The Several Problems In A Company Commerce Essay Example
The Several Problems In A Company Commerce Essay Example

The Several Problems In A Company Commerce Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1195 words)
  • Published: August 6, 2017
  • Type: Research Paper
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IT Friends Inc is faced with two significant challenges: the theft of client resources and a high number of client complaints. To address these issues, the company has two options:

  • Implementing proper security measures to prevent theft.
  • Improving service quality through employee training programs and other initiatives.

The effectiveness of these measures determines the outcomes. If the company focuses on enhancing service quality, it can reduce the number of complaints but risks overlooking theft incidents. Conversely, prioritizing security measures eliminates thefts but may result in a loss of clients due to inadequate service quality. In situations where no clear solutions exist, decisions are made under uncertain circumstances.

We can employ decision-making techniques like Laplace, minimax, maximin, and minimax regret. According to the Laplace criterion, all possible states of nature are ass


umed to have equal likelihood, and the decision-maker must choose the option with the highest average final payment. If IT Friends Inc. decides to focus on improving control measures, the average final payment is 5.33. However, if they focus on improving quality, the average final payment is 9.33. Therefore, according to the Laplace criterion, IT Friends Inc should prioritize improving the quality of its services. The maximin criterion requires the decision-maker to choose the option with the highest minimum final payment.

In other words, the decision-maker is pessimistic and wants to avoid the lowest possible return. Under the "Improve control steps" option, the minimal possible final payment is 1, while under the "Improve quality of work" option, it is 3. Therefore, according to the Maximin standard, we should choose the option with the highest minimal final payment, which is the "Improve quality of work" option. The maximax standard, on th

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other hand, requires the decision-maker to choose the option with the highest maximal final payment. In other words, the decision-maker is optimistic and aims for the highest possible return.

The maximum possible final payment for the "Improve control steps" option is 10, while for the "Improve quality of work" option it is 15. Therefore, in this case, the maximax standard dictates that IT Friends Inc should choose the "Improve quality of work" option. We have transformed the final payment table into a sorrow table, where we replaced the final payment with a "sorrow" value. This sorrow value represents the difference between the final payment in that cell and the maximum final payment for that specific state of nature. The minimax sorrow standard then requires the decision-maker to choose the option with the lowest maximum sorrow. In conclusion, it would be ideal for IT Friends Inc to focus on improving the quality of its services through employee training programs and engaging them in Action Learning.

It can include faculties for "Ethical motives" and "Importance of confidentiality" and maybe get employees to sign on data confidentiality agreements. Both these measures would help make employees aware of consequences and reduce the number of cases of theft.


I believe it is most appropriate to follow the theoretical models derived from 'humanistic psychology' like 'person-centered counseling' (Rogers, 1961) and 'experiential learning' (Kolb, 1984). It is evident from the case study that the organization values its employees. One of the services my company can offer to IT Friends Inc is to engage in person-centered counseling.

The central idea of person-centred guidance is that employees will find their own solutions to resolve issues if given the

time and space to do so (Rowan, 1988). In this approach, the counselor's role is to support the employee's personal growth by being present and maintaining unconditional positive regard, as well as demonstrating empathetic understanding through active listening (Rogers, 1961). This approach allows suppressed issues to come to the surface. Through "experiential learning," I can provide the framework to help employees take responsibility for their own learning, set their own goals, and develop their own strategies for change.

Kolb (1984) proposed four stages in the learning process: Interpretation, Review, Conclusion, and Experimentation. Learning requires reflection on experience, decision-making, and action-taking. The model enables employees to reflect on their experiences and experiment with new approaches in various situations. It also supports autonomous learning through preparation, feedback, record-keeping, review, and evaluation during guidance.

I would apply the GROW theoretical model (Whitemore, 2003) to structure sessions around the employees' 'Goal', 'Reality', 'Options', and commitment to action, or 'Will'. I would collaborate with the employee to establish 'End Goals' aligned with the company's values and 'Performance Goals' that are 'SMART' (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound). In the middle of the year, I would conduct a 'Half-Yearly Review' and at the end of the year, conduct a 'Final Review' with the employee to assess progress against agreed measures. I would also recommend that the review mechanism and subsequent rating be linked to financial incentives to emphasize performance towards the goals.


Scope of interventions that you would employ

Interventions vary from those aimed at improving individual effectiveness to those addressing teams and groups, intergroup relations, and the overall organization. There are interventions that focus on task issues (what people do) and those that

focus on process issues (how people go about doing it).

Finally, intercessions can be categorized based on the mechanism they emphasize, such as feedback, awareness of changing cultural norms, interaction and communication, conflict resolution, and education through new knowledge or skill practice. The Intervention Model of Team Learning is shown below: Interventions are structured activities used by employees to improve their social or task performance. These activities can be introduced as part of an improvement program or used by the organization to assess its health and make necessary changes in behavior. I recommend a range of structured activities including experiential exercises, questionnaires, attitude surveys, interviews, group discussions, and meetings with leaders to share their vision. These activities aim to bring employees together and enhance overall organizational well-being.


Strategy for enhancing your team's learning capacity and ability

Learning is the process of finding meaning and sense from data and information.

Some of the most effective learning occurs when people are actively engaged in action. I rely on the Action Learning model to enhance their ability to learn while they work. Action Learning involves bringing together a diverse group of individuals with different levels of skills and experience to analyze a real work problem and create a plan of action. The group continues to meet as they implement actions, learning from the execution and making adjustments along the way.

This acquisition method is known as Action Learning. Professor Reg Revans first introduced and coined the term "Action Learning" in the coal mines of Wales and England in the 1940s.


In today's world, no one is perfect; however, by making an effort, one can turn a failure into

a positive experience. One can use a SWOT analysis model to create a profile of their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This will help identify areas for improvement and further develop existing strengths. It will also allow individuals to realistically assess potential threats and opportunities.


Therefore, in today's competitive world, organizations must continually learn and develop their employees to retain key employees.

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