Flashcards and Answers – Apush Chapter 32
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New Left
a youth-dominated political movement of the 1960s, embodied in such organization as Students for a Democratic Society and the Ree Speech Movement.
Students for a Democratic Society
Founded in 1962, the SDS was a popular college student organization that protested shortcomings in American life, notably racial injustice and the Vietnam War. It led thousands of campus protests before it split apart at the end of the 1960s.
Free Speech Movement
led by Mario Savio it protested on behalf of students rights. It spread to colleges throughought the country discussing unpopular faculty tenure decisions, dress codes, dormitory regulations, and appearances by Johnson administration officials.
group that branched off of the SDS; advocated terrorism in the US to stop another Vietnam from happening; name came from Bob Dylan lyrics "don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"; dwindle away after 4 of them die in an explosion in Greenwich Village
Anti-war Rallies
to be against the war. Rallies against the war.
Antidraft movement
domestic and international reaction (1965-73) in opposition to U.S. policy during the Vietnam War Vietnam War, conflict in Southeast Asia, primarily fought in South Vietnam between government forces aided by the United States and guerrilla forces aided by North Vietnam.
a subculture deliberately and consciously opposed to certain central beliefs or attitudes of the dominant culture, the culture of the young people who rejected mainstream American society in the 1960s, seeking to create an alternative society based on peace, love, and individual freedom.
3 day rock concert in upstate N.Y. August 1969, exemplified the counterculture of the late 1960s, nearly 1/2M gather in a 600 acre field
Between the Kennedy and Roosevelt administrations, the government sought to terminate its trustee of Indian lands and relocate Indians to the urban cities. By the 1960's, it became apparent that the policy was not working and it was crating a new class of urban poor.
After the 1960s, America experienced the third wave of immigration because of the new immigration policy.Most of the latest immigrants were "non-white" or "people of color". They mostly come from Asia, Caribbean and Latin American. They come to the New York out of different reasons. But after they arrived in New York, theyactively engage in the process of change and adaptation. are
National Congress of American Indians
Native Americans passed it To mobilize against the campaign to end all reservations and trust protections, condemned termination, called for review of federal policies and returned to self determination
American Indian Movement
an Indian activist organization in the United States. AIM burst onto the international scene with its seizure of the Bureau of Indian Affairs headquarters in Washington, D.C., in 1972 and the 1973 standoff at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. In the decades since AIM's founding, the group has led protests advocating Indigenous American interests, inspired cultural renewal, monitored police activities and coordinated employment programs in cities and in rural reservation communities across the United States.
Indian Civil Rights Act
passed by Congress in 1968, guaranteed reservation Indians many of the protections accorded other citizens by the Bill of Rights, but which also recognized the legitimacy of tribal laws within the reservations.
Wounded Knee
In 1890, after killing Sitting Bull, the 7th Cavalry rounded up Sioux at this place in South Dakota and 300 Natives were murdered and only a baby survived.
Marielito is a term applied to roughly 125,000 people who fled to the United States from the Cuban port of Mariel as part of the exodus of refugees in 1980.
shortened term of Mexicanos
Cesar chavez
United States labor leader who organized farm workers (born 1927), Organized Union Farm Workers (UFW); help migratory farm workers gain better pay & working conditions, Wanted to do stuff for Field worker / farmer Used MLK's ideology (wanted to mobilize individuals and organize) Tried to get equality for field workers / farmers Served during wwII His parents were Mexican Americans Founded national farm workers association His idea of success was having equality Implemented the marches in CA When people refused to work in fields, they would be arrested and/or beat Used tactics of Ghandi (hunger strikes) Met with kennedy; He died at 66 (1993); received an award from mexico for helping
United Farm Workers
organization of migrant workers formed to win better wages and working conditions led by Cesar Chevez
Cultural pluralism
- Certain differences are salient. Break down into identifiable racial groups. Organize around these groups. The existence of cultural pluralism does not mean politics is organized around ethnic lines.
Stonewall Riot
- New York city @ a bar called Stonewall Inn - Triggered activist protests among gays and lesbians - police raided gay bar - people fought back - became symbol of oppression of gays, began the gay pride movement
Gay Liberation Movement
In the 1970s, homosexuals began an effort to win social and legal acceptance and to encourage gays to affirm their sexual identity. Despite some advances, the movement was slowed by the onset of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s and the insistence of the military on banning openly gay individuals from the armed services.
New Feminism
this handful of books and movement of sorts was influenced by radical american liberal individualism, "power" "sexy" "feministing", Women's rights movement that returned following the success of minorities in similar fights for equal rights, new wave of womens rights agitation dating from 1949; emphasized more lilteral equality that would play down domestic roles and qualities for women; promoting specific reforms and redefinition of what it meant to be female.
National Organization of Women
(1966) org. formed to work for economic and legal rights of women. acted from the liberal tenet that women and men are alike in important respects and, therefore, entitled to equal rights and opportunities. extremely effective in enacting rhetorical strategies that have brought about concrete changes in laws and policies that enlarge women's opportunities and protect their rights
Equal Rights Amendments
four amendments that gave freedom of voting rights and equal protestion under the law to women and minorites, Did not pass
Roe v. Wade
'73 Supreme ct decision that stuck down 46 state laws restricting women's access to abortion (highlighted divisions within women's mvmt, Supreme court case in which a texas woman's right to have an abortion was upheld., supremes declared unconst a texas law making it a crime to obtain an abortion except for purpose of saving woman's life. Court said only legal though for 1st 3 months, supremes declared unconst a texas law making it a crime to obtain an abortion except for purpose of saving woman's life. Court said only legal though for 1st 3 months
Environmental Protection Agency
an independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment
Rachel Carson
United States biologist remembered for her opposition to the use of pesticides that were hazardous to wildlife (1907-1964), one of the first people to realize the global dangers of pesticide abuse (DDT). Wrote Silent Spring., published silent spring altering the public of dangers of uncontrolled pesticide use.
the scientific study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and their environment or surroundings (hint: study of the creek life)
during the Vietnam War to reduce United States troop strength in Vietnam and train the South Vietnamese to take over the fighting themselves
Kent State
Ohio college where an anti-war protest got way out of hand, the Nat'l Guard was called in and killed 3 students (innocent & unarmed,wounded 9) in idiscriminate fire of M-1 rifles
My Lai Massacre
1968, in which American troops had brutally massacred innocent women and children in the village of My Lai, also led to more opposition to the war.
"Peace with honor"
"Peace With Honor" was a phrase Richard M. Nixon used in a speech on January 23, 1973 to describe the Paris Peace Treaty to end the Vietnam War. It is a paraphase of a statement made by British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli in 1878.
Fall of Saigon
late in April 1975, communist forces marched into Saigon, shortly after officials of the Thieu regime and the staff of the American embassy had fled the country in humiliating disarray. The forces quickly occupied the capital, renamed it Ho Chi Minh City and began he process of uniting Vietnam under Hanoi.
Multipolar World
The new reality of the world in which there were several great powers, not just two (China, Japan, Western Europe, the US, and the USSR)
the first treaty between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics resulting from the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Nixon Doctrine
Detente: US doesnt fight every war, teams up w/ other govt around the globe to achieve ends. Focus on negotiation to ease tension.
Salvador Allende
Socialist politician elected president of Chile in 1970 and overthrown by the military in 1973. He died during the military attack. (p. 856)
Six Day War
(1967) Short conflict between Egypt and her allies against Israel won by Israel; Israel took over the Golan Heights , The West Bank of the Jordan River; and the Sanai Peninsula.
Arab Oil Embargo
After the U.S. backed Israel in its war against Syria and Egypt, which had been trying to regain territory lost in the Six-Day War, the Arab nations imposed an oil embargo, which strictly limited oil in the U.S. and caused a crisis
Board of Regents of California
a famous United States Supreme Court case. Allan Bakke, a thirty-five-year-old white man, had twice applied for admission to the University of California Medical School at Davis. He was rejected both times. The school reserved sixteen places in each entering class of one hundred for "qualified" minorities, as part of the university's affirmative action program, in an effort to redress longstanding, unfair minority exclusions from the medical profession. Bakke's qualifications (college GPA and test scores) exceeded those of any of the minority students admitted in the two years Bakke's applications were rejected. Bakke contended, first in the California courts, then in the Supreme Court, that he was excluded from admission solely on the basis of raDid the University of California violate the Fourteenth Amendment's equal protection clause, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, by practicing an affirmative action policy that resulted in the repeated rejection of Bakke's application for admission to its medical Four of the justices contended that any racial quota system supported by government violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr., agreed, casting the deciding vote ordering the medical school to adPowell argued that the rigid use of racial quotas as employed at the school violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The remaining four justices held that the use of race as a criterion in admissions decisions in higher education was constitutionally permissiblemit Bakkeschool?ce.
Election of 1972
Richard Nixon/republican vs. George McGovern/democrat= Nixon, With the McGovern campaign in shambles and the Watergate scandal contained, Nixon won overwhelmingly (61% and 520 electoral votes). McGovern, supported only by minorities and low-income voters, carried only MA and Washington DC.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
A cartel of oil-exporting nations. In late 1973, OPEC took advantage of the October War and an oil embargo by its Arab members to quadruple the price of oil. This huge increase had a devastating impact on the American economy., an economic organization consisting primarily of Arab nations that controls the price of oil and the amount of oil its members produce and sell to other nations.
Process by which companies move industrial jobs to other regions with cheap labor, leaving the newl deindustrialized region to switch to a service economy and to work though a period of high unemployment.
1972; Nixon feared loss so he approved the Commission to Re-Elect the President to spy on and espionage the Democrats. A security gaurd foiled an attempt to bug the Democratic National Committe Headquarters, exposing the scandal. Seemingly contained, after the election Nixon was impeached and stepped down