Abnormal Phsych Post Test Chapter 12 – Flashcards

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Which of the following individuals coined the term dementia praecox, which meant "premature loss of mind"?
Emil Kraepelin Kraepelin took the term from Benedict Morel's use of the words "déménce" and "précoce."
Bleuler described the underlying behaviors of schizophrenia as the destruction of the forces that connect one function to the next. He called this underlying foundation of the disorder
associative splitting Bleuler noted that there is a "breaking of the associative threads," that holds together various parts of an individual's personality. He called this associative splitting.
Patrice believes that although she is speaking and is aware of herself, she is really dead. She is not able to explain how she continues to exist even though she is deceased, but she maintains this belief even in the face of tremendous evidence that she is wrong. Patrice is experiencing ________ syndrome.
Cotard's Cotard's syndrome occurs when a person believes that they have died even though they continue to exist and be self-aware
A woman diagnosed with a psychotic disorder announces that the local police precinct has been conspiring to catch her in an illegal act. Although she states that she obeys the law, she is convinced that the "dirty cops" are going to frame her so that they can, "toss her in jail and throw away the key." Her thinking is indicative of a delusion of ________.
persecution. Delusions of persecution have a theme of feeling that others are out to get you and that people are tormenting or harassing you.
The negative schizophrenic symptom that involves an inability to initiate and persist in activities is called
Herman, a man who has been hospitalized with schizophrenia, has a very unusual set of behaviors. He tends to cry when he sees a very funny television show or is told a joke, and laughs out loud when his doctors discuss his illness with him. Which of the following symptoms is Herman demonstrating?
Inappropriate affect When a person demonstrates the "wrong" emotional response to eliciting stimulus, it demonstrates inappropriate affect
Which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia involves mimicking another person's speech?
Echolalia Echolalia is the parroting of what another person says rather than responding with appropriate content to their statement.
Marcel has been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. This means that in addition to schizophrenic symptoms, he also has symptoms of
a mood disorder. Schizoaffective disorder involves a blending of psychotic symptoms ("schizo") and either depressive or bipolar symptoms ("affective").
Annie has been experiencing growing suspicions that her partner, Lisa, is cheating on her. She has no evidence of the infidelity, but her belief in this issue is growing stronger and stronger by the day. Annie may be experiencing the ________ type of delusional disorder.
jealous This type of delusional disorder involves believing in the infidelity of one's sexual partner
Which of the following statements regarding schizophrenia is accurate?
Life expectancy is less than average due to suicides and accidents.
In which of the following situations would the risk of developing schizophrenia be the HIGHEST for a child?
A child's schizophrenic parent has a schizophrenic identical twin
Which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which medications can affect the neurotransmitter activity in a person with schizophrenia?
Antagonist drugs can prevent neurotransmitters from leaking from synaptic vesicles. they do:Antagonist drugs can interfere with the release of,neurotransmitters. Agonist drugs can increase the actual production of neurotransmitters. Agonist drugs can activate receptors for neurotransmitters.
Which of the following drugs causes schizophrenic symptoms?
Ketamine Ketamine, which is actually an animal tranquilizer, can cause psychotic symptoms.
In regard to the family interactions among schizophrenic patients, the word "double bind," was first proposed to describe
a communication style that presented conflicting messages. The idea that children can be given contradictory messages that leave them unsure of what actions are expected and/or proper has been linked to the development of psychotic symptoms
In regard to cultural differences in "expressed emotion," which is thought to be positively correlated with schizophrenia, research has found that ________ families have the lowest percentage of expressed emotion.
Indian Indian families have the lowest percentage of expressed emotion in the study mentioned.
Which of the following side-effects of antipsychotic medications involves involuntary chewing, puffing of the cheeks, and a protruding tongue?
Tardive dyskinesia involuntary motor symptoms
What is the generic name of the antipsychotic medication Zyprexa?
Olanzapine Olanzapine is the generic name for the medication whose trade name is Zyprexa
In the 1970s, Gordon Paul and Robert Lentz set up a(n) ________ system at a mental health center in Illinois. It was used to reward patients for appropriate behaviors and fine patients for disruptive or inappropriate actions. It was among the first to demonstrate that patients with schizophrenia could learn appropriate skills needed to live independently.
token economy Patients could earn tokens that could later be traded for desirable prizes, including cigarettes. Patients could lose tokens for inappropriate behaviors
Your textbook suggests that the policies of ________ have often been poorly planned because they resulted in many former patients becoming homeless.
deinstitutionalization This policy refers to releasing patients from mental health facilities, and though this seemed like a good idea many of them had nowhere to go and got "lost" after their release.
An integrative treatment approach to schizophrenia would include all but which of the following?
Emergency hospitalization protocols Included: Supportive employment, Integrated dual-disorders treatment, Illness management and recovery.
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