U.s. Navy Bmr Assignment 14 Chapter 19 "Safety And Hazardous Materials." – Flashcards

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1. When performing maintenance or upkeep on equipment or machinery, you would find applicable safety precautions in which of the following publications? 1. Planned maintenance system (PMS) cards 2. Operator's manuals 3. Technical manuals 4. Each of the above
4. Each of the above
2. Which of the following safety actions should you take? 1. Observe all safety precautions 2. Report unsafe conditions 3. Warn others of hazards 4. Each of the above
4. Each of the above
3. What type of information is contained in Material Safety Data Sheets? 1. Supply codes 2. Information about hazardous material 3. Transfer dates 4. The age of the materials
3. Transfer dates
4. Which of the following is the major concern of Navy personnel aboard small boats? 1. Crew safety 2. Passenger safety 3. Both 1 and 2 above 4. Other vessels
3. Both 1 and 2 above
5. When handling lines or taking part in underway replenishment, you must always wear what article of safety equipment? 1. Inherently buoyant life jacket 2. Inflatable life jacket 3. Safety glasses 4. Ear plugs
1. Inherently buoyant life jacket
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6. Which of the following hazards is/are associated with jet aircraft on flight decks? 1. Being blown overboard 2. Being burned by jet exhaust 3. Being sucked into jet intakes 4. Each of the above
4. Each of the above
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7. Besides fuel and ammunition handling spaces, smoking is prohibited in which of the following areas? 1. Flight deck 2. Hangar deck 3. Both 1 and 2 above 4. Crew lounge
3. Both 1 and 2 above
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8. Lifelines are used for which of the following purposes? 1. To prevent personnel from being washed overboard 2. To provide a place to hang heavy weights 3. To give personnel on deck a place to sit 4. To provide a neater appearance
1. To prevent personnel from being washed overboard
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9. You should not paint scaffolding for which of the following reasons? 1. Paint conceals defects 2. Paint makes scaffolds slick 3. Paint is too hard to keep clean 4. Paint makes scaffolds too heavy
1. Paint conceals defects
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10. Which of the following safety items should you use when handling cargo? 1. Safety shoes 2. Hard hat 3. Gloves 4. All of the above
4. All of the above
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11. When using a hand truck to move loads on a ramp, you should move the hand truck in what way? 1. Push the load up, pull the load down 2. Pull the load up, push the load down 3. Pull the load both up and down 4. Push the load both up and down
2. Pull the load up, push the load down
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12. When working aloft, you can receive a shock from which of the following pieces of gear? 1. Ladders 2. Guy wires 3. Metal fittings 4. All of the above
4. All of the above
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13. When working over the side, you must wear which of the following pieces of safety equipment? 1. Inherently buoyant life jacket 2. Inflatable life jacket 3. Deck shoes 4. Gloves
1. Inherently buoyant life jacket
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14. Accidents involving steam usually occur in what working spaces? 1. Engine rooms only 2. Firerooms only 3. Engine rooms and firerooms 4. Galley
3. Engine rooms and firerooms
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15. A person overcome by carbon monoxide has which of the following symptoms? 1. Sudden feeling of weakness 2. Headache 3. Drowsiness 4. All of the above
4. All of the above
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16. If you are in a closed compartment and think you're being affected by carbon monoxide, you should take which of the following actions? 1. Call for help 2. Get to fresh air 3. Both 1 and 2 above 4. Stay where you are and relax
3. Both 1 and 2 above
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17. What person is authorized to certify that a closed space is safe to enter? 1. Work center supervisor 2. Gas free engineer 3. Division officer 4. Division chief
2. Gas free engineer
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18. When using an internal combustion engine in a closed space for de-watering or fire fighting, you should take which of the following actions to ensure personal safety? 1. Make sure the engine is clean 2. Make sure the engine is fully fueled 3. Make sure the exhaust is carried to the open atmosphere 4. Make sure the exhaust is confined to one section of the compartment
3. Make sure the exhaust is carried to the open atmosphere
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19. During fueling operations, the word is passed "the use of open flame devices is prohibited." Which of the following devices is/are considered an open flame? 1. Matches 2. Lighted candles 3. Cigarette lighters 4. All of the above
4. All of the above
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20. Projectile-type ammunition that is 3 inches or greater in diameter can be identified by what method? 1. Shape 2. Color code 3. Storage container 4. Label
2. Color code
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21. You should NEVER take which of the following items into a magazine? 1. Naked lights 2. Matches 3. Both 1 and 2 above
3. Both 1 and 2 above
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22. Aboard ship, where are pyrotechnic materials usually stored? 1. In interior passageways 2. In machinery spaces 3. In stowage spaces on topside decks 4. In magazines
2. In machinery spaces
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23. What person must approve the use of personal electrical equipment before you can use it aboard ship? 1. The division officer 2. The engineer officer 3. The department head 4. The division chief
2. The engineer officer
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24. Compartments used to store compressed gas cylinders should not be allowed to rise above what maximum temperature? 1. 130ºF 2. 135ºF 3. 140ºF 4. 145ºF
1. 130ºF
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25. On noncargo ships, in what position should compressed gas cylinders be stored? 1. Vertically, valve up 2. Vertically, valve down 3. Horizontally, valve up 4. Horizontally, valve down
1. Vertically, valve up
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26. Compartments that contain compressed gases are ventilated for what length of time if ventilation has been secured? 1. 5 minutes 2. 10 minutes 3. 15 minutes 4. 20 minutes
3. 15 minutes
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27. Oxygen and chlorine cylinders may be stored in close proximity (near) to fuel or gas cylinders. 1. True 2. False
2. False
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28. Only trained and medically qualified personnel are authorized to remove asbestos. 1. True 2. False
1. True
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29. A tool is classified as power-driven if it has which of the following power sources? 1. Pneumatic 2. Hydraulic 3. Electrical 4. Each of the above
4. Each of the above
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30. Personnel assigned to a fire watch during a welding operation must remain at their location for what minimum length of time after the job is completed? 1. 10 minutes 2. 20 minutes 3. 30 minutes 4. 40 minutes
3. 30 minutes
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31. When operating rotating machinery, you should never wear which of the following items? 1. Jewelry 2. Neckties 3. Loose-fitting clothes 4. All of the above
4. All of the above
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32. Compressed air can be used to clean disassembled machinery parts provided the pressure doesn't exceed how many pounds per square inch (psi)? 1. 30 psi 2. 45 psi 3. 60 psi 4. 75 psi
1. 30 psi
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33. Sewage wastes contain bacteria and viruses. They can enter your body through which of the following means? 1. Your nose 2. Your mouth 3. Open sores 4. All of the above
4. All of the above
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34. You should not use liquid soaps or scented disinfectants to clean up spilled sewage for what reason? 1. They cause too many suds 2. They have poor cleaning characteristics 3. They may temporarily disguise inadequate clean-up procedures
3. They may temporarily disguise inadequate clean-up procedures
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35. You shouldn't smoke around sewage-handling equipment for what reason? 1. Germs found in the sewage can be inhaled 2. Smoke adds to the odor 3. Gases found around equipment and given off by sewage are explosive
3. Gases found around equipment and given off by sewage are explosive
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36. Continuous exposure to high-level noises could cause which of the following kinds of hearing loss? 1. Temporary 2. Permanent 3. Both 1 and 2 above
3. Both 1 and 2 above
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37. When working in machinery rooms and repair shops, you may be required to wear double-hearing protection. 1. True 2. False
1. True
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38. When driving or riding in a Navy vehicle, you are required to wear seat belts. 1. True 2. False
1. True
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39. Which of the following precautions should you follow when lifting heavy objects? 1. Keep the load close to the center of your body 2. Pull the load toward you; then lift gradually 3. If too heavy to lift alone, get help 4. All of the above
4. All of the above
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40. following factors? 1. Workload 2. Humidity 3. Air temperature 4. All of the above
4. All of the above
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41. Prolonged exposure to heat stress conditions causes which of the following medical emergencies? 1. Heat stroke 2. Heat exhaustion 3. Both 1 and 2 above 4. Euphoria
3. Both 1 and 2 above
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42. What is the major health risk to personnel who are exposed to severe cold weather? 1. Snow blindness 2. Hypothermia 3. Sunburn 4. Flu
2. Hypothermia
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43. Which of the following documents standardizes tag-out procedures aboard ship? 1. NAVSHIPS 9890/3 2. NAVSHIPS 9890/5 3. OPNAVINST 3120.32 4. OPNAVINST 4450.2
3. OPNAVINST 3120.32
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44. Under the tag-out procedures, what person has the authority to place a system off line for repairs or maintenance? 1. Authorizing officer 2. Repair activity rep 3. Person attaching the tag 4. Person checking the tag
1. Authorizing officer
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45. How many different tags are authorized for use in identifying defective instruments or pieces of equipment? 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four
4. Four
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46. What color is used to identify a danger tag? 1. Yellow 2. Green 3. Red
3. Red
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47. What color identifies a caution tag? 1. Yellow 2. Green 3. Red
1. Yellow
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48. What means are used to control an entire tag-out procedure? 1. DC fitting closure tag 2. Tag-out logs 3. Engineer boiler log 4. First lieutenant's deck log
2. Tag-out logs
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49. Which of the following publications contain information on Navy safety? 1. OPNAVINST 4450.2 2. OPNAVINST 5100.19 3. NAVPERS 4450.2 4. NAVPERS 5100.19
2. OPNAVINST 5100.19
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