Final Exam for: IS-703.a: NIMS Resource Management – Flashcards

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Select the action below that improves accountability and helps provide security and force protection. A. Prohibiting all VIP and media visits to the incident scene B. Locating the Incident Command Post at least 1 mile away from the incident scene C. Establishing and enforcing inner and outer perimeters around the incident scene D. Deputizing personnel within the Operations Section to give them law enforcement authority
Establishing and enforcing inner and outer perimeters around the incident scene
Select the TRUE statement about the resource coordination process: A. In a complex incident within a State, an Area Commander requests resources directly from DHS and FEMA. B. Typically, requests for resources flow from the on-scene incident command through the local, tribal, and State Emergency Operations Centers to the Federal Government. C. Prior to requesting assistance through intrastate mutual aid, a State must first ask the Federal Government for resources. D. In a complex incident, the Joint Field Office is used as the single point where local and tribal Incident Management Teams submit their requests for needed on-scene incident response resources.
Typically, requests for resources flow from the on-scene incident command through the local, tribal, and State Emergency Operations Centers to the Federal Government.
Incident managers begin planning for the demobilization process: A. As soon as the incident is stabilized, including during resource mobilization. B. After being requested by the Emergency Operations Center. C. Immediately before the first resources are ready to be released. D. When incident objectives and activities shift from response to recovery.
As soon as the incident is stabilized, including during resource mobilization.
The first step in managing resources during an incident is to identify requirements. To do so, an Incident Commander should: A. Conduct a thorough assessment or "sizeup" of the current incident situation and future incident potential. B. Delegate resource prioritization decisions to the Finance and Administration Section Chief to ensure prudent use of resources. C. Request that the Logistics Section develop a proposed staffing plan for the incident based on the Incident Action Plan. D. Establish incident objectives based on the resources that are currently available at the scene.
Conduct a thorough assessment or "sizeup" of the current incident situation and future incident potential.
In most incidents, which source provides the first line of emergency response and incident management resources? A. Unaffiliated volunteers who are representing private-sector and nongovernmental organizations. B. Federal Government agencies that are mission assigned to provide resources under the Robert T. Stafford Act. C. State resources augmented through an agreement, such as the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC). D. Local or tribal resources and local mutual aid and assistance agreements.
Local or tribal resources and local mutual aid and assistance agreements.
What is the correct term for a set of established guidelines for actions (which may be designated by individuals, teams, functions, or capabilities) under various specified conditions? A. Manual B. Policy C. Regulation D. Protocol
Select the preferred method for placing orders. A. A fully automated resource-ordering system that avoids the need for radio communications or verbal orders being placed from the incident scene to an ordering center or source B. A single-point resource ordering system where the burden of finding the requested resources is placed on the responsible jurisdiction/agency dispatch/ordering center rather than the incident organization C. A flexible resource ordering system whereby the incident is responsible for locating and acquiring resources from multiple sources rather than contacting a single, centralized ordering support function D. A self-dispatching system that identifies resources in advance of an incident and provides them with explicit instructions on how and when to self-dispatch in anticipation of a need at the incident scene
A single-point resource ordering system where the burden of finding the requested resources is placed on the responsible jurisdiction/agency dispatch/ordering center rather than the incident organization
Which of the following resources are an example of Tier I resources that must be inventoried for NIMS compliance? A. Fire service resources available through intrastate mutual aid B. All resources acquired using Federal grant funding C. Urban search and rescue task forces used in national deployments D. Equipment used to communicate across departments and jurisdictions
All resources acquired using Federal grant funding
What is the correct term for the entity that prioritizes incidents for the purpose of allocating scarce resources, mobilizes resources, ensures interagency and interjurisdictional coordination, and makes policy decisions to support incidents, but not decisions reserved for Area Commands and Incident Commanders. A. Command and Control Center B. Incident Operations Network C. Incident Management Team D. Multiagency Coordination System
Multiagency Coordination System
The resource management planning process includes the following steps: • Step 1: Identify Associated Risks and Consequences • Step 2: Project Resource Needs • Step 3: Identify Potential Sources • Step 4: Review Procedures • Step 5: ____________________ (Select the fifth step from below.) A. Step 5: Collect Stakeholder Feedback on Priorities B. Step 5: Identify Emerging Technologies C. Step 5: Maintain Resource Inventory D. Step 5: Develop Equipment Reserve Budgets
Step 5: Maintain Resource Inventory
Select the FALSE statement from below: A. Given the limited resources, emergency managers should encourage groups to provide unsolicited donations. B. Failure to include voluntary organizations in your planning and exercises will result in duplication of effort and/or resource shortfalls and "spontaneous" volunteers arriving at the scene. C. Communities cannot effectively respond to or recover from incidents without strong cooperative relations with the private sector. D. Jurisdictions should assume that resources outside the incident area (State and Federal resources) may take up to 72 hours to arrive.
Given the limited resources, emergency managers should encourage groups to provide unsolicited donations.
The credentialing process involves an objective evaluation and documentation of an individual's: • Current certification, license, or degree; • Training and experience; and • ________________________________. (Select the missing element.) A. Competence or proficiency B. Compensation amount C. Supervisory expertise D. Security clearance level
Competence or proficiency
An important part of the process is managing inventories to: A. Ensure consistency by relying solely on a single source or contractor from which to acquire critical supplies. B. Limit access to inventory lists to those staff located at the Emergency Operations Center. C. Maintain items through periodic replenishments, preventive maintenance, and capital improvements. D. Contract for critical items at the onset of an incident rather than stockpiling these items.
Maintain items through periodic replenishments, preventive maintenance, and capital improvements.
A key benefit of resource typing to describe specific resources is that it allows resource managers to: A. Reduce the cost of emergency resources. B. Describe resource needs to the public more easily. C. Locate and mobilize resources. D. Anticipate resource needs.
Locate and mobilize resources.
The key to effective management of donations is the ability to: A. Increase the amount of donations by delegating the donation solicitation and management functions to a committee of volunteers. B. Assign the Staging Manager with the Operations Section the responsibility for donation tracking. C. Develop and implement an effective management structure to receive, warehouse, inventory, organize, distribute, and account for large-scale donations. D. Develop public information and media releases to help prevent communities and voluntary groups from collecting donations in the first place.
Develop and implement an effective management structure to receive, warehouse, inventory, organize, distribute, and account for large-scale donations.
TRUE OR FALSE: The first strategy for managing volunteers is to establish working relationships with the local organizations representing these entities, such as the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (National VOAD), and Citizen Corps initiatives such as Community Emergency Response Teams. A. True B. False
What is the purpose of the Operational Planning Worksheet (ICS Form 215)? A. To identify and track operational resources assigned to each organizational component within the Incident Command System organization. B. To document expenditures associated with resources acquired through mutual aid and assistance agreements. C. To indicate the kind and type of resources needed to implement recommended tactics to meet the incident objectives. D. To provide the Incident Commander with basic information about the incident situation and resources allocated to the incident.
To indicate the kind and type of resources needed to implement recommended tactics to meet the incident objectives.
What term is used to refer to broad classes that characterize like resources, such as teams, equipment, supplies, vehicles, and aircraft? A. Group B. Set C. Class D. Kind
Select the FALSE statement from below: A. NIMS is applicable across the full spectrum of potential incidents, regardless of cause, size, location, or complexity. B. NIMS specifies how Federal and interstate mutual aid resources will be allocated among jurisdictions. C. NIMS integrates best practices into a comprehensive, standardized framework. D. NIMS is based on best practices collected from local, tribal, State, and Federal responders and emergency managers.
NIMS integrates best practices into a comprehensive, standardized framework.
TRUE OR FALSE: Sending resources to the incident scene that have not been requested by the Incident Commander and bypassing the established system for ordering resources can put responders at risk, and at best typically lead to inefficient use and/or lack of accounting of resources. A. True B. False
Which ICS Section is responsible for checking in and tracking all resources assigned to the incident and their status (assigned, available, out of service)? A. Logistics Section B. Finance/Administration Section C. Planning Section D. Operations Section
Logistics Section
Actions such as using national standards for connections, fittings, and hardware and sharing communications frequencies help to promote: A. Reliability B. Sustainability C. Affordability. D. Interoperability
Incident resource information management systems are used to collect, update, and process data; track resources; and: A. Project when inventory items need to be ordered. B. Develop capital budgets for acquisition of new resources. C. Display resource readiness status. D. Alert personnel when credentials are about to expire.
Display resource readiness status.
Mutual aid agreements and assistance agreements: A. Allow Federal agencies to provide services to local governments under a Stafford Act declaration. B. Permit jurisdictions to share sensitive information about incident status and lessons learned. C. Provide a mechanism to quickly obtain emergency assistance. D. Are contracts with private-sector entities to provide services during emergencies.
Provide a mechanism to quickly obtain emergency assistance.
Which type of exercise involves field movement and mobilization of resources rather than simulation? A. Functional exercise B. Full-scale exercise C. Drill D. Tabletop exercise
Full-scale exercise
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