Abnormal Psych chapter 13 – Flashcards

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The parents of those with schizoid personality disorder are MOST likely to have been: a) responsive. b) accepting. c) unaccepting. d) available
c) unaccepting
Transported to the hospital after a suicide attempt, a man is later admitted to the hospital's psychiatric wing. His history showed other self-destructive behaviors and recklessness. MOST likely, if the man is diagnosed with a personality disorder, it will be: a) paranoid. b) avoidant. c) narsissistic. d) borderline
d) borderline
The theorist who describes schizoid personality disorder as developing from coping with parental rejection by avoiding relationships represents the: a) cognitive perspective. b) behavioral perspective. c) existential perspective. d) psychodynamic perspective.
d) psychodynamic perspective
A person experiencing paranoid personality disorder frequently says things like, "You've got to get them before they get you," and "People have been sinners since the Garden of Eden." If these sayings reflect maladaptive assumptions the person has about people in general, the theorist who would be LEAST surprised would have which theoretical position? a) cognitive b) biological c) sociocultural d) psychodynamic
a) cognitive
Which category of personality disorder contains the disorders MOST commonly diagnosed? a) "odd" b) "dramatic" c) "anxious" d) There are no clear differences among the categories in terms of frequency of diagnosis.
b) dramatic
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A therapist states, "I seldom use drugs when I treat clients with borderline personality disorder." The therapist MOST likely says this because: a) the risk of suicide increases because using drugs may lead to overdose. b) in most cases, drugs seem to make aggressiveness even worse. c) in most cases, drugs seem to make emotional outbursts even more extreme. d) the therapist is unaware that drugs are always used in combination with dialectical behavior therapy, the most effective therapy for those with borderline personality disorder.
a) the risk of suicide increases because using drugs may lead to overdose
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Comorbidity means that: a) one disorder may develop into another. b) one disorder automatically implies the other. c) two disorders may occur together in an individual. d) the appearance of one disorder implies the disappearance of the one that preceded it.
c) two disorders may occur together in an individual
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The fact that children may learn antisocial behavior by modeling parental conflict and aggressiveness provides support for: a) psychodynamic theory. b) behavioral theory. c) both psychodynamic and behavioral theories. d) neither psychodynamic nor behavioral theories.
b) behavioral therapy
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The TV show Saturday Night Live once featured a skit involving an "Anal Retentive Carpenter," who had to keep all his tools and work materials in just the "right" places, arranged "just so." He was very anxious anytime tools and materials were not just as he wanted them. The MOST appropriate diagnosis for the carpenter would be: a) obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. b) borderline personality disorder. c) histrionic personality disorder. d) impulse-control personality disorder.
a) obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
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As part of their therapy, clients learn to evaluate their unusual thoughts, track the accuracy of "magical" predictions, and reconnect with the world and with their limitations. The diagnoses of these clients would MOST likely be in which of the following broad categories of personality disorders? a) "dependent" b) "dramatic" c) "anxious" d) "odd"
d) odd
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"Be loyal to your family" was what the child heard all the time, along with, "You shouldn't and can't do it on your own, so don't even try." A behaviorist would say this kind of upbringing would be MOST likely to produce which of the personality disorders in the child, when he or she reached adulthood? a) narcissistic b) antisocial c) avoidant d) dependent
d) dependent
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Dr. Marsha Linehan, developer of dialectical behavior therapy, would have diagnosed her young adult self with: a) antisocial personality disorder. b) borderline personality disorder. c) narcissistic personality disorder. d) dependent personality disorder.
b) borderline personality disorder
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Although lying--even compulsive lying--is not considered a psychological disorder, it is sometimes characteristic of people with: a) paranoid personality disorder b) depressive disorder c) narcissistic personality disorder d) anxiety disorder
c) narcissistic personality disorder
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Cognitive theorists believe that because of their difficulty scanning the environment, perceiving accurately, and picking up emotional cues, those with schizoid personalities are slow to develop: a) language and motor skills b) secondary sex characteristics c) allergies and other medical problems d) thinking disorders
a) language and motor skills
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The schizoid personality disorder differs from paranoid personality disorder in that a) those with schizoid personality disorder seek close affiliations with others, while those with paranoid personality do not b) paranoid personality disorder is treatable only through drug therapy; schizoid personality can be treated with psychotherapy c) women are more likely to have schizoid personality disorder than paranoid personality disorder; the opposite is true for me d) those with schizoid personality disorder desire to be alone; those with paranoid personality are alone because of suspiciousness
d) those with schizoid personality disorder desire to be alone; those with paranoid personality are alone because of suspiciousness
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As part of their therapy, clients learn to evaluate their unusual thoughts, track the accuracy of "magical" predictions, and reconnect with the world and with their limitations. The diagnoses of these clients would MOST likely be in which of the following broad categories of personality disorders? a) dependent b) dramatic c) anxious d) odd
d) odd
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"There's nothing out there for me. I can't stand other people, and I can't stand myself, either. I'm just really mad right now." Such a statement would MOST likely be made by someone with which personality disorder? a) borderline b) antisocial c) narcissistic d) paranoid
a) borderline
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An individual with a diagnosed personality disorder is emotionally unstable, impulsive, and reckless. This person's diagnosis is likely to be which of the following personality disorders? a) borderline b) schizotypal c) obsessive-compulsive d) avoidant
a) borderline
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The disorder that appears to be MOST closely related to schizotypal personality disorder is: a) anxiety b) schizophrenia c) obsessive-compulsive disorder d) narcissistic personality disorder
b) schizophrenia
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Like those with paranoid personality disorder, those with avoidant personality disorder usually: a) are very sensitive to criticism b) avoid close relationships c) are very sensitive to criticism and avoid close relationships d) are indifferent to criticism and seek out close relationships
c) are very sensitive to criticism and avoid close relationships
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Ty is fairly handsome, but not as handsome as he thinks he is. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and is sure that everyone around him feels that same way. He is MOST likely experiencing a) schizoid personality disorder b) narcissistic personality disorder c) schizotypal personality disorder d) obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
b) narcissistic personality disorder
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Avoidant personality disorder seems MOST closely related to: a) schizophrenia b) social anxiety c) mania d) eating disorders
b) social anxiety
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When dialectical behavior therapy is used with patients with borderline personality disorder, those patients, compared to patients receiving other forms of therapy, make: a) far fewer suicide attempts and are hospitalized less often b) far fewer suicide attempts but are hospitalized about as often c) about the same number of suicide attempts but are hospitalized less often d) about the same number of suicide attempts and are hospitalized about as often
a) far fewer suicide attempts and are hospitalized less often
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A therapist treating a client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder came up with the following analysis: the parents probably did not want children in the first place; the child was not accepted; the child developed low self-esteem, dependency, and an inability to cope with separation. The therapist's theoretical orientation is probably: a) behavioral b) biological c) object relations theory d) cognitive-behavioral theory
c) object relations theory
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You had one eye in the mirror as you watched yourself.../ You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you/ You're so vain..." sang Carly Simon in the 1973 #1 hit, "You're So Vain." If the subject of the song were diagnosed with a personality disorder, which of the following would be the MOST likely diagnosis? a) antisocial b) histrionic c) schizoid d) schizotypal
b) histrionic
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Psychodynamic theorists explain obsessive-compulsive personality disorder as a fixation at the: a) oral stage b) anal stage c) phallic stage d) genital stage
b) anal stage
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Giving in to a child's refusal to comply with a parental request may inadvertently reinforce stubborn and defiant behavior, setting the scene for the development of antisocial personality disorder. This is MOST likely a ________ explanation of the development of antisocial personality disorder a) cognitive b) biological c) behavioral d) psychodynamic
c) behavioral
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Dialectical behavior therapy emphasizes all of the following EXCEPT: a) social skills training b) mindfulness meditation (a Zen technique involving observing one's emotions) c) the client-therapist relationship d) use of antipsychotic medications in an outpatient setting
d) use of antipsychotic medications in an outpatient setting
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The category of "odd" personality disorders includes the traits of: a) anxiety of fearfulness b) being highly dramatic, emotional, or erratic c) inflexibility and total loss of contact with reality d) extreme suspiciousness, social withdrawal, and cognitive and perceptual peculiarities
d) extreme suspiciousness, social withdrawal, and cognitive and perceptual peculiarities
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When the seat belt light in Didi's car stays on for a few extra seconds, she bursts into tears. She always craves attention and reacts to even the smallest event with an elaborate show of emotion. She probably could receive a diagnosis of: a) obsessive personality disorder b) antisocial personality disorder c) histrionic personality disorder d) narcissistic personality disorder
c) histrionic personality disorder
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A friend of yous says, "A 15 year old high school student accused of shooting several classmates received a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder." Your MOST accurate reply would be: a) Yes, that kind of behavior is often associated with that diagnosis b) I don't think so; those with that diagnosis seldom engage in criminal activity c) yes; and I'll be that wasn't the only diagnosis either d) no; the student is too young for that diagnosis
a) yes, that kind of behavior is often associated with that diagnosis
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A client is searching for the BEST treatment for borderline personality disorder. Will drug treatment be effective if it is the only intervention the client receives? a) yes, drugs alone work at least as well as drugs plus psychotherapy, and are less expensive b) yes, drugs alone work at least as well as drugs plus psychotherapy, but are expensive c) maybe, but only if the client is nonsuicidal d) no; they should be used along with psychotherapy, if used at all
d) no; they should be used along with psychotherapy, if used at all
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Which of the following have sociocultural theorists suggested as a cause for the emergence of borderline personality disorder? a) rapid social change b) traditional family structures c) clinging and dependent parents d) nontraditional family structures
a) rapid social change
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Which of the following would MOST clearly fit into the biosocial theory of the development of borderline personality disorder? a) an individual who has deficits in the functioning of both the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex b) an individual who has family members who display many of the symptoms of borderline personality disorder d) an individual who has difficulty controlling internal emotions and parents who mislabel those emotions
d) an individual who has difficulty controlling internal emotions and parents who mislabel those emotions
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"It is obvious that this case of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder arises from an early childhood fixation." Which type of psychologist would MOST likely have made that statement? a) behavioral b) cognitive c) sociocultural d) psychodynamic
d) psychodynamic
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With the help of a therapist, a client with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder has experienced a dramatic decrease in both dichotomous thinking and worrying. The client's behavior is: a) common; most with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder seek help, and this person is most likely receiving cognitive therapy b) common; most with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder seek help, and this person is most likely receiving psychodynamic therapy c) uncommon; most with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder do not seek help, and this person is most likely receiving cognitive therapy d) uncommon; most with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder do not seek help, and this person is most likely receiving psychodynamic therapy
c) uncommon; most with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder do not seek help, and this person is most likely receiving cognitive therapy
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The theorist who describes schizoid personality disorder as developing from coping with parental rejection by avoiding relationships represents the: a) cognitive perspective b) behavioral perspective c) existential perspective d) psychodynamic perspective
d) psychodynamic perspective
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What aspect of dialectical behavior therapy relates to psychodynamic theory? a) the emphasis on anal retention b) the emphasis on social skills training c) the emphasis on multicultural influences on behavior d) the emphasis on the patient-therapist relationsip
d) the emphasis on the patient-therapist relationship
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If parents excessively reinforce clinging and punish attempts at independence, the result might be the development of: a) paranoid personality disorder b) borderline personality disorder c) dependent personality disorder d) narcissistic personality disorder
c) dependent personality disorder
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How do personality disorders differ from the personality characteristics of typical people? a) they lead to more maladaptive, distressful, and inflexible behaviors b) they include personality traits not experienced by typical people c) they are generally treated successfully with antipsychotic medication d) they are caused by epigenetic processes
a) they lead to more maladaptive, distressful, and inflexible behaviors
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The theorist who describes schizoid personality disorder as developing from coping with parental rejection by avoiding relationships represents the : a) cognitive perspective b) behavioral perspective c) existential perspective d) psychodynamic perspective
d) psychodynamic perspective
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Gort's parents never quite liked him and probably did not want children in the first place. He just was not accepted. It was clear early in school that Gort had a low opinion of himself and did not know how to interact with the other children. Now he cute himself and has been to the ER several times. This is a description of the possible development of : a) histrionic personality disorder b) avoidant personality disorder c) schizoid personality disorder d) borderline personality disorder
d) borderline personality disorder
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