Factors that Makes People Drive Distractively Essay Example
Factors that Makes People Drive Distractively Essay Example

Factors that Makes People Drive Distractively Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1070 words)
  • Published: November 17, 2021
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Some of the common forms of driving distractors are:

  • Using a cell phone or smartphone
  • Eating and drinking
  • Talking to passengers
  • Reading, including maps
  • Using a navigation system
  • Watching a video
  • Adjusting a radio, CD player, or MP3 player
  • Smoking


Driving distractions is the act of driving an engine vehicle while occupied with another activity, ordinarily one that includes the utilization of a mobile phone or other electronic gadget (Bayly, et al , 2008). Driving distraction is one of the major causes of the accidents in our roads today. The aim of this research is therefore to investigate the common attention distractors among the drivers.


The team comprised of five members who were designated in different regions for the data collection.

After all members had gathered their re


sults each and everyone was assigned a task to perform during the result analysis. This was a means of integrating cooperation among us by actively involving each member. The five group members, collected their data for this research through the administering of the questionnaires and through direct interviews. The members were also assigned in different places so that the study could cover a large area. The collected results were later analyzed and used in the generation of the final result.

Research Method

Some of the people who were interviewed during the research included the family members with personal cars and the public transport drivers. The age group that investigated was ranging from 18 years and above this ensured that even the youths were also included in the study.

Problems Encountered

One major challenge that we encountered during the field study was that some of the driver

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were not ready to respond to our questions, especially the public service vehicles drivers. This was because some the thought we were police officers who wanted to arrest them for traffic offenses. However in such cases we opted for those who were willing to give us answers.

The people who participated in this study were chosen randomly while on the roads and along the streets provided they were drivers and ready to respond to our questions. We compared and categorized the major forms of the driving distractors and then classified them according to their frequencies and hence we were able to identify the most common driver attention distractor (Taylor, et al, 2015).

Findings and Patterns

In our study we investigated the six common trends of drive distractors and from this we were able to identify the common distractor. The common form of distractor was the use of mobile phones while driving.

The types of attention driving distraction were different from one age group to another. Pattern 1 – using cell phones This involved using the mobile phones while driving it involves making calls, texting or browsing the internet (Caird, et al., 2015). “ I cant avoid my girlfriend’s call even when am driving” “I find it easy to reply my texts while driving” “ I love chatting on my phone” Pattern 2 – eating and drinking It involve taking various food stuffs while at the same time focusing on the road. “ sometimes I hardly find time to eat and therefore I do it while driving” “coca cola is my favorite drink and you cant miss a bottle in my car” Pattern 3 – reading This is

the process where a driver is involved in reading a given item such as maps or newspapers while at the same time driving. “ some news headlines are just amazing and you cant avoid reading” “I find it easy checking at travel maps while in new places” Pattern 4 - Family Influence Parental Parents were smokers “It seemed normal to me since my parents did it” “My parents could not tell me to stop, because they themselves are smokers” “I took my first cigarette from my dad’s coat when he was not home” Older Siblings Role models “My older brother used to smoke and I always thought how cool he was and how popular he was at school” “If my parents were to get mad at me for smoking, I could just blame my sister who started smoking before I did” The six forms of driver distraction includes; smoking, drinking, talking to the passengers, reading maps, tuning the radio, watching videos while driving. Pattern 5 – adjusting radio It involves tuning the radio from one channel to another and also changing CDs while driving (Serrano, et al, 2014).

“ I love listening to both nation FM and Mega radio and therefore I tune from one station to another” “ I love loud music but sometimes I am forced to reduce the volume” Pattern 6 – talking to passengers This involves telling stories with some passengers or giving certain instruction to them while at the same time you are driving. “some passengers are too talkative” “ sometimes I have to give instructions to my passengers”


All the forms of driving distractors are equally important and leads

to accidents, this is because they shift the attention of the driver and thus making him less observant on the road. Some of this factors include include, smoking, drinking or eating, changing radio stations, talking to the passengers (Okabe, 2015). The results collected by all the group members in the different areas were almost similar, the common form of driving distraction was the use of cellular phones among the drivers, it can distract drivers in a number of ways i.e.

it is possible to receive a shocking news from the phone which might affect the driver psychologically. The types of destruction varies from one age group to another but the common form of destruction is the use of cellular phones.


  • Bayly, M., Young, K. L., & Regan, M. A. (2008). 12 Sources of Distraction inside the Vehicle and Their Effects on Driving Performance. Driver distraction: Theory, effects, and mitigation, 191.
  • Serrano, J., Di Stasi, L. L., Megías, A., & Catena, A.

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  • Caird, J. K., Johnston, K. A., Willness, C.

    R., Asbridge, M., & Steel, P. (2014). A meta-analysis of the effects of texting on driving. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 71, 311-318.

  • He, J., Choi, W., McCarley, J.

    S., Chaparro, B. S., & Wang, C. (2015). Texting while driving using Google Glass™: promising but not distraction-free. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 81, 218-229.

  • Taylor, S. J., Bogdan, R., & DeVault, M.

    (2015). Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley & Sons.

  • Okabe, A. (Ed.). (2016). GIS-based Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

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