Heart Saver/ first-aid and CPR/ AED – Flashcards
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Asking to Give First AID
STEP 1 Introuduce your self as a first aid provider if victim is responding as if you can help be for touching STEP 2 If the person agrees you may give first aid STEP 3 If person refuses your help phone for your emergency response number and stay with the victim untill help arrives STEP 4 If the person is confused or cannot answer assume that he would want you to help
Washing Hands
STEP 1 wet your hands with clean running water (warm if Avalible) and apply soap STEP 2 Rub hands together and rub all surfaces of hands and fingers for at least 20 seconds STEP 3 Rinse hands with lots of running water STEP 4 Dry your hands using a paper towel or air dryer if possible use paper towel to turn off the Faucet
Universal Precautions
STEP 1 wear personal protective equipment whenever necessary STEP 2 Place all disposable equipment that has touched blood or body fluids containing blood in a biohazard waste bag STEP 3 To dispose of the biohazard waste bag follow your companys plan for disposing of hazardous waste STEP 4 Wash your hands with lots of water and soap after taking off your gloves
Exsposure to blood
STEP 1 if you are wearing glves take them off STEP 2 immediately wash your hands and the contact area with soap and lots of water STEP 3 If body fluids have splattered in your eyes, nose, or the inside of your mouth rinse these ares with lots of water STEP 4 Tell your companys emergency repsonse program supervisor wha thappend as soon as possibel then contact a health care professional
Taking off gloves
STEP 1 grip 1 glove on the outside of the glove near the cull and peel it down until it comes off inside out STEP 2 cup it with your other gloved hand STEP 3 place two fingers of your bare hand inside the cuff of the glove that is still on your hand STEP 4 peel that glove off so that it comes off inside out with the first glove inside it STEP 5 if there is blood ont he gloves dispose of the glvoes properly put them in a biohazard waste bag or as required by your work place If you do not have a biohazard waste bag put the gloves in a plastic bag that can be sealed before you dispose of it STEP 6 wash your hands after you give first aid so that you do not spread germ
Phone for help (alone)
STEP 1 yell for help while you start to check the ill or injured person STEP 2 if no one answers your yell and immediate care isnt needed A: leave for a moment while you phone your emergence response number B: get the first aid kit and automated external defibrillator (AED) if avaliable Step 3 return to the ill or injured person
Phone for Help (with others)
STEP 1 stay with the ill or injured person and be prepared to give first aid or CPR if you know how STEP 2 Send someone else to Phone your emergency response number (911) and get the first aid kit and AED if avaliable
Finding the Problem
STEP 1 check to see if the seen is safe as you approach the victim STEP 2 tap the person and Shout "are you ok " if the person responds tell the person you are there to help and ask if you can help and what is the problem If the person does not respond phone your emergency response number (911) and get the first aid kit and AED STEP 3 Check if the person is breathing if is not breathing begin CPR and use and AED if you know how if you dont know CPR give hands only CPR Step 4 look for obviouse signs of injury, succh as bleeding, broken bones, burns, or bites STEP 5 Finally look for medical information jewelry
First aid kit Standards
1 important emergency numbers 2 absorbent compress 3 adhesive bandage 4 adhesive tape 5 antibiotic treatment 6 Antiseptic swab 7 antiseptic wipe 8 antiseptic towelette 9 bandage compress 2in 10 bandage compress 3in 11 bandage compress 4in 12 burn dressing 13 burn treatment 14 CPR barrier 15 cold pack 16 eye covering with means of attechment 17 eye/skin wash 18 gloves 19 Roller bandage 4in 20 roller bandage 2in 21 sterile pad 22 Triangular bandage 23 Heartsave first aid quick reference Guid
General Breathing Problems
1 is breathing very fast or very slow 2 is having trouble with every breath 3 has noisy breathing you hear a whistle as the air leaves the lungs 4 can only make sounds or speak no more than a few words at a time in between breaths although trying to say more
Assembling and Using an Inhaler
STEP 1 shake the medicine STEP 2 put the medicine into the medicine chamber STEP 3 remove the cap from the mouthpiece STEP 4 attach a spacer if there is one avaliable and if you know how STEP 5 tilt the persons head back slightly and have him breath out slowly STEP 6 put the inhaler or spacer in the persons mouth STEP 7 push down ont he top of the medicine canister have the person breath in slowly and deeply as you push down STEP 8 have the person hole his breath for 10 seconds and then breath out slowly
How to help someone with breathing problems
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe STEP 2 ask the person if they have medicine if she needs her medicine but is to sick to get it them selves get it for them STEP 3 Ask the person if you have the right medicine STEP 4 Assembel and use the inhaler STEP 5 Phone the emergency response number or (911) if the person has no medicine the person does not get better after using their medicine the person breathing gets worse the person has trouble speaking or the person stops responding STEP 6stay with the person until someone with more advanced training arrives and take over STEP 7 see if the person needs CPR if they do give CPR if you do not know how give hands-only CPR
Mild Choking
1 can make sounds 2 can cough loudly STEP 1 stand by and let her cough STEP2 if worried about their breathing phone your emergency response number or (911)
Severe Choking
1 cannot breath 2 has a cough that has no sound 3 cannot take or make a sound 4 Makes the choking sign
How to Help a Choking Adult
STEP 1 if you think some one is choking aske " are you choking?" if they nod yes tell them your are going to help STEP 2 Get behind them wrap your arms around them so that your hands are in front STEP 3 Make a fist with one hand STEP 4 put the thumb side of your fist slightly above their belly button and well below the breast bone STEP 5 Grasp the fist with your other hand and giv ea quick upward thrust into their abdomen STEP 6 give thrust until the object is force out and he can breathe, cough, or talk, or until they stop responding If the victim is pregent give thrust to the chest or if if you can not reach your arms around the victim
How to help a Choking adult who stops Responding
STEP 1 check if they need CPR give it if needed and if you know how. If you dont know how give hand-only CPR STEP 2 Check the mouth for objects after each set of 30 Compressions STEP 3 Continue CPR until he speaks moves or breaths or until someone with more advanced traing arrives and takes over
Using EPinephrin Pens
STEP 1 Get the prescribed Epi Pen STEP 2 Take off safety cap Follow the instructions on the pen STEP 3 Hold the Epi pen in your fist with out touching either end because the needle come out of one end STEP 4 Push the end with the need hard against the side of the persons thigh about halfway between the hip and knee give the injection through clothes or on bare skin STEP 5 hold the pen in place for about 10 seconds STEP 6 remove the needle by pulling the pen straight out
Mild Allergic Reactions
1 a stuffy nose, sneezing, and itching around the eyes 2 itching of the skin 3 raised red rash on the skin ( hives)
Sever Allergic reactions
1 trouble breathing 2 swelling of the tounge and face 3 signs of shock STEP 1 Make sure the scene is safe STEP 2 Phone or send someone to phone your emergency response number (or 911) and get the first aid kit STEP 3 If the person responds and has an Epi pen help them get it, ask them to use it STEP 4 If they cant use it themselves and if your allowed use the Epi pen to give him an injection STEP 5 Rub the injection spot for about 10 seconds STEP 6 after using the Epi pen dispose of it properly STEP 7 See if the person need CPR if he does give CPR. If you dont know how, give hands-only CPR STEP 8 See if the person needs CPR. If they do give CPR. If you do not know how give hands-only CPR
Heart Attack
STEP 1 make sure the person stays calm and rests STEP 2 Phone or have some one phone your emergency response number or (911) STEP 3 Ask some one to get the first aid kit and AED if avaliable STEP 4 if the person has no allergy to asprin no serious bleeding and no signs of a stroke give him an asprin ( either 2 low does asprin or 1 regular) STEP 5 see if the person needs CPR If he does give CPR if you done know how give Hands-only CPR
Fainting (dizzy responding)
STEP 1 Make sure the scene is safe STEP 2 Help the person lie flat on the floor STEP 3 if the person does not improve or stops responding phone your emergency repsonse number or (911)
Fainting ( faints then starts responding
STEP 1 ask the person to continue to lie flat on the floor until he can sit up and feels normal STEP 2 if the person fell, look for injuries caused by the fall STEP 3 Phone your emergency response number or (911)
Diabetes and low blood sugar ( signs)
1 a change in behavior such as confusion or irritability 2 sleepiness or not responding 3 hunger thrist or weakness 4 sweating pale skin color 5 a seizure
Diabetes and low blood sugar
STEP 1 if the person can sit up and swallow give him something that contains sugar to eat or drink STEP 2 have him sit quietly or lie down STEP 3 Phone or have someone phone your emergency response number or (911)
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe STEP 2 Phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) and get the first aid kit and an AED if available STEP 3 note the time when the signs of stroke first appeared STEP 4 See if the person needs CPR if they do give CPR if you dont know how give hands-only CPR
During a Seizure
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe STEP 2 protect the person 1 moving furniture or other objects out of the way 2 placing a small pad or towel under the persons head if its easy to do so STEP 3 Phone your companys emergency response number or (911)
After a Seizure
STEP 1 see if the person needs CPR if they do give CPR if you dont know how give Hands-only CPR STEP 2 Stay with the person until someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over STEP 3 if the person is vomiting or has fluids in his mouth and you think the person dosent have a head, spine, or neck injury, roll him on his side
Person in Shock symptoms
1 feel weak, faint or dizzy 2 feel nauseous or thirsty 3 have pale grayishe skin 4 act restless agitated or confused 5 be cold and clammy to the touch
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe STEP 2 phone or send someone to phone your companys emergency response number or (911) and get the first aid kit and AED STEP 3 help the person lie on their back STEP 4 cover the person in shock to keep them warm STEP 5 see if the person needs CPR if they do give CPR if you do not know how give hands-only CPR
Phone for help for bleeding you can see
1 if there is a lot of bleeding 2 you cannot stop the bleeding 3 you see signs of shock 4 you suspect a head, neck or spine injury 5 you are not sure what to do
Bleeding you can see
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 put a dressing on the wound apply direct pressure on the dressing use the flat part of your fingers or the palm of your hand STEP 3 if the bleeding does not stop add more dressing on top of the first and press harder STEP 4 keep pressure on the wound untill it stops bleeding STEP 5 if you cant keep pressure on the wound wrap a bandage firmly over the dressing to hold the dressing in place
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit and wear PPE STEP 2 use direct pressure with gauze pads/ dressing if available to stop any bleeding STEP 3 apply the bandage over the dressing
using tourniquets (premade)
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe phone your emergency response number of (911) WEAR PPE STEP 2 place the tourniquet 2 in above the injury if possible STEP 3 tighten the tourquet until the bleeding stops STEP 4 note what time you put the tourniquet on STEP 5 get medical help as soon as possible STEP 6 leave the tourniquet on until someone with more advanced training takes over
using tourniquets ( hand made)
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe wear PPE STEP 2 fold cloth or bandage so that its long and at least 1in wide STEP 3 wrap the bandage 2in above injury if possible STEP 4 tie the ends of the bandage around a stick ( or something similar) STEP 5 Turn the stick to tighten the tourniquet STEP 6 continue tightening until bleeding stops STEP 7 secure the stick so the tourniquet stays tight STEP 8 note what time the tourniquet was placed STEP 9 get medical help as soon as possible
Bleeding from the nose
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 press both sides of the nostrils while the person sits and leans forward STEP 3 place constant pressure on both sides of the nostrils for a few minutes until the bleeding stops STEP 4 if bleeding continues press harder STEP 5 phone your emergency response number or (911) if 1 you cant stop the bleeding in about 15 minutes 2 the bleeding is heavy such as gushing blood 3 the person has trouble breathing
Bleeding from the mouth
STEP 1 make sure that the scene is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 If you can easily reach the bleeding apply pressure to the area with dressings STEP 3 Phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) if 1 you cant stop the bleeding 2 the person has trouble breathing
Tooth injuries
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit Wear PPE STEP 2 Check the mouth for any missing teeth loose teeth or parts of teeth STEP 3 clean the wound with saline or clean water STEP 4 if a tooth is loose have the person bite down on a piece of gauze to keep the tooth in place and call a dentist STEP 5 if a tooth is chipped gently clean the injured area and call a dentist STEP 6 Apply pressure with qauze to stop any bleeding at the empty tooth socket STEP 7 if a tooth has come out put the tooth in a cup of milk or clean water and immediately take the injured person and tooth to a dentist or emergency department STEP 8 tell the person to talk with a dentist if a tooth changes color after an injury
Eye injuries
STEP 1 Make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit WEAR PPE STEP 2 phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) if the eye is hit hard or punctured tell the person to keep her eyes closed STEP 3 If there is an irritant such as sand in the eye use water to rinse the eye STEP 4 if the irritant does not come out or it the person is in extreme pain phone or ask some one to phone your emergency response number or (911) tell the person to keep their eyes closed
Penetrating and Puncturing objects
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 Phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) STEP 3 Stop any bleeding you can see STEP 4 Try to keep the injured person from moving
Amputation protection
STEP 1 rinse the amputated part with clean water STEP 2 cover or wrap the amputated part with a clean dressing STEP 3 if it will fit place the amputated part in a watertight plastic bag STEP 4 Place that bag in another container with ice and water label it with the injured persons name, date, and time STEP 5 make sure it is sent to the hospital with the injured person
Amputation First AID
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit and AED Wear PPE STEP 2 phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) STEP 3 Stop the bleeding from the injured area with pressure you will have to press for a long time with very firm pressure to stop the bleeding STEP 4 If you find the amputated part protect it STEP 5 Stay with the injured person until someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over
Bleeding you cant see
STEP 1 make sure that the scene is safe get the first kit and AED wear PPE STEP 2 phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) STEP 3 have the person lie down and keep still STEP 4 check for signs of shock STEP 5 see if the person needs CPR, if they do give CPR if you dont know how give hands-only CPR
Head, neck, and spine injuries
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe STEP 2 phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) STEP 3 minimise movement of the head and neck
Broken Bone and Sprains
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 cover any open wound with a clean dressing STEP 3 put a plastic bag filled with ice and water on the injured area with a towel between the ice bag and the skin for up to 20 minutes STEP 4 phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) 1 there is a large open wound 2 the injured part is abnormally bent 3 youre not sure what to do STEP 5 if an injured body part hurts the person should avoid using it untill checked by a health care provider
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 To make the splint use something that will keep the arm or leg from moving STEP 3 ideally place the splint so that it extends beyond the injured area and supports the joints above and below the injury STEP 4 tie the splint to the injured body part so that it supports the injured area use tape, gauze, or cloth to secure it STEP 5
self splinting arm
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe STEP 2 have the injured person place their hand across their chest and hold it in place with his other arm
Burns Small
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 If the burn area is small cool it immediately with cold but not ice cold water run cold water on the burn until it dosent hurt STEP 3 You may cover teh burn with a dry nonswtick sterile or clean dressing
Large Burns
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit phone your emergency response number (or 911) STEP 2 if ther person is on fire put the fire out STEP 3 remove jewelry and clothing that is not stuck to the skin STEP 4 cover the person with a dry blanket STEP 5 check for signs of shock
electrical injuries
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit and AED wear PPE STEP 2 phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) STEP 3 when it is safe to touch the injured person see it he need CPR if they do give CPR if you do not give hands-only CPR STEP 4 a health care provider should check everyone who has an electrical injury
Snake Bite
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 ask another adult to move any other people inside or away from the are and phone your emergency response number STEP 3 ask the bittin person to be still and calm tell him to avoid moving the part of the body that was bitten STEP 4 Remove any tight clothing and jewelry STEP 5 Gently wash the bite with running water and soap if available
Animal and human Bites
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 for animal bite phone or send someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) STEP 3 clean the wound with a lot of running water soap if possible STEP 4 stop any bleeding with pressure and dressing STEP 5 for all bites that break the skin call a healthcare provider STEP 6 if there is a bruise or swelling place a bag of ice and water wrapped in a towel on the bite for up to 20 minutes
Insect, bee, and spider bites
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 phone or send someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) and get the first aid kit 1 the person has signs of a sever allergic reaction 2 the person tells you that she has a sever allergic reaction to insect bites or stings get the person epi pen if they have one STEP 3 If a bee stung the person 1 look for the stinger 2 scrape away the stinger and venom sac by using something with a dull edge such as a credit card STEP 4 wash the bite or sting area with a lot of running water and soap if possible STEP 5 put a bag of ice and water wrapped in a towel or cloth over the bite or sting area for up to 20 minutes STEP 6 watch the person for at least 30 minutes for signs of an allergic reaction
poisonous spider and scorpion bites and stings
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 phone your emergency response number or (911) STEP 3 wash the bite with a lot of running water ( and soap if available) STEP 4 Put a bag of ice and water wrapped in a towel or cloth on the bite STEP 5 See if the person needs CPR if they do give CPR if you don't know how give hands-only CPR
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 grab the tick by its mouth or head as close to the skin as possible with tweezers or a tick-removing device STEP 3 life the tick straight out without twisting or squeezing its body. If you lift the tic until the person skin tents and wait for several seconds the tick may let go. STEP 4 wash the bite with running water and soap if possible STEP 5 See a health care provider if you are in an area where tick borne diseases occur if possible place the tick in a plastic bag and give it to the health care provider.
heat cramps
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 have the person with heat cramps rest and cool off STEP 3 have the person drink something that contains sugar and electrolytes such as juice or a sports drink or water if the others aren't available
Heat Exhaustion
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) STEP 3 have the person lie down in a cool place STEP 4 remove as much of the persons clothing as possible STEP 5 cool the person with a cool water spray STEP 6 if cool water spray is not available place a cool damp cloths on the neck, armpit, and groin area STEP 7 have the person drink something that contains sugar of electrolytes such as juice or a sports drink or water if the others aren't available.
heat stroke
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit and AED wear PPE STEP 2 phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) STEP 3 put the person in cool water up to their neck if possible STEP 4 see if the person needs CPR if they do give CPR if you don't know how give hands-only CPR
STEP 1 move the person to a warm place STEP 2 phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) STEP 3 remove any tight clothing or jewelry from the frostbitten part STEP 4 remove with clothing and pat the body dry put dry clothes on the person and cover the person with a blanket STEP 5 do not try to thaw the frozen part if you think there may be a chance of refreezing
low body temperature (hypothermia)
STEP 1 get the person out of the cold STEP 2 remove wet clothing and pat the body dry put dry clothes on the person and cover the person with a blanket STEP 3 phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) and get the first aid kit and AED if available STEP 4 wrap the person up with anything you have - clothing, towels, newspaper, etc. cover the head but not the face STEP 5 see if the person needs CPR if they do give CPR if you don't know how give hands-only CPR
scene safety for poison emergencies
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe before you approach STEP 2 if the scene seems unsafe do not approach tell everyone to move away STEP 3 look for signs that warn you that poisons are nearby STEP 4 look for spilled or leaking containers STEP 5 stay out of the area with the poison if you see more than 1 victim STEP 6 if you approach the scene wear appropriate protective equipment
removing poisons
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 help the person take off contaminated clothing and jewelry STEP 3 quickly help the person to a safety shower or eyewash station if they respond and can move STEP 4 brush off any dry powder or solid substance from the skin with your gloved hand STEP 5 rinse the contaminated areas with a lot of water for at least 20 minutes or until someone with more training arrives and takes over
Other First aid and Poison emergency
STEP 1 make sure the scene Is safe get the first aid kit wear PPE STEP 2 send someone to phone your emergency response number or (911) STEP 3 tell the dispatcher the name of the poison if possible STEP 4 remove the poison if possible STEP 5 move the person from the scene of the poison if you can STEP 6 help the person move to an area with fresh air if possible STEP 7 send someone to get the material safety data sheep (MSDS) is available
Compressions for an adult
STEP 1 make sure the person is lying on their back on a firm flat surface STEP 2 move the clothes out of the way STEP 3 put the heel of 1 hand on the lower half on the breastbone put the heel of your other hand on top of the first STEP 4 push straight down at least 2 in at a rate of 100 compressions a minute STEP 5 after each compression let the chest come back up to its normal position
Giving Breaths ( opening the air way) adult
STEP 1 put 1 hand on the forehead and the fingers of your other on the bony part of the chin STEP 2 tilt the head back and lift the chin
Giving the Breaths adult
STEP 1 while holding the airway open inch the nose closed STEP 2 take a breath cover the persons mouth with your mouth STEP 3 Give two breaths ( 1sec each) watch for the chest to begin to rise as you give each breath
giving breaths with a mask adult
STEP 1 put the mask over the persons mouth and nose STEP 2 tilt head and lift the chin while pressing the mask against the persons face it is important to make an airtight seal between the persons face and the mask while you lift the chin to keep the airway open STEP 3 Give to breaths ( 1 sec each ) watch for the chest to begin to rise as you give each breath
Using a AED for an adult
STEP 1 turn AED on STEP 2 Follow the prompts you see and hear
Adult CPR
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe STEP 2 tap and shout STEP 3 yell for help you or someone else should phone the emergency response number or (911) and get the AED STEP 4 check breathing STEP 5 If the person isn't breathing or is only gasping give CPR STEP 6 Give 30 compressions at a rate of a least 100 a minute and depth of at least 2in after each compression let the chest come back up to its normal position STEP 7 open the airway and give 2 breaths STEP 8 keep giving set of 30 compressions and 2 breaths until the AED arrives, or the person starts to responds or trained help arrives and takes over
Compression for a child
STEP 1 make sure the child is lying on her back on a firm flat surface STEP 2 move clothes out of the way STEP 3 put the heel of 1 hand on the lower half of the breast bone STEP 4 push straight down about 2 in at a rate of at least 100 per minute STEP 5 after each compression let the chest come back up to its normal position
opening the airway for a child
STEP 1 put 1 hand on the forehead and the fingers of our other hand on the bony par of the child's chin STEP 2 tilt the head back and lift the chin
Giving breaths to a child
STEP 1 while holding the airway open pinch the nose closed STEP 2 Take a breath cover the child's mouth with your mouth STEP 3 give 2 breaths ( blow for 1 second each) watch the chest to begin to rise as you give each breath
Using a Mask on a child
STEP 1 put the mask over the child's mouth and nose STEP 2 tilt the head and lift the child's while pressing the mask against the child's face. It is important to make an airtight seal between the child's face and the mask while you lift the chin to keep the airway open STEP 3 give two breaths watch for the chest to begin to rise as you give each breath
AED for a Child
STEP 1 turn the AED on STEP 2 look for the child pads for a child key or switch STEP 3 use the child pads or turn the child key or switch STEP 4 follow the prompts you see and hear
Child CPR
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe STEP 2 tap and shout STEP 3 yell for help STEP 4 check breathing STEP 5 If the child isn't responding and either isn't breathing or is only gasping give 5 sets of 30 compressions and 2 breaths then phone 911 and get an AED STEP 6 keep giving sets of compressions and breaths until the child starts to speak, breath, or move, or until someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over
Choking child
STEP 1 if you think a child is choking ask " are you choking" if they nod yes tell them you are going to help STEP 2 get behind them wrap your arms around them so that your hands are in front STEP 3 make a fist with 1 hand STEP 4 put the thumb side of your fist slightly above the belly button and well below the breast bone STEP 5 grasp the first with your other hand and give a quick upward thrust into the abdomen STEP 6 give thrust until the object is forced out and he can breathe, cough, or talk, or until he stops responding
Child who stops responding
STEP 1 lower the child to a firm flat surface STEP 2 tap and shout STEP 3 yell for help STEP 4 check breathing STEP 5 give 30 compressions STEP 6 after 30 compressions open the airway if you see an object in the mouth take it out STEP 7 give 2 breaths STEP 8 repeat giving 30 compressions and 2 breaths checking the mouth for objects after each set of compressions STEP 9 after 5 sets of 30 compressions and 2 breaths phone your emergency response number or 911 and get an AED STEP 10 give sets of 30 compressions and 3 breaths checking the mouth for objects after each set of compressions until the child starts to respond or until someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over
Compressions for an Infant
STEP 1 make sure the infant is lying on their back on a firm flat surface if possible STEP 2 move clothes out of the way STEP 3 put 2 fingers of one hand on the breast bone just below the nipple line STEP 4 press the infants chest straight down about 1 1/2 in at a rate of at least 100 compressions per minute STEP 5 after each compression let the chest come back up to its normal position
Opening the airway for an infant
STEP 1 put 1 hand on the forehead and the fingers of your other on the bony part of the infants chin STEP 2 tilt the head back and lift the chin
Giving breaths to an infant
STEP 1 while holding the infants airway open take a normal breath STEP 2 cover the infants mouth and nose with your mouth STEP 3 give 2 breaths ( 1 sec each ) watch for the chest to begin to rise as you give each breath
Using an mask on an Infant
STEP 1 put the mask over the infants mouth and nose STEP 2 tilt the head and lift the child's while pressing the mask against the infants face. It is important to make an airtight seal between the infants face and the mask while you lift the chin to keep the airway open STEP 3 give 2 breaths watch for the chest to begin to rise as you give breath
Infant CPR
STEP 1 make sure the scene is safe STEP 2 tap and shout STEP 3yell for help STEP 4 check breathing STEP 5 if the infant is nor responding and either isn't breathing or is only gasping give 5 sets of 30 compressions and 2 breaths and then phone 911 STEP 6 keep giving sets of compressions and breaths until the infant starts to breath or move or until someone with more advanced training arrives and take over
How to help a choking infant
STEP 1 hold the infant facedown on your forearm support the infants head and jaw with your and STEP 2 give up to five back slaps with the heel of your other hand between the infants shoulder blades STEP 3 if the object does not come out after 5 back slaps turn the infant onto his back supporting the head STEP 4 give up to 5 chest thrust using 2 fingers of your other hand to push the chest in the same place you push during CPR STEP 5 repeat giving 5 back slaps and 5 chest thrust until the infant can breathe, cough, or cry until he stops responding
choking infant who stops responding
STEP 1 place the infant face up on a firm surface above the ground such as a table STEP 2 tap and shout STEP 3 yell for help STEP 4 check breathing STEP 5 compress the chest 30 times STEP 6 after 30 compressions open the airway if you see an object in the mouth take it out STEP 7 give 2 breaths STEP 8 repeat giving sets of 30 compressions and 2 breaths checking the mouth for objects after each set of compressions STEP 9 after 5 sets of 30 compressions and 2 breaths phone your emergency response number or (911) STEP 10 give sets of 30 compressions and 2 breaths checking the mouth for objects after each set of compressions until the infant starts to respond or until someone with advanced training arrives and takes over