I Was Lucky to Be Alive Essay Example
I Was Lucky to Be Alive Essay Example

I Was Lucky to Be Alive Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1284 words)
  • Published: March 24, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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I was lucky to be alive. That was the first thing that struck me when I stirred and started to regain my consciousness. The realization that I am indeed alive was wondrous. My entire being was bursting with happiness and deep relief. A swarm of worried looking faces swirled around me as I dared to open my eyes to steal a glance of where I am. My head was throbbing in pain as I feel the weight of the bandage crushing on my head. I tried to get myself up but apparently it was impossible. Mum was sobbing and crying in agony. I wondered why. And then I screamed when all of my memories came flooding back in a flash.

It was just like any other typical day. Or so I thought. I made my way to the office as usual. I continu


ed working until late night. I glanced at my intricately designed watch and saw that it was a quarter to one in the morning already. I stifled a yawn as I made my way to my car through a dark and deserted alleyway. I heard someone's footsteps matching mine. I felt queasy and uneasy as wariness made its way to my heart. All of my senses was alerted at once. Absentmindedly,I tried to reassure myself that nothing was wrong and perhaps it was just me imagining things.

I quickened my pace and to my utmost horror,the footsteps behind me became more irregular and rushed as if the person behind was trying to catch up with me. I quickly got myself into the car in a swift movement and locked the door. My hands were tremblin

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with fear and drenched in sweat as I fumbled for the car keys. From the rear-view mirror I saw the stranger catching us. I ignited the car engine and sped away. As I drove my car on the highway,I caught sight of a black Porsche tailing me. I slammed on the pedal as hard as I could as I was more determined than ever to get rid of that stranger.

I knew straightaway that his intentions could not be pure. My mind reeled as I contemplated on a sudden twist of a series of events. How is this even possible? I am merely nothing but just a young lady trying to make a living. Why am I being followed? Are they aware of something else that makes me suspicious? How long have this been going on? I pressed the diamond shaped button on my watch and waited on for help to come. This watch of mine has a GPS setting which will alarm the headquarters if something goes awry. The stranger kept tailing my car regardless of my many attempts to thwart and mislead him.

I thought,this guy may not be easy to fool and shake off but he would not know the roads as well as me! I was trained to memorize every single detail of the map of Wellington in case when my cover was blown,I can still have more than one escape routes to turn to. I made a sudden turn to a shortcut that was barely obvious due to the overwhelming size of pine trees beside the road. I rejoiced and triumphed over my victory for a nanosecond when I saw that I

had lost him but the victory was short-lived. The big smile I had on earlier was wiped off my face when I saw two more oncoming cars appearing out of nowhere.

Both cars were cornering me side by side and the black Porsche reappeared from behind. This time the stranger made his intentions clearly by banging on the bumper at the back of my car. I swore hastily under my breath as it was clear to me that I was being attacked from three sides,left,right and behind and so the only thing that I can do is just to keep moving forward. I lurched backwards when that damned Porsche collided into my bumper again. This time I was fired up when I saw a smug smile which turn the features of his face ugly and distorted.

I knew what they were actually after but there is no way that I will let them have it. I stared at the suitcase beside me. My mission is to ensure that the contents of the suitcase are to be protected from the hands of the enemy at all costs,even if I was to bring it along with me to my grave. All right then fellas,I will give you what you want if that is what you want so badly. I took out an exact duplicate of the suitcase earlier from underneath the driver seat and flung it out of the window with all my might towards the barrels of oil beside the road.

The three cars skidded to a halt immediately upon seeing what I did. The people scrambled out of the car and made their way towards the suitcase as

they was so focused and dead set on getting it. Little did they know that I was faking defeat. The suitcase that I have thrown contained a mini digital bomb that is going to explode in approximately 180 seconds. I slammed on the accelerator as hard as I could hoping that the decoy would serve its purpose and buy me some time to escape from the horrifying scene that was going to unfold afterwards.

Before I knew it,the earth underneath began to tremble and all of a sudden everything behind my car burst into flames. My car and I were thrown off balance. It was like one of those scenes where the car seems to be flying upwards in a slow motion except that this is for real. A deafening sound can be heard. My ears were trembling so hard due to the vast impact of the explosion. My car did a back flip and all of a sudden I was seeing things upside down. Blood was gushing out from my forehead. I squirmed in pain. I cannot move at all. I can feel my bones cracking. My vision was starting to get blurry and it took me a huge effort to focus.

I grabbed the suitcase and held on tight to it for dear life with every ounce of strength left in me. The last thing that was going on my mind was me pleading 'God,please take good care of my mum for me no matter what happens. 'And then everything went pitch black. As I gazed upon the sight of my dear mother who had suddenly looked so old and fragile helplessly,it dawned on me

that I was the very reason for her misery. I felt a deep sense of remorse and regret for causing her to be worried about me. The sight of her sunken eyes and the wrinkles on her forehead makes me feel so sad.

I wondered whether the choices and sacrifices that I have made were worth risking my life for. I am truly sorry mum for causing you so much pain,but I had to fulfill my duty and keep my identity a secret for the safety of our country. How I wish that I could tell you everything and cry out loud in your warm embrace and comforting arms but perhaps it is much more better for you to not know anything. I glanced at my comrade as he gave me a knowing look. Just in case you were wondering,yes,I am an undercover agent. I was Agent M15,but now I am known as Alyssa Lee,secretary of Brookefield Company.

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