Analysis of PepsiCo refresh project in Canada Essay Example
“Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink which started in 1893 in North Carolina (Pepsi Canada, the Pepsi Refresh Project, 2011)”. At the start, the company was experiencing challenges due to the rise of sugar prices. As from 1940, the company became more popular through the advertising in Radio Stations. Initially, it used advertising technique where it used different advertisement slogans in order to advertise their product.
Coca-Cola is the main competitor of Pepsi in the field of carbonated soft drinks. Over the time they have been in existence, Coca cola has been ahead of Pepsi in terms of the profits made (Chirkova, 2011). “In 2010, PepsiCo decided to reverse the decision it had made on pulling Super Bowl advertisements hence returning to consumer created advertisements in 2011 (Pepsi Canada, the Pepsi Refresh Project, 2011)” This essay seeks to look at the po
...sition statement or recommended decision, decision options, decision criteria, proof of the recommended action, critique of options and then the action plan to be taken.
From the recent past, Pepsi has been using youth to advertise the products. This has been the main idea with the new “Pepsi’s Refresh project”. Currently, a very large of the youths make use of social media platforms (Chirkova, 2011). Some of the common used forms of social media include sharing of videos, pictures, online blogs, twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Through this media platforms ideas on the products, objectives among many other things related to Pepsi were distributed world.
According to Coke (2012), Pepsi should refocus their concentration from aiming at the youths thus ensuring that their marketing strategies are aimed at reaching all groups of people. Not all groups of people
like visiting social media platforms. The elderly for instance rarely visit such sites. Picture and video sharing is only common the young generation.
Such a strategy will hence mean that only a small part of the total population will be reached by such a strategy. Pepsi should hence look at a strategy in which all groups of people are being addressed. Incorporation of radio broadcasting and use of television will help a lot towards ensuring that the elderly population has been reached (Pepsi Canada, 2011).
One of the marketing options is to ensure that the existing brands have been enhanced. Let’s take the case of mountain for instance. Mountain dew considered coming up with a new product, Mountain dew kickstart which served more needs as compared to the normal mountain dew. It was enhanced in such a way that it could it could be used for the normal taking as well as nighttime consumption.
Pepsi should hence make sure that the products it offers have been enhanced. In doing this, more markets will be attracted due to the fact that some of the people who were not interested in the original drinks will opt taking the new one. A brand which is much enhanced will help in the marketing of another product which has not been familiar to the people. Most of the people will have the thought that the other brand is as good as the improved one (Coke, 2012).
Incorporation of a strategy which targets small children is another good option in the marketing of Pepsi products. This is through the development of snacks in which little children are being targeted. For quite some time, some of
the branches such as PepsiCo Europe has been using this strategy. For instance, 14 products were developed so as to ensure that the health requirements of little children were met.
This aimed at making sure that the correct children diet’s requirements were being met (Garton, 2011). In addition, this would help a lot in help the government achieve the objective of children with hunger. In so doing, the popularity of Pepsi products would be highly increased. Due to the health provisions in the products, most parents consider PepsiCo products as the most suitable for the children.
Critique of options is very important as it ensures that the most appropriate choice is selected. The first option is to continue with the already initiated strategy. This strategy aims at addressing the young generations. Despite the fact that it has proved to be effective in marketing, this is not the best option. A large population is left out by this strategy (Herrera, 2009).
Little children as well as the elderly are not incorporated. Very large number of people in such categories will not be aware about the existence of a particular product. The other option would be shifting attention to the elderly since the young generation has already been informed. This is however not the best considering the fact that new youth groups are still getting informed. New youth generations will hence end up not getting informed (Norton & Avery, 2011).
The other option will be targeting all groups in the process of marketing. This means that PepsiCo will have to come with a different strategy so as to ensure that all groups have been reached. As per my opinion, this is
the best option to employ in the process of advertising.
The above chosen marketing may seem impossible to some people. Given time, this plan will be able to shoe its capability. In order to execute the plan a medium that will be able to reach all groups of people needs to be chosen. Good examples of such a medium include televisions and radio (Dobele et al, 2005). A very large number of people today like watching TV especially when news are being broadcasted. Incorporation of an ad during this time will succeed in informing a big number of viewers.
“PepsiCo has been in existence since 1893 (Pepsi Canada, the Pepsi Refresh Project, 2011)”. Through the time it has been producing soft drinks, it has faced a lot of competition from its chief competitor, Coca cola. In coming up with marketing strategies, one of its aims it to make sure that Coca cola does not take all available market (Dobele et al, 2005). The strategy of targeting all populations is the best in achieving this.
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