Ap Human Geography Chapter 8 essay questions
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Define and provide examples of forward thrust capitals
A planned Capital city: Brazil, Somalia
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Summarize the history of the United Nation and identify issues of current importance regarding it.
During the Cold War era in 1940, until 1990. Global and regional organization were established primarily to prevent a third World War and to prevent countries from attack. The most important Global organization is the United Nations, established in 1945, The United Nations comprised of 49 states, but membership grew to 189 in 2006 making it a truly global organization. The rapid increase was on three occasions: One in 1955, 1960, and the early 1990's. The United Nations replaced an earlier organization called the League of Nations, It was established after World War 1 but it was never an effective peacekeeping organization. They can vote, establish a peacemaking force and ask states to contribute a military force. Playing an important role in trying to separate warring groups, it must rely on individual countries to supply troops, the UN often lacks enough troops to keep peace effectively. Despite its short comings the United Nations, represents a form, where for the first time in history,virtually all the states of the world can vote on issues without resorting to war.
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