335 – Flashcards

Flashcard maker : Maddison Bailey
Quiz: Understand Gender Issues

Question 1a of 10 ( 4 Understand Gender Issues 1064663 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: How are the poems “The Lady’s Dressing Room” and “The Dean’s Provocation . . .” similar?

Choice Feedback
*A. Both are satirical writings. Correct!
B. Both use an unconventional poetic format.
C. Both are nonfiction.
D. The speakers of both poems are female.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Both are satirical writings.

Question 1b of 10 ( 4 Understand Gender Issues 1064664 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: How are the poems “The Lady’s Dressing Room” and “The Dean’s Provocation . . .” similar?

Choice Feedback
*A. Both share a negative view of gender interactions. Correct!
B. Both are written in 4-line stanzas.
C. Both center around the results of an unhappy marriage.
D. Both discuss the poor grooming habits of females.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Both share a negative view of gender interactions.

Question 1c of 10 ( 4 Understand Gender Issues 1064665 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: How are the poems “The Lady’s Dressing Room” and “The Dean’s Provocation . . .” similar?

Choice Feedback
*A. Both use rhyming couplets. Correct!
B. The speakers of both poems are female.
C. Both were censored by the upper class.
D. Both are written in 4-line stanzas.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Both use rhyming couplets.

Question 2a of 10 ( 4 Understand Gender Issues 1064667 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Which statement best explains why “The Lady’s Dressing Room” is satirical?

Choice Feedback
*A. The poem ridicules a woman’s beauty by pointing out what filth is left behind when she beautifies herself. Correct!
B. The poem scorns male dominance, a prevalent practice during the time period.
C. The poem focuses on man’s dominant position over women.
D. The poem describes the female character in an understated manner to encourage the reader’s imagination.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: The poem ridicules a woman’s beauty by pointing out what filth is left behind when she beautifies herself.

Question 2b of 10 ( 4 Understand Gender Issues 1064668 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Which statement best explains why “The Lady’s Dressing Room” is satirical?

Choice Feedback
*A. The speaker of the poem exaggerates the filth left behind by a lady. Correct!
B. The speaker of the poem uses metaphorical language to create poetic format.
C. The poem scorns male dominance, a prevalent practice during the time period.
D. The poem impresses the importance of following proper Victorian courting rituals.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: The speaker of the poem exaggerates the filth left behind by a lady.

Question 2c of 10 ( 4 Understand Gender Issues 1064669 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Which statement best explains why “The Dean’s Provocation . . .” is satirical?

Choice Feedback
*A. The poem was written in response to the ridiculousness of Swift’s poem. Correct!
B. The poem uses pretend characters that readers have probably heard of in other poems.
C. The poem scolds women who use their feminine beauty and charm to control a man.
D. The poem makes fun of common female practices to emphasize the obsession with outer beauty.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: The poem was written in response to the ridiculousness of Swift’s poem.

Question 3a of 10 ( 2 Understand Gender Issues 1064671 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: What is the significance of Swift’s use of the names Strephon and Celia?

Choice Feedback
*A. Because the names were common to traditional romantic poetry, it allowed him to poke fun at idealized love. Correct!
B. Because he used English names never seen before in English literature, he created an imaginary world.
C. Because he used names common to the English lower class, he avoided insulting the upper class.
D. Because the names were the same as British royalty, their use added credibility to his ideas.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Because the names were common to traditional romantic poetry, it allowed him to poke fun at idealized love.

Question 3b of 10 ( 2 Understand Gender Issues 1064672 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: What is the significance of Swift’s use of the names Strephon and Celia?

Choice Feedback
*A. Because Swift uses fictional names, the reader understands that the poet is not telling a story about actual people. Correct!
B. Because Swift spells the names unusually, the reader cannot connect the characters to the real-life ones he was imitating.
C. Because Swift uses names common to classic English novels, he creates an allusion that connects old characters to his new ideas.
D. Because Swift uses names common to the English lower class, he avoids insulting the upper class.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Because Swift uses fictional names, the reader understands that the poet is not telling a story about actual people.

Question 3c of 10 ( 2 Understand Gender Issues 1064673 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: What is the significance of Swift’s use of the names Strephon and Celia?

Choice Feedback
*A. Because he uses traditional character names, the reader realizes Swift is talking about a hypothetical person. Correct!
B. Because he spells the names unusually, the reader cannot connect the characters to the real-life ones he is imitating.
C. Because the names are common in the American colonies, he is indirectly insulting Americans.
D. Because the names are the same as British royalty, their use adds credibility to his ideas.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Because he uses traditional character names, the reader realizes Swift is talking about a hypothetical person.

Question 4a of 10 ( 3 Understand Gender Issues 1064675 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Which line from the poem “The Lady’s Dressing Room” would best help the reader infer Celia’s social class?

Choice Feedback
*A. The Goddess from her Chamber issues, / Array’d in Lace, Brocades and Tissues. Correct!
B. But swears how damnably the Men lie, / In calling Celia sweet and cleanly.
C. Such Order from Confusion sprung, / Such gaudy Tulips rais’d from Dung.
D. Of all the Litter as it lay; / Whereof, to make the Matter clear, / An Inventory follows here.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: The Goddess from her Chamber issues, / Array’d in Lace, Brocades and Tissues.

Question 4b of 10 ( 3 Understand Gender Issues 1064676 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Which line from the poem “The Lady’s Dressing Room” would best help the reader infer Celia’s social class?

Choice Feedback
*A. Strephon, who found the Room was void, / and Betty otherwise employ’d: Correct!
B. To all the Charms of Female Kind; / Should I the Queen of Love refuse,
C. A Pair of Tweezers next he found, / To pluck her Brows in Arches round,
D. There Night-gloves made of Tripsy’s Hide, / Bequeath’d by Tripsy when she died, / With Puppy Water

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Strephon, who found the Room was void, / and Betty otherwise employ’d.

Question 4c of 10 ( 3 Understand Gender Issues 1064677 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Which line from the poem “The Dean’s Provocation. . .” would best help the reader infer the characters’ social class?

Choice Feedback
*A. The Doctor in a clean starch’d band, / His golden snuff box in his hand, Correct!
B. With a low bow approach’d the dame, / Who smiling heard him preach his flame.
C. None strive to know their proper merit, / But strain for wisdom, beauty, spirit.
D. I’ll so describe your dressing-room / The very Irish shall not come;

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: The Doctor in a clean starch’d band, / His golden snuff box in his hand.

Question 5a of 10 ( 1 Understand Gender Issues 1064679 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: What literary element is most likely to indicate a text’s attitude or tone?

Choice Feedback
*A. Word choice Correct!
B. Rhyme scheme
C. Meter
D. Text format

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Word choice.

Question 5b of 10 ( 1 Understand Gender Issues 1064680 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: What literary element is most likely to indicate a text’s attitude or tone?

Choice Feedback
*A. Imagery Correct!
B. Annotations
C. Denotation
D. Format

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Imagery.

Question 5c of 10 ( 1 Understand Gender Issues 1064681 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: What literary element is most likely to indicate a text’s attitude or tone?

Choice Feedback
*A. Sarcasm Correct!
B. Alliteration
C. Meter
D. Rhyme scheme

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Sarcasm.

Question 6a of 10 ( 4 Understand Gender Issues 1064683 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: How are the poems “The Lady’s Dressing Room” and “The Dean’s Provocation . . .” different?

Choice Feedback
*A. Swift uses fictional characters, while Montagu uses characters who represent real people. Correct!
B. Swift focuses on the female perspective, while Montagu switches between both male and female perspectives.
C. Swift’s character doesn’t face consequences for his sexist behavior, while Montagu’s male character is spurned by the Lady for his behavior.
D. Swift understates his character’s feelings, while Montagu exaggerates the characters’ feelings.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Swift uses fictional characters, while Montagu uses characters who represent real people.

Question 6b of 10 ( 4 Understand Gender Issues 1064684 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: How are the poems “The Lady’s Dressing Room” and “The Dean’s Provocation . . .” different?

Choice Feedback
*A. Swift centers his poem around one character, while Montagu focuses on two characters. Correct!
B. Swift’s language is lighthearted and comic, while Montagu’s is harsh and abrasive.
C. Swift uses uncommon names for his characters, while Montagu uses common names so people will relate to her poem.
D. Swift understates his character’s feelings, while Montagu exaggerates the characters’ feelings.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Swift centers his poem around one character, while Montagu uses two characters.

Question 6c of 10 ( 4 Understand Gender Issues 1064685 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: How are the poems “The Lady’s Dressing Room” and “The Dean’s Provocation . . .” different?

Choice Feedback
*A. Swift uses harsh, unpleasant imagery, while Montagu uses imagery that suggests pomp and arrogance. Correct!
B. Swift’s characters face external conflict, while Montagu’s characters deal with internal conflicts.
C. Swift focuses on the female perspective, while Montagu switches between both male and female perspectives.
D. Swift uses uncommon names for his characters, while Montagu uses common names so people will relate to her poem.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Swift uses harsh, unpleasant imagery, while Montagu uses imagery that suggests pomp and arrogance.

Question 7a of 10 ( 4 Understand Gender Issues 1064687 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Which statement makes the most accurate claim about Swift’s attitude toward women?

Choice Feedback
*A. Swift’s poem depicts a negative attitude toward women because it describes an aversion to women’s bodies. Correct!
B. Swift’s poem depicts a negative attitude toward women because he addresses their false personality.
C. Swift’s poem depicts a positive attitude toward women because in the end he refers to them as flowers.
D. Swift’s poem depicts a positive attitude toward women because he speaks of their outward beauty.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Swift’s poem depicts a negative attitude toward women because it describes an aversion to women’s bodies.

Question 7b of 10 ( 4 Understand Gender Issues 1064688 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Which statement makes the most accurate claim about Montagu’s attitude toward men?

Choice Feedback
*A. Montagu’s poem reflects a negative attitude toward men because it makes fun of men for being pompous and foolish. Correct!
B. Montagu’s poem reflects a positive attitude toward men because the character appreciates female beauty.
C. Montagu’s poem reflects a positive attitude toward men because it shows how far they will go to win a woman’s love.
D. Montagu’s poem reflects a negative attitude toward men because it reveals how men hold women back in society.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Montagu’s poem reflects a negative attitude toward men because it makes fun of men for being pompous and foolish.

Question 7c of 10 ( 4 Understand Gender Issues 1064689 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Which statement makes the most accurate claim about Swift and Montagu’s attitudes on gender?

Choice Feedback
*A. Both depict negative gender relations because Swift is repulsed by the female body and Montagu is annoyed by male self-importance. Correct!
B. Both depict positive gender relations because Swift loves women for their dedication to beauty and Montagu admires male perseverance.
C. Both depict positive gender relations because Swift considers women to be delicate things of beauty and Montagu honors the gallantry of male dating practices.
D. Both depict negative gender relations because Swift is angry about women’s lack of concern for men and Montagu is frustrated with male dominance in government.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Both depict negative gender relations, because Swift is repulsed by the female body and Montagu is annoyed by male self-importance.

Question 8a of 10 ( 3 Understand Gender Issues 1064691 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Read this excerpt from “The Lady’s Dressing Room”:
Five Hours, (and who can do it less in?)
By haughty Celia spent in Dressing;
What tone is Swift most clearly using?

Choice Feedback
*A. Mocking Correct!
B. Impartial
C. Skeptical
D. Somber

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Mocking.

Question 8b of 10 ( 3 Understand Gender Issues 1064692 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Read this excerpt from “The Lady’s Dressing Room”:
The Goddess from her Chamber issues,
Array’d in Lace, Brocades and Tissues.
What tone is Swift most clearly using?

Choice Feedback
*A. Sarcastic Correct!
B. Antagonistic
C. Understated
D. Hostile

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Sarcastic.

Question 8c of 10 ( 3 Understand Gender Issues 1064693 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Read this excerpt from “The Lady’s Dressing Room”:
Hard by a filthy Bason stands,
Fowl’d with the Scouring of her Hands;
The Bason takes whatever comes
The Scrapings of her Teeth and Gums,
A nasty Compound of all Hues,
What tone is Swift most clearly using?

Choice Feedback
*A. Disgusted Correct!
B. Irritated
C. Disappointed
D. Frustrated

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Disgusted.

Question 9a of 10 ( 4 Understand Gender Issues 1064695 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Which event from the poem “The Dean’s Provocation . . .” most clearly conveys the poet’s attitude that one of the characters is foolish?

Choice Feedback
*A. The doctor’s payment for time spent with the lady Correct!
B. The lady locking the money away in her trunk
C. The lady expecting an embrace
D. The doctor’s words of poetry to win the lady

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: The doctor’s payment for time spent with the lady.

Question 9b of 10 ( 4 Understand Gender Issues 1064696 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Which event from the poem “The Dean’s Provocation . . .” most clearly conveys the poet’s attitude that one of the characters is self-important?

Choice Feedback
*A. The lady’s declaration about the use of the doctor’s writings Correct!
B. The doctor’s request for a refund
C. The lady’s expulsion of the doctor from her bower
D. The maid’s intervention on the doctor’s behalf

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: The lady’s declaration about the use of the doctor’s writings.

Question 9c of 10 ( 4 Understand Gender Issues 1064697 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Which event from the poem “The Dean’s Provocation . . .” most clearly conveys the poet’s attitude that one of the characters is self-important?

Choice Feedback
*A. The description of the doctor’s clothes and appearance Correct!
B. The kiss between the doctor and the lady
C. The intervention of the maid on the doctor’s behalf
D. The doctor’s telling of silly college-boy antics

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: The description of the doctor’s clothes and appearance.

Question 10a of 10 ( 3 Understand Gender Issues 1064699 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: What poetic form does Swift’s poem use?

Choice Feedback
*A. It uses rhyming pairs of lines. Correct!
B. It overuses alliteration.
C. It employs onomatopoetic word usage.
D. It repeats a set stanza form.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: It uses rhyming pairs of lines.

Question 10b of 10 ( 3 Understand Gender Issues 1064700 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Which most accurately describes the form of Montagu’s poem?

Choice Feedback
*A. Its rhythm is created by using the same number of syllables per line. Correct!
B. Its rhyming pattern occurs in alternating lines.
C. Its stanzas are set to four lines.
D. Its story is based on inner conflict.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Its rhythm is created with the same number of syllables per line.

Question 10c of 10 ( 3 Understand Gender Issues 1064701 )
Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: What poetic form do both Montagu’s and Swift’s poems use?

Choice Feedback
*A. Both use rhyming couplets. Correct!
B. Both frequently use alliterative devices.
C. Both use a free verse format.
D. Both use quatrains as the stanza form.

Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Both use rhyming couplets.

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