anthro quiz – Flashcards
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Acclimatization refers to: A. temporary physiological changes in response to the environment. B. the synthesis of vitamin D. C. genetic changes seen in a population. D. permanent changes seen in the human body in response to the immediate environment. E. inability to adapt to the environment.
A. temporary physiological changes in response to the environment.
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he genetic code is carried by: A. DNA. B. RNA. C. proteins. D. mutagens.
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Gene migration is defined as: A. increase of genetic diversity among groups. B. exchange of genes between populations. C. differential reproduction success. D. random loss of genes in a population. E. production of new genes.
B. exchange of genes between populations.
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9. Scientists who study fossil remains of our early human ancestors are called: A. odontologists. B. archaeologists. C. creationists. D. paleoanthropologists. E. paleogeneticists.
D. paleoanthropologists.
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What is the term for the natural history of Earth and the universe including the span of human existence? A. multiregional replacement thesis B. Deep Time C. creation D. natural selection E. evolution
B. Deep Time
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The "Hobbit" of Flores Island Indonesia is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT: A. primitive wrist bones. B. short stature. C. microcephaly. D. powerful jaw with large molars. E. tiny brain size.
D. powerful jaw with large molars.
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A group of related organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile viable A. species. B. founding population. C. kinship group. D. genetic drift. E. phenotype.
A. species.
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The process that preserves an organism through a chemical process that turns it partially or wholly into rock is called: A. stratigraphy. B. sedimentation. C. decomposition. D. fossilization. E. carbonization.
D. fossilization.
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Complex innovations that allow humans to cope with the environment are called: A. acclimatization. B. physiological adaptations. C. genetic adaptations. D. developmental adaptations. E. cultural adaptations.
E. cultural adaptations.
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Around 15000 yBP modern Homo sapiens had left Asia and migrated to: A. Madagascar. B. Europe. C. Indonesia. D. North and South America. E. Australia.
D. North and South America.
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Patterns by which racial inequality is structured through key cultural institutions policies and systems are referred to as: A. institutional racism. B. discrimination. C. racial ideology. D. racialization. E. fascism.
A. institutional racism.
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What rule assigns the children of racially "mixed" unions to the subordinate group? A. racialization B. eugenics C. drop down D. hypodescent E. miscegenation
D. hypodescent
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Geneticists point out that dividing people by skin color is as logical as dividing them by: A. eyelashes. B. brain size. C. toenails. D. earwax. E. facial hair.
D. earwax.
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The concept that people of European descent are superior to all others is: A. white supremacy. B. racism. C. Nazi ideology. D. fascism. E. Zionism.
A. white supremacy.
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To apply stereotypical traits to a group of people based on their "racial" ancestry is called: A. prejudice. B. racialization. C. discrimination. D. racial ideology. E. segregation.
B. racialization.
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A story that is told about the founding and history of a particular group to reinforce a common sense of identity is called a: A. folk tale. B. "just so" story. C. creation story. D. origin myth. E. history.
D. origin myth.
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Originally this term referred to a distinct group of people with a shared place of origin but it is now most commonly used to refer to a country. A. mandate B. realm C. state D. nation E. nation-state
D. nation
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Efforts by representatives of one ethnic or religious group to remove or destroy another group in a particular geographic area are known as: A. genocide. B. ethnocide. C. mass murder. D. expulsion. E. ethnic cleansing.
E. ethnic cleansing.
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The invented sense of connection and shared traditions that underlies identification with a particular ethnic group or nation whose members likely will never meet refers to the concept of: A. invented identity. B. nationalism. C. nation-state. D. imagined community. E. cultural imperialism.
D. imagined community.
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Groups of people create and promote traits to signify who is in the group and who is out. These are called: A. social signifiers. B. ethnic boundaries. C. segregation. D. apartheid. E. cultural walls.
B. ethnic boundaries.
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A person may inherit a genetic pattern for above-average height but may only reach average height due to poor nutrition. This is an expression of that person's: A. DNA. B. nature. C. phenotype. D. cline. E. genotype.
C. phenotype.
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The idea that government policies should favor people born in the United States over immigrants such as Mexicans or Canadians (legal or otherwise) is known as: A. nativism. B. Zionism. C. eugenics. D. nationalism. E. "home first."
A. nativism.
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The Tutsi and Hutu originally considered themselves a single group of people differing primarily by occupation; however the Belgium colonial administration began treating the pastoral Tutsi people as different and superior to the Hutu farmers. Eventually these two groups of people began to see each other as different as well. This is an example of: A. ethnogenesis. B. colonialism. C. ethnic division. D. apartheid. E. ethnic making.
A. ethnogenesis.
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Chinese immigrants in the United States have a long history but many Chinese American communities still have a distinct Chinese character where they retain many aspects of traditional Chinese cultures. This example illustrates the concept of: A. multiculturalism. B. amalgamation. C. biculturalism. D. integration. E. naturalization.
A. multiculturalism
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Many immigrant groups in the United States-such as Arabs Czechs the French Irish Italians Greeks Jews and many others-have assimilated into white American society and this has been described as a(n): A. potpourri. B. patchwork. C. amalgamation. D. melting pot. E. tossed salad.
D. melting pot.
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Gender stereotypes are defined as: A. the way gender identity is expressed through action. B. culturally based preconceived notions about the attributes of differences between and proper roles for men and women. C. the ways humans learn to behave and recognize behaviors as masculine or feminine within cultural context. D. the expectation of thought and behavior that each culture assigns to people of different sexes. E. a set of cultural ideas about the essential character of different genders that functions to promote and justify gender stratification.
B. culturally based preconceived notions about the attributes of differences between and proper roles for men and women.
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Anne Fausto-Sterling's analysis of biological sexual identity identifies: A. five sexes including intersexuals. B. six sexes including Two-Spirits. C. three sexes including machos. D. seven sexes including berdaches. E. four sexes including hijras.
A. five sexes including intersexuals.
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The phrases "boys will be boys" and "it's a girls' thing" reflect gender: A. construction. B. roles. C. stratification. D. stereotypes. E. performance.
D. stereotypes.
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Gender is defined as: A. culturally based preconceived notions about the attributes of differences between and proper roles for men and women. B. the expectation of thought and behavior that each culture assigns to people of different sexes. C. a set of cultural ideas about the essential character of different genders that functions to promote and justify gender stratification. D. the way gender identity is expressed through action. E. the ways humans learn to behave and recognize behaviors as masculine or feminine within cultural context.
B. the expectation of thought and behavior that each culture assigns to people of different sexes.
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Gender ideology is defined as: A. culturally based preconceived notions about the attributes of differences between and proper roles for men and women. B. the expectation of thought and behavior that each culture assigns to people of different sexes. C. the way gender identity is expressed through action. D. the ways humans learn to behave and recognize behaviors as masculine or feminine within cultural contexts. E. a set of cultural ideas about the essential character of different genders that functions to promote and justify gender stratification.
E. a set of cultural ideas about the essential character of different genders that functions to promote and justify gender stratification.
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________ is gender identity displayed through action. A. Performance B. Stereotyping C. Transgendering D. Discourse E. Construction
A. Performance
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Geneticists have been able to successfully identify: A. clusters of "gay" and "straight genes" but not the interactions of those genes. gene or cluster of genes that determines sexuality. C. the "straight" gene but not the "gay gene." D. the "gay" gene but not the "straight" gene. E. a "gay" and a "straight" gene.
answer gene or cluster of genes that determines sexuality.
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Contemporary anthropologists study sexuality: A. only in cultures where intense homophobia is present. B. in cultures worldwide including Western cultures. C. only in cultures that are remote and poorly understood. D. in cultures worldwide with the exception of Western cultures. E. only in cultures in which sexually transmitted disea
B. in cultures worldwide including Western cultures.
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Which of the following is NOT an example of the attempt to regulate aspects of sexuality by cultural institutions such as the government? A. divorce B. age of licensed driver C. reproductive rights D. age of consent E. marriage
B. age of licensed driver
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All of the following are examples of sexuality in contemporary media and politics EXCEPT: A. the overturning of DOMA. B. the debate over U.S. intervention in Syria. C. the U.S. public policy debate over the criminalization of sex work. D. the ongoing conversation about sexual violence on college campuses. E. international campaigns for gay and lesbian rights.
B. the debate over U.S. intervention in Syria.
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Sexuality involves: A. personal choices only. B. both personal choices and cultural ideas. C. biology and personal choices but not cultural ideas. D. cultural ideas only. E. biology and cultural ideas but not personal choices
B. both personal choices and cultural ideas.
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According to contemporary cultural anthropologists humans in most cultures engage in sexual activity: A. for fun only. B. as a form of economic exchange. C. for procreation only. D. both for procreation and fun. E. very seldom.
D. both for procreation and fun.
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The Victorian ideal of sexuality was heavily influenced by which of the following: A. globalization B. science C. Christian teachings D. the government E. media
C. Christian teachings
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The restudy of women's role in the Trobriand Island exchanges indicated that: A. women exchanged banana fiber skirts during funerary activities. B. women and men played complementary roles in the exchange of foods. C. women played a limited role in rituals and ceremonial exchanges. D. women's exchanges were not tied to the yam exchanges Malinowski reported. E. women participated in elaborate exchanges of shell armbands and necklaces.
B. women and men played complementary roles in the exchange of foods.
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Sex tourists in the Dominican Republic are typically: A. white American men. B. black American men. C. Asian men. D. white European women. E. white European men.
E. white European men.
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A patrilineal descent group traces kinships through which side of the family? A. mother's B. grandparent's C. sibling's D. cousin's E. father's
E. father'
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Kinship includes: A. biological connections only. B. biological descent and marriage alliances but also practices such as fostering and fictive kin. C. direct biological connections or marriage alliances only. D. marriage alliances and fictive kin only. E. marriage only.
B. biological descent and marriage alliances but also practices such as fostering and fictive kin.
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Which of the following commonly creates socially recognized relationships that may involve physical and emotional intimacy sexual pleasure reproduction and raising of children mutual support and companionship and shared legal rights to property and inheritance? A. lineage B. heredity C. biology D. descent E. marriage
E. marriage
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Clans that do not permit marriages within the group are considered: A. monogamous. B. polydromous. C. polygamous. D. endogamous. E. exogamous.
E. exogamous.
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ndividuals learn basic patterns of human behavior from their families in a process termed: A. adoption B. proselytization C. indoctrination D. enculturation E. adaptation
D. enculturation
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Which of the following statements about marriage is true? A. Marriage occurs in only a few cultures but is found in identical form wherever and whenever it exists. B. Marriage occurs in every culture in some form and that form does not change over time. C. Marriage occurs in every culture in some form but its exact characteristics vary widely. D. Marriage occurs in every culture and is found in identical form wherever and whenever it exists. E. Marriage occurs in only a few cultures but tak
C. Marriage occurs in every culture in some form but its exact characteristics vary widely.
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Which of the following is a descent group that is constructed through the mother's side of the family? A. patrilineal B. cognatic C. matrilineal D. bilateral E. ambilineal
C. matrilineal
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Which of the following types of descent groups traces kinship through both the mother and the father? A. ambilineal B. unilineal C. bilineal D. polylineal E. monolineal
A. ambilineal
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Which type of marriage between two individuals is negotiated in order to form economic and political alliances between larger kinship groups? A. arranged B. companioned C. disrupted D. reproduced E. inherited
A. arranged
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The incest taboo universally prohibits sexual relations: A. between half siblings and parallel cousins. B. between cousins regardless of cross- or parallel cousin relationships. C. between parents and children and siblings. D. between half siblings and cross cousins. E. between first cousins and between second co
C. between parents and children and siblings.
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Cousins who are children of a father's brother or a mother's sister are considered which type of cousin? A. cross-cousins B. affinal cousins C. parallel cousins D. companionate cousins E. second cousins
C. parallel cousins
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Which of the following types of marriage specifically involves the union of one man to two or more women? A. monogamy B. monyandry C. polymandry D. polygyny E. polyandry
D. polygyny
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Changing patterns over time demonstrate that marriage family and kinship are cultural: A. positions. B. constructs. C. misnomers. D. stances. E. biases.
B. constructs.
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One way in which humans construct kinship groups is by tracking genealogical: A. kinship. B. family. C. descent. D. ascent. E. monogamy.
C. descent.
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Nation-states draw heavily on ideas of which of the following in order to create a sense of connection among very different people found within their national borders? A. kinship and family B. family and hegemony C. nationalism and kinship D. hegemony and kinship E. nationalism and hegemony
A. kinship and family
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