Politics 12255 words College Essay Example
Politics 12255 words College Essay Example

Politics 12255 words College Essay Example

Available Only on StudyHippo
  • Pages: 2 (282 words)
  • Published: February 14, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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A codified constitution refers to a constitution that has been formulated, approved, and documented in one place by an individual or group of people for governmental use along with a set of laws. Although there are arguments for and against codified constitutions, I will be discussing the following advantages; it would provide better protection for our rights, it could serve as an educational and citizenship tool, and our current flexible system may not be sufficient.

While some argue that having a codified constitution has its benefits, others believe the drawbacks outweigh them. These disadvantages include the belief that stability may lead to resistance towards change, rigidity which can make it difficult to adapt to new circumstances, and difficulties in reaching an agreement. After researching this topic, I have concluded that these disadvantages are still greater than any advantages a codifie


d constitution may bring. Thus, starting with discussing those downsides is necessary.

The primary argument against having a codified constitution is that our current system works well without one. Changing it abruptly could result in instability and unforeseen consequences. Constitutions are usually changed during times of crisis or after the downfall of previous regimes such as Italy and Germany creating new constitutions after being defeated in war and destruction of fascist and national socialist regimes.

Britain has not encountered a similar crisis in constitutional development since the 17th century, which is why there has been no need to create a codified constitution. The belief that the constitution should be allowed to evolve organically is reinforced by this stance. This idea is exemplified by...

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