Decline in communal life on the pacific Essay Example
Decline in communal life on the pacific Essay Example

Decline in communal life on the pacific Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (450 words)
  • Published: August 22, 2016
  • Type: Case Study
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The decline of communal life in the Pacific is a result of societal changes. Although communal living has benefits for individuals, it is becoming less common. This traditional lifestyle, where people live together and follow their customs, is especially prevalent in certain areas of the Pacific. However, it is important to acknowledge that this way of life is being forgotten and there are multiple factors causing its decline.

Various factors, including cultural, social, and economic reasons, have contributed to the decline of communal life in the Pacific. One significant cultural aspect that has influenced this decline is the loss of traditional practices, religious activities, behaviors, habits, and feelings. These elements used to serve as a unifying force among society members. As a result, there has been a diminished sense of identity and connection within communities, ultimately driving them apart.

The Ramayan gathering, a crucial religious event among Fiji's Indian community, has traditionally brought Hindus together to promote communal living and reinforce their adherence to Hindu "dharma." However, this important occasion is now diminishing in certain areas, resulting in a decline in the overall quality of life for the community. The decrease can also be attributed to the influence of Westernization, which is closely tied to cultural issues.

The adoption of western ways of life has significantly influenced the lifestyle of many people in different countries, including Fiji. In the past, intentional communities were prevalent in Fijian villages, enabling people to live together and partake in communal activities such as celebrating new babies or organizing feasts. Regrettably, these cherished traditions are now obsolete.

Western cultures and social factors have had a significan

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impact on the communal life in the Pacific. These influences have altered the way communities function and interact with each other. Additionally, social factors, such as diversity within Pacific countries, including variations in culture and occupation, have contributed to the decline of community living. This diversity has led to the division of distinct groups and presents challenges for achieving harmonious coexistence.

The decline of communal living in the Pacific can be attributed to various factors. For instance, Indians in Fiji often opt out of cultural events such as weddings, funerals, or feasts. Moreover, conflicts may arise between individuals from different occupations like an Accountant and a cleaner. Additionally, many people's desire for privacy has also played a role in the decrease of communal living in the Pacific.

The decrease in communal living in the Pacific region is primarily attributed to the inclination towards smaller families and a need for privacy. In Fijian households, it is typical for numerous family members to reside together, which can hinder parents from having private conversations regarding their child's academic progress.

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