy, safety, training, and development of the Apple industry, and the performance of staff. Human resources take care of administrative and the executive positions with the Apple Company. Apple's HR department goal is to make sure they lace the right people in the right places to achieve the organization's goal.Apple's HR department is responsible to cultivate programs that are innovative and that attract, the right people that is nessasery to meet the Apple's organizational mission Apple, (2012). Apple's Organizational Design of Product The leader of cool design is Apple. Customers of apple product and service are excited and delighted with the beautiful creations of Apple.

The Apple organization spares no detail Apple strives to be the best Apple is an out of box experience over he top experience of great products and this is the infusion of the Apple culture Apple, (2012).Apple's Organizational Design of Service First that comes to mind is that Apple thinks different and better Period. that is the image most have and therefore, so is their service Period. Apple gives the impression they

are set apart from the crowd Comma.

the norm Period. so whatever the competition is does not interfere or impact what Apple offers where it is product or service Period. Apple, (2012). Apple's Organizational Marketing Channels For one Apple uses the web to market worldwide. Apple uses social media and loyal customers spread with word of mouth.Apple is a one-stop shop self-contained domination the market of their service and product.

Apple uses their product with their customers to market nothing is compatible with Apple product Apple is its own innovation-marketing channel Apple, (2012). This concludes the above-mentioned information about Apple's organizational structure. This student shared a few types about Apples organizational structures with other organizations their similarities and contrasts to with other companies. In addition, that Apple's organizational function in marketing is like non-other.Apple's organizational function in operations the organization tries to keep secret but we have learned it is a functional organizational structure.

Apple's organizational function in Human Resource has a huge part in its success in business. Apple's organizational design of product is like no other product the best of the best is Apple's image. Apple's design of service is a one stop place and in total control. Apple's organizational design of marketing channels has no end, hich extends worldwide in technology ant the web with all its functions that help a business.

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