Compare and Contrast Paper Diet Pills Versus Diet and Exercise Essay Example
Diet pills versus diet and exercise Dieting among people today has become a worldwide phenomenon.
With more than one billion Americans experiencing obesity, there is a high demand for people looking for a way to lose weight. Many people are looking for a fast, and easy way to lose weight. To achieve the weight loss at a faster rate, they are reaching for diet pills rather than changing their habits. People are so obsessed with losing weight that the sales of diet pills have reached over one billion dollars.The Food and Drug Administration says that there are hidden ingredients in diet pills that can cause serious side effects or even death. Even though diet pills work faster at losing weight, diet and exercise is the best way to lose weight
...because you will get the nutrients your body needs, and it is healthier.
When a person decides to lose weight, they want a quick way to do it. They want the quickest and easiest way possible to do it. Americans are reaching for diet pills because they assume it is a quick and easy way to lose the weight.When they start to look at the different types of diet pills on the market today, they are not looking at the health risks. They are looking at how rapidly they can lose the weight.
They are looking toward diet pills because they assume that regular diet and exercise is hard to do and will not work. They assume that diet pills is the best way to lose weight because it is a faster way of doing it. They will have to change the way they ea
and exercise and for most people, it is hard for them to do. They are not determined enough to give up the unhealthy foods, and beverages that they enjoy.There are several advantages of taking diet pills. Diet pills are faster at losing weight.
Diet pills have certain types of ingredients that increase your metabolism at a much faster rate Therefore, allowing your body to get rid of the fatty foods you eat, at a much faster rate. Diet pills also help to control your appetite, Ingredients such as Caffeine, and Hoodia help keep your appetite down. When you do not have an appetite you are less likely to want to eat. The less you eat, the faster you will lose the weight.
Diet pills are also good for increased energy levels.Taking diet pills will increase your energy to help you burn off more calories faster. Although diet pills have its advantages, they also have their disadvantages. With taking diet pills the water level in your body decreases.
When your body losses water, you can become dehydrated, and can cause you to have cramps, and other painful symptoms. You will also find yourself having excessive thirst. Losing weight at this rate is not a healthy way to do it. Taking diet pills can cause a stroke, heart problems, and depression.
Your body can suffer, and that can cause you to be at a higher risk for diseases. Diseases like Heart disease and Crohn’s disease have all been reported with taking diet pills. Diet pills are faster and easier however, it is no good for your body. The healthy, and best way to lose weight is through regular
diet and exercise. There are many advantages to maintain a healthy diet and getting regular exercise. According to CQ research, many of the health risks associated with obesity, can be minimized by reducing 5 to 10 percent of your body weight.
When dieting you will usually eat smaller meals more often, and that can cause an increase in your body’s metabolism. As you lose weight and improve your health, wellbeing, and physique, you will gain confidence in yourself, and have a high self-esteem. With regular diet and exercise, you can have a longer life span, and have the satisfaction of losing the weight, and having a healthier body. When you lose weight, you can keep your body healthy and maintain your wellbeing by continuing to eat healthy, and exercise daily.With a healthy diet and exercise, your risk factor for disease is reduced.
Your body is getting the nutrients it needs to function properly. Dieting and exercise has its advantages; however, they also have their disadvantages. The disadvantages of diet and exercise is that one, it is time consuming. Losing weight, with eating a healthy diet, and getting daily exercise, takes time, and patience. Eating right and exercising is something your body needs to do daily. There are also unpleasant side effects that go along with dieting.
When you are trying to diet, you will have more hunger pains, as you are eating less. If you find yourself having the hunger pains, you will eat more when you do eat. Some people get down and depressed if they are not losing the weight they want to. Depressed people also tend to eat more. Another side effect people experience
is soreness from exercising.
If a person’s body isn’t use to exercising, there body can become sore. If they are sore, they may not have the drive and determination they used to have.Another disadvantage of losing weight through diet and exercise is that your metabolism is lower than normal and there is a possibility of your weight coming back. When you reach your goal weight, you are more than likely to start eating unhealthy again. If that happens you will gain your weight back, and will fill like all that time you spent dieting and exercising was for nothing In conclusion, eating healthy and daily exercise will not only help you lose weight, you will also have a healthier body, and a longer, healthier life span.Dieting and exercise has to be part of a daily routine, if you don’t change your life style to learn to eat healthy and get plenty of exercise, you will regain your weight back.
Diet pills is only a temporary, quick fix for losing weight. After you stop the diet pills you will regain your weight back. Diet pills do work faster, however they have side effects that can harm your body, and can even be fatal. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, the way to do that is to completely change the way to eat. Eating the right amount of foods, and get adequate exercise, you can lose the weight you want and learn to keep it off.
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