Animal Cruelty and It’s Relation to Human Cruelty Essay Example
One potential resolution to the persistent problem of animal cruelty is to raise public awareness. Moreover, there appears to be a connection between animal cruelty, child abuse, and violent crime. Experts propose that mistreating animals has the potential to inflict psychological harm on children and may also contribute to aggression towards humans. Research indicates that individuals with a history of violence or aggression are more prone to having harmed animals in their youth.
According to a report, there may be a shift in targets from distant to intimate, rather than from animals to humans. In these cases, offenders sometimes become violent towards humans first and then mistreat animals when the former are strangers and the latter are acquaintances.
It is widely known that killers have shown no empathy towards animals. For example, Dennis Rader, also known as the BTK ki
...ller, struck fear in Kansas and spoke about hanging a dog and a cat during his childhood. Similarly, serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer impaled the heads of dogs, frogs, and cats on a stick.
In addition to this behavior among notorious killers, it is not uncommon for high school students to display cruelty towards animals. Prior to their rampage at Columbine High School, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold discussed mutilating animals with their classmates.
All of these incidents reflect a consistent pattern among recent shootings," claims Dr.
Harold S. Koplewicz, director of the Child Study Center at New York University, states that being cruel to animals does not always indicate future criminal behavior. However, children who have suffered abuse may display acts of animal cruelty as a way to vent their anguish, rage, and discontent.
'If a child is cruel to animals, research
shows it may indicate serious abuse or neglect inflicted on the child. Is there a connection between animal abuse and human maltreatment and wrongdoing? Yes, I firmly believe there is an undeniable link between animal abuse and human maltreatment and violent crime. Many convicted criminals categorized as 'violent' or 'aggressive' have demonstrated cruelty towards animals in their childhood. Children who have been abused or neglected are more likely to also perpetrate animal abuse.
- “Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime.” PETA, 19 July 2005, https://www.peta.org/issues/animal-companion-issues/animal-companion-factsheets/animal-abuse-human-abuse-partners-crime/.
- Allison, Sheila. 'Animal cruelty a pointer to abuse.' Youth Studies Australia, Sept. 2004, p. 4. Gale General OneFile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A122621234/GPS?u=j199901004;sid=GPS;xi d=a96bab64. Accessed 3 Dec.
Accessed on December 3, 2019.
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