What makes a Teacher Effective – Chapter 6 – Flashcards

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The process of self examination and evaluation
What is reflective teaching?
1. What am I doing and why? 2. How can I better meet my student's needs? 3. What are some alternative learning activities to achieve these objectives? 4. How could I have encouraged more involvement or learning on the part of the students?
What are four questions reflective teachers ask themselves?
An expert teacher quickly recognizes trouble spots in a classroom setting. Experts are better able to read the classroom. Novice teachers described the surface characteristics of the classroom pictures they saw.
What are the differences between expert and novice teachers?
1. Poverty 2. Racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity 3. Gender 4. Special needs 5. Other factors
What are five factors influencing instructional decisions?
1. Attitudes that foster learning and genuine human relationships 2. Knowledge of the subject matter to be taught 3. Theoretical knowledge about learning and human behavior 4. Personal practical knowledge 5. Skills of teaching that promote student learning
What are five areas of competence for a teacher?
1. The teacher's attitude toward self 2. The teacher's attitude toward the children and the relationship between self and children 3. The teacher's attitudes toward peers and pupils parents 4. The teacher's attitude toward the subject matter
What four major categories affect teacher behavior?
Sullivan pioneered the teaching of individuals without sight and without hearing.
Who is Anne Sullivan and what did she contribute to the field of education?
If a teacher expects a student or group of students to behave in a certain way, the teacher's attitude may serve as a self-fulfilling prophecy- that is, the student's may conform to the teacher's low expectations, thus confirming the teacher's original expectations.
What is self-fulfilling prophecy?
1. Teachers wait less time for lows to answer a question. 2. Give lows answers or call on someone else for the answer 3. Teachers reward lows for inappropriate behaviors or incorrect answers 4. Lows are more criticized for failure 5. Lows are praised less frequently for success 6. Interact less often with lows 7. Call on lows less often 8. Seat them farther away 9. Less is expected and demanded 10. Don't give lows the benefit of the doubt
How do teacher's treat low achievers?
The knowledge that bridges content knowledge and pedagogy. It represents the "blending of content and pedagogy into an understanding of how particular topics, problems, or issues are organized, represented, and adapted to the diverse interests and abilities of learners, and presented for instruction. - The skilled teacher draws on the most powerful analogies, illustrations, examples, explanations, and demonstrations to represent and transform the subject so that students can understand it.
What is pedagogical content knowledge? And how does the skilled teacher use it?
A range of tasks that a child cannot yet do alone, but can accomplish when assisted by a more skilled partner.
What is zone of proximal development?
Allows students to complete tasks they can't complete independently. This zone is where instruction can succeed and where real learning is possible.
What is scaffolding?
The set of understandings teachers have of the practical circumstances in which they work. Personal practical knowledge includes the beliefs, insights, and habits that allow teachers to do their jobs in schools.
What is personal practical knowledge?
- Asking different kinds of questions, each requiring different types of thought processes from the student. - Providing effective feedback - Planning instruction and student learning activities - Diagnosing student needs and learning difficulties - Varying the learning situation to keep students involved - Recognizing when students are paying attention and using this information to vary behavior and, possibly, the direction of the lesson. - Using technological equipment, such as computers, to enhance student learning - Assessing student learning -Differentiating instruction based on student's experiences, interests, and academic abilities - Using students' cultures to make learning experiences relevant and effective for them.
What teaching skills are essential to effective teaching?
The actions teachers take to create an environment that is respectful, caring, orderly, and productive. Classroom management supports and facilitates both academic and socio-emotional learning.
What is the definition of classroom management?
Is the time a student spends being successfully engaged with academically relevant activities or materials. The more time elementary students spend working on reading or mathematics activities that provide them with successful experiences, the more likely they are to achieve in those areas.
What is academic engage time? Why is it important?
Kounin's research on classroom management in the elementary school grades explains which skills can help teachers improve their classroom management and keep pupils on task. 1. First concept termed withitness. Teachers who are "with it" are those who communicate to pupils and so, by their behavior, appear that they know what is going on. 2. Problems of lesson flow and time management. Smoothness involves the absence of teacher behaviors that interfere with the flow of academic events. 3. Momentum, concerns the absence of teacher behaviors that slow down the pace of the lesson.
Explain Kounin's research and his concepts.
1. Establish clearly defined rules and routines. Clear rules and routines decrease the complexity of the classroom, minimize confusion, and prevent loss of instructional time. 2. Ensure students' compliance with rules and demands. To encourage students to comply willingly with the rules and routines, teachers must gain students' cooperation by establishing positive relationships, sharing responsibilities, and using rewards. 3. Involve families. When families understand what the teacher is trying to achieve, they can provide valuable support and assistance, including helping develop and carry out successful behavior management plans.
What were his other important recommendations from research?
1. When students misbehave, check your instruction. 2. Take the time to ensure that students fully understand your classroom's rules and procedures. 3. Regularly monitor the entire class. 4. Move in on repeated or flagrant breaches of conduct quickly and directly. 5. Correct in private. 6. Don't make empty threats.
List and explain Kevin and Jim's suggestions for classroom management problems.
Wait time after questions from one second to three to five seconds.
What is wait time?
1. Phrase questions clearly. Avoid vague questions. 2. Ask questions that are purposeful in achieving the lessons intent. 3. Ask brief questions, because long questions are often unclear. 4. Ask questions that are thought provoking and demand original and evaluative thinking. 5. Encourage students to respond in some way to each question asked.
List at least five effective questioning techniques?
Yearly, unit, weekly, and daily.
What are the four basic types of planning?
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