Act III Crucible Study Guide Questions – Flashcards
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What paper did ninety-one people sign?
They signed that Rebecca, Elizabeth and Martha were good, God-loving citizens
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What quote did Proctor use to help Mary remain brave?
"Do that which is good, and no harm will come to thee." It is ironic later because Proctor does what he believes is good and is hanged.
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Of what does Giles accuse Putnam?
He accuses him of killing his neighbors for their land. (If a person was hanged, their land would go up for auction - Putnam was the only one who could afford the land).
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What is Hale's problem as Proctor and his friends present evidence to Danforth?
Hale begins to realize that they could be right and that people who have been sentenced could have been innocent.
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Hawthorne thinks of a test for Mary. What is it? Can she do it? Why or why not?
He asks her to faint as she did in the courtroom. She could not do it on command and only could in the courtroom because the mood was set.
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"...a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road between." Explain the importance of Danforth's statement.
Either people were witches or they weren't. There is no room for error, question or correction in the court. It could, then, go on forever in its incorrect path.
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Proctor calls Abigail a whore, and he confesses his lechery. Danforth tests Proctor's statement by calling for Elizabeth and asking her why Abigail was dismissed. What does Elizabeth say?
She lies to protect John.
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What do the girls do to Mary? What is her response?
They pretend that her spirit is coming to get them. Mary tells them to stop it but they don't so she joins in for her own protection.
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What happens to Proctor?
He is jailed for his contempt of the court and his suspicious activities.
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What does Hale do?
He quits the court.
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