Analysis, Recommendation and Reflection on New Zealand Ideal Immigration Essay Example
New Zealand Ideal Immigration Consulting Ltd is a company that assists skilled individuals in immigrating to and studying in New Zealand. The company has contributed significantly to the economic growth and societal development of New Zealand, particularly through the influx of immigrants and international students. It was established in 1985 (New Zealand Ideal Immigration, 2010).
At present, Ideal Immigration's 350 employees and professional advisers offer top-notch service to their diverse clients. The company has established branches in Bombay, India and Beijing and Shanghai, China. With its business strategies and marketing efforts, the company has experienced rapid growth. Its revenue was approaching $100 million (New Zealand Ideal Immigration, 2010). Unfortunately, in 2008, its performance started to decline.
The employment relationship between Elizabeth and Eve in New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd was very close. They also worked in the overseas study depart
...ment, which was responsible for handling international student applications and selecting universities, institutes, and third schools.
Adam is the manager of New Zealand Ideal Immigration Consulting Ltd. Elizabeth and Eve both work at the Overseas Study Department. Elizabeth, the director of the department, has a strained relationship with her subordinates. Eve is one of her subordinates who follows her instructions and studies job opportunities accordingly.
One day, Eve assisted an international student in selecting a university after their bachelor's degree. Eve favored choosing Auckland Institute of Studies, but Elizabeth had a different opinion. She wanted to help the student choose Massey University.
Due to differing sentiments, there was a struggle between Eve and Elizabeth, resulting in a poor relationship. Additionally, Eve also had a hapless relationship with their director. This poor relationship ultimately led to job dissatisfaction and a desire for
a different occupation. It's worth mentioning that Eve graduated from Auckland University of Technology with a major of concern.
Eve possesses excellent communication skills and is skilled in managing various relationships and abilities. However, Eve reported this matter to Adam, the owner of New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd. Unfortunately, Adam was unable to provide adequate support and wished to move Eve to a different department. This led to a conflict with Elizabeth, and Eve began contemplating how to leave New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd. During her free time, Eve gathered extensive information on potential job opportunities and recruitment ads from sources such as New Zealand Herald, Trade Me, and Mandarin Time. Additionally, Eve dedicated extra time to researching relevant information on the internet.
New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd experienced a decline in performance and profitability due to an unsatisfactory employment relationship. To improve their performance, New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd needs to implement necessary changes. Adam lacked leadership skills and did not know how to effectively utilize motivation theories to inspire his subordinates in achieving organizational objectives. In order to foster a better workplace and job environment, New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd should consider modifying their structure, technology, and personnel (New Zealand Ideal Immigration, 2010).
Adam and Elizabeth need to learn more about management theories and knowledge to improve their employees' job satisfaction. They should also learn about the two-factor theory to help reduce dissatisfaction among their employees. Due to the adaptation of New Zealand's immigration policy, New Zealand Ideal Immigration must develop effective employment relationship management strategies and build strong relationships with its employees. This is because high employee loyalty can contribute to rapid growth in performance
and profitability.
Scenario Analysis
Attitudes and perception
Attitudes play an important role in people's behavior. Different attitudes will result in different behaviors and actions.
A positive attitude can help improve behavior and increase employee satisfaction. Attitude refers to an individual's level of liking or disliking for something. Attitudes can be categorized as negative or positive, depending on the person, thing, or place. Different individuals may have different attitudes towards different objects (Wood et al, 2010).
Negative attitude towards an attitude object can be easily adopted and can lead to ambiguity and a struggle in perceiving the object. People may hold both negative and positive attitudes towards an attitude object, and they can also make effective judgments based on these different attitudes. Some scholars have developed the ABC model to explain the components of attitudes. According to Van de Berg et al. (2006) and Eagly & Chaiken (1998), the ABC model consists of affect (emotional response), behavior, and cognition (knowledge). Affective responses specifically refer to individuals' emotional reactions towards an attitude object.
The affectional response indicates a person's level of preference for an entity and attitude object. The behavior purpose is a verbal indication of a person's behavioral response and inclination towards the attitude object (Bales, 1950, Bales, 1970, Belbin, 1981, Cacciope, 2001, Callaway et al., 1985). The cognitive response refers to people's beliefs about the attitude object. People's experience, personality, and experimental acquisition also directly affect the change in attitude. In New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd., the choice of a third school is the attitude object.
Various individuals have varying emotional responses. Elizabeth and Eve exhibit different preferences towards Massey University and
Auckland Institute of Studies. They also possess distinct emotional attitudes. As a result of their disparate emotional attitudes, Elizabeth and Eve display different behavioral tendencies. Additionally, they hold contrasting cognitive responses towards the object of their attitude. Ultimately, Elizabeth made the decision to select Massey University as her educational institution.
Eve made the decision to enroll in AIS for her student, which led to conflict and arguing. Percept is the process of attaining awareness or comprehension of sensory information. It involves receiving, gathering, and understanding with the mind, taking ownership, and comprehending with the senses.
People employ various perceptions to make judgments. According to the Weber-Fechner law, perception can be used to measure the correlation between sensory effects and the intensity of physical stimuli. Cultural background also plays a role in the formation of perception (Certo, 2007; Dennis & Garfield, 2006; Diehl & Stroebe, 1987; Flowers, 1977). Personality and interests also have an impact on perception.
Peoples may utilize past experience to make judgments and effective decisions for various things and events. The success of perception for different things and events is determined by people's past experience (Flowers, 1977; Gersick, 1988; Myspace, 2008; Hede, 1994). In this situation, Elizabeth and Eve have different work experiences, personalities, and interests. Elizabeth applies her past experiences and personality to influence her perception and decide which third school is suitable for international students. Additionally, Elizabeth has a European background with rich European cultural influences. She also follows the Catholic Church, which contributes to her unique cultural background.
She desires to use the teachings of the Holy Bible to guide her life and outlook. Her actions and mindset revolve around loving people and loving
God. Nevertheless, she also employs various strategies to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings. Eve's personality and intriguing nature impact her decision-making process. She aims to select an appropriate school for international students, as they have a higher likelihood of graduating from a private institution. Upon graduating from a private tertiary institution, these international students may directly immigrate to New Zealand with relevant job prospects.
The choice for international student and assistance for international students immigrating to New Zealand was influenced by her perceptual experience.
Two motivational theories – McClelland's three-need theory and Herzberg's two-factor theory
New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd may utilize Herzberg's two-factor theory because Frederick Herzberg conducted extensive research on people's motivation. From his research, Herzberg identified two factors that can motivate people to achieve their organizational goals. Hygiene factors are primarily related to the work environment. Businesses can use hygiene factors to prevent worker dissatisfaction (Janis, 1971, 1972, Lawrence & Sceiler, 1965, Lustig, 1987, Rahim, 2001, Robbins et Al, 2008, Robbins et Al, 2009).
Hygiene factors include work conditions, benefits, policies, wage, and supervisors. Incentives have an impact on worker satisfaction and attempts. Business organizations can use incentives to improve job satisfaction. These incentives include achievement, acknowledgment, responsibility, the work itself, and growth.
In this situation, New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd is unable to use Herzberg's two-factor theory to guide and motivate their employees towards achieving organizational goals. One of the hygiene factors, relationships, can motivate employees to reduce job dissatisfaction. However, Elizabeth has a poor relationship with Eve, leading to poor performance by New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd. Adam does not comprehend how to improve the workplace and employee relationships in order to motivate employees and reduce
job dissatisfaction. In this situation, Elizabeth cannot make effective decisions based on customer needs (Schein, 2004, Thomas, 1999).
Elizabeth lacked knowledge on how to utilize hygiene factors to decrease job dissatisfaction. To enhance the workplace environment, Elizabeth should gain more experience and show respect towards her subordinates. By strengthening employee relationships, Eve can reduce job dissatisfaction. In the meantime, Eve should abandon her plan to improve her skills.
She should use communication achievements to generate conflict between her and Elizabeth. Adam should create a better work environment to effectively manage and control performance and profitability. McClelland's three-need theory can also guide New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd because it focuses on the needs for affiliation, power, and achievement. The need for achievement (n-Ach) is associated with the desire for excellence, challenge, and creativity. Some individuals enjoy taking on challenging jobs to demonstrate their abilities and skills. For example, at New Zealand Ideal Immigration Consulting Ltd, some staff members prefer challenging work that showcases their expertise in assisting international students (Schein, 2004; Robins et al., 2008; Tuckman, 1965).
Their income is reliant on the number and proportion of international students without a fixed wage. Additionally, they also employ creativity and innovation to meet their performance requirements. The need for affiliation (n-Aff) is linked to the desire for social interaction, friendship, and care. At Ideal Immigration Ltd in New Zealand, Elizabeth and Eve are influenced by the need for affiliation. A lack of social interaction and caring fosters a poor relationship between Elizabeth and Eve.
Adam lacked caring and concern for his employees, as well as failing to foster a positive workplace relationship and atmosphere (Tuckman, 1965, Tuckman & Jensen, 1977, Wood
et Al, 2010). Even though Eve and Elizabeth desired association, they were unsatisfied with the current situation. Elizabeth's high need for power (n-Pow) led her to seek control over Eve and her subordinates.
This paragraph discusses New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd and their need for effective relationship management and better interaction among subsidiaries. It also mentions Adam's desire for power and control. Group dynamics, which focus on allocation and effective group management, are also important for the company.
Group work can provide opportunities for business expansion and growth by fostering innovation and creativity. Through collaboration, individuals can generate fresh ideas and creative perspectives that can improve performance and efficiency within an organization. Additionally, working in a group can enhance safety management and offer a sense of security (Wood et al, 2010; Robins et al, 2008).
People may find security and connection through their involvement in various groups. They may also develop stronger relationships and enhance effective management efficiency through group collaboration. Joining a group can assist members in achieving organizational objectives and overcoming obstacles in project and organizational goal accomplishments. To obtain feedback from group work, people can employ different strategies (Wood et al., 2010; Robins et al., 2008). Furthermore, self-esteem may also improve as a result of engaging in group work.
Group members can recognize their importance and contribute to the group's success. Additionally, group work can help create an environment that promotes fair treatment of all members, fostering a democratic work atmosphere. Each member can contribute their ideas and creativity to the successful completion of group tasks and organizational goals. Through group work, individuals can gain perspective and improve their social standing. Furthermore, participation in group activities
can provide exposure and opportunities for individuals to enhance their societal position.
According to Wood et al (2010) and Robins et al (2008), group work enables group members to enhance their power and achieve more tasks compared to individuals. People participate in group work to enhance their personal power and broaden their capabilities. Group work facilitates the utilization of more resources, synergy, and energy to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the group. Enhancing coherence is also a benefit of group work, as it strengthens the sense of a shared bond or attraction to the task or group among its members. Group work is a means for individuals to achieve both organizational and group goals while fostering coherence (Wood et al, 2010, Robins et Al, 2008).
Cohesiveness is the act of frequent interaction among members, strengthening verification and direction, as well as personal attraction. Through group work, individuals can develop better relationships and personal attraction among members. Additionally, inter-group competition in group work can help members contribute their creative and innovative ideas. This competition also requires high coherence for business expansion. New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd can utilize group work to enhance coherence and receive favorable performance evaluations.
The amount of time spent together is a determining factor for coherence. Group members may spend more time in order to achieve coherence in harmonization. It is also important to analyze the negativity of introductions, which determine coherence. During introductions, group members must follow strict rules and focus on the negativity to create different perspectives for achieving group dynamics. The size of the group also affects coherence. The group size is also related to cooperation and compromise.
Leadership is important for
group coherence and is influenced by the gender of group members and external threats (Wood et al, 2010; Robins et al, 2008). Different genders may present conflicts and affect performance and efficiency in leadership. Additionally, external threats have an impact on group cohesion, and various external threats can influence the coherence of group members. These threats are also tied to past successes, which individuals may use to effectively control and manage groups.
Group members can use humor and compromise to communicate effectively and negotiate (Wood et al, 2010, Robins et Al, 2008). New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd can strengthen cohesion through group dynamics and collaborative work (Wood et al, 2010, Robins et Al, 2008). It was found that groups with moderate cohesion made the best decisions. Poor decisions were made in groups with high cohesion and no decision processes (Callaway and Esser, 1984).
- Recommendations for areas of motivation
- Explanation of reasons behind recommendations
- Attitude and perception
- Analysis of different personalities
Personality influences attitude and perception. New Zealand Immigration Ideal Ltd should analyze different personalities.
With personality analysis, it may be possible to implement effective strategies to change individuals' negative attitudes into positive ones.
Analyzing interesting and past experiences
determines people's attitudes. New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd should analyze various past experiences and interests. Elizabeth should use her own past experiences to alter Eve's attitude. Additionally, Eve should also learn new knowledge from her changing environment.
Adam should change his attitude and implement
a successful wage system to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals. They should design an effective equal policy to promote diversity management. This equal policy can help create a better environment for business growth. New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd can utilize equal principles to regulate different performances and ensure effective management. Adam should avoid any discrimination, including sexual, racial, or other forms of discrimination.
Focus on ABC model analysis.
New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd should conduct a thorough analysis using the ABC model.
The analysis of the affective section, including emotions and feelings that impact attitudes, as well as the cognitive and behavioral sections, is necessary to guide behavior and strategies. Motivation theories suggest focusing on relationship direction and designing preparation plans. New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd should prioritize relationship management and preparation plan design. It should ensure effective relationship management and strengthen employment accommodation. The company should utilize hygiene factors to minimize employee job dissatisfaction. Additionally, incentives should be used to enhance job satisfaction and facilitate business expansion in the global and New Zealand markets.
The use of McClelland's three-need theory to motivate employees and achieve organizational goals is crucial for New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd. Adam should familiarize himself with various management theories and principles to effectively lead and motivate his employees. The company should implement effective strategies to address the needs for achievement, affiliation, and power.
New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd should also prioritize job position and design, utilizing relevant models and strategies to ensure effective management and control.
It is necessary to have various job positions and roles in order to meet the needs of employees. People also need to
plan challenging jobs to effectively manage and supervise.
Group dynamic
Focus on cooperation
New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd should focus on cooperation. Through cooperation, people can strengthen unity and harmony.
The Importance of Compromise
It is important to find a middle ground in order to resolve various conflicts and disputes. It is necessary to utilize compromise in order to resolve different issues and conflicts.
Emphasizing Consistency
Through collaboration, competition between groups can encourage members to contribute their creative and innovative ideas. High consistency is required for business expansion through inter-group competition. New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd can use group work to strengthen consistency and create positive performance evaluations.
Maintaining a positive attitude can lead to corrected behavior and improved employee satisfaction.
Attitude is a theoretical notion that reflects an individual's level of preference or disapproval towards a specific item. Attitudes can be characterized as either negative or positive, depending on the individual, subject, or location. Different individuals may have a varied focus on the attitude object. Negative attitudes often result in ambivalence and conflict towards an object. It is not uncommon for individuals to hold both negative and positive attitudes towards an object.
Elizabeth firmly follows the Catholic Church, which is a significant part of her cultural background. She desires to live her life and shape her perspective by adhering to the principles of the Holy Bible. Her actions and attitudes revolve around loving both people and God. Nonetheless, she also employs various strategies to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings. It is her preference to enroll in a suitable school that caters to international students, as she believes they have
a higher chance of graduating from private institutions.
Herzberg's two-factor theory may provide guidance for New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd, as Frederick Herzberg conducted extensive research on motivational factors within individuals. Through his research and exploration, Herzberg identified two factors that can stimulate individuals in achieving their organizational goals. Hygiene factors are primarily related to the working environment, and businesses can employ these factors to prevent worker dissatisfaction. Additionally, McClelland's three-need theory could also serve as a guiding principle for New Zealand Ideal Immigration Ltd, as this theory emphasizes the needs for affiliation, power, and achievement.
The need for achievement (n-Ach) is linked to the desire for excellence, challenge, and creativity. Certain individuals prefer to take on challenging tasks in order to showcase their abilities and skills. For example, at New Zealand Ideal Immigration Consulting Ltd, some employees thrive on providing challenging work for international students to demonstrate their expertise. The company may utilize group work to enhance teamwork and generate positive performance evaluations. The amount of time spent working together determines the level of teamwork.
Group members may contribute additional clips to enhance coherence in harmonization. It is also important to analyze the negativity of induction, which determines coherence. During induction, group members must adhere to strict rules and focus on the negativity of induction in order to create a unique perspective for achieving group dynamics.
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