Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence – Flashcards
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What is our role as the nurse?
Patient advocate -"Advocacy is the heart and soul of nursing practice, nurses believe they hold the patients' safety and care in their hands,"
Substance Abuse
*Alcohol -most used and abused drug -ED visits related to alcohol consumption have almost doubled since early 2000s *Illicit drugs -9.5% of Americans 12 or older report current illicit drug use
-Excessive Consumption: increased effects of morbidity and mortality -Chronic Alcohol: linked to liver disease -Heavy drinking/ binge drinking: increased risk of atrial fibrillation -Up to one drink/ day increases risk of breast cancer by 4% -HTN is a common detrimental effect
Illicit Drugs
-Marijuana: most common -Cocaine/ crack -Heroin -Hallucinogens -Inhalants -Prescription meds used non-medically: second most common -Impacts health, relationships, future jobs, school, career -3 most commonly used prescription opioid: 1. Oxycodone 2. Hydrocodone 3. Methadone
Substance Abuse 2
-8.5% aged 12 or older -Alcohol dependence/ alcoholism *chronic progressive disease that is treatable *Not curable -Accurate diagnosis is needed for appropriate treatment
Developmental Considerations
*Pregnant Women: -18% drink during 1st trimester -4.2% during 2nd -3.7% during 3rd -no amount is determined safe -recommended all women who are pregnant should be screened for alcohol use *Fetal Alcohol syndrom
Developmental Considerations contd...
*Aging adult: 65 or older *Prevalence of current use decreases with age *Older adults have increased risk of alcohol use... -liver metabolism and kidney function decrease -Less tissue mass, so it stays in the blood -Poly-pharmacy -Increased risk for falls, depression, GI problems
Subjective Data
-May be unreliable: consider the disposition of the patient -Private, confidential, non-judgmental environment -Alcohol use screening -Do you sometimes drink beer, wine, or other alcoholic beverages -If yes, how many times in the past year have you has five or more drinks a day (men) or four or more drinks a day (women). -Patterns
Drink serving
- 12 oz beer or cooler - 8-9 oz of malt liquor - 5 oz of table wine - 3-4 ox of fortified wine - 1.5 oz of spirits - 3 oz martini= 1 standard drink
Assessment Questions
*Determine if there is a maladaptive pattern of use causing impairment or distress... *In the past 12 months has your drinking repeatedly caused... -shown tolerance -shown signs of withdrawal - kept drinking despite problems - spent a lot of time drinking or anticipating or recovering -spent less time on other matters or activities *Also ask about illicit drugs ( avoid word illicit)
CAGE Questionnaire
-Have you ever thought you should CUT down on your drinking? -Have you ever been ANNOYED by criticism of your drinking? -Have you ever felt GUILTY about your drinking -Do you drink in the mooring? ( EYE-opener) *possible alcohol if 2 or more
TWEAK Questions
*Screening Women ( pregnant) -tolerance -worry eye-opener -amnesia -kut down * 2 points for each tolerance and worry * 1 point for everything else
SMAST-G Questionnaire
-Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test-geriatric -10 questions -Yes or no answers - yes is 1 points; no is 0 points - 2 or more points= alcohol problem and need for further assessment
AUDIT Questionnaire
*Alcohol use disorders identification Test *Covers 3 domains of drinking - Alcohol consumption ( q's 1-3) -Drinking behavior/ dependence (q's 4-6) -Adverse consequences from alcohol (q's 7-10) *Maximum points= 40
Brief Intervention
-If patient is determined to has at-rsik drinking of illicit substance use: -You are drinking more than is medically safe -I strongly recommend that you cut down and I am willing to help -If patient has an alcohol use disorder clearly state: -I believe that you have an alcohol use disorder -I strongly recommend that you quit and I am willing to help
Alcohol Withdrawal
-craving alcohol -irritability -anorexia -abdominal pain -fatigue -chills/ fever - muscle cramps - palpitations - sweating -tachycardia -HTN -disorientation -slurred speech - staggered gait - poor dexterity -tremors -Hallucinations/ illusions
CIWA Scale
-Used to determine severity of withdrawal symptoms -Drives appropriate interventions to avoid seizures delirium tremens -DTs can cause death
Opioid Withdrawal
-dilated pupils -runny nose - tachycardia -fever - elevated BP - sweating - Diarrhea - Restlessness - Insomnia - Nausea - Vomiting - Malaise - Tremor - Muscles ache - Joint pains
Upon Discharge
*Talk with social work - set up resources at home -Local AA or NA programs -local al-anon groups -in-pateint rehabilitation centers
Domestic and Family Violence
*Types of violence -Intimate partner violence - Child abuse/ neglect - adolescent relationship violence -Elder abuse/ neglect
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
-Physical or sexual violence -Psychological or emotional abuse or coercive tactics
-Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten -1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been physically abused by an intimate partner -1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men have been severely physically abused by an intimate partner -15% of all violent crime is domestic violence (DM) -19% of DV includes a weapon - ONLY 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care *Power of control wheel/ struggle
Cycle of Violence
1. Anger, blaming, arguing 2. Battering 3. Honeymoon stage 4. Repeat
Child Abuse/ Neglect
1.Neglect: failure to provide for basic physical, educational, medical, and emotional needs 1.Physcial Abuse: punching, beating, kicking, burning, shaking, otherwise harming a child 3. Sexual Abuse: fondling genitals, incest, penetration, rape, sodomy, indecent exposure, exploitation through prostitution or production of pornographic materials 4. Emotional Abuse: pattern of behavior that harms a child's emotional development or sense of self worth such as when there is frequent belittling, rejection, threats, and withholding of love and support
Child abuse/ neglect contd
-1:4 girls and 1:6 boys will be sexually abused before age 18 - Almost 70 % of reported sexual assaults happen to kids under age 17 -median age for kids abused is 9 -More than 20% of kids are sexually abused before age 8 -30-40% are abused by family members -50% are abused by someone the family knowns and trusts -40% are abused by older or larger children they know - 10% are abused by strangers
Adolescent Violence
-Physical, sexual or psychological/ emotional violence within a dating relationship -includes stalking -Abuse may be in person or electronically -May be present or former partner
Elder Abuse/ Neglect
*Physical Abuse: -violent acts that result or could result in injury, pain, impairment, or disease *Physical Neglect: - failure of family or caregiver to provide basic goods and services such as food, shelter, healthcare, and meds *Psychological Abuse: -behavior that results in mental anguish *Psychological Neglect: -Failure to provide basic social stimulation *Financial Abuse: -Intentional misuse of elderly person's financial and material resources *Financial Neglect: -Failure to use elderly person's assists to provide needed services *90% of abusers are family members
Mandated Reporting in NH
-MUST report for elderly, children, and other vulnerable population -Report if there is a suspicion -DO NOT need proof to call
Effects of Violence
-Physical -Emotional -Abuse during pregnancy -Long term/ chronic affects -Elder: *complications from injuries *infections *stress can cause cardiac complications *STIs more complicated than in younger adults -Children: *immediate consequences *Long-term: interrupted bond between caregiver and child; can lead to changes in brain structure and chemistry -70-80% of children who are sexual abuse survivors report excessive drug/ alcohol abuse -Children who are abused are more likely to commit felony assault or domestic violence -over 75% of serial rapists were sexually abused as kids
Routine Screening for Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
-Routine, universal screening for IPV means the following: *Asking every woman at every health care encounter if she has been abused by a husband, boyfriend, or other intimate partner or ex-partner -Required by most nursing professional organizations
How to Assess for Intimate Partner Violence
-Preceed questions so that the patients do not feel targeted. -Procedure: *It is appropriate to show concern and distress about degree of violence *abuse is not the woman's fault *Express concern and reassure patient that help is possible *Inform health problems can occur from violence
Assessing for Adolescent Relationship Violence
-No validated screening tool -Observe for risk factors: *Alcohol or substance Abuse *Early onset of sexual activity or risk behaviors *Signs of mental illness or poor performance at school -Ask pertinent questions: *Have you felt unsafe in relationships? *Is a partner from a previous relationship making you feel unsafe now? *Have you been physically assaulted or otherwise hurt by your boyfriend or dating partner when he/she has been angry? *Have you ever been hurt by a dating partner to the point where it left a mark or bruise?
The nurse is assessing a patient who admits to being physically abused by her spouse. The patient says, "I wish I would have agreed with my husband, because then I wouldn't have been hit." What is the nurse's best response? 1. "Changing your reaction to your spouse will likely change his actions against you." 2. "Try not to blame yourself. You will know better for next time." 3. "Your husband has to want to change. Let's focus on you for now." 4. "It is not your fault that your husband lost control. Changing your actions will not prevent him from abusing you again."
History of Traumatic Injuries
*May have an impact on current health condition -Assess and document prior abuse: IPV, childhood abuse, and prior rapes -Mental status examination important in cases of IPV or elder abuse, for potential head trauma or neurologic symptoms -All survivors of violence should be given a mental status examination, with attention to mental health problems associated with violence: depression, suicidality, PTSD, substance abuse, and anxiety
Screening for Child Abuse and Neglect
*Medical history important part of evaluation -Previous hospitalizations, injuries, or does he/she suffer from any chronic medical conditions? -Take medications that may cause easy bruising? -History of repeated visits to hospital? -Delays seeking care for other than minor injury? *If child is verbal, history should be obtained away from caretakers through open-ended questions or spontaneous *Documentation -When documenting history and physical findings of child abuse and neglect, use words child has used to describe how his or her injury occurred -Remember the possibility that the abuser may be accompanying the child -If child is nonverbal, use reports of caregivers -Know your institutional protocol for obtaining history in cases of suspected child maltreatment Some protocols may delay a full interview until it can be done by a forensically trained
Physical Examination: IPV or Elder Abuse
*Important components of physical examination of known survivor of IPV or elder abuse include the following: -Complete head-to-toe visual examination, especially if patient is receiving health services for reported abuse -Health evaluations for known or suspected elder abuse and neglect should include baseline laboratory tests, including a complete blood count with platelet level, basic blood chemistries, serum liver function tests, a coagulation panel, and urinalysis
Physical Examination: Children
*Visual inspection of child from head to toe is important in any physical examination -Significant injuries can be hidden under clothing, diapers, socks, and long hair -Bruising in "atypical" places such as buttocks, hands, feet, and abdomen is exceedingly rare and should arouse concern -Any bruise in shape of an object should be considered highly specific for abuse -Bruising found in nonmobile children should raise concern for further injury, including fractures and intracranial injury
Documentation Requirements
*Documentation of IPV, child abuse, and elder abuse must include the following: -Detailed, nonbiased progress notes -Use of injury maps -Photographic documentation in health record -Other aspects of abuse history, including reports of past abusive incidents, can be paraphrased with use of partial direct quotations -Written documentation of histories of IPV and elder abuse needs to be verbatim but within reason -Critical to document exceptionally poignant statements made by victim that identify perpetrator and severe threats of harm made by perpetrator
When She/ He Says no but there are Other IPV Indicators
*Suspect IPV when she says no to AAS, but there are other indicators associated with IPV *In addition, providers need to be alert for conditions associated with IPV including the following: -Gynecologic problems, especially STIs, pelvic pain, and complaints of sexual dysfunction -Chronic irritable bowel syndrome, back pain, depression, symptoms of PTSD,
Culture and genetics
*Domestic violence (DV) occurs cross-culturally -It may be more difficult to determine in many cultural groups -Lifetime prevalence of DV occurs significantly higher among racial and ethnic minorities -Highest rates of IPV is found in multiracial women (54%) -Death rates are higher among refugee and immigrant women
IVP Factors Among Ethnic and Racial Minorities
*Societal stressors -Poverty, fear of seeking help due to racism and discrimination or lack of knowledge *Legal regulations -Legal status may be complicated by immigrant status -Fear of legal action being taken *Lack of access -Inability to access health/medical services due to knowledge or fear -Limited amount of mental health resources available *Cultural values and gender roles -Privacy or shame associated
Which tool will assist the nurse in assessing a patient's risk for homicide? 1. Harassment in Abusive Relationships: A Self-Report Scale (HARASS) 2. Danger Assessment (DA) 3. The Abuse Assessment Screen (AAS) 4. Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) screening tool
-YWCA -Children's Advocacy Center -Woman's Shelters -National Center for Elder Abuse