Ap Human Geography Chapter 8 essay questions

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explain the concept of state by identifying necessary qualifications and characteristics by listing example of states in various regions by describing " quasi-states"
state: is an area organized in a political unit and ruled by an established government that has rule over its internal and foreign affairs. It occupies a defined territory on Earths surface and contains a permanent population. The term country, is a synonym for state. State has sovereignty, which means independence from control of its internal affairs, by other states. ( has a national government, law, army, and leaders) In the United States of America, the fifty states are a subdivision within a single state. Another way to define a state is by its boundary lines. Between the 1940's and the late 80's two superpowers existed: The United States and the Soviet Union. Now the United States is less dominant in political landscape, and the Soviet Union no longer exists. quasi state: guilty of not functioning according to state statutes and thereby not spending the taxpayers' money correctly Today, globalization means more connections, among states created primarily for economic cooperation, despite greater global political cooperation, local diversity has increased in political affairs, as individual groups demand more control over the territory they inhabit.
Describe the problems of multinational states and stateless nations.
from the 1940's the world contained about 50 countries, but it had 192 members of the United Nations. A state is an area organized into a political unit and ruled by government and has control over internal and foreign affairs. There is a disagreement about the actual number of sovereign states: Korea, China, Western Sahara( Sahrawi Rep) Korea: Colony of Japan, Divided into occupation zones(2), by the US and the Soviet Union after they defeated Japan in World War 2. North Korea and South Korea admitted into the UN as separate countries Cyprus Green line boundary: Cyprus, the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, contains two nationalities: Greek and Turkish. When Cyprus gained independence from Britain in 1960, its constitution guaranteed the Turkish minority a substantial share of elected offices and control over its own education, religion, and culture. But Cyprus never peacefully integrated the Greek and Turkish nationalities, in 1974 several Greek Cypriot military officers who favored unification of Cyprus with Greece seized control of the government. Turkey invaded Cyprus to protect the Turkish Cypriot minority. The Turkish sector declared itself the independent Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in 1983, but only Turkey recognizes it as a separate state. A wall was constructed as a buffer zone and is patrolled by the UN was delineated across the entire island, geographically isolating the two nationalities. Stateless nations: Example would be the Kurdish people, who used to have their own state near Turkey but they were invaded and pushed out and were left without any territory to call a state. Also Roma people are scattered all across Europe, most of them that live in Belgium are not even recognized as a nationality most technically do not exists as citizens there. The children that go to school in Belgium have to go to "special classes" and are treated like primitive people because they speak a different language and have no official state.
list advantages and disadvantages of different types of boundaries and provide examples.
The shape of states affect potential for communication and conflict with neighbors, can influence the easy or difficulty of internal administration, and can affect social unity. There are two types of boundaries, physical and cultural Physical boundaries: consists of three types of physical elements which serve as boundaries between states: Mountain, Desert, and Oceans. Advantages Desert boundaries: hard to cross, and sparsely inhabited, common in Africa and Asia, Mountain Boundaries: Effective for boundaries because they are difficult to cross because they are sparsely inhabited. Water Boundaries: Which are rivers, lakes, and Oceans. are especially common in East Africa, Cultural Boundaries: Two main, geometric( simple straight line drawn on a map), and ethnic( Language and religion). Geometric: northern US boundary with Canada: 49 North Latitude. established in 1846, Also Alaska and the Yukon, territory at 14 West Longitude, and Chad and Libya, Religious boundaries: religious differences often coincide with the boundaries between states.The most notable religious boundary is in South Asia, when the British partition India into two states on the basis of religion. Same with the island of Erie in Ireland. Language Boundary: Cyrpus Greece and Turkey Disadvantage: Mountain: they do not always provide amicable separation of neighbors( Argentina and Chile) Which agreed to divide by the crest of the Andes Mountains, but couldn't come up with a precise location. Water Boundaries: They may seem permanent, but the precise position of the water may change over time, rivers in particular. Ocean boundaries, cause problems because states usually claim that the boundary line is not usually on the coast line, but out at sea.( reason are for defense and for control of valuable fishing industries) Cultural boundaries
Discuss the concepts of imperialism, colonialism and illustrate some of their consequences on the contemporary political map
colony: is a territory that legally tied to a sovereign state, rather than being completely independent. Colonialism: European states came to control much of the world through colonialism. European states established colonies for three basic reasons: To promote Christianity, second to provide resources, and to indicate relative power. The three motives can be summarized as god, gold, and glory. The colonial era began in the fourteen hundreds, Europeans lost most of their Western Hemisphere colonies, and then they turned their attention to Africa and Asia. The European colonization of Africa and Asia is called imperialism. Which is control of a territory that is already occupied and organized by an indigenous society. Colonialism is the control of uninhibited or sparsely inhibited land. Britain is the largest colonial empire, France is the second. primarily over West Africa and South East Asia. France attempted to assimilate their colonies into French culture. The British created different government structures and policies in their empire. Most African and Asian colonies became independent after World War 2. Now days, only a handful of colonies remain in the Pacific Ocean or the Carribean Sea. Puerto Rico which is the commonwealth of the US, 4 million are residents of the US. World's least populated colony is Pitcairn Island, which was settled by British Mutineers.
Define and provide examples of forward thrust capitals
A planned Capital city: Brazil, Somalia
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Summarize the history of the United Nation and identify issues of current importance regarding it.
During the Cold War era in 1940, until 1990. Global and regional organization were established primarily to prevent a third World War and to prevent countries from attack. The most important Global organization is the United Nations, established in 1945, The United Nations comprised of 49 states, but membership grew to 189 in 2006 making it a truly global organization. The rapid increase was on three occasions: One in 1955, 1960, and the early 1990's. The United Nations replaced an earlier organization called the League of Nations, It was established after World War 1 but it was never an effective peacekeeping organization. They can vote, establish a peacemaking force and ask states to contribute a military force. Playing an important role in trying to separate warring groups, it must rely on individual countries to supply troops, the UN often lacks enough troops to keep peace effectively. Despite its short comings the United Nations, represents a form, where for the first time in history,virtually all the states of the world can vote on issues without resorting to war.
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