Factors Affecting Adolescent Development Essay Example
Factors Affecting Adolescent Development Essay Example

Factors Affecting Adolescent Development Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1244 words)
  • Published: October 25, 2017
  • Type: Analysis
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Adolescence is a ephemeral phase from childhood to adulthood. characterized by important physical. emotional and societal alterations. Developmentalists used to see adolescence as a disruptive phase due to emphasize of persons who want to go an grownup long before going one. But now. a altering position is taking topographic point. Adolescence is no longer a phase in life that is full of struggle but one that is full of chances to go a better individual. Hereditary and environmental factors play an of import function in doing certain such chances are maximized. These factors are important in finding how an person goes through adolescence.

Physical Development

Puberty is noted with a rush in endocrine production and the visual aspect of secondary sexual features. doing a figure of physical alterations ( Aacap & A ; Pruitt. 1999 ). For illustration. miss begin


to develop chest buds. turn hairs on pubic country. legs and axillas. get down to flow. develop broad hips and turn in tallness. Boys. on the other manus. may get down to see expansion of the adam’s apple. testiss and scrotum. develop facial hairs every bit good as on the pubic country. axilla. legs and thorax. develop a deeper voice and besides turn in tallness.

Puberty timetable. every bit good as the features developed during this phase is influenced chiefly by heredity. although environmental factors besides contribute such as diet and exercising. The aforementioned physical alterations are triggered by the pituitary secretory organ. as the hormonal balance tilts towards a grownup province. The pituitary secretory organs secrete endocrines. such as testosterone for the male childs or estrogen and Lipo-Lutin for the misss.

The major landmark of pubescence for the

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male childs is the first interjection and menarche for the misss. The age of menarche depends on heredity though the girl’s diet and life style are determiners. every bit good. To see menarche. a miss must achieve a certain degree of organic structure fat. So a miss with a high-fat diet and lives a sedentary life style menstruates earlier comparative to a miss with low-fat diet and exercising on a regular basis. Girls who have hapless nutrition or see physical labour at an early age are expected to get down flowing at ulterior old ages.

Cognitive Development

During adolescence. cognitive development is characterized by the ability to believe methodically in analysing all the relationships in a given job ( McCormick. & A ; Pressley. 2007 ) . However. this development takes clip and varies from one stripling to the other. Some may use logical thought in school work before they can analyse their personal lives in the same mode. Adolescents begin to see their universe in more complex ways which can act upon their determination doing either in a negative or a positive manner.

Adolescents should be at what Jean Piaget called “formal operations” phase where they experience the demand to believe independently and expeditiously. more progress and complex. There are five ways that this ability manifests:

  1. to believe of possibilities non limited to what is existent ;
  2. to believe about abstract thoughts ;
  3. to believe about the procedure of believing itself ;
  4. to believe at multidimensionality of things instead than concentrating at an individual issue ; and
  5. to see things as relation instead than absolute.

It is widely accepted that rational capacity is determined by heredity and environment.

Surveys about rational development during adolescence in the field of developmental neuroscience show that “significant growing and important alteration in multiple parts of the prefrontal cerebral mantle throughout the class of adolescence. particularly with regard to treating to myelination and synaptic pruning ( both of which increase the efficiency of information processing ). ” ( Steinberg. 2005 )

To do the most out of these alterations. they must be complemented by a positive environment for healthy cognitive development. Adolescents should be encouraged to fall in treatment about an assortment of subjects. issues and current events. They should be allowed to believe on their ain and to portion their thoughts with others. Stimulating them to believe in future possibilities and steering them towards their end let them to even out the incorrect determinations they make.

Social. Moral and Personality Development

Persons suffer from individuality crisis during adolescence. Harmonizing to Erik Erikson’s Theory of Identity Development. individuality crisis is the most of import feature of striplings ( Erikson. 1968 ). Although civilizations define a person’s individuality and therefore varies from one civilization to another. the achievement of this development undertaking has a common denominator for all civilizations.

Core to his theory is for the stripling to set up an “ego-identity” and to avoid “role confusion” and “identity confusion”. A sense of individuality in business. sex functions. political relations and faith must be developed during adolescence. The ego-identity alterations invariably as an single acquires new experience and information through societal interaction.

Harmonizing to Erikson. striplings have to do a history of his/her assets and liabilities and what to do out of them. Adolescents have to happen their ain individuality by analyzing their yesteryear.

nowadays and hereafter linked together. However. this is hard as the yesteryear has lost the fond regard of household and community tradition. the present is occupied by societal alteration and the hereafter has become more unpredictable.

The function of equals during this period is highlighted as they give a sense of credence to the stripling seeking for societal blessing. Those who are able to have positive feedback and encouragement turn out to hold a strong sense of who he/she is and a feeling of independency and control. Those who fail to happen his/her individuality are likely to be insecure and baffled about themselves and the hereafter.

For Robert Havighurst. persons have to get developmental undertakings defined as accomplishments. cognition. maps and attitudes ( Turner. 1996 ). They are acquired through physical ripening. societal outlooks and personal attempts. Achieving these development undertakings lead to happiness and success with ulterior harder undertakings while failure in a given developmental undertaking consequence to a deficiency of accommodation. increase anxiousness. societal disapproval and weakness to pull off more hard undertakings to come.

Some of the developmental undertakings need to be achieved within a clip bound which Havighurst called “teachable minute. ” If the undertaking is non-mastered during this clip. it becomes harder. if non impossible to carry through. Society plays an of import function by supplying the socializing agents. every bit good as the method of support and penalty. to let the person to learn the developmental undertakings harmonizing to their proper age degrees.

Harmonizing to Havighurst. for striplings aged 12 to 20 old ages old. their development undertakings include:

  1. accepting one’s build and accepting a masculine or feminine function ;
  2. new dealingss with

age-mates of both sexes ;

  •  emotional independency of parents and other grownups ;
  •  accomplishing confidence of economic independency ;
  • selecting and fixing for an business ;
  •  developing rational accomplishments and constructs necessary for civic competency ;
  •  desiring and accomplishing socially responsible behaviour ;
  • preparing for matrimony and household life ; and
  • edifice witting values in harmoniousness with an equal scientific world-picture.
  • Mentions

    1. Aacap & A ; Pruitt. David. ( 1999 ) . You Adolescent: Emotional. Behavioral and Cognitive Development from Early Adolescence Through the Teen Years. New york: Harper Collins Publishers.
    2. Erikson. Erik. ( 1968 ) Identity: Young person and Crisis. New york: W. W. Norton & A ; Company. Inc.
    3. McCormick. Christine & A ; Pressley. Michael. ( 2007 ) . Child and Adolescent Development for Educators. New york: The Guilford Press.
    4. Steinberg. Laurence. Cognitive and Affective Development in Adolescence. Tendencies in Cognitive Sciences. Vol. 9. No. 2 February 2005.
    5. Turner. Jeffrey. ( 1996 ) . Encyclopedia of Relationships Across the Lifespan. New york: Greenwood Publishing Group. Inc.
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